I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 874: Forged Meteorite Weapon (3 in 1)

Looking at the 30-odd simple weapons made of meteorite, Han Cheng fainted for a while, suddenly the scene of the meteor shower he had seen years ago appeared in his mind.

I remember that after listening to me saying that she was more clever about wishing for meteors, Bai Xuemei, a silly daughter-in-law, was still there babbling about having a monkey with herself about the meteor shower.

Then after a while, I got pregnant with the baby pea.

I remember that the meteor shower at that time passed from south to north, and these tribes came from the north far away from their tribe, could it be...

Could it be that these meteorite irons were brought by that meteor shower?

Han Cheng thought so, then smiled and shook his head.

How can there be such a coincidence in this world.

I saw a meteor shower, and then these unburnt meteorites fell near the cave.

A few years later, this tribe that had obtained a large amount of meteorite iron came to attack its own tribe with these weapons made of meteorite iron, and was destroyed by its own tribe, and recollected these meteorite irons that had been drawn over the tribe Belong to my own tribe...

Thinking about it, it makes people feel impossible, it's too magical.

Throwing all these messy thoughts out of his mind, Han Cheng smiled brightly at these meteorite irons.

No matter how the tribe obtained so many meteorite irons and made them into weapons, there is one thing that cannot be changed, that is, these meteorite irons are now all owned by their tribe!

With some meteorite iron, his tribe can make many fine weapons.

Such things as knives and axes.

After the fight is successful, this is something that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Before I encountered iron ore in the tribe, and opened up the technology of making steel, these weapons made of meteorite must be the most sophisticated batch in the tribe.

After all, bronze has its limitations.

Of course, an important prerequisite for being able to pass down from generation to generation is that people in the tribe cannot be allowed to have the concept of waiting to die as a waiter, and the custom of thick burial cannot arise in the tribe.

This is not only useless, but will also cause a great waste of resources and cause a lot of burden on the living.

As for the funerary items, some were completely buried and slowly merged with the soil, and a small part of them were cheaper for the tomb thief.

Thinking of these things, Han Cheng began to take these very sturdy and simple weapons out of the room, stacked them in the courtyard outside, and then set fire to them.

The reason why I put a fire on them was not because Han Cheng wanted to do something against them with this temperature, but because these weapons were very tightly tied and it was difficult to untie one of them. It's easy, it's better to just burn it on fire and save energy.

As the flame burned, wooden handles and rattans were eventually turned into ashes, and only the black meteorite was left behind.

In the distance, people from the original Blackstone tribe saw this scene from a distance, and they were heartbroken.

Blackstone weapons!

That's a Blackrock weapon!

It was the black stone weapon that made them proud of it, holding them, and following the leader to obtain a lot of food for the tribe!

Now it was burned by a fire from that god.

Fortunately, this person didn't know the term prodigal son and its meaning, otherwise he would undoubtedly buckle it on the head of the extremely wise **** son.

However, when his gaze fell on the bronze **** he held in his hand that looked a little dazzling in the sunlight, such thoughts disappeared.

The bronze **** in his hand was not inferior to the Blackstone weapon they were proud of in every respect, and it was even more convenient to use.

And this is just the tools used by this tribe to **** the ground, and the tools that are specially used for hunting and attacking the enemy, let alone how powerful and useful they are.

The Blackrock weapon that can crush them all-round is certain.

This tribe possesses so many good things, and now that the Blackstone weapon is burned down, there is nothing to be surprised about.

I found a wooden stick and used the stick to pull out the 36 large and small meteorite irons that had been polished from the ashes. Han Cheng picked up his baby girl and asked the rest not to touch it with his hands. These meteorite irons were not burned, so they went to find the second brother.

The second brother's state is not very good, he is also yawning.

Han Cheng is not surprised that the second brother is in this state.

Both he and the witches just have one spouse, let alone the second brother, who has three spouses at once.

Just thinking about this amount, Han Chengcheng couldn't help feeling backache for the second brother.

"Wait, just forge these meteorite irons to make some weapons and some tools."

Han Cheng said to the second brother.

Originally, he wanted the second brother to start building it today, but after seeing the status of the second brother, he quietly pushed back the time for the building.

