I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 869: Unexpected visitor (3 in 1)

go back?

After hearing Shishi's question, Han Cheng showed a wry smile on his face.

Where can I go back!

A year ago, I went to the place where I had fallen from the sky again. After more than ten years, the traces of being burned by the fire have basically completely disappeared.

Grass and trees have also grown in places that were burned to white ground. Some trees that have grown earlier are already as thick as arms.

The traces of myself coming into this world are slowly being erased by time.

Waiting for a few more years, I'm afraid there will no longer seem to be any different from the surroundings.

And, even if you can go back, can you go back now?

In later generations, I no longer have a home, and the grassy courtyard is not my home.

When the people who once lived in it were still there, it was their own harbor. When the last relatives who lived in it also left, their homes were gone.

What remained there was nothing more than an empty courtyard.

What are you going to do? Go and clean up the courtyard?

Can I live away?

After more than ten years, I have taken root here and it has blossomed.

Here, I have my home again, but the person who needs to be sheltered from the wind and rain is now sheltering the people in the home from the wind and rain.

This family is inseparable from him. After leaving him, his wife and children will face the misery of the world.

And he is also inseparable from this family. After leaving, he will become a rootless man, drifting with the flow, without the guard and gentle strength he deserves.

"I can't go back, and I won't go back. Here is our tribe, everything we built together, and you, I am reluctant to go back."

Han Cheng smiled and said to everyone.

After hearing these words from him, the people whose heart raised their throats couldn't help taking a breath, and put their hearts back in their stomachs.

They are really afraid of the son of God leaving them. There is no son of God in the tribe, and they don't know what to do.

Even if it is like a stone, it is full of joy to think if the son of God can go back and see those magical things with him.

Compared with being able to keep the son of God in the tribe forever, live with everyone, and lead everyone forward, seeing those things is nothing to mention.

Besides, didn't the **** son also say it?

Those things are all made by humans. Since humans can make these, as long as the people of their own tribe can keep working hard, they may be able to make all the things that the son of God said and make them appear in Own tribe.

Even if it's time, I'm already dead and I can't see these things, but as long as I think that these things can appear in my tribe, it is enough to be happy.

Because no matter how many years have passed and how many generations have passed, your tribe is still your own tribe.

I still want to see it become better and stronger, and I will be delighted for it.

"... Son of God, have you ever been on something that can fly in the sky? Isn't that amazing?"

The stone that was relieved, opened one hundred thousand why modes again, and began to ask Han Cheng.

"Sit down and fly very fast. From our main tribe to here, it takes a long time to get here.

It feels really amazing, especially the flight attendants who specialize in service above, one is more beautiful than the other. "

Han Cheng said with a smile.

After understanding what a stewardess is from Han Cheng, the people in the room suddenly became more excited.

"God, is that stewardess as beautiful as Zhuang?"

Shishi said full of expectations, and the others were also full of expectations.

Han Cheng imagined a five-big, three-thick, extremely sturdy old man wearing the costume of a flight attendant, showing a sweet smile: "Hello, sir...", he couldn't help but shudder fiercely.

This is really amazing.

It seems that if you want to change the aesthetics of these guys in the tribe, there are still many ways to go.

Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed, then pinched his nose to acknowledge the matter: "Well, the flight attendants are very beautiful, they are both beautiful than strong and beautiful."

After hearing Han Cheng's answer, the people in the room suddenly became more excited, and became more yearning and looking forward to the tool that could fly in the air.

Being able to fly in the clouds and also enjoy the service from the beautiful stewardesses from Bizhuang and the others, this is incredibly fascinating to think about.

Hearing the excitement of these guys, Han Cheng couldn't help sucking his nose again, and mourned the beautiful young ladies in later generations.

This is really not what he wants.

However, fortunately, he is in the primitive age, and the people of later generations do not know what happened here.

"God, what is a car?"

About the plane and flight attendants, after being discussed for a while, someone spoke again and shifted the target to the car.

"Have you ever been in a car?"

After Han Cheng roughly said what a car is, someone spoke again, with deep envy and yearning in his voice.

"Sit, run fast, very comfortable..."

Han Cheng imagined his experience of motion sickness, smiled and said to everyone, and praised.

After hearing Han Cheng's answer, the people in the room once again had a strong emotion called envy.

Listening to the discussion, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile, and when the time passed you out, you won't be envious.

At the same time, an interesting thought arose in my heart. If people from the tribe came to the future generations, drinking broad fall, riding a small electric donkey, and it was all right, then they would dislike those beautiful women with A4 waists and exquisite makeup. Not good-looking, then...

Such a scene seems very beautiful.

However, this can only be thought in his heart, after all, he is a person who doesn't even have the smallest golden finger, let alone such an existence like the gate of time and space.

