I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 873: No wonder emperors are mostly short-lived (3 in 1)

Hearing the words of Wu asked, I felt the eyes of the people who remained in the tribe. Those who had completed this long journey with Han Cheng and returned smoothly, unconsciously raised their chests.

There were smiles on his faces that the goddess called them reserved.

"We have found a suitable south for life this time. Even if the winter becomes colder and longer, we don't have to worry about it!"

Han Cheng looked at the people looking at him expectantly, and smiled and announced the news that made everyone worried.

As soon as this news was announced, the people who were waiting for these with anticipation and anxiety all at once felt relieved.

The witch, who had lost more than a half of his teeth, grinned and grinned silently. His eyes, which had become a lot smaller due to loose skin and drooping eyelids, narrowed into a gap.

The big brother's smile is going to be much bolder, his mouth is open, and he laughs nonstop.

The scene suddenly became joyous, and everyone cheered for the excellent news.

Under the leadership of their **** son, they once again found a new way to fight the cold.

Just as their **** son said, the weather has become colder, and they don't have to worry anymore!

Looking at the jubilant people, Han Cheng also smiled. He liked this feeling very much.

Those who followed Han Cheng for a while and came back together saw this scene with a smile on their faces, but the meaning of ‘reserved’ became more obvious.

Because they all know that there is other good news that the Son of God has not announced.

They are looking forward to the reaction of the people who remain in the tribe after hearing the good news.

"We not only discovered the South, but also discovered two crops that can be grown on a large scale in the South. One is called rice. The yield is no worse than the millet grown by our tribe, and the taste is very good. The other is called sweet millet. The stick, when mature, tastes very sweet. You can use its juice to boil sugar. The boiled sugar cubes are sweeter than fruit candy!

After the excitement of the people in the tribe that Han Cheng and the others found in the south subsided a little, Han Cheng raised his voice in anticipation of the 30 or so people returning with Han Cheng with reserved smiles. The two good news merged together and announced to everyone.

What? !

What did the **** son say? !

After the announcement of this kind of news, the jubilant crowd suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at Han Cheng and his party with unbelievable faces, wondering if their ears had misheard.

This kind of reaction made those who came back with Han Cheng secretly refreshed.

You surprised us just now, what about now? Are you surprised what should be done for us?

"God, son of god, you, you, what do you say, what do you say?"

After being quiet for a while, a voice rang.

Wu's lips were trembling, a person who spoke very sharply on weekdays, now he can't even straighten his tongue.

Looking at Han Cheng's gaze, he was full of surprises, expectations, and some disbelief.

"This time, we found two crops in the south. One is called rice. Because it grows in water, it can be turned into rice. The yield of rice is..., the other is called sweet millet..."

Han Cheng stepped forward to hold on to the excited witch who was swinging to prevent him from falling to the ground due to excessive surprises, and then raised the volume to everyone, and announced the good news again.


After announcing the news again, everyone who received confirmation from Han Cheng exploded with a bang.

For them, this news is too big and too surprising.

It was much more excited than when they learned that Han Cheng and the others had found the South.

After all, for Han Cheng and his party to be able to find the South, everyone in the tribe is psychologically prepared.

As for finding new crops, everyone was not prepared at all.

They all thought that it would be very good for the son of God to find a south suitable for the survival of the tribe and can effectively resist the cold during this trip.

But who would have thought that the gods not only found the south, but also found two crops that could be grown on a large scale!

Let alone the rice that can be compared with millet, it is enough to be happy to cook something that is more delicious than fruit sugar called sweet millet.

But who would have thought that in addition to this kind of thing, the gods and the others actually found another crop!

The significance of millet to the tribe is understood by everyone in these tribes who have been farming for many years.

Now, their **** son tells them that they have found another crop comparable to millet. How can they be unhappy? Will you not be excited to find North?

Looking at the people in the tribe, they were so excited because of the good news, the people who came back with Han Cheng couldn't hold back, and they all grinned non-stop, some were more exaggerated People even hugged the people around them, laughing and jumping there.

"Good! Good! Good..."

The witch, who was so happy that he was completely invisible, became a repeater at this time, and could not say anything except good.

