I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 887: Ancient tool (3 in 1)

After having breakfast, the son of Han Da, who was in a very good mood, walked around in the tribe and came to the kitchen not far away.

Wells are being dug here now.

With the continuous work of the digger, the well has been dug down more than two meters and nearly three meters deep.

The newly excavated soil can no longer be directly thrown out with copper shovel. Someone needs to pull it outside with ropes and shovel.

Han Cheng is not familiar with digging wells. This is mainly due to the fact that when he was a child, the government took the initiative to implement a digging policy.

It seems to be a subsidy of 100 yuan for each well to drill one well.

At that time, one hundred yuan was not a small amount. It was a lot for farmers who had almost no other sources of income except for farming.

As a result, the Murakami families dig wells one after another, and Han Cheng's family is naturally no exception.

I remember that there were still shiitake mushrooms in the family that year, and it was very busy, but the well in the family was still punched out by my father.

The policy of digging wells is really an excellent policy.

There were hundreds of people in the village when there were no wells, and there were only three wells in total.

What Han Cheng remembers most clearly is the rooster crowing in the morning. The genius had just fainted, and the family members had already got up and carried the bucket, and took the well rope to the village water well to fetch water to the house.

Those who can’t go there are late, and there is no water in the wells when they are late.

A few times I got up late, there was no water in the well, and the family was waiting to cook with water. My father took the scoop and the bucket with the bucket and stepped down the edge of the well into the well and used the scoop to "scrape" the two buckets. Go back with the muddy water from the well, clarify it and use it for cooking.

As for the water for drinking cows, they were all brought back from the big pit in the village.

Later, every household digs a well, and the days of grabbing water from the fifth watch are never used again. Water is much more convenient at once, and people become a lot easier.

After Han grew older, he once asked his father why the people in the village didn't know how to dig wells at home, and they all counted on the three ancient wells to grab water for food.

The answer was that at that time, everyone thought that digging a well was very difficult, and that it needed to be drilled a lot before water would come out.

As a result, I really started digging, only to find that digging a well was much easier than I thought.

For example, the well in Han Cheng's house had water out of just over three meters.

I knew it was so easy to drill a well, and I started to drill it a long time ago, even without subsidies.

This is what Han Cheng heard from his father more than once.

Standing by the well being excavated, Han Cheng couldn't help sniffing while thinking about the past.

Drilling a well is simple and easy to say, but sometimes it is also not simple. For example, when you go down, you encounter a rock layer...

This is really a headache.

Fill it in and play in another place. It's really a waste of effort. Don't play again. This slate is really a headache.

Fortunately, a chemical fertilizer called ammonium nitrate was still being produced and sold at that time, and then bought some sulfur and other things, set up a broken iron pot in the yard, and burned some fire under it, so that you could fry the earth and explosives by yourself. (I don’t know how it is done in other places. We used it to stir and fry it in an iron pan. I have seen it with my own eyes, but it is not very safe. I heard that the house collapsed by frying.)

Coupled with the detonator and fuse obtained from the stone-driving factory, the rocks in the well below can be blown up.

Of course, this process is a bit thrilling, and it is easy to cause problems if the operation is not good.

For example, the second uncle's house near Han Cheng didn't choose what to cover the well when he fry the rocks in the well.

As a result, the ox cart board used to cover the well was smashed into pieces. A flying stone fell on Han Cheng's house, smashing several tiles.

This is why Han Cheng sniffed.

At that time, there was ammonium nitrate fertilizer, and you could also buy sulfur, charcoal, and other things like earth and explosives to deal with the stone layer encountered in the well.

If your tribe digs down a well and encounters a layer of stone, it will be uncomfortable.

Although I remembered how to do it, there was no nitrate, no sulfur, and charcoal alone was not good.

It is also because of this that Han Cheng's mood at this moment is more disturbed. He always comes and wanders around when there is nothing to do, hoping that the well can get out of the water earlier and not encounter the stone layer.

Otherwise, relying on the current conditions of the tribe, once encountered. In all likelihood, it is necessary to refill a well that has been dug very deep, and then choose another place to dig, and try your luck.

"Okay! Pull!"

After watching here for a while, a voice came from the well.

After hearing this sound, the people guarding the mouth of the well began to grasp the rope and pull it up, the rope was tight.

