I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 902: Fist can also make sense (2 in 1)

Looking at the large numbers of people who came from behind, the primitive women suddenly became quiet.

At first, she thought that the people she saw before her were all of this weird tribe.

After all, just the number of these people in front is already a bit more than the adults in her tribe.

But who would have thought that these people are just part of this weird tribe.

Behind them, there are more people than those in front!

These people gathered together, more than those who went to attack their tribe.

And it seems generally stronger than those people.

No wonder they didn't leave after hearing what they said, instead they were all excited and eager to try.

It turns out that they have such strength!

"Remove the animals back, and tie them up if they can be tied, lest they will be frightened and hurt."

Han Cheng ordered the people.

He is not a particularly kind person, and now, in such a situation, of course he will not take people away in a hurry as the primitive female said.

He also wanted to rush to Jinguan City as soon as possible to harvest the rice. If one day is delayed, the birds will eat more of the rice.

In such a situation, how could he escape elsewhere.

As for being reasonable...

Han Cheng is now ready to reason with those people.

It's just that the truth is not just that you can speak with your mouth, you can also make sense with your fists.

Moreover, compared with the truth expressed with the mouth, the truth expressed with the fist tends to be faster and more convincing.

So at this moment he ordered people to do so.

Immediately after Han Cheng's words fell, someone who often took care of the animals on the road led them behind.

"First, dig traps. After digging out some traps, Junior Brother Sha led thirty people to the front left to ambush, and the second brother took thirty people to the front right to ambush. When these people came over and stepped on the trap, we would beat the drum , You immediately rush out from both sides, cut off their back path, and take advantage of the situation to surround them and prevent them from leaving."

After leading people forward for a short distance and finding a place with a relatively open terrain, Han Cheng issued such an order to everyone.

Then everyone got busy.

This time they went to Jinguan City, they had two main things to do.

One thing is to build Jinguan City, and the other is to open up a paddy field to grow rice.

These two things require a lot of tools, such as digging tools such as shackles and shovel.

So this time everyone carried a lot more.

When everyone heard this, they all took out such tools and began to dig here quickly.

People in the tribe are very familiar with traps and are very willing to use them.

At the beginning, the son of God led himself and the others to set up a trap for the first time and caught a brood of wild boars.

Later, the tiger and some other prey were caught with traps.

Later, in the battles with the Teng Snake Tribe, the Semi-agricultural Tribe, and the Black Stone Tribe, traps played an extremely important role.

Now, there are people who are about to come to attack themselves and others. It is strange if they set traps if they are not active.

One trick to eat all over the world is the Qingque tribe under the leadership of Han Cheng.

The shackles rose and fell, and the copper shovel couldn't help dancing. The soil on the ground was continuously dug out and shoveled to one side, and soon a pit appeared.

When everyone started to do this, Han Cheng also sent a few people to walk about a mile or more along what they had blazed before, which could barely be called a road, to observe and prevent them. It hasn't been arranged here yet, and those people over there have been killed in a hurry.

Those who went there were all faster runners.

At the same time, they also carried a gong.

Once the enemy is found, they will run back and ring the gong vigorously to warn the people here so that they can have a time to react...

The primitive female holding the baby looked at everything in front of her, her whole body dizzy, and she was also shocked.

I get dizzy because I don't understand why these people do this.

If you want to fight, shouldn't you hurry up to find more stones and grind out more wooden sticks for throwing?

These people didn't prepare these things at all, but kept digging here.

And the things she shocked were also here.

As a primitive female, she used to dig wild vegetables in the tribe.

Whether it is stone tools, bone tools, or tools polished with wooden sticks, they are not easy to dig.

It's better to talk about the ordinary wild vegetables. When you encounter the wild vegetables with more delicious roots, it is really hard to dig.

But now, these people hold these weird things that are different from any tools they have ever seen before, but they dig up the soil so easily.

It seems that these soils are very soft.

But after holding a branch with one hand and piercing it a few times on the ground, she knew that this was an illusion and the soil here was not soft at all.

Such a situation can only explain one situation, that is, this kind of tool, which has never been seen before and is made of materials, is very sharp!

Such a tool can be used to dig hard soil so fast, if you smash it on a person, then...

When the primitive female thought this way, the only worries in her heart disappeared all at once.

Some even expect those evil people to come quickly!

At the same time, he became more determined to follow these people...


At a certain distance from here in the cave, many people gather here.

A flame was ignited here, and some people skewered meat with sticks, squatting around the fire and roasting.

The smell of meat, and some lingering **** smell spread here.

Some people are cleaning up here with weapons.

These people have some smiles on their faces, and they look very excited.

This is the joy of the winner alone.

While doing these things, some people couldn't help looking towards the north.

Several people who belonged to their alliance followed this direction and chased a very beautiful primitive female.

In that woman's arms, there was still a small minor.

Such a minor tastes particularly good.