After all, talent is fundamental, and the rest are all minutiae. When it's time to rest, we still have to rest.

While thinking this way, Han Cheng suddenly thought of the good thing, wolfberry.

It's a pity that I didn't run into it. Otherwise, the adult men in the tribe would make a few cups of hot water to drink every day, which might greatly relieve fatigue.

"God, there is no bronze..."

After understanding Han Cheng's meaning, the second brother said in a puzzled manner.

With the continuous exploitation of the Tongshan copper mine, various bronze products have been increasing, and people in the tribe have a great affection for bronze.

I feel that if you have bronze, you can sling everything, and there are so many things that are not as good as bronze.

These seized Blackstone weapons were also seen by the second brother before and waved in his hand, feeling that they were far less useful than the bronze weapons of his tribe.

And it's too crude.

Han Cheng smiled. When the furnace temperature is not high enough and iron smelting technology is far from adequate, ironware is indeed inferior to bronze, which is easier to cast.

For example, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, iron was called evil gold.

Qin, which swept the six countries, was also a country that used bronze weapons to beat other countries and used many iron weapons.

But Han Cheng, who came from later generations, knew that steel is the kingly way in the future.

For example, in the Western Han Dynasty, with the advancement of iron smelting technology, the once glorious bronze civilization was gradually abandoned...

"These weapons are not easy to use because those people have not made them well. After they have been made, the tools made with these meteorite irons are more useful than bronze tools.

Not only stronger than bronze, but also sharper than bronze tools. "

Han Cheng smiled and explained to the second brother.

It's not surprising that the second brother has such an understanding, after all, the people in the tribe are all those who have actually seen bronze.

They don't know, just explain it to them.

After listening to Han Cheng's words, the second senior brother's attitude suddenly became very correct. He squatted down, picked up a piece of meteorite that had cooled down, and began to look at it seriously.

Regarding what Han Cheng said, the second brother, like the others in the tribe, believed very much.

Now, the son of God told him that this kind of inconspicuous stone, called meteorite by the son of God, can make tools that are better than bronze tools, and that must be the case.

He needs to be treated well.

Thinking of this in his heart, the second senior brother couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Bronze tools are so easy to use, so how easy should the tools be made from this kind of meteorite?

If you can create it yourself, won't the tribe have better tools? Can the tribe become stronger because of this?

After this thought came up, the second brother became happier, and even couldn't wait.

"God, how do you do this? Is it like copper ingots and tin ingots, melted in a furnace?"

After holding a heavy meteorite and looking at it for a while, the itchy brother couldn't help asking Han Cheng.

Of course, this meteorite iron can't be melted in a furnace. With the current technical conditions in the tribe, even ordinary iron ore cannot be melted, let alone this kind of meteorite iron.

In fact, there is basically no need to melt such things as meteorite iron.

Because when flying at high speed in the air, many impurities contained in it have been burnt away.

For the rest, just use the stove to heat it up as much as possible, and then forge and shape it.

Not worse than 100 steelmaking.

After listening to the second senior brother, Han Cheng recalled some things he had learned about meteorite iron, and then smiled and said to the second senior brother: "You don't need to melt it, we can't melt it yet, heat it up, use a hammer Just keep hitting the shape of the tool we want."

The second brother is more experienced in this kind of thing. After all, when he got iron bacteria and some iron beads together, and got a few pieces of iron, a large part of it was done by the second brother under the command of Han Cheng. from.

"I'm going to burn the stove!"

After hearing Han Cheng's words, the second brother became excited. He suddenly stood up from the ground and said that he was going to burn the stove and forge.

Han Cheng hurriedly stopped him: "Wait until tomorrow to do these things. We will all take a good rest today, otherwise we will be in trouble if we get tired."

Although the second brother wanted to do it immediately, Han Cheng, the **** son, could only press down on this thought.

After staying here for a while, and after moving all these meteorites back to the house with Han Cheng, they went to inspect the ironing stove that had not been used for a long time.

Shenzi only said that he would not let those meteorites build tools today, but he didn't prevent himself from inspecting the stove.

I checked the stove today, and if it didn’t work, I called Heiwa to come over and fix it together, then find some good charcoal, and prepare the wind.