After a while, the lint with the soil came to the ground.

When the people on the top pull the top of the lint, the people in the well stand next to the wall of the well, and try not to stand under the head of the lint, so as not to have soil or the entire head of the lint that contains the soil fall down To people.

The person above placed the soil-filled lint head far away from the well head, took the rope with the hook from the arc-shaped lint head handle, hooked another empty head, and put it down.

After doing this, the man carried the mud head and went elsewhere, poured the mud pulled out from the well on a relatively low-lying place in the yard, and stomped it firmly.

It is not easy to lift the soil up from the top of the reef. Now that the well is not deep enough, it is better to say something. When the well is deeper, it will be even more difficult to pull the soil up.

After standing here for a while, Han Cheng remembered a simple tool that is often used in conjunction with wells-the wheel.

Han Cheng has seen such things as wheels, but not too many.

This is mainly because, after they started drilling wells, a better and more convenient water pumping device appeared than a potter's wheel.

This kind of water pumping device is called "kill well" by them.

Because of the use of the principle of leverage, it is very light and economical to draw water from a well. It only requires one hand and does not require too much effort to pump the water out of the well, which is much faster than a faucet.

And to install a kill well made of pig iron and rubber, there is another prerequisite, that is, a well platform higher than the ground needs to be built on the well head, and a relatively heavy cover should be placed on it.

In this way, not only can you prevent dust and other things from falling into the well, let alone worry that children at home will accidentally fall into the well.

Therefore, the potter's wheel, a tool that has been used for many years to draw water from the well, was quickly eliminated.

However, what is eliminated in the later life is undoubtedly a weapon in this era.

At least until the tribe has no ability to create a sharp tool for drawing water like ‘killing wells’, potter wheels, a simple, practical and inexpensive water drawing tool, will not be eliminated.

But it is really not easy for things like well killing to appear in the tribe. Pig iron casting waits until high-quality coal and iron ore are found, blast furnaces are built, and the smelting technology of steel is pointed out, and the casting technology is further improved. If it is improved, it is still possible to create it.

However, the rubber sheet covering the opening below is really big heads. You may need to drive a flat boat to find some back. Then there are a long list of technical problems that need to be solved.

So, the technology tree is really not that you can point it out if you want to, or that you know how to make it. You don't even have raw materials. What's the use of knowing more? Not to stare.

Rather than thinking about the unrealistic, it is better to first find some tools that can be put into practical use and increase productivity according to the existing conditions.

Riding a donkey to find a good horse is faster than walking on two legs.

Han Cheng naturally knew this truth, so after standing here for a while, he simply returned to the room to find a pen and paper to outline the potter's wheel.

The structure of a potter's wheel is very simple. You can think of it as an enlarged version of the car key for a four-wheeled vehicle that hangs on the waist and is very windy.

It's just that the part that is placed in the front of the car and used for rocking is longer, and the middle part is a column that is many times thicker.

This is because if the part of the potter wheel used to wind the rope is thick, the same turn can wind more well rope on it, and the bucket can be pulled out faster.

The structure of the potter's wheel is simple, and after repeated'training', the painting skills of the **** son Han Da has been greatly improved, so it did not take much effort, Han Chenggong sketched it out, and then took it. Go find the master craftsman limping.

Under Han Cheng's instructions, the second brother used meteorite to build saws and plane blades for carpenters.

By now, the carpenter's room has a whole set of tools made of meteorite.

The people in the carpenter's room headed by Lame have not recovered from the excitement of getting the meteorite iron tools. Every day as long as they walk into the carpenter's room and see the meteorite iron tools placed in it, they can't help but beat them one by one. Like chicken blood, the effect of morale bonus is not too good.

When Han Cheng walked in, a few people were still dinged and busy in it.

Even if there is not much work to do, in order to use some very easy to use meteorite tools, they will find some work to do.

Therefore, when Han Cheng walked in with a drawing, the lame and others seemed extremely excited.

Because this not only means that they have something new to make, but also that they have more opportunities to use meteorite tools.

Han Cheng handed the drawing in his hand to Lame, lamely holding it and watching it carefully. The other carpenters also leaned aside to look at it. In the dingling carpenter's room, they fell silent.