It is precisely because of this that the two seemingly strong people who should be the leaders of the two tribes, although they are a little hungry, did not eat the food that the people of the tribe gave them after they were baked.

The two men dress very strangely, one wears a nose ring for himself, the other wears earrings.

They wait to eat better.

It was their rule to kill the men who attacked the tribe and the minor minors.

Compared with men, female primitives are more likely to be controlled and more easily integrated into their own tribe.

As for killing those minors, the taste is second, and most importantly, so that these predatory female primitives can conceive and give birth to children with their tribal blood as soon as possible.

This can also prevent these primitive females who have been looted from being distracted, and allow them to better take care of the children born to their tribe.


After waiting like this for a while, a shout came from that direction.

Hearing such shouts, smiles appeared on the faces of the two men.

The primitive female who ran away holding a baby was very strong. Such a person is not only good at hunting and collecting wild vegetables and fruits, but more importantly, the children born from such female primitives are generally very good. It is robust.

There were two such primitive women in this tribe that they had attacked.

The one who had been subdued and escaped has now also been caught back, so it will be fine.

Two of them, one for each, just perfect.

Those who are strong, together with the strong female primitives, must be very strong when the minors who are born grow up.

Being strong represents strength, sufficient prey, and a larger place to obtain prey, gather fruits, and dig wild vegetables.

However, the smiles on both of them quickly disappeared.

Because only the three people who went out to chase the primitive woman appeared in the field of vision, and there was no trace of the primitive woman!


The three running people with sweat dripping down, panting hard, shouting loudly to the people on this side of the cave, with incomparable excitement.

In this state, the two leaders who belonged to different tribes were confused and angry.

People are chased by you, why are you excited?

However, after a short while, after understanding what the three returning people meant, the two leaders who belonged to different tribes also became excited.


The two of them screamed in excitement, causing everyone in the tribe to act quickly.

Following the urging and yelling of the two of them, everyone who understood what was happening also yelled.

They got up one after another, picked up simple weapons, stones and other things indiscriminately, followed behind the leader, and ran in the direction the three had just returned.

Many people even throw the meat that has just been roasted and only eaten less than half of it on the ground.

No wonder they are so excited, it is true that what the three people said is too exciting!

A tribe with about as many people as their tribe, with prey that many, many people can’t match with their fingers, appeared nearby!

This is really good news for them.

Because it means that it won't take long for them to get a lot of prey, and at the same time they can get some more primitive females for them to join their tribe.

Moreover, in the food, you can also get a great supplement.

Leaving aside the numerous prey, these killed male primitives alone will be enough for the two tribes to eat for a long time.

Both of these tribes have very good ideas on how to preserve meat for a long time.

Their method is to slice the meat that they can't finish eating in a short time as much as possible, and then dry them vigorously.

In this way, these meats are more like pine nuts and other fruits obtained, which can be stored for a long time.

As long as those people and their numerous prey are obtained, from now on until the snow melts, both tribes will have enough food to eat.

This is really good news for them.

Only a few people were left here, taking care of those people who had been captured by them in the tribe not long ago.

Looking at the people who followed the leader and they quickly went away, the people who stayed here were all very envious...

"Second Brother, Brother Sha, the person leading your team hastened to leave here and ambush as we said before!"

Han Cheng gave orders to the two brothers.

Now the trap has not been arranged, the envisioned trap is only almost half completed.

But Han Cheng still gave the order very decisively.

Because Mao learned from the primitive female holding the child that it was not too far away from the cave where she lived.

The trap is important, but the more important thing is to rush before those people arrive, let the two brothers and brother Sha take the two teams, and ambush to the front ~www.NovelMTL.com~ behind the people who sent them to the door. The road is cut off.

This is the only way to maximize the profit this time.

Now it is different from the one-eyed leader led by Spring Spring to attack them.

At that time their main purpose was to find a suitable south for living, not suitable for bringing too many people, especially strangers.

Now, a suitable south for living has been found, and the route is familiar. In the past, Jinguan City was developed and constructed.

Of course there is no problem with more people.

As long as they can get enough food, these people can contribute to the construction of Jinguan City.

The Second Brother, Junior Sha, and the people who were assigned to them not long ago to lead them, got the order of Han Cheng to act quickly.

In the spring, most of them, along with their **** son, set off toward the south, failing to catch up with the battle against the Blackrock tribe's coalition forces. Many people felt very sorry for this.

Now, under unexpected circumstances, a war has come so suddenly, they are of course positive.

After they left, Han Cheng asked some of the adult citizens of the Qingque tribe who remained here to put away the shackles and copper shovel, took up weapons, and placed a defensive formation here.

Some old slaves of the Qingque tribe also participated in this operation.

The remaining slaves, as well as the twenty underage citizens, continued to build traps here.

When the enemies who have not met come over, these people will quickly come to the back of the array...


The piercing sound of a bronze gong came from a distance. It was a warning from the ‘scout’ sent to the front to be on guard.


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