As the second season of "The Mist" begins, the mechanical dust cloud where Mu Shaoan is located seems to be much quieter, because all kinds of clues indicate that a new monster is about to appear. , Ah, the location is a full three light-years away from the mechanical dust cloud. There is a huge planet called the Lost Planet.

The monster will be generated in the planet core.

But all this has nothing to do with Mu Shaoan, and he doesn't mind being robbed of his lines or anything, because he is very busy now.

At this moment, in the deepest place covered by countless mechanical dust, a huge bronze coffin is floating. As for why it is bronze, it is only because, among all the metal materials, only bronze is the same Civilization is most closely related.

It seems a bit unreliable to say this alone, but according to the memory treasury of the profound night fifth mister, among the 8902 universes that have been investigated by the virus camp, there are about 2/3/2021 Mineral elements such as copper, iron, tin, etc. have been discovered in the plane universe. Well, it probably means this description. After all, Mu Shaoan is just a biology teacher, not a chemistry teacher.

So Yewu came to a conclusion, or it draws a conclusion from other high-level viruses, as long as there is a place where intelligent life is born, bronze and black iron are two things that cannot be avoided. .

No matter what kind of technology tree these civilized races finally embarked on and what kind of civilization they developed into, but at the beginning, there is a 92.34% chance of using bronze and black iron as Tools or weapons.

So, from the perspective of the Myriad Realms starry sky, bronze, a material that is already in the lowest, has been abandoned by various high-level civilizations, but in fact it is the best civilization carrier. In other words, it is also the best carrier of historical laws.

Abandon the materialistic perspective, because the materialistic theory cannot be explained, so we can only use the idealistic theory.

For example, why an ordinary bronze lance can explode a dark gold fighter after 100,000 years of civilization is unimaginable.

This is the power of civilization and the weight of history.

So, if in some mysterious places you often see XX being chained to the bronze pillar connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, a huge bronze coffin and bronze carriage appear in XX strange space What, please don't be surprised, the power contained on it has already surpassed the value of the bronze material itself by countless times.

Mu Shaoan is doing this now!

But he did not cast this bronze coffin to set off the atmosphere, but there was a corpse inside.

Once the fifth ancestor virus, now Yewu.

The huge and heavy bronze coffin was lifted up by Mu Shaoan. In an instant, a black shadow burst out, contorts one's face in agony, extremely vicious, oh, this is Yewu.

It's just that it is locked with twelve thick bronze chains at this moment. Bronze chains are the most common, but they contain a history of ten million units.

No way, Mu Shaoan lacks everything nowadays, but there is no lack of Universe Principle.

With a silent smile, Mu Shaoan kicked the ferocious Yewu back to the bronze coffin, then pulled the lid of the coffin again, raised the War God flag, and finally let the mechanical dust cloud cover the bronze coffin. Re-wrap it up until it disappears completely.

At this moment, inside the coffin, it is a place of charm and beauty. There is sky, sun, green hills, green water, and air. Well, this is a place of about 10,000 hectares. Little Celestial Grotto.

This is not a difficult task. For a Heavenly God who can make all his ribs into storage space, as long as he has the Universe Principle, as long as he masters the conversion formula of Space Law, it is not difficult.

The real difficulty is how to hide such a space and how to maintain such a space for a long time?

After all, although Space Law is not the three Grand Laws like war, machinery, and fairy magic, it is just one of the branch laws, but the exchange rate is also expensive.

One hundred units of the Universe Principle can be exchanged for one unit of Space Law, and most people cannot play it.

(Yewu Note: Although the Universe Principle is expensive, it does not directly have a certain special attribute. Certain partial branch rules are the rarest and most precious, and the exchange requires extremely complicated exchange. Formulas, war, machinery, fairy and magic, history, these common laws are common, because the exchange formula has already been popularized, um, in the materialistic way, it is the exchange formula, and the idealistic perspective is the perception, but the scarce branch law If you don’t have an exchange formula or a source of insight, you won’t be able to play, such as the immortal law of wild beast, which most people can’t exchange, hmph! )

"Hey, Yewu Dude, long time no see!"

Mu Shaoan shouted happily, he must be happy, no one knows, he is in a golden house to keep one's mistress, no, the golden coffin hides Jiao.

This can be said to be the third most lucrative harvest he has obtained since entering the infinite battlefield.

Well, the first is the advanced mechanical Heavenly God, the second is the breakthrough of the Heavenly God breaking technique, and the third is the capture of Yewu.

Even if Ye Wu is not a woman, of course he is not a man, but Mu Shaoan is still willing to describe it like that, because Ye Wu brought him too much surprise.

When he first caught Ye Wu, he was just burying a nail so that he could start a story of a dog and equipment, but then he used the fate to search for Ye Wu’s past. After that, he was shocked to discover that instead of falling into the treasure house of Alibaba, he got into the pocket of the Master of Daoist Abundant Treasures!

Really, Mu Shaoan has never thought that you are such a night five.

He thought that as the fifth ancestor virus, it should definitely be evil, cruel, cruel, and fierce who eats rotten meat.