"Do you understand?"

After a while, Han Cheng raised his head limply, and asked with a smile.

"God can rest assured, he can make it!"

Lame now has the style of a master craftsman, with the confidence that the first master craftsman of the Qingque tribe should have, when he hears the question from the god, he bangs his chest to guarantee.

A temperament can be cultivated, and it also has a lot to do with its position.

For example, lame has become the most outstanding person in the tribe in carpentry and weaving. After the status of the tribe has been greatly improved, the temperament of the lame person has become different.

It's no longer the kind of pretentiousness, being careful everywhere, not daring to look straight at things.

Instead, he became confident and he could walk straight.

If not, he wouldn't dare to push his spouse away a few days ago.

"That's good, you can make it as soon as possible, and then you can put it on the well.

However, the piece of wood used as the shaft must be made of solid wood, otherwise it would be bad if it breaks while lifting water. "

Han Cheng smiled and dealt with the lameness.

In later generations, he saw the potter's wheel. The middle shaft was made of iron rods. The overall structure was similar to the crank handle of a diesel-burning four-wheeled vehicle or a three-wheeled vehicle. It was put in a log that was not as long as it. The resemblance.

But these big iron rods are not available in the tribe, they can only be replaced by wood.

Fortunately, using a potter's wheel to lift water once is not particularly large. The pot used to lift water in the tribe can hold up to 40 or 50 kilograms at a time. It can't hold more than that, so use strong ones. Wood can also be used as a shaft for load bearing inside.

He nodded lamely, indicating that he had understood the meaning of the **** child, and then hurriedly opened with the meteorite tool.

First find a solid wood with the thickness of an adult’s arm, measure the length, and leave a mark on the thinner end of it, then let the cat’s ear hold a meteorite saw and cut it off along the mark. .

And he does the rest.

This kind of wood, which they call Tongmu by the lameness, is really very solid. Even if a saw made of meteorite is used, it took a lot of effort for the cat ears to cut off the wood that is similar to the arm of an adult.

Han Cheng picked up the section of copper wood that was about 30 centimeters long and held it in his hand.

The starting point is very heavy, far more heavy than ordinary trees.

And at the cut off, there are circles of fine annual rings.

These dense annual rings are almost in a circle next to each other, densely packed. Compared with poplars, paulownia and other fast-growing trees, the distance between the two annual rings can be two or three centimeters apart, they are dense. too much.

Han Cheng counted it roughly. There were forty-three circles on the thick copper wood of this arm.

In other words, it has been living for forty-three years, which doesn't seem very impressive.

No wonder it is so solid.

Han Cheng sighed with emotion, and stretched out his hand to touch the annual ring that was exposed because of the truncation, with some temperature on it.

This was rubbed by a saw not long ago.

After the cat's ears cut off the copper wood, under the order of lameness, he peeled off all the skins on it, and cut off some lumps with an axe.

After cutting, use a small plane to smooth one down.

With the passage of time, the minor who was embarrassed to shed tears because of the poor line drawing has now grown into the Qingque tribe, second only to the lame carpenter.

The ink fountain that Han Cheng took with him at the beginning has cracked after being used for a long time.

Moreover, with the improvement of skills, the tribe later produced more and more exquisite ink fountains, but the ink fountains that seemed rough and cracked and could not be used, the cat ears were not willing to throw them away.

It was cherished by the cat's ears, and it was placed in the innermost part of the Kang where he was sleeping, flush with his headrest.

When he sleeps, as long as he turns his head, he can see the ink fountain and remember the original things.

He has been able to practice his skills unremittingly and reach the second position of the Qingque tribe. This ink fountain and the words that the **** son said to him at the beginning play an extremely important role.

When working overtime to practice craftsmanship, there are a lot of times when Cat Ears feel too tired, and feel that he may not need to work hard like this, and he can rest and rest just like other people who learn carpentry craftsmanship.

But he has never done so.

That ink fountain, and the words that the **** son once said to him, made the cat ears persist.

After immersing himself in this practice day after day, for a long time, when looking back, Mao Er suddenly found that he had gone very far.

People who learned carpentry work earlier than themselves, as well as those who were more talented in this area, were unknowingly surpassed by themselves, and left behind by themselves.

Human life is very long and very short.

