I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 886: The witch who wants to hold a **** meeting (3 in 1)

Merely taking a bath, changing new clothes, trimming hair, and changing hair styles are not enough for the people of the Xi tribe to quickly feel the warmth of the Qingque tribe family.

In this era, the most direct and effective way to quickly shorten the distance between people and let them feel the warmth of the big family is to have a hearty meal.

Han Cheng, who came from later generations, naturally knew such things very well. So as long as these people from the Xi tribe joined, Han Cheng ordered to go down and let the people in the tribe slaughter chickens, ducks and sheep and catch them from the pond. A batch of fish, the first meal after the people from the Xi tribe joined their tribe.

As the people continued to move, the smell of food began to permeate the tribe, arousing people's minds.

People from the Xi tribe who had never experienced these, were greedy and swallowed.

In the evening, all the food was brought up, and the people of the Xi tribe straightened their eyes.

People who have always lived in the Xi tribe, which cannot afford to live on the food and clothing level, are directly stunned by the large-scale work of the Qingque tribe.

In the past, they felt that they and others had already understood the blue bird very well.

But until now, they suddenly realized that they and others did not know enough about the Qingque tribe, especially the wealth of the tribe!

Seeing the appearance of the newly joined Xi tribe, the old hands of the Qingque tribe all showed kind smiles.

What's the matter with this? The current level of banquets has not even reached half of the Chinese New Year. If you see the richness of the tribe's food during the New Year, I am afraid that these newly joined Xi tribes will pass out in surprise. .

Compared with the feast of the people in the Xi tribe, the elderly hands of the Qingque tribe enjoyed the spiritual level of enjoyment while eating food, which was even more pleasant.

Because, the delicious food they are eating now, the shocking and shocking people of the newly joined Xi tribe, are all made by diligent labor under the leadership of the son of God.

After taking a shower, rubbing dust, and changing clothes, especially after the sumptuous dinner we ate together in the evening, the relationship between the newly joined Xi tribe and the old man from the Qingque tribe suddenly became more Get acquainted, the old and the new get along very harmoniously.

At night, lying on the soft kang, feeling the stomach that is still a little bracing for the food, thinking back to what happened today, the leader of the Xi tribe has a sense of unreality and feels very dreamy.

But he knew that what he and the people in his tribe were experiencing now was true, because they joined the Qingque tribe and became a real Qingqueren!

In the room, Han Cheng, who was also lying on the kang, was still not asleep. He was also thinking about what happened today, and the smile on his face has not disappeared.

People are refreshed in happy events, and they are talking about Han Cheng now.

But it doesn't work if you are too happy. For example, Han Cheng has insomnia naturally.

However, he has never been afraid of such low-level things as insomnia since he had the little wife Bai Xuemei.

After two sets of sleeping pills, no matter how severe the insomnia is, I have to stand aside.

The next thing is to sleep without dreams until dawn.

There is no way, people with daughter-in-laws are so arrogant.

The next day Han Cheng began to deal with the remaining things after the Xi tribe joined.

Han Cheng called to Junior Sha, and asked Junior Sha to take some of the people from the tribe back to the Xi tribe with weapons, food, and the leader of the Xi tribe, and take all the people from the Xi tribe to live in the main tribe.

In addition to the food needed to walk on the road, Han Cheng also specially brought a lot of canned food and fruit candy to Junior Brother Sha and the others.

These are for the minors of the Xi tribe.

For minors, Han Cheng has never dared to take it lightly, because this is the future of the tribe. After all, in Hedong for thirty years, and Hexi for thirty years, don’t bully the young and poor.

And great men once said that the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours.

It is very necessary to bring people from the Xi tribe back to their tribe.

Only by living in the main tribe day and night and constantly accepting the nurturing and assimilation of their own tribe, these newcomers can become the real members of the Qingque tribe.

A tribe does not just say that it joins the tribe, it is really a member of the Qingque tribe. This will require a long period of time and various efforts in the future.

What Han Cheng wanted to join was to fully integrate into the Qingque tribe instead of joining in name, but in fact still has his own small group.

For this reason, Han Cheng did not mention to the people in the tribe about the construction of the third tribe in the Xi tribe, and the construction of lime kilns and porcelain kilns there to develop and utilize the limestone and kaolin there.

