"Curse, a dynamic phrase, means curse and curse it."

"Common curses in the Myriad Realms starry sky are usually divided into triggered curses and native curses. There are four categories of curses, proto-god belief curses, and doom curses. Through these four types of curses, a huge and complex curse discipline can be derived."

Yewu is very competent, although he is Hanging on the bronze chain, but the attitude of the lecture is still meticulous.

Mu Shaoan takes notes very seriously, he is very easy to learn.

It’s not easy to learn. In order to break the Heavenly God skills to perfect advancement, in addition to the optimization of the red sun, you must also be very good at it.

Just like the laws of machinery, he is very proficient in himself, so the optimization of the red sun can be where water flows, a canal is formed.

For him, the Heavenly God breaking technique is a derivative of the destiny Heavenly God technique. Until now, he is passive, and he himself is confused, which is not enough.

If you want to curse the audience of the entire Myriad Realms starry sky through the "Mist" TV series, you have to do something different.

After all, the "Mist" TV series itself has its own super invincible anti-curse ejection defense net, and not all TV light curtains can climb out of Sadako.

"The trigger curse is the most common first curse. It is done through various media, such as sticking a villain, spitting, rolling your eyes, diary, video tape, etc., and the effect is relatively ordinary. Sometimes it is directly invalid, or as long as you avoid contact, it can be perfectly avoided. It is the curse that professionals like to crack. "

" Then there is the second category of curses, the original curse, which is passed Formed by fixed spaces, such as haunted houses, cemeteries, deserted villages, abandoned cities, lost mountain ranges, lost planets, lonely Star River, lonely universes, planes of grief, etc., and this curse will increase with the larger the space, the more the nature Deep and more incomprehensible. Among them, haunted houses, cemeteries, and deserted villages belong to the novice village. The abandoned city needs expert, and the level of the mountain range is lost, and there will be basically no survivors. As for the lost planet, the lonely Star River is lonely. The universe, the plane of sadness, etc., are basically in Legendary Grade. Heavenly God has mortal danger. "

"Wait, wait, who arranged these curses? "Mu Shaoan suddenly Raised his hand and asked curiously, if he remembers correctly, it seems that there is a missing planet in the second season of "The Mist". Could it be that those guys also see the same thing as heroes?

Yewu rolled the eyes, "Are you a pig's brain? The original curse, who do you think it will be arranged? The so-called original is indirectly caused by humans, like a haunted house. This house is being built. At first, the owner did not intend to turn it into a haunted house, like a cemetery, and no one wants to turn it into a ghost land, so this is due to irresistible reasons. "

" Then The lost planet, the lonely Star River, the lonely universe, the plane of sorrow, I hear this name as if he is a woman? "Mu Shaoan doesn't care about Ye Wu's rolling eyes, as curious as a schoolboy.

" I said, those are legends, they are rare, but I do know an example, that is the relics of the god war five billion years ago, where it belongs to the lonely Universe level. About dozens of broken planes and universes are entangled with each other, plus countless dead creatures, fallen Heavenly God, it is not an exaggeration to say that there must be haunted houses, cemeteries, deserted villages, and abandoned cities in the relics of the gods war. Lost in the mountain range, the lost planet, the lonely Star River, the lonely universe, all the elements are there, whoever will die! This is the original curse, powerful and irresistible! "

" As for the plane of sadness, Well, I have also seen such a saying in the classics. It is estimated that even a powerhouse like the Heavenly God Juque, there will only be a dead end after going, but the native curse is invisible, and under normal circumstances , As long as you don’t have to die, you don’t have to worry about the danger."

Ye Wu sighed with emotion.

"so that's how it is!"

Mu Shaoan blinked, and suddenly became very vigilant about the lost planet obtained by the "Mist" crew, and drilled from there. The monster that comes out is definitely not easy to deal with.

"As for the Third Type curse model, the original god belief model is to establish a belief connection with the powerful Demi-God creatures, Diety Biomedical Group, through various forms of blood sacrifice, birth sacrifice, and incense sacrifice. In order to obtain a curse that does not belong to one's own power, this can also be described as a non-equivalent exchange, such as Mu Shaoan, you, if you want, you can even immediately cultivate Evil God followers among many civilized races. After all, Power of Faith also belongs to A kind of civilization. "

" Even this model is not only curses, but also includes other similar to the descending of gods, element summon, etc., you have just advanced to Heavenly God, so it is not I understand that most of the Heavenly Gods in the Myriad Realms starry sky are doing summon things part-time. "

" Normally, there is nothing to make some power projections, and then all planes are scattered with some similar to advertising flyers. The same token. In this way, as long as there are low-level creatures praying for help, they can put power projection according to the item value of the other party’s sacrifice. Well, this is the essence of the summon-like profession. Even, most Heavenly Gods are cultivating their own In civilized races, this method is also used. Anyway, a high-level Heavenly God is a civilized Guardian God, which is actually more cost-effective and more effective than direct shots!"

When Ye Wu said this, Mu Shaoan suddenly realized that he slapped his thigh. Hey, he had forgotten such an important thing.

He was regretful before, because he reached three agreements with Lin Yuan’s nagant, he must not interfere with the specific affairs of the civilization of the descendants of Mount Tai. After all, he himself knew that the technique of breaking the Heavenly God was too bullying. .

But if you choose the power projection method and throw some tokens into the Mount Tai descendant civilization, when the time comes, you can separate some power projection to help your civilization. This is indeed better than Direct shots are too much too much.

At this time, Yewu carefully observed every change in Mu Shaoan’s expression, and then continued: "Finally is the fourth type of curse mode, the curse of doom. I think about this. , You should know well. The curse of doom is the formidable power of the four curse modes. It is not the largest, but it is definitely the most ethereal and unpredictable, because the curse of doom is derived from the branch of destiny and is part of the law of destiny."

“Therefore, although the Curse of Doom is also a curse, its nature is completely different from the other three curses. The first two curses are inherently evil. The Third Type curse is controllable for good and evil. Only the Curse of Doom is not It is in the nature of good and evil, because bad luck does not affect the individual, but the unpredictable surroundings."

"In addition, this kind of curse of bad luck cannot be controlled by ordinary people, and people who have to be favored by fate. It can be used."

"The above is the general description of the curse. The evangelical text you want to learn now belongs to the Third Type curse, the curse of the original god belief. When you write the evangelical text, , Will be more ancient and watched by Evil Power, and then gain the power of cursing."

"More powerful, what do you mean? Is there a high-level Heavenly God in the Myriad Realms starry sky, but also powerful existence ?" Mu Shaoan was keenly aware of Ye Wu's words.

"No, in the Myriad Realms starry sky, the most powerful life entity is the high-level Heavenly God, but as I described, the high-level Heavenly God is only the most powerful life entity. The Myriad Realms starry sky is so vast, and the Universe Principle is so vast. Naturally, it is inevitable that there will be more magical and weird, powerful forces. This force does not belong to life individuals, and there is no self-consciousness."

"Yanwensuo This is the power of representation. Of course, I don’t know the specific details, because although I know how to write a yanwen, even when I am most desperate, such as now, I will not try to write a yanwen because it will represent me There will be more tragic consequences, even worse than it is now!" Ye Wu said meaningfully.

"Of course, from my perspective, I wish you would do this."

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