In this life, you will meet many people and experience many things, but some things can only be done by one person, and some roads can only be walked by one person.

Being alone tastes loneliness, bears the pressure and pain of the road ahead, survives the adversity, and when looking back, people tend to be proud of their persistence at the time.

Thank you for not stopping, not giving up halfway, but for persisting all the way.

And often, when this state appears, it is also when a person grows fastest and makes the most progress.

After the cat's ears made the copper-wood shaft, the lame and some other people also made the outer cylinder.

Pass the shaft of the copper wood through the middle of the log. After finding the position, make a mark with a pen, and then pull the copper wood out of the middle.

Then the lame and cat ears, according to the marks made before, took the axe and chisel on the copper-wood shaft, and drilled holes on the outer cylinder.

The bronze wood is too strong, so I used meteorite axe and chisel for lameness.

The cat ears use bronze axe and chisel.

As for the other carpenters, they started to use axes and other tools to make wooden nails to help the lame and cat ears.

After a long jingle sound, the copper-wood shaft and the hole outside were all punched.

They once again pierced the copper wooden shaft into the log with a diameter of about 20 centimeters. After a little adjustment, the holes on the two were aligned.

Then Limp took a wooden nail through it and nailed it with an axe.

The extra part of the wooden nail is chopped off with an ax to make it flush with the outer cylinder.

After these circles of wooden nails were set, the log outside was firmly combined with the copper-wood shaft.

Only need to install an L-shaped handle, the main body of the potter's wheel becomes.

"Make some more wooden boards two centimeters thick and four centimeters wide, and the cut ones are as long as the cylinder on the potter's wheel.

After the tung oil has been washed on the potter's wheel, every two centimeters apart, a piece of tung oil should be placed on it, fixed slightly, and then divided into three or five with strong rattan, and then the tung oil should be completely washed. . "

Seeing that everyone had already done this, Han Cheng, who had not left, stood by and gave new orders.

He didn't draw these things on the drawings before.

It's not that he wants to learn from cat owners, but because he didn't think of the use of these things when he was painting.

Now, he wanted to understand that these wooden boards that were firmly tied outside were used to prevent the log from cracking and becoming unusable.

With this outer layer of wooden boards that are separated and bundled, even if the logs worn inside are really cracked, it will not affect the use of the potter's wheel.

Moreover, with the addition of this layer of wooden boards with a thickness of about two centimeters, the whole potter's wheel will become thicker, and it will become faster when winding the rope.

After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, the lame people immediately began to follow suit.

These things are simple, coupled with the large number of manpower, the division of labor can be carried out, so after a while, they have already been done.

While doing these well, another person also completed the rack for supporting the wheel.

It's very simple, that is, two sets of cross-tied wooden sticks ~www.NovelMTL.com~ present an X shape.

It's just that the intersection is higher. The most important thing to note is that the height of the intersection of the two sets of shelves must be the same.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the height is different. When fixing, just bury the higher side a little more underground.

Tung oil is very different from paint. After the paint is applied, it must not be touched before it dries. However, if you paint with tung oil, it doesn't matter if you don't mind getting some tung oil on your hands.

Therefore, under the operation of several people who wanted to see the effect of the potter's wheel earlier, the potter's wheel that had just been brushed with tung oil was placed on the well in the kitchen.

Find a strong and long hemp rope, tie it firmly to the potter's wheel, stir the potter's wheel to wrap the rope around the potter's wheel, and then you can put it into use.

Tie the head of the lint that is filled with soil to the rope wrapped around the wheel, and then throw it away. Under the action of gravity, the head of the lint falls into the well.

At the same time, take the rope to turn the potter's wheel rapidly, until the tip of the pot reaches the bottom of the well, the potter's wheel will not stop rotating.

"Okay! Pull!"

After a while, the sound of installing soil came from below.

The person who had been pulling the soil before seemed to be holding the handle of this newly-appearing tool with excitement, stirring in circles, and the rope was wrapped around the potter's wheel.

After a while, the tip of the soil filled with soil appeared above the well head.

This man held the potter's handle with one hand, stretched out the other hand to pull it out of the well, and then took off the rope.

After completing this set of actions, this person's face flushed red.

It's not because you are too excited to use the new tool, but because you are tired!

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