He felt that he needed to tell the people in the tribe some time later.

After all, this time is to move the people of the Xi tribe from their original place to the main tribe.

It's easy to say anything if you don't establish a sub-tribe there. If you tell me in advance what you want to establish a third sub-tribe there, and then migrate the people of the Xi tribe, it's not easy to say.

At this time, most of the people were very straightforward. He said things like this in advance. Han Cheng felt that someone from the Xi tribe would come over and tell him that they would build the third tribe there. Moving to the main tribe again.

And Han Cheng himself is not good at telling them such thoughts as ‘leave you there and worry that you will be separated from the tribe in time’.

So in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he kept all this in his heart.

A good meal is not afraid of late, and tribal integration and expansion are also not anxious. It is best to fight steadily and step by step.

After learning that the people from the Xi tribe were going back to collect the rest of the people from the tribe, the black baby with two hands hurried over.

He expressed to Han Cheng that he was also willing to join the ranks of helping the Yuanxi tribe migrate to the main tribe.

With what Han Cheng said to him, Heiwa became extremely cherished and valued kaolin.

The point brought by the leader of the Xi tribe was obviously not enough to satisfy his appetite.

How can such a good thing be made without much excavation and get back to the tribe?

Han Cheng naturally knew Heiwa's thoughts.

He is very happy to see such things, and he also wants to see the birth of porcelain in the tribe, and a brand new species will be added to the tribe.

So he agreed to Heiwa's request without any hesitation.

Not only agreed, Han Cheng also specially arranged more people to go with Junior Brother Sha and Heiwa.

While Duoduo equipped with rattan baskets for holding soil, it also allocated a batch of donkeys and deer, so that everyone could lead them together, so that they could transport a batch of them back at once for the exploration and research of porcelain.

Heide Heiwa seemed to have been hit by a fart, and his grin was like an old lady's waistband, all pulled behind her ears.

After some preparations, Junior Brother Sha waited for some old hands from the Qingque tribe, and along with the people of the Yuanxi tribe who had changed their faces in a day, left the Qingque master tribe with supplies and headed towards the direction of the Yuanxi tribe. Away.

Different from the fear in the rush when they arrived, everyone in the Xi tribe at this time became very stable in their hearts, and the smile on their faces could not be concealed.

Yesterday, most of them were worried about their lives, fearing that they would die like the old primitive people in pain.

Now, under the order of the **** child, under the dung scoops of the enthusiastic iron heads and others, all the white mud that made them feel extremely frightened has been removed from the body.

I don't have to worry about dying so painfully for myself and others.

Not only that, but he and others also joined the Qingque tribe, becoming a real Qingque tribe, and immediately lived the life they had dreamed of before.

This feeling is simply not too good.

The leader of the Yuanxi tribe with a basket on his back, stretched out his hand to touch his short hair, and then pulled on the comfortable linen clothes he was wearing, and felt the cans and candies in the basket behind his back. The mood was as bright as the sky after the storm. The sun.

Those who remain in the tribe will jump up happily when they see these things they brought back after learning the news!

After the leader of the Xi tribe and others left, the cave of the Xi tribe suddenly became much deserted.

Inside the half-covered cave, someone looked out through the cracks in the stone slabs blocking the entrance, with fear and expectation.

They were terrified because of the departure and encounters of the leader and others, and at the same time, they looked forward to their return as soon as possible.

I hope that the wise son of God can heal all the leaders and save their lives.

Without a leader, they hunt for food and guard the tribe. They really don't have much sense of security and it is difficult to survive.

This thin, older minor, after lying here for a while, turned and walked into the cave.

The fire ignited in the cave continued to burn, and a relatively large and flat stone was placed on the side of the fire. A piece of animal skin was spread on the stone, and half a bronze tiger charm was placed on the animal skin.

Against the backdrop of the fire, this half of the tiger charm shone with a dazzling light.

After seeing this tiger charm, this minor of the Xi tribe, who will be able to reach adulthood in the next two years, feels much more settled.

They also have the Qingque tribe. The Qingque tribe is so kind, rich and powerful, and the son of God is so wise, they will definitely not ignore themselves and others.

Thinking like this in her heart, she sat back to her original position, like the rest of the tribe, surrounded by this half of the tiger charm, looking at the half of the beautiful tiger charm with hope and longing.

