I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 903: Strength

Because the tribal leaders of these two tribes and some of the stronger people wear things that don’t know what vines wear nose rings or earrings. For the convenience of expression, the two tribes are used as nose ring tribes, and The earrings match the tribe.

Three people from the tribe of two people who were hurriedly marching here led by three people dripping sweat from their bodies, walked past the place where the spider was trampled to death, and after walking forward for a while, there was a harsh sound in front The sound that I have never heard before.

This sudden sound shocked the excited earrings and nose ring tribe people.


They looked panicked and quickly looked around, and then someone saw a few people who had just jumped off a big rock in front.

These people, while running fast, used a stick-like thing to beat another thing they were carrying.

That kind of loud sound that has never been heard comes from this action.

After seeing this situation, the people of the two tribes who were originally frightened by the sudden sound of the sound suddenly became relaxed.

Many people even laughed.

In their opinion, the behavior of those people was no different from the prey that fled in haste after meeting people from their tribe when hunting.

This is a manifestation of fear.

This discovery made them more confident one by one.

Before they even waited for the leaders of the two tribes to speak, some people couldn't help but chased after those people with weapons. Some people even threw out the stones in their hands against those timid people. .



The leaders of the Nose Ring Tribe and the Earring Tribe screamed loudly when they saw this, and asked the people of their respective tribes to rush with those who fled, and either arrested them or killed them directly.

The two of them screamed these words at the same time, they both ran quickly, trying to catch up with the strange-looking people.

Driven by the two of them, the rest of the people screamed and rushed forward.

Seeing the strange-looking people, the nose ring and earring tribes who are fleeing desperately under their chase and yelling in front of them are all excited.

The people of this tribe are so timid, there must be no way to resist them in the face of bravery!

Several guards from the Qingque tribe rushed back, directly igniting these people who were full of prey and primitive women.

Fortunately, these people selected by Han Cheng to be used as sentinels are all outstanding runners.

In addition, remembering Han Cheng’s explanation, the first time they saw these people, they rang the gong in their hands, jumped off the big rocks, and ran wildly. The people of these two tribes couldn’t catch up. they.

However, a few people rushed forward, and a group of people chased after yelling. In the gap in the middle, there were many stones, sticks, bones and other weapons falling one after another, which was quite spectacular.

Although they couldn't catch up with these people, the people from the nose ring and earring tribe became more excited.

Because this feeling of chasing people and hitting is so wonderful.

Moreover, as long as they follow the direction in which these people are running, they will be able to find their cave and a large number of prey.

However, they were running wild and yelling in excitement and did not notice that in the woods on both sides of the passage that they ran through, someone quietly raised their heads and looked at the direction they were leaving. The excitement of the face is unbearable...

"Hurry up! Cover the remaining ones and come back quickly with the tools!"

At the place where Han Cheng and others were, after hearing the sound of a gong coming from a distance, Han Cheng raised the volume and shouted to the person who was still setting up the trap.

Hearing his shouts, these people hurriedly covered the traps that had just been dug and had not had time to cover them. After they were as perfect as possible, they picked up the tools and ran quickly towards the establishment. Position.

These people who ran back to the ground reacted differently.

Those slaves basically put down their weapons, and then went to get the many ropes behind them.

One person took at least three of them.

As for those minors, those who are older and closer to adult took up the weapons equipped with them, such as bows and arrows, or long-goals, or slings, and the younger ones just took the ones that were just excavated. The tool did not let go.

Tools such as brass shovel and brass head are used for digging soil, but they are equally powerful when it comes to people's turn.

It is the first time to experience these things in the wild, these minors are basically more nervous and nervous.

But there are also some children who seem calm and even look forward to it.

This aspect is the result of the Qingque tribe under the leadership of Han Cheng, who has been preaching a just defense war, and the supreme glory given to those who dare to encircle the tribe and fight against the enemy.

On the other hand, these minors have also experienced some battles, and they went on the fence when the Teng Snake tribe attacked their tribe.

After they basically ran back to the back of the position, the three people who rushed back with the gong all the way appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The three of them didn't rush towards Han Cheng and the others, but when they came to the open area, they immediately ran to the sides and detoured behind the established army.

This is something that has been explained before.

When they were halfway around, those who were yelling also appeared in front of the Qingque tribe people who were waiting for them.

These people who are running, many people become more excited after seeing a large number of people from the Qingque tribe.

Many of them were worried that these people with a large number of prey would run too far, but they found that the person who made a terrifying noise, but was particularly courageous, met after a short time after running. When it comes, it is certainly exciting.

As for not seeing the prey, many of them did not take it easy.

The three people who rushed back to report the letter would not lie. They all said that if they saw a lot of prey, then they must have seen a lot of prey.

I haven't seen the prey now, it should be hidden by these people.

Even for them, when the two tribes did not unite to act together, they would choose to hide their prey when they encountered some possible greater dangers.

They had just attacked a tribe and their self-confidence was in a stage of overwhelming, naturally they regarded themselves and others as extremely dangerous existence for these people.