I only know that the word ‘good’ is kept chanting here.

The leader of the grass tribe looked inexplicable.

However, after learning what was happening from the cheering old slave of the Qingque tribe who was in a group with her, she suddenly couldn't calm down.

The winter becomes colder and longer. The leader of the grass tribe knows this, because until now, her face still has some purple marks left after being frostbited.

She and more people will follow the leader of the Blackstone tribe south to find and attack the Blue Sparrow tribe after the beginning of spring. One of the main reasons is that the winter has become colder. If there is not enough food, many people will Frozen to death.

In the face of such a disaster, the way they thought of was to come and conquer the Qingque tribe, possessing a lot of food and a lot of good things from the Qingque tribe.

But there is no doubt that their action this time failed, and more than half of them died.

And these people who survived, although they got their wish and lived in the tribe they had envied before, but they were far different from the way they had imagined before.

But now, she learned from this person that the **** son of their tribe, with some people in the tribe, found a solution for them to solve this terrible disaster. How could the leader of the grass tribe not be surprised?

Moreover, in addition to finding these two things, through this old slave of the Qingque tribe who was grouped with her, she learned that the son of God also had two very good crops.

The leader of the fruit sugar grass tribe has only seen some minors of the Qingque tribe eat it, she doesn't know what it's like.

However, from the rare reactions and enjoyment of those minors who ate fruit candies, she knew that this kind of fruit candies must be very delicious.

Now the **** child actually said that he had found a kind of sugar that can be boiled to produce more delicious sugar than fruit candy!

This is really surprising.

The leader of the fruit sugar grass tribe has never eaten it, but she often eats things like millet when she comes to the Qingque tribe.

Whether it’s vegetable porridge cooked with wild vegetables and salt, or pure millet porridge cooked with nothing, just two pickled radish sticks, or dried millet rice, it tastes very delicious.

In the eyes of the leader of the grass tribe, such food is simply rare and delicious.

And now, the **** son of this tribe says that they have found a new kind of food that is no less than millet. I really don't know how the chief of the tribe can describe his mood.

No wonder these people jumped and jumped happily and cheered endlessly after hearing the words of God's Son.

After understanding what was going on, the leader of the grass tribe couldn't help but want to cheer with everyone.

While such an impulse filled his heart, the leader of the grass tribe also raised new doubts.

Why do so many good things gather in this tribe?

They are obviously very powerful and very rich, but why are there still a steady stream of good things continuing to appear in this tribe?

Is this really just because this tribe has a **** son?

At this moment, while being suspicious of these, the leader of the grass tribe also has a tendency to incarnate into a lemon spirit, and once again have a deep doubt about life...

Today, it is undoubtedly a very happy day for the Qingque tribe.

The sons of God who had been out for three months without news came back, and brought back such good news. Everyone in the tribe was very happy, even more than the annual New Year. joy.

So many good things have come to my tribe at once, of course, it is necessary to celebrate it. For everyone in the Qingque tribe, the best way to celebrate is undoubtedly to get a lot of delicious food and have a good meal.

Not only the people of the Qingque tribe are happy, but the livestock and poultry raised by the Qingque tribe are also happy, and many of them have joined the carnival.

Revel with the people of the Qingque tribe.

The rabbit who was held by the witch with its ears knocked to death with a stick behind the ears, the old sheep were beaten to death by several people with a stronger wooden stick between the two horns, and the throat was cut with a bronze knife by the master The chicken...

These are the leaders who participated in the carnival personally.

After a while, these livestock and poultry were full of heat and aroma, and began to celebrate with the joyful Qingque tribe...

"God, I will drink a little more."

In the light of the fire, the wrinkled witch who looked ruddy with his old face smiled and said to Han Cheng, as happy as a little baby.

Han Cheng had no choice but to pour Wu a small bowl of sour syrup again, and told him not to drink any more after drinking this.

Wu Huan happily nodded in agreement, and then raised the bowl of wine to his mouth and sipped it, the smile on his face couldn't hide.

Although he only drank a bowl of wine, Wu was already drunk at this time, and he was happy.