Thinking back to the various kinds of Qingque tribe, this minor who was about to reach adulthood soon became quiet.

"Jingle Bell……"

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a crisp sound came into my ears.

This kind of voice is very nice and familiar.

This is the sound of a copper bell tied to the Qingque tribe's deer or donkey's neck. It belongs to the Qingque tribe alone.

Every time the kind and wealthy Qingque tribe comes, it will be accompanied by such a voice.


The people of the Xi tribe that had been surrounding the tiger charms suddenly became happy. They screamed and ran towards the entrance of the cave, happier than knowing that the leader had returned.

Even the little primitive people who just knew how to run, all staggered towards the entrance of the cave.

Looking out through the gap, accompanied by a sweet copper bell, through the shadowed trees, a flying flag appeared in front of the eyes.

Under the flag, there are deer, donkeys, and people with short hair or braids.

All this familiarity made the people who stay in the cave so happy that they didn't know what to say.

They shouted "Blue Sparrow", and the stone slabs blocking the entrance of the cave moved away and greeted the people from the Blue Sparrow tribe.

At this time, they even forgot to think about why the people from the Qingque tribe came instead of the leaders of the Qingque tribe.

In the face of this huge surprise from the Qingque tribe, the leaders and them were directly thrown out of sight by these people.

Until they ran to the front, they met with the Qingque tribe people who were running ahead, and after hearing that they were speaking the language of their tribe, these people who stayed in the Xi tribe realized that things were unusual.

Isn't this person with short hair, carrying a basket and wearing that kind of comfortable special clothes the leader of his tribe?

Isn’t the person with the beautiful braided braid and the beautiful red-headed rope the older primitive woman who ate a lot of white clay?

Looking at the people of the tribe and the others, the tribesmen and the leaders of the Xi tribe who were in surprise from ear to ear, smiles appeared on their faces.

They took out the food that the son of God had let themselves and others come back, specially for the people who stayed in the tribe, and distributed them to those who were not lightly hungry after they left, and told them that they were coming. What happened after the Qingque tribe.

Just as the leader of the Xi tribe thought, after learning of the great news, these people in the tribe were really happy to jump and jump, than when they came back with enough food for everyone to eat. All rejoice...

Seeing the cherished and greedy people in the tribe who were eating the food brought back by the son of God, and seeing them look happy and at ease, the leader of the Xi tribe suddenly felt a little regretful.

Perhaps he should have brought people from the tribe to join the kind and wealthy Qingque tribe earlier.

After thinking about it for a while, he became happy again, because now he and the people in their tribe are all members of the Qingque tribe!

After staying in the place where the Xi tribe used to live for a while, and after spending a while with the remaining people in the Xi tribe, Heiwa couldn’t wait. Regardless of the exhaustion of walking, she told the leaders of her tribe that they wanted someone from the Xi tribe. The leader and they took him to see the kaolin together.

Regarding this matter, Heiwa has always kept it in mind, and dare not relax for a moment.

Therefore, the leader of the Yuanxi tribe took some people, leaving the cave with Heiwa and others, and headed towards the Tushan Mountain, not too far away.

And Junior Brother Sha and the others also let some of the old people of the Qingque tribe stay, and accompany these new people from the Xi tribe who have joined the tribe, waiting here in the cave.

After walking like this for a while, in the past few days, the people of the Xi tribe have experienced great fear—ecstasy—the earth mountain of great fear appeared in front of everyone.

The landslide of Tushan Mountain is indeed serious. Many mountains have fallen after a rain.

The scenes it creates are indeed amazing. Looking at these closely, it is easy for people to feel how small a human being is.

However, the people of the Qingque tribe are still different from the people of the general tribe. They have done many magical and great things with the son of God, and they understand that people are extremely great creatures. They are facing these seemingly irresistible nature. When you have strength, you have to be more confident.

Although it will be surprised and shocked, it will not produce a sense of powerlessness, and the thought of worship will not produce too much.

Because in their tribe there is a **** son who is more miraculous and more respected and worshipped!

The ordinary people in the Qingque tribe are like this, let alone those who like to make pottery, headed by Heiwa.