What Han Cheng told everyone tonight was like dropping a blockbuster. People who could not fall asleep because of excitement were even more indescribable now.

One by one, while being shocked and yearning for such a world and many magical things, they all turned into 100,000 whys, and kept asking questions there.

At the beginning, Han Cheng was also very excited, but as the night darkened and he got sleepier and sleepier, Han Cheng couldn't help listening to the comments of the still excited guys in the room who couldn't sleep. I want to beat my head.

This is really a crime! When I stayed up late on New Year's Eve, I never saw these guys so excited.

After waiting for a while, Han Cheng got up and went outside to go to the toilet. He looked up to the east and found that Venus had already appeared.

Shaking his dizzy head, this night is considered to be over.

"Get up! Pack things up, light a fire and cook, feed the animals, and we will leave as soon as daybreak."

After returning to the house, Han Cheng shouted to these still excited guys who couldn't sleep.

After hearing what Han Cheng said, the guys who were already excited suddenly became more excited.

Everyone got up from their sleeping place, and someone had already lit the fire.

In the light of the fire, when there weren't even the sound of insects, everyone got up and was busy here, preparing for the coming home soon.

As the crowd got busy, the smell of rice began to permeate here. Several donkeys and deer were also fed, where they ate forage.

Time passed, and the darkest hour before dawn slowly passed. When the sky was dark, everyone in the house had eaten their food.

Check again to see if there is anything that I didn't bring, tighten the leggings, and arrange the clothes and rattan armor. The sky has become brighter.

"set off!"

With a backpack on his shoulders, Han Cheng, seeing that everyone had packed up, he gave an order.

The green bird flag was raised, and following his order, the team that had stayed here for nearly a month began to set off, left here, and headed towards the main tribe.

Although they haven't slept all night, everyone's spirits are very good, and they all walked with arrogance and pride.

After walking forward for a while, Han Cheng looked back at the house they had built here.

The twelve-room house stood there quietly, looming in the morning mist.

The purple land, the thatched house standing there, the rice growing in the water, the sweet millet on the other side of the river...

The footprints of myself and others have been left on this piece of land. When I come next time, it will definitely become better!

After walking a little further, the sun appeared from the east, and the morning fog gradually dispersed.

The sun fell, shining on the group of people returning home.

When I came, I felt that it took a long time. When I went back, because the things I wanted to look for had already been found, and the paths I walked were all known, my mood was different, so I felt that I went a lot faster.

By the evening of the same day, everyone had already arrived at the mountain bag that entered this flat land.

Everyone camped here.

I stayed up all night last night, and today I walked the road for another day. Everyone was tired. There was no need for Han Cheng to urge anything. After dinner, except for the three people who were in charge of the first half of the night, the rest were left. They all got into the tent and fell asleep.

In the morning of the next day, everyone set off again. When they came, they walked into the mountains gradually along the chopped passage that could barely be called a road...

After Han Cheng and the others left, Jinguancheng sank into silence. The sun moved across the sky inch by inch, and the wind blew gently.

Those birds who stayed far away from here because there are too many of the same kind who suffered the poisonous hands of Junior Brother Sha and the others, slowly returned.

Continue to catch fish and shrimp here as before.

Except that the extra house is somewhat conspicuous, the rest is no different from before.


I don't know which day it was after Han Cheng and his party left. Suddenly, there was a sound of fluttering birds in this area of ​​water.

The birds that used to prey and inhabit here leisurely flew into the sky with their wings flapping, appearing to be a little panicked.

Not only these birds were frightened, but on the other side of the water, a group of people with messy hair and some animal skins around their bodies, pushed aside the grass with a stick in their hands, and those walking toward this side were also affected by the sudden sound of movement. Shocked.


Someone pointed at these birds flying in the sky and flying away. Someone was saying something, probably cursing why these guys suddenly made such a big movement.

After all, when they came before, these birds were very calm.

There is no way to hit them while waiting for them.

After looking up at the birds that fluttered away for a while, the group continued to move towards the water.

After a while, I came to the edge of the water.

They walked around here while searching for something. After a while, they came to the place where Han Cheng had found rice.

The lead, the older female primitive, looked at the growing rice from a distance, shook his head at the crowd, and then led them to walk down.


After walking down like this for a while, someone suddenly yelled, pointing his finger to the opposite side of the water, and his voice was full of surprise and doubt.

Hearing his voice, everyone stopped one after another, following the direction of this person's finger, looking towards the other side.

The leading female primitive also squinted to stop, and squinted to look towards the other side.

What they looked at was the house Han Cheng built there that would later become a place for slaves to live.

The female primitive's eyes were somewhat muddy, and some doubts appeared.

She reached out and scratched her hair, looking puzzled.