So until tomorrow morning, you can use meteorite to build tools.

Moreover, these things are not tiring at all...

The second brother's careful thinking Han Cheng certainly understood. He just smiled and didn't stop him.

With such careful thinking, more and more people in the tribe can have it...

In this way, the little half-day time passed quietly.

During this period of time, in addition to doing these things, Han Cheng also learned more about what happened in the tribe after he left by asking Wu, Big Brother, Bai Xuemei and others who remained in the tribe.

Knowing that during the period when they left the tribe, apart from the fact that a tree and a large number of people came and attacked their tribe, nothing major happened and everything was stable.

Harvesting **** and planting crops such as millet and soybeans went very smoothly.

Even because so many adult slaves came out all of a sudden and the manpower is sufficient, this year, 70 or 80 mu of millet was planted more than expected.

After learning about this, Han Cheng became more at ease.

"I'm not here, you did a great job."

Han Cheng smiled, Wu Wu, Big Brother and others again affirmed.

After lunch, Han Cheng still couldn't carry it, so he fell asleep on the kang.

After half a day of getting along, Little Pea is no longer as clingy as when Han Cheng first came back. When Han Cheng was asleep, the little guy ran wildly with other minors in the tribe.

As for Little Myolie, who is much younger, she doesn't have such a good spirit, with her head resting on Han Cheng's arm, and sleeping with Han Cheng as a father.

When I fell asleep, there would be some saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth from time to time, leaving it along Han Cheng’s arm...

"Urine, urine..."

The sleeping Han Cheng was awakened by the voice of his daughter.

After opening his eyes in a daze, after understanding what the little girl was talking about, Han Cheng hugged her down the kang and found the urinal...

Holding the little girl in his arms, Han Cheng shook his head vigorously. After sleeping, he seemed more energetic.

It was also at this time that he realized that the yard was so quiet that he didn't even hear the frolicking sounds of the little minors.

No wonder some people in later generations said that when a person lives alone, it’s best not to sleep in the afternoon, because when you wake up, the quietness outside can make you feel the loneliness that seems to come out of the depths of your soul. ...

However, Han Chengcheng has never felt this kind of loneliness ever since he came to this era, because he has his tribe.

And at this time, he was still holding his little girl.

After staying in the room for a while, feeling the silence of this afternoon for a while, Han Cheng hugged Xiao Xinger except for the door.

In the afternoon, the sunlight was slanting down, it was no longer so scorching, and there were basically few people in the courtyard.

At this time, most of the people went to work outside the courtyard.

"Brother Cheng, are you awake? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Not long after Han Cheng hugged Xiao Xinger out of the room, Bai Xuemei came out of the silkworm rearing room and ran over with joy. She who was not asleep looked better than Han Cheng who took a nap. It must be energetic.

"I'm asleep, right, Little Pea and the others?"

I don't know why, at this moment, looking at the brilliant smile on his wife's face, Han Chengcheng felt a little soft in his legs.

"You sleep, I will let them go outside to play, they should be catching grasshoppers right now."

Bai Xuemei said with a smile.

Han Cheng felt warm when he heard the words, stretched out his hand to touch the face of this increasingly caring little wife, and then went to the silkworm rearing room with him.

There are a lot of shelves in the silkworm house, and there are many dustpan-like things on the shelves, and all silkworms are kept inside.

After entering the room, you can hear the rustling of silkworms eating mulberry leaves.

The air was filled with the smell of fresh mulberry leaves.

After more than ten years of continuous selection and cultivation, these silkworms are now much larger than before, and the cocoons formed are also larger than before, but this is a long-term thing and needs to be continued unremittingly.

Not only sericulture, silk reeling and weaving also have a long way to go.

"Go, go outside with me for a walk."

After adding mulberry leaves to the silkworm with Xuemei Bai, Han Cheng said to Xuemei Bai.

Bai Xuemei went out with Han Cheng, Han Cheng held Little Myolie in his arms, and Bai Xuemei followed him.

Nowadays, as the scale of sericulture in the tribe continues to expand and the number of people in the tribe has increased, the number of silkworm rearing has also increased. It is no longer the same as before, relying solely on Bai Xuemei.

