Mu Shaoan is still in the process of fleeing his life. He has been using the Heavenly God technique for five hours, but there seems to be no change.

Of course, this is understandable. It's like a drop of ink poured into a basin or into the sea. That is a completely different effect.

He doesn't insist on this. After all, the magic-breaker Heavenly God has only four-star initial potential, and it is also a derivative of the destiny Heavenly God technology, similar to that of a stepmother.

If it is on a planet, the five-hour magic-breaking Heavenly God skill is enough to make the planet collapse in the doomsday, and now, it can only be hehe.

To be honest, Mu Shaoan is actually not too confident.

Now the virus chasers behind are chasing more and more fiercely. I don’t know what tactics they used. They almost stopped him from up ahead several times, and even once Mu Shaoan vaguely sensed something. The shadow of an old acquaintance.

Who is it?

Either the god of the starry sky, or the fifth ancestor virus of the direct descendant of the god of the starry sky, and most of it is the latter.

Well, this is really the old acquaintance of long time no see. When he was at Earth Chaos Base back then, he wanted someone to lack a final battle with the fifth ancestor virus. .

Looking back on the past, Mu Shaoan was feeling that he was so young back then, and his thoughts were cute. He actually thought that after turning on Sacred Ruins, he could put the weapons back in the arsenal and put the weapons back in the arsenal.

Think about it now, this world is really cruel, and it doesn't give people a chance to dream at all.

This broader perspective has had a huge impact on Chaos Base. I originally thought that I was the center of the world, but the truth turned out to be a remote place where rabbits don’t shit.

So many antivirus hunters who once regarded honor as their life had to be confused, which led to Chaos Base, which has a strong centripetal force, only lasted for more than three hundred years after migrating to Dahe Civilization and almost collapsed, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

Nowadays Mu Shaoan has different feelings every time he thinks about it, because this thing can no longer be changed simply by anger or sadness.

Neither is there a high-level Heavenly God who can sit down and everything is fine, even though Mu Shaoan once thought so.

After witnessing the current situation of the two powerful civilizations of Myriad Realms and the Four-armed Man, he once again realized that a race and a civilization want to hunt in the vast sky of Myriad Realms. To gain a foothold in the killing field, apart from many minor conditions, the truly important, truly core, and truly able to withstand wind and rain waves, and the many catastrophes must belong to its own history and its own civilization.

This is like the root system of a towering tree. How tall and big the tree can grow depends on how deep the roots are.

Civilization is there, history is there, and glory is there.

This is not a slogan, but a bloody example right in front of me.

How powerful the science and technology of the Mysterious Rock people are, their space fleet can even fight the virus camp head-on.

But because of the fatal weakness of the transmigrator civilization, immediately at the beginning of the war, the civilization battlefield that should have been the strongest base camp was lost.

Without the civilized battlefield, the three old insects of the virus can freely release the infinite, nightmare, and three Heavenly God skills.

Don't think that the Mystery Rock Alliance Army is very honored just after winning a round.

In fact, a sovereign country on Equivalent to Earth has lost air supremacy, hegemony over the sea, and is forced to fight the enemy on its own land. Even if it wins, it essentially loses.

Those hundreds of ghosts on the planet haven’t looked down yet.

"Civilization, a powerful and complete civilization, may be the only way out!"

Mu Shaoan muttered to himself, in fact, for a while, he was also very confused, Only now has there been a clear direction.

"So, I should once again perform my duties and mission as an antivirus hunter."


15 hours later, another place In the ruins of Starry Sky Battlefield, Mu Shaoan continued to put 2 million units of Immortal Law here. This should be the last place he can put on this infinite battlefield, because as of this moment, he has already put up another 1 million units. Universe Principle, counting the previous releases, he has come up with a full 3 million units of Universe Principle, equivalent to 30 million laws of war, and 300 million units of Immortal Law.

Such action at no cost directly caused all the Universe Principles currently reserved by Mu Shaoan to be emptied. Although there were nearly 100 million units of Universe Principles in that round of red sun, they all needed to be unlocked continuously. In addition, he Suspect that these Universe Principles should have other uses.

But anyway, for the time being, Mu Shaoan has once again become a pauper. Fortunately, the Universe Principle generated by the red sun every day can also be used to pay for the maintenance of the War God flag.

"It should be almost done. After going around for so long, even if the virus is inferior, it should be surrounded by the iron curtain."

A few seconds later, it was like a crow's mouth. In the distance, hiding the sky and covering the earth was a fiery white light. At least 500,000 Planetary Grade guns were firing and the covered area was where Mu Shaoan was. Of course, the coverage area is a bit wide, with a diameter of more than 80 million kilometers. With such a large distance span, even if Mu Shaoan immediately urged the space warning ship to cruise at 32 times the speed of light, it would never escape.

even more how, this is the most famous anti-72 degree main gun salvo in the universe. I don’t know what the allusion is about this anti-72 degree angle, but it is said that only the highest level tactical commander can dispatch it. Command, because the angle of each sect master cannon is different, and the emitted energy beams must be tightly closed without leaving any gaps, and there must be no overlap at all, and finally a seamless connection will be formed, which will make the entire diameter more than 80 million kilometers. The airspace is completely sealed off.

But the real difficulty of this most high-level tactical command action is not here, but the 50Sect Master Wan gun must be in place within 3 seconds, there can be no mistakes, after all, the enemy is not a fixed target, no You will be allowed to pose and then open flame hair to shoot.

"There is nothing to hide! Such classic tactics are really breathtaking!"

Mu Shaoan was not shocked or feared at this moment, instead he uttered an aria at that moment. Compliments.

Because from the very beginning, he knew that as long as he continued to sway, sooner or later, he would encounter this highest level tactical attack. Of course, this is not because he has the Divine Prediction ability. From the very beginning, he, Boss Mu, didn’t plan to solve the problem by relying on the trivial style.

When everyone thinks, even he occasionally thinks, that he will surely cling to the magic-breaker Heavenly God skills to wander around the world awkwardly, he actually chose to be frontal and hard-headed !

As for his confidence, it does not come from the mechanical Heavenly God, it does not come from the law of fate, it does not come from the technique of breaking the Heavenly God, and it does not come from the War God flag or the law of immortality, but from the past 34 days. , He was crazy to cut and assemble the 380,000 Xifeng-90.

Yes, the real key thing that once restricted Mu Shaoan from making and assembling the Xifeng-90 is the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire used to make the core. gold.

So, thanks to the virus, thanks to Heavenly God Jiu Er, thanks to my son Xiao Yuan, thanks to the star monster, thanks to everything that can be thanked, whether it is a living thing or a dead thing.

The 3000 tons of high-purity Supreme-Yang Essence Fire gold has been completely made into the core of the Westwind-90 by him, and the space early warning aircraft is just a cover.

Regardless of whether Heavenly God Jiu Er wants to get his mechanical Avatar back, or whether the virus chaser has any good wishes, in short, at this moment, there is no need to break the Heavenly God technique. Mu Shaoan thought he was invincible.

Even if he will encounter a siege from a full 27 low-level Heavenly Gods and three huge virus fleets.

But no one will know what the outcome will be, because Mu Shaoan’s War God flag will block and isolate all historical retrospectives and isolate everyone’s curiosity.

Want to know the final result?

Please wait and see.

(It’s a busy day today, I just came back, so please take care of it)

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