As a result, Yewu is actually a high-level intellectual who has learned about 50 billion billion billion cars.


This setting, is this a virus that only knows to destroy?

This is definitely a viral elite who has mutated from in the bones!

That’s why Mu Shaoan understood why the star god of the virus camp had to train Yewu as a confidant, and sent it to this infinite battlefield to be the commander-in-chief of the space fleet. It's gilding!

It’s a pity that it may be the sins of the past life, the fate of this life, Ye Wu was defeated by Mu Shaoan before he could shine in this infinite battlefield, and then captured alive, and finally bound its fate. Hide it in this bronze coffin.

So what Ye Wuyi learned now is Mu Shaoan's cheat.

Yes, this harvest can definitely be called cheat, especially for people like Mu Shaoan whose IQ level always fluctuates greatly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if Ye Wu's life can be exchanged, the star gods of the virus camp are probably willing to get one, no, three low-level Heavenly Gods.

Similarly, Mu Shaoan will not agree if he wants to let out Yewu’s memory treasure.

Because Yewu’s memory treasury is so profound, it’s almost like a book of endless knowledge!

In Yewu since its birth, it has basically been learning for millions of years, otherwise it is impossible to still be a Demi-God.

The simplest example, at the beginning of Earth Chaos Base, Ye Wu was sent to do the ancestor virus, it pulled down and went directly to the human civilization for tens of thousands of years, until it took the human All the essentials of civilization are learned.

There are many and many examples of this. The virus camp does not know how many civilized races have perished, but the history of these civilized races is all mastered, and it also knows countless secrets about the Myriad Realms starry sky, and will It is divided into categories. In its memory treasury, all kinds of intelligence materials are like Universe Galaxy!

Really, the virus camp has produced such a mutant super genius for hundreds of millions of years!

It's really a virus!

Unfortunately, the finished apprenticeship will die before you get victorious!

I don’t know how painful the god of the starry sky is, no, it may not be painful, because according to Yewu’s memory, the god of the starry sky has not really understood Yewu’s ambitions, and he still doesn’t know what Yewu really is. How terrifying the potential is.

Until now, Mu Shaoan has only read the information in the Yewu Memory Treasury and the knowledge is less than 1 in 1 million, but he has benefited a lot.

For example, he understood the cause of the last war of God, what heavenly demon is, the origin of the Pantheon, the truth about the Purple Eagle War, the Starscar Council, the Heavenly God Teahouse Nature.

These secrets, as well as the history that has been almost obliterated by time and space, wars, and viruses, normally, where to find them? You can't buy it for a lot of money.

This is a sea of ​​intangible wealth.

The starry sky of wealth!

And it is precisely because of so many secrets and knowledge that Mu Shaoan has a lot of ways to deal with the enemy, and his digging skills are even higher, a sly individual has more than one plan The ability to fall back on is stronger.

Speaking bluntly, Mu Shaoan now dares to claim to be the super schoolmaster of the pseudo-starry sky, and his IQ has increased with whiz whiz whiz.

"Mu Shaoan, it won’t take long for you to be proud!"

At this moment, Ye Wu, who was hung on the bronze chain, calmed down quickly. Although it was desperate, it The identity of the Super Xueba of Zhenxingkong still makes it unwilling to give up.

"hehe, Brother Ye Wu, do you want to escape? Do something for me if you want to escape, so that you will have a chance to escape, "Forrest Gump", oh no, "Shawshank's Redemption" You should have seen it, the opportunity is in your hands!" Mu Shaoan happily seduced, Ye Wu is a super smart guy, he can be judged from the clues and his identity is terrifying.

"What do you want me to do?"

Ye Wu was silent for three seconds before making a decisive choice.

"Simple, help me lift this table!" Mu Shaoan said with an open eyebrow.

"That impossible, I'm just a layman at best, not you admiring the table!" Yewu gloomy face, "and you must know who set this table. At this level, it is no longer It can be done by breaking the game with layout. Any plan, no matter how good it is, will eventually become a rope that binds you. You will only perish yourself. This is not a prophecy, but a reality."

" Ai, it seems that what you said is true, then help me learn Yanwen!" Mu Shaoan blinked and suddenly changed the subject.

Hearing the word'yanwen', Ye Wu's face became more gloomy, but as smart as it is, he can't think of what Mu Shaoan wants to do?

Yanwen is a very old text that can be traced back to the last time before the war of God. It is very complex and mysterious. It also possesses extraordinary power. It is said that when each character is portrayed, it will There is a corresponding force present, no matter how far isolated, as long as you see it, it will be affected.

So, Yanwen is also called the most powerful curse of Myriad Realms.

"Well, as you wish!"

Ye Wu finally agreed, because it still wanted to escape, even if the opportunity didn't exist.

Mu Shaoan laughed happily again. Well, before Ye Wu was captured, the Infinite Battlefield had not been solidified, so it could not guess, or even if it did, it didn’t know that the solidified history was It was made into a TV series, and it will be broadcast all over the Myriad Realms starry sky.

fuck, am I too bad?

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