And now this batch of silkworms has only shed their skins once, and their daily food intake has not reached the peak. After Bai Xuemei left with Han Cheng, the other two primitive females were completely busy with the rest, so Bai Xuemei became very crisp this time, Han Cheng shouted, and went out with obediently.

The apricot trees planted on the periphery of the courtyard have a lot of fruit hanging on the branches this year.

Some apricots appear to be slightly yellowed on the surface, and after a while, they can start to pick and eat.

No, you can eat it now.

Because Bai Xuemei, who was following, had already stretched out sinful paws at these apricots. After taking off a few of them, they washed them with water and bit them with their teeth.

Not only was the little Myolie in Han Cheng's arms drooling, but even Han Cheng couldn't help but swallow.

No way, he is now a silly woman who has a psychological shadow on the apricots. As long as he sees someone eating the apricots, he can't help drooling and feel that his teeth are going to be sour.

Little Myolie was much more energetic than Han Cheng's father. Not only did she smash her gluttonous mouth, she also stretched out her little hand to ask Bai Xuemei for apricots, and wanted to make people if she didn't.

After a while, Bai Xuemei took a half-eaten apricot and gave it to her mouth.

The little Xing'er, who had already grown six teeth, stopped making trouble immediately after seeing good things coming. He stretched his head towards the apricot that Xuemei Bai had handed over, and looked like he saw the big swallow prey. The little swallows who crane their necks and open their mouths chirping and waiting for their parents to feed are very similar.

Han Cheng wanted to stop him, but when he saw that his daughter was so impatient, he just let it go.

Not only that, his father also moved Xiao Xing'er forward very intimately, so that she could eat more real, and at the same time looked at him unblinkingly, with a look of expectation.

Little Myolie has not been deeply involved in the world, and is ignorant. Where do you know the sinister intention of being a parent? Seeing that the delicious food reached my lips, I immediately leaned forward and gnawed hard.

Although there are only six teeth, the bite with this bit is still very real, especially the position where she bit is, the remaining flesh after Bai Xuemei gnawed away the skin.

With this mouth down, time seemed to have stagnated. The smiling little Xinger, after gnawing on Qingxing, the smile on her face suddenly solidified, round eyes became rounder, and her face was confused. Look like.

The next moment, the big eyes of the little guy closed tightly, and the whole person moved his face away from the green apricot like an electric shock, his mouth was constantly smacked, his head shook vigorously, two The little arm waved vigorously, and the little hand held it helplessly, the whole person was sour into an emoji bag.

In this sour and refreshing scene, I saw Han Cheng grinning as a father, hehehehe, hehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. , After calming down a bit, he burst into tears.

Han Cheng shook his body to coax the little girl, and couldn't stop laughing.

This is the helplessness of a child without a grandma. If grandma is by her side and dares to bully people like this, the next moment an angry grandma will be able to carry the soles of shoes to the battlefield, and will cheat grandchildren’s harriers. The chasing yard was chaotic.

After coaxing the sour Myolie, the unscrupulous parents continued to walk forward cheerfully.

In the fields around the tribe, the first batch of millet planted was almost at the knee position. Even the latest batch planted can already submerge the ankles, and they are growing very well.

In the fields, there are many people working here, weeding and other things, it seems very pleasing to the eye.

After watching like this for a while ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng's eyes fell on the slaves who were grouped in one-on-one groups, and some thoughts began to emerge in his heart.

The newly acquired slaves in the tribe this time are basically adults with relatively strong bodies. This shows that in the tribe where they originally lived, there must be many adults who are not physically strong, as well as many minors. .

For most tribes in this era, people who are not physically strong are basically cumbersome, but this is not the case in the Qingque tribe, because there are still many jobs in the tribe, which is that the body is not too strong. The people are also competent.

In carpentry and weaving, the lameness that has been leading the rest of the tribe is the most inspirational existence.

So Han Cheng was wondering at this moment whether he would send someone back with some of these people and bring all the rest of them to his tribe.

In this way, the population of his tribe can get another explosive growth.

Moreover, you can also take a look at the place where they originally lived, whether there is any meteorite.

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