"So, who can tell me who the crab is?"

In the headquarter of the Mysterious Rockmen Allied Forces, a majestic, indifferent, tall and upright mystery Rockman middle-aged man asked in a low voice.

In front of this middle age person, thousands of people normally can stand alone. The commanding high-level officers of the extremely outstanding Mysterious Rockman coalition forces are all sweating and daring not to speak arrogantly.

Because this middle-aged man is no one else, it is the spiritual leader of Mysterious Rock, the protector of Mysterious Civilization, the descendant of Vengeance Prince, the inheritance Great Emperor of the Mist Empire, the number one expert of this universe, Myriad Realms, the contender of the starry sky, the high-level Heavenly God-Yuri!

In the mystery rock civilization, Heavenly God Yuri is the existence with the strongest power and the strongest deterrent, so who dares to speak more.

even more how This question is almost endless, who is the crab?

However, all the commanders of the Mysterious Rock Alliance forces on the scene did not dare to neglect, although Heavenly God Yuri would not be responsible for the specific strategic command, he did not intervene in the ferocious war before, compared to the original Purple Eagle The long song of Heavenly God who commanded indiscriminately in the war is much better.

But now that his old man raised this question, he must understand it!

It's just that Heavenly God Yuri did not give his men a chance to perform, because the source of this news is through the Heavenly God teahouse.

Of course he is not an old man, so after paying a lot of money, he got a piece of information that shocked him extremely.

"Let's take a look at all!"

Heavenly God Yuri waved his hand and a light curtain appeared. There was only a picture of a person in the light curtain, with a smile on his face. It seems harmless to humans and animals.

At the same time, a strange speech sounded outside.

"This person is called Crab, and his origin is mysterious. At present, it is only known that he was born in the Human Race of Duo Er. He may belong to the Mysterious Rock Alliance camp. In addition, there is sufficient evidence that this person was in some Officially advanced mechanical Heavenly God in the Infinite Battlefield."

"There is a gossip that so far, a certain high-level Heavenly God who is very good at mechanical laws is in contact with the virus camp, and its intention is unknown."

"Apart from this, this person seems to have something to do with the super rout of Ozio that the virus camp is investigating."

"During that rout, the virus camp’s An information transfer star was destroyed by the Mysterious Rockmen's coalition forces, which caused the virus army to completely lose the central command system in the battlefield of two light years. Then the Mystery Rocker's coalition forces seized the opportunity and annihilated them in one fell swoop within 72 hours. One trillion virus elite soldiers, more than 3,000 elite space fleets destroyed, and the fall of a high-level Heavenly God."

"This is the most tragic failure that the virus camp has encountered since its debut. After the news came out, at least one third ethnic civilization in the Myriad Realms starry sky was cheering excitedly for this!"

"In contrast, the virus camp immediately established the highest-level investigation team, but it is a pity that During the time period before and after the information transfer star was destroyed, all the historical retrospectives were in a traffic jam, so it is impossible to tell how the Mysterious Rock Alliance forces obtained the encrypted channel information of the virus camp?"

" And so far, the final investigation results obtained by the virus camp are only related to the star monster named Ozio, because it defected to the virus camp. This is also the highest level the virus camp has ever seen. Don’t defect, a low-level Heavenly God. !"

"According to reliable sources, Ozou, the star monster, had a mysterious deal with the crab after he defected to the Heavenly God teahouse. Later, the star Ozio disappeared, but The mysterious person crab returned to an infinite battlefield again."

"So in a sense, if you find this crab, you may find the star monster Ozio and the star monster Ozio, then It is possible to crack the truth of Oz's rout. The virus camp will never allow another Oz's rout."

"Finally, there is an unconfirmed news. The inaction and incompetence of the investigation team of the Great European Rout incident, a certain high-powered mysterious existence in the virus camp decided to hire a team of the most famous antivirus hunters in the Myriad Realms starry sky to use their professionalism to investigate the incident, but Deadline So far, no one knows which famous anti-virus hunter team will accept this highly paid task. "

The light curtain disappeared, but the commanders of Mysterious Rock were in an uproar. They were amazed and shocked that the Heavenly God teahouse possesses great magical power. It was clearly outside the infinite battlefield, but they knew that There are more news about the Allied Forces of Mystery Rocks than on the battlefield.

Besides, I am also angry at the shame of the virus camp. Don’t you know what it is? You have to go shamelessly. Hire a team of anti-virus hunters to investigate this matter. I don’t think any anti-virus hunter team would be willing to take action!

But when the commanders of the Mysterious Rock Alliance Army thought of this, Heavenly God Yuri sank. He said: "Just now I have received the news. In view of the unprecedented reward offered by the virus camp, it is also guaranteed by the Heavenly God teahouse, so there are already four very famous antivirus hunter teams willing to come to this infinite battlefield to investigate This matter, and the virus camp has increased the reward four times, it seems that they are determined to investigate the truth. "

" Don’t you all feel unimaginable. Myriad Realms starry sky is too vast and many things are too complicated. The virus camp is notorious, but not all antivirus hunters will fight with them. As long as Heavenly God teahouse is a permanent and neutral force, and even ridiculous things can happen. "

"So, my request is that we must find this crab before the virus, and we must be fully prepared and emergency plans in all aspects. The super-dimensional SmartBrain matrix and the layout team must immediately calculate I will not be involved in the details of the subsequent changes in this matter, but I will make sure that there will be news from the Heavenly God teahouse every once in a while. "

"Finally, the four-armed Heavenly God Salem and I are also applying for the intervention of the Starscar Council. If all goes well, there will be more anti-virus hunter teams to come to support, although the consequences I don't know if it is correct or not? "

Heavenly God Yuri left after speaking. Although he could not see anything, the commanders below were silent. They all felt the bitterness and powerlessness. This war was originally What appeared is weird, and now I don’t know what direction to go?

Is that legend true? As a transmigrator civilization, they are actually a pawn on the chessboard?

Oh my God, their civilization is so strong, but now they still feel like they can’t breathe.

The commanders are very frustrated. In fact, they all know that the last big victory happened too suddenly. , It seems to be the benefit of being delivered to the door. This can’t help but make them doubt.

It’s just that no one noticed at this time. The two Mysterious Commanders standing at the bottom got together, it seems Whispering, but in fact, if the conversation between them is made public, I am afraid that even the virus camp will be shaken.

"Are you sure? "

"OK, I happen to know that someone has a nickname called Crab. "

"Suddenly, I have a bad feeling that that guy is really likely to mess up all our plans. You can think of a solution quickly. "

"What plans are there to talk about now, the right answer is to find a way to deal with the aftermath, and I extremely suspect that the virus's Ozio defeat is related to someone, so now things are out of control, almost The one third Myriad Realms Starry Sky Race and Civilization are all paying attention. Alas, I should have strangled him if I knew this. "

"It's late, it's meaningless. I’m wondering why there are so many people who are only one step away from the distance to breakthrough in the starry sky of Myriad Realms. For example, why do you, such as Jiu Er Na Si, fall on his head? Don’t tell me that. It's luck. "

"The luck of the dog skin should have something to do with the key of the pantheon, but there must be other reasons. Forget it, no matter what, think of a way to let the Mystery Rock Alliance army hang up the battle free card, and be stable in everything, otherwise, under the aura of the lawbreaker, you don't know how to die? "

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