Seeing that large piece of white kaolin appearing on the earth mountain after the landslide, these people did not even have a necessary excess, and directly reached the peak of happiness.

The amazing scene caused by the landslide was directly ignored by these guys, each carrying a rattan basket, holding a copper shovel and yelling towards the top of the earth mountain after the landslide.

After arriving there, first shovel out a relatively flat platform with the copper shovel in your hand, take off the back basket on your back and put it there, and dig out the kaolin while holding the copper shovel. Crazy means.

Being surrounded by them, the rest of the people didn’t even have the heart to sigh with emotion here. They went to the top of the dirt hill after the landslide and began to dig this white mud, ready to take it back...

Before the evening, Junior Brother Sha, Heiwa and others filled up all the rattan baskets, and a piece of rattan baskets filled with white clay was placed on the open space outside the Xi tribe cave.

By now, the people of Xi tribe already knew the function of this white clay.

Knowing that this kind of white clay, which is called kaolin by the gods, can be used to make a kind of utensils similar to pottery, but far more exquisite than pottery. Such utensils are called porcelain.

After knowing these things, the first feeling of the people in the Xi tribe was shock, and they felt deep admiration for the wisdom of the **** son.

This kind of thing that they think can poison people to death and just want to avoid them far, the son of God can actually make people use it to make things that are far more exquisite and usable than extremely exquisite and usable pottery. This is not What is great wisdom?

How can this not make people feel deeply admired?

As for the emotion of regretting losing a kind of treasure, there is no such thing.

Because now they have joined the Qingque tribe and become members of the Qingque tribe.

In their understanding, these kaolin still belonged to their own tribe and did not fall outside.

They can also use utensils made of kaolin that are more exquisite than pottery.

Moreover, without the guidance of the gods and the presence of such people as Heiwa, even if they knew the true purpose of the white clay themselves, there would be no way to make such exquisite and useful porcelain.

Because they can't even burn pottery, let alone more exquisite and easy-to-use pottery.

I have to say that sometimes the thinking is simpler, but it is still very good, at least it can make people less troublesome.

For example, now, if a smarter person is here, even if he understands these principles, he may not be able to do this. Even if he does, he will definitely not be as free and easy as the leader of the Xi tribe and the people of the Xi tribe. And happy.

There will be various regrets, my heart hurts in my stomach, and my stomach hurts back to my heart.

There was no words for a night. When the next morning, for the people of the Xi tribe, after a much richer breakfast than usual, everyone set off for the Qingque tribe.

Part of the rattan baskets filled with kaolin came to the backs of donkeys and deer, allowing them to carry one by one.

Of course, the rattan basket of the donkey is much larger than the rattan basket of the deer.

The remaining part of the rattan basket was carried forward.

Everyone lined up in a more sloppy line, left here, and headed towards the Qingque tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It was at this time that some people in the Xi tribe realized that they really wanted to wait for others Leave this cave where I don’t know how long I have lived.

They only cared about joy, they began to become a little sad and silent.

However, such emotions will not appear in the hearts of minors.

With lollipops in their hands, they just want to get to their blue bird tribe early, take a bath with fragrant soap and wash their hair, wear clothes that are comfortable to wear at this time, and eat delicious food. food.

Compared with these, leaving the cave that has lived here since birth becomes unimportant...

Here in the Tribe of Green Birds, I drank two bowls of millet porridge with a salted duck egg, and ate half of Han Cheng, who was steamed with soy noodles and hard cakes. The smile on his face did not disappear.

Not only him, but Wu Wu not far away also smiled uncontrollably.

There are so many good facts that happened in the tribe this year.

First of all, the gods found the south, and they also discovered rice and sweet millet rods. Secondly, the people of the Blackstone Alliance came to attack their own tribe, and they were defeated by their own tribe. Then they obtained a large number of slaves by the way, which made the population of the tribe get A rapid increase.

Now, under the leadership of the son of God, his tribe has obtained a kind of clay that can be used to make exquisite utensils, and has also been joined by a tribe by the way.

Moreover, the people in the tribe are still building the kind of well that the **** son said. Once they are drilled, the tribe can get great convenience.

With so many good things coming together, it would be strange if Wu was unhappy.

Had it not been for the son of God to say wait, he could not help holding a meeting to tell the gods about the good news...


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