However, some people have noticed something wrong. For example, the three people who ran dripping down, looked at the people who came together with strange weapons in front of them, and they felt a little strange.

This is not because of the weird way these people stand, but because the people who appear in front of you seem to be a lot more than they had seen before.

Although there are still more people from the two tribes combined, it seems that there should not be too many people at a glance.

But such doubts just flashed in their minds, and they didn't think deeper.

The leader of the nose ring tribe wearing a nose ring also discovered this problem.

At this moment, he wanted to stop and stop the rest.

However, such thoughts only existed in his mind and were not expressed by him.

Because at this time, everyone in the tribe was very excited, yelling and rushing forward.

He stopped and stopped the crowd aloud. He would be considered timid and lacking courage by the people in the tribe. After seeing them with the three whom they laughed at before, he fled madly without even daring to look back. Like people.

Moreover, even if he speaks out, in this messy moment, there may not be a few people who can hear him and follow his orders.

In such hesitation, he was swept forward by the yelling crowd.

Those who have a large number of prey are getting closer and closer, and some people have even thrown out the weapons they are holding.

But as the distance got closer, the leader of the nose ring tribe felt more and more uneasy, because he discovered the weirdness of these people.

Not only do these people dress weirdly, the weapons they hold in their hands are weird, and their behaviors are also very weird.

Facing themselves and others who rushed over, they actually stood there without any extra action.

The leader of the Nose Ring Tribe was not like the others. I felt that these strange people were scared to stay in place by the sudden rush and fierce power of the others.

Because he didn't see the slightest expression of fear from these strangely dressed people.

On the contrary, many of these people have smiles or excitement on their faces.

It's the same as when they heard the stories of those people before.

It was like when they learned that the tribe, the one-eyed leader, and many strong people who had been attacked by them had died not long ago.

The leader of the nose ring tribe doesn’t have too much thought to think about so many things, because he was trapped by others and ran in front of the group. He suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and a sense of weightlessness suddenly spread, and then his body fell. Falling down uncontrollably.

In a hurry, he threw away the weapon in his hand and grabbed it to the people around him, trying to make himself stand firmer.

In such a moment, he did catch someone.

But he still did not avoid the fate of falling.

Because he just grabbed the man with his hand, the **** guy also planted his head toward the front.

At the moment of the fall, the leader of the nose ring tribe saw several people like him and suddenly fell to the ground.

The head of the earring tribe who ran slightly ahead of him is also in this list

I don't know why, at this moment, seeing this situation, the leader of the nose ring tribe actually raised some unintelligible joy.

The leader of the nose ring tribe fell very hard this time, and only felt that the whole person's head was dumbfounded.

This is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is the intense pain that comes from the leg.

The pain caused the leader of the nose ring tribe to scream screamingly, and his entire complexion suddenly became pale.

This part is hurt, but more because of fear.

In their tribe, some people had broken their legs during previous hunting.

Then that person was killed and eaten by them.

Past experience tells them that people who break their legs will not be used for anything other than a burden to the tribe.

Moreover, if you wait for a long time, the person who breaks his leg will become thinner and lose a lot of meat.

Therefore, in such a situation, they will solve the other party very simply.

At that time, the leader of the nose ring tribe didn't think there was anything, because he was given the best piece of meat, but now, when such a thing came to his head, he suddenly became scared.

In the tribe, strength is respected, and a person with a broken leg is obviously not suitable to be a leader.

People will not allow a man with a broken leg to stay in the tribe as a burden.

The pale nose ring tribe leader shook his head vigorously, and quickly stood up, ready to see his painful leg, but before he turned his head over, he was severely knocked down!

The people of the two tribe who screamed excitedly all the way to this side, before they came to the Qingque tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~, they were caught off guard, and fell as many as ten or twenty.

Some people got up quickly after they fell down, and some people were unlucky. They were stabbed in their legs and feet by the thorns hurriedly laid in the trap, calling out like a pig.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Han Cheng struggling to beat the already ready drum, the drum head trembled wildly, and the rumbling sound spread in all directions, like a muffled thunder rolling.

Standing not far away, she grew up looking at the earrings and nose ring that fell in front of the two tribes of primitive females. She trembled suddenly by the sound of the sudden explosion beside her, holding her in her arms. All of the children fell to the ground.

She didn’t react until the baby fell on the ground crying, and quickly bent down, holding her arm in one hand and the baby’s leg with the other hand, picking it up from the ground, holding it in her arms, and By the way, he lifted the hides on his body, revealing the magical coaxing tool for her to eat.

The little baby who was thrown by the mother-in-law had his mouth covered by the coaxing artifact. After a little grunt, he stopped talking, but as her mother's primitive female, her open mouth still did not close.

When she saw the real number of these people and digging the soil easily, she felt that these people were able to beat the nose ring and earring tribe.

But even if they were able to fight, there should be some conflicts, and fight each other to win.

However, the reality surprised her extremely.

In the earrings and nose ring tribes that their tribe seemed to have no way to resist, when they encountered this strange tribe, they didn't even touch the side, so many people had already suffered!

And the people of these strange tribes haven't used the very sharp and strange weapons they hold!


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