The rest of the people were too happy, and then turned their joy into appetite, facing these foods, constantly starting to chopsticks down.

For the meal tonight, due to the rush of time, the variety of food to be eaten is far less numerous and exquisite than during the Chinese New Year.

But everyone eats one by one with great taste and joy, and even many people feel that it is more tasteful than the New Year's Eve dinner.

Under the stimulus of these good news, let alone these foods, even if it is less than what you usually eat, everyone can eat it very well.

After the meal was almost done, at the strong request of everyone, Han Cheng began to tell the people of the tribe what they had experienced along the way.

Of course, basically everything is good. As for all the sufferings on the road, he directly omitted them.

It is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation to report the good and not the worry.

In later life, after sitting in the car and crying secretly, and then wiping away the tears to calm his emotions, he returned home with a smile on his face and looked extremely relaxed. Han Cheng came into contact with many people.

However, even though he didn't say these things, everyone in the tribe could know how much their **** son and these people in the tribe had suffered in order to find all this.

These only need to look at their tanned and tanned faces, a lot of weight loss, and the leggings with many holes in them, to know how much hardship they have encountered along the way.

Looking at the **** son who just told himself and others about interesting things, never mentioned the suffering, and the second brother, Sha, Shishi and others who would add two sentences from time to time, everyone who stayed in the tribe felt that their hearts seemed to be blocked. Something gets hot on the eye sockets.

This is their **** son, this is the people of their tribe!

After talking for a while, Han Cheng took out more than 80 rice grains with shells that he had brought back from his backpack for everyone in the tribe to watch.

He also peeled off two grains of rice with his nails, allowing everyone to see the true shape of the rice.

Wu put the palm of his hand holding a grain of grain and a grain of crystal-clear rice in front of his eyes, and looked carefully against the firelight. In his muddy eyes, there seemed to be some light flashing at this moment.

Yuan, who stood not far away and watched this scene, swears that Wu had never watched it so seriously and emotionally.

No matter when.

But Yuan is not angry, nor jealous, because she herself is also happy.

As the days of living in the Qingque tribe increased day by day, and we learned more about this tribe, Yuan had already completely integrated into the Qingque tribe and became a true member of the Qingque tribe.

Like all members of the Qingque tribe, she eagerly hopes that this tribe composed of them will become better, richer and stronger.

When she sees this tribe getting better, she will be like all the people in the Qingque tribe, and feel happy for it from the heart, because this is their tribe! It's where she and the people in the tribe live together!

The rest of the people who had the grains in their hands also carefully looked at the little fruit in their hands that they had never seen before, and their eyes revealed their glamour.

For them, this is not just a small fruit, it represents a lot of food, is more prosperous.

After the return of Han Cheng and the others, the party held in a hurry did not end until very late, and everyone gathered together, talking and laughing.

That night, I didn't drink much alcohol. On average, a person would have a bowl of alcohol. According to Han Cheng's estimation, the degree was not as high as the beer that later generations would drink, but many people were drunk.

Wu Jiu was very drunk, always grinning silly there.

The people gathered here for a while, and dispersed at Han Cheng's orders. After patrolling and guarding, Han Cheng went to take a hot bath.

As soon as the whole person entered the basin filled with hot water, the feeling was really comfortable, only that the cells all over his body were jumping for joy.

Ever since he left the tribe and went south, Han Cheng has never taken a bath like this.

Originally, he thought that just soaking in the bath would be very comfortable, but when Bai Xuemei came in from outside, he realized that his previous thoughts were a bit superficial.

Lying halfway in the bathtub, someone rubbed his back and shoulders. This is really a great pleasure in life. Han Cheng closed his eyes and had the urge to go to sleep.

However, this idea is obviously impossible, because he wants to sleep, but some guys don't want to sleep, but he shakes his head and shakes his brain so much.

The husband and wife cannot stay in the same bath, just rubbing their backs together, otherwise, no matter how serious things are, they will become less serious afterwards.

Han Zhilai still thinks about getting close to his son and daughter after taking a bath. As a result, it took a long time for the bath to be taken carelessly, until their two unreliable parents took a bath. After returning to the room, the two little guys were already asleep.

