I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1146 Dirty things in the town (please customize)

On January 9, 2007, Apple's conference was held as scheduled.

Of course Chu Feng didn't go.

He just looked at it online.

He knew that from now on, there would be a group of self-proclaimed fruit fans in the world, and Jobs would become the idol of countless people.

To be honest, Chu Feng thinks that Jobs is indeed a great man, but he doesn't want to judge this guy's character.

The next day, the headlines in the technology pages of major media were all reporting on the first-generation iPhone.

Apple's stock has also climbed all the way, up more than a dozen points, and it is still rising.

Scott Swift had never understood why Chu Feng had been desperately trying to get into Apple's stock, but at this moment, he finally understood.

While he admired Chu Feng's extraordinary vision for investment, he blamed himself for his short-sightedness.

In fact, this is not his bad eyesight.

There are so many excellent securities managers in the whole world, but there are a few people who can seize the good hand of Apple.

After sighing for a while, Scott made a call to Chu Feng.

"Mr. Chu, congratulations to Apple's stock price soaring, your net worth is going to rise by a few points."

On the phone, Chu Feng's flat voice came: "This is as long as I expected, and there is nothing to congratulate."

Well, because he was too short-sighted, Scott was speechless for a while.

But the words came out of Chu Feng's mouth, and he felt it was so true.

"Mr. Chu, according to my speculation, Apple's stock will continue to rise for a while.

But after a period of time, it will enter a plateau.

At this time, some shareholders will sell for cash, do you need to sell Apple's stock?

"No." Chu Feng said: "If someone sells, how much is there, how much I buy."

"Ah! 95

Coster froze for a moment: "Okay, I'll do it.

One more thing, Mr. Chu, do you need to come back and look at the company's financial report....

"No, just let Miss Ling see it."

Chu Feng's tone remained the same.

This made Scott sigh again.

The assets of tens of billions of dollars, so let his woman supervise, Mr. Chu is too relieved about his woman.

Scott suddenly thought of his daughter Taylor.

"Hopefully, Taylor will find a man who trusts her so much in the future. 35

Chu Feng said a few more words to Scott and hung up the phone.

For money, he originally valued more.

But as the money got more and more over the years, he saw it more and more lightly.

Moreover, he also had great trust in Ling Zhiruo, and believed that she would never betray him.

Even if he wants to play tricks, with Chu Feng's current ability, he can easily find and recover the loss.

What's more, he believed that such a thing would not happen.

After the Spring Festival in 2007, Chu Feng embarked on a journey to find the spirit of the leylines.

The spirit of the earth vein is not so easy to find.

First of all, it is not easy to judge whether this dragon vein produces spirituality.

Because once spirituality is created, it is by nature that it hides itself for fear of being discovered.

This wastes a lot of time.

In March, Chu Feng came to a small town.

The name of the town is Emden, and there is a mountain range near the town, and he is going to see it.

Chu Feng has seen countless such small towns, nothing unusual at all.

After settling in the best local hotel, Chu Feng went out to find a restaurant.

In each town, there are some unique local foods, which are often unknown to most people, but have more flavor.

Chu Feng is looking for such a restaurant.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng sat down in a small restaurant and asked for a special pancake from the restaurant.

Waiting for the time to serve, Chu Feng looked at the street scene outside the window.

There are not many people in this town, there are only very sparse pedestrians on the street.

There are also not many cars, making the whole town seem very quiet.

However, this can no longer make Chu Feng feel novel.

After all, he has been in the mountains for nearly a year, which is the case in many small towns, and he is not surprised at all.

After a while, the pancake was delivered, Chu Feng took a bite, the mouth was soft, and it also had the unique fragrance of eggs, and the taste was not bad.

After eating the pancakes, Chu Feng walked out of the hotel and did not go back to the hotel immediately, but continued to wander around the town.

Although, this town is not particularly surprising, but it is a new place after all.

It's more fun than staying in a hotel.

Chu Feng walked in the town without haste, and after walking for more than 20 minutes, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

In front of his sight, a house appeared.

The house looks a few years old, the walls are mottled, and it looks like a few of them are decades old.

But that's not why Chu Feng paid attention to the house.

He paid attention to this house because he felt a yin qi in it.

No, not just Yin Qi.

In addition to the yin qi, he also felt an aura of dark energy.

However, this energy is very weak, and it looks like it is about to disappear.

According to Chu Feng's experience, it should be left over after some powerful beings appear.

With both yin qi and residual dark energy aura, Chu Feng was a little curious about what was in this house.

As soon as Chu Feng's consciousness showed, he wanted to investigate to see what was in this room.

But as soon as his divine sense passed (to Zhao), that residual dark ability actually produced a repulsive force, blocking his divine sense from the outside.

Chu Feng frowned and wanted to forcibly break through.

But after thinking about it, he stopped again.

For this residual dark energy, it was a very simple thing for him to forcibly break through.

But there is still yin in it, and there are dirty things in it.

If you forcibly break in, will you be shocked by the grass?

It was daytime after all, and there were still residents nearby.

If it's night, it doesn't matter.

Chu Feng began to hesitate whether to go in and have a look.

In this way, if any problem is found, it can be solved immediately in the house, without worrying about causing unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, the door of the house was pushed open, and a blond girl hurried out of the house with a look of fear.

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