I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1147 Raising ghosts to eat people (please customize)

As she ran, she looked back from time to time, as if something terrifying was chasing her behind her.

Seeing this, Chu Feng greeted him and stopped in front of the girl.

The blonde girl was suddenly stopped, startled, and as soon as she retreated, she wanted to bypass Chu Feng and continue to escape.

"Don't be afraid, have you encountered something terrible, I can help you. 99

Chu Feng's voice carried a hint of power, and instantly appeased the blond girl.

She raised her head, looked at Chu Feng, and nodded slightly.

This girl is quite beautiful, with a slightly plump body and some baby fat on her face, giving people a very sweet feeling, not worse than some female stars.

Chu Feng asked, "What's your name?"

"You can call me Christine."

"Okay Christine, can you tell me what you saw in that room?"

"Oh." Kristin realized that she was still too close to the house now, she hurriedly said: "Come on, it's very dangerous in there, hurry up, you come with me."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Forgot to introduce, my name is Chu Feng, I am an exorcist. I can help you solve the terrible things you encounter.

"Are you an exorcist?

227 Christine took a step back and looked Chu Feng up and down: "Why doesn't it look like that? 35

Chu Feng said: "It's not important, the important thing is that I can solve your problem. Come on, you don't have to run away anymore, you are very safe now."

"Then... Okay." Christine hesitated, or because of the power of Daoyin just now, she chose to trust Chu Feng.

But in the middle of the road, she still felt insecure. The two came to the side of the road and leaned against the wall, and Christine felt better.

"I was in the house and saw a murder.

Kristin opened his mouth and said, but Chu Feng was a little surprised.

"A murder?"

This is not what he imagined.

The scene in his imagination should be a haunted, how could it be an ordinary murder.

"What kind of murder?" Chu Feng asked.

Christine had a horrified and angry look on her face: "My stepmother, smashed a man's head with a hammer.

"What else?" Chu Feng asked, "Is there nothing else?"

Kristin's voice began to tremble, and the expression on her face became nothing but fear: "I also saw a monster.

"Monster?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and it was almost the same.

"What kind of monster?" Chu Feng asked.

Christine said: "No face, no skin, only blood red flesh all over.

It ate the man my stepmother killed. "5

"Man-eating monsters?"

"It's not completely eaten." Christine said: "It just ate the flesh and blood of that person, and after eating it, the flesh and blood of the monster became fuller.

"Using other people's flesh and blood to restore one's own flesh and blood." Chu Feng thought to himself: "This is a previous injury, are you using this stupid method to restore it?

This method is not new.

There are such records and practices in many evil spells.

Chu Feng had seen such records in the "Book of Taboo".

At this time, Christine said again: "That monster said it was my uncle, I don't think it's true, yes, it must not be true."

"Your uncle?"

Chu Feng was startled.

Christine, uncle, stepmother, monsters who eat other people's flesh to restore their own flesh...

The combination of these conditions made a horror movie pop out of Chu Feng's mind.

No, it's not a horror movie anymore, it's a horror series.

"Ghost Chasing Soul", also known as "Raising Ghosts to Eat People".

The first part of this series is about a guy named Frank (bibe) who got a metal-like Rubik's Cube.

He opened the metal cube, but summoned a group of devils.

Those devils will kill the people who call them out in the cruelest way.

All the flesh and blood on Frank's body was immediately torn apart.

However, he did not really die, his soul remained, attached to his bones, and hid under his old house.

A few years later, his brother Larry moved into the old house with his second wife, Judy.

While moving, his brother Larry was accidentally injured and left a lot of blood.

The blood dripped on the wooden floor, and was left under the house along the gap, where it was absorbed by Frank, allowing him to grow a layer of flesh and resurrect.

Larry is deeply in love with his wife Judy, but what he doesn't know is that his wife has had an affair with Frank and fell in love with Frank, so he has been very cold to Larry.

Once, his wife, Judy, accidentally found Frank who had grown a layer of flesh in the building.

She was terrified and wanted to run away.

Frank told her his identity and asked her to help him find more flesh and blood.

To help her lover, Judy goes to a bar and seduces some men back so that Frank can absorb their flesh.

One day, Christine wanted to visit her father, but when she walked out the door, she saw her stepmother came home with a man.

She followed curiously, but smashed Frank's truth.

Christine escaped by relying on the metal cube, but fainted on the street.

When she was in the hospital, she accidentally opened the metal Rubik's cube, but accidentally opened a devil's passage.

She walked into the tunnel, and soon encountered a monster that looked like a spider and a human, and she was scared and ran out.

She thought it was all right, but four terrifying-looking devils suddenly descended on her room and said they wanted to kill her.

After some questions and answers, Christine figured out the purpose of the four demons, and she would be brutally killed by them the next moment. In a hurry, she reported that Frank was not dead and wanted to take them to find Frank.

Christine went back to her father's house.

As a result, Frank has killed his father Larry and transformed into his father's appearance.

Christine sees through his identity, and Frank stops pretending and wants to kill her.

As she dodged, Frank's knife stabbed into Judy's stomach.

Frank showed no pity, absorbed Judy's blood, and continued to hunt down Christine.

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