Upon seeing this, Han Cheng smiled silently at Mei Xuemei who followed in.

Sure enough, parents are true love.

When they came to the sleeping two separately, Han Cheng carefully looked at the sleeping children for a while, and then looked at the blushing silly daughter-in-law who was wiping her hair there, let alone the satisfaction in his heart.

Blow out the lights in the room, Han Cheng wants to go to sleep, but in many cases this sleep doesn't mean you can fall asleep if you want to.

It wasn't that Han Cheng, who had entered the state of Buddhism with one click, was able to quickly burn enthusiasm. It was indeed that after he blew out the lights, the movement from the room where Wu Youyuan was located was a bit too loud.

Han Cheng breathed lightly together with Bai Xuemei. They looked a little wretched and listened for a while. Han Cheng couldn't help but grinned silently.

Witch is still very good!

According to this state, it is not a problem to live another ten or twenty years.

The root of the wall is not allowed to listen indiscriminately, because after listening for a while, it will become very tired.

This is the precious experience that Han Cheng learned from his own experience.

"Dad, daddy..."


After having a child, the most painful thing is that you want to sleep, but the child's spirit is exceptionally good.

After returning to the tribe all the way, Han Cheng worked hard all night. When he officially went to bed last night, he decided that he must sleep in a dark place today.

As a result, such an idea was broken in front of a pair of children.

Han Cheng, who was dazed and unwilling to get up, couldn't stand the constant shouting of the two little guys.

I wanted to get angry, but listening to this sound was a little bit milky, especially when Xiao Xing'er was still a little vaguely yelling, but I couldn't make any sound.

After lying on the kang for a while, Han Cheng could only helplessly get up from the kang, hugged the two little guys on the kang, took off their shoes, and let the two of them play on the kang.

Han Cheng, on the other hand, was sitting on the wall of the Kang head, ready to take the opportunity to sleep again.

But such a thing is obviously impossible to achieve, that loud dad is enough to scream you down.

Han Cheng couldn't help sniffing his nose, what kind of evil was this all made!

Sure enough, for children, they basically can't see the panic when they think about it. After they come around, they often feel tired and crooked.

After a while, Han Cheng smiled helplessly, and got up completely dressed.

He carried the shoes of Little Pea and let him wear it by himself. As for Xiao Xing'er, Han Cheng carried him into his arms and put on the shoes.

Then he held one in one arm, got up and walked out.

Except for the dizziness, the drowsiness and the soft legs, there is nothing wrong with the rest.

Walking to the rabbit ring, Han Cheng saw the witch who was feeding the rabbit there.

At this time, the witch looks very similar to Han Cheng's state, both of them are not very energetic, and no longer have the majestic and heroic appearance of last night, and the clamoring mighty appearance.

Putting down the two children, Han Cheng lay here to accompany Wu to feed the rabbits, and the two little guys threw grass into the rabbit circle.

The two people looked at each other, and didn't mean to say much for a while.

After feeding like this for a while, she looked up and saw Bai Xuemei, Yuan and other women who had returned from picking mulberry leaves.

Seeing the two people talking and laughing, Han Cheng couldn't help sighing, this person is really incomparable.

No wonder the ancient emperors are mostly short-lived~www.NovelMTL.com~ If things go on like this, the people who beat the iron can't hold it...

In the morning, the people who had only felt the iron beating could not hold it. After eating and breakfast, Han Chengcheng was stunned by the iron he saw in front of him.

Picking up a simple weapon, his hand was very heavy, and he reached out and touched the black meteorite at the other end of the weapon, feeling a bit cold to the touch.

Holding such a weapon made of meteorite iron in his hand, and looking at the other thirty or so weapons of the same material on the side, Han Cheng sniffed lightly, not knowing how to get it. Describe your mood.

This is meteorite! In the legend, the best choice to build a peerless magic weapon, now I have seen so many at once!

When will meteorite be mass-produced?

A planet fell from the side of that tribe, or how could it be possible to get so many meteorite irons?

Han Cheng was a little confused for a while.

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