She remembered that there did not seem to be that strange and huge thing there.

Now, why is there such a huge and strange thing there?


After being puzzled for a while, the person's complexion became frightened, she lowered her voice, said something to everyone, and everyone stopped talking.

And as she slowly squatted in the grass, straightened her upper body, quietly looked at the behemoth in the distance, with some panic.

After a while, everyone discovered that the behemoth that didn't know when it appeared on the other side was still motionless, just like when they discovered it.

This discovery reduced the fear in these people a lot.

While they were hiding here and looking quietly, some of the birds that had flown away before flew back to this water area, some fell directly into the water area, and some of the larger ones actually fell to the behemoth. Body!

In such a scene, the female primitives who watched them were terrified, and they wanted to run away immediately.

If such a huge thing were disturbed, they would definitely have no way to resist.

Fortunately, under their horrified gaze, there were a few big birds on the body, a behemoth that had never been seen before, and still stayed there quietly, nothing changed.

I didn't go crazy because of those few dead birds.

This allows them to put down a lot.

Staying here for a while, seeing that the behemoth still hasn't moved, these people's courage has grown a lot.

While watching the movement of the behemoth in the distance, they slowly stood up and went.


The birds living here were afraid of being beaten by Junior Brother Sha and the others, causing them to be afraid now when they see humanoid creatures.

These people just stood up, and before they took two steps, the birds were already startled, one by one, they flapped their wings in panic again and flew away. The big birds that landed on the house paused for a while. After a while, he kicked his thin legs and flapped his wings to take off.

Such a movement drove these people down again, and under the leadership of the leader, squatted down in a hurry again, looking at the behemoth nervously.

Fortunately, that behemoth remained silent and was not alarmed.

This made these people breathe out again.

Under the leadership of the leader, they stood up from here and walked down cautiously, looking at the place where the behemoth was.

The behemoth still stayed there quietly, and didn't do anything special because of their behavior.

It looks just like the trees growing on the ground and the big rocks sitting on the ground.

All animals have curiosity, and primates have the heaviest curiosity.

And human beings are undoubtedly the best in it.

After watching it for a long time, I didn't see any movement of the behemoth that didn't know when it appeared. These people became more courageous and wondered what this thing was.

So, after walking a short distance, these people squatted in the grass again under the leadership of the older primitive female.

It's just that unlike the previous kind of being there quietly, the primitive female began to shout at the house on the other side of the water.

At the beginning, the voice was not too loud. After some temptation and found that the behemoth did not move, the person's voice began to increase, and finally turned into a scream.

There is no doubt that these behaviors of theirs will not get a response from the house. After all, this house was built by Han Cheng and the others, not a change made by Homo.

As a result, these people became more courageous, from squatting in the grass and howling loudly at the beginning, to howling loudly when standing up from the grass in the beginning.

After a while, after seeing that the behemoth was still silent, the shouts of these people turned into jumping shouts.

And, after a while, someone started waving their arms continuously.

Some people picked up some stones and dirt blocks from the ground and threw them towards the house in a distance, making aggressive movements.

Stones and clods fell into the water and splashed with water.

However, no matter what actions they made and how much noise they made, the behemoth remained motionless.

This makes them bolder.

So, after a while, these people made the decision to go and see what it was.

Under the leadership of the older female primitive, they walked a distance down and found the place where they had gone to the opposite side before.

Then, with some horror, he lay there lying in the river and went to the other side.

In the process of going to the other side, these people have been carefully watching the movement of the behemoth, for fear that the big guy will suddenly start to move.

Fortunately, the behemoth remained motionless as before.

Those who have crossed this area of ​​water, under the leadership of the primitive female, continue to move towards the house built by Han Cheng and the others.

These people are still very smart. They didn't keep walking towards the house, but as before, they tried to use such methods as shouting and throwing stones.

Every time they walked a certain distance, they would perform such an operation. After seeing that the behemoth in their eyes was still quiet, they moved forward again.

During this temptation, a group of people gradually approached the house.

Getting closer, the twelve connected houses look taller and more frightening.

Especially the closed doors and windows above look like mouths and eyes, very scary.

If it weren't for the previous actions, this weird behemoth would have been silent. At this moment, these people would definitely turn around and run, and would not stay here for a moment.

Under the leadership of the primitive women, these people who squatted in the grass for a while, moved out again, and marched toward the behemoth in their eyes.

After getting closer, the female primitives of this tribe showed a strange look.

Because she found that the hair on this behemoth was very similar to some grasses growing by the water, except that the grasses growing by the water were standing there, and the hair on this behemoth was lying there. of.

And this behemoth's mouth and many eyes looked a lot like the fallen trees on the ground, and she even saw some bark on it.

As for the body of this behemoth...

She looked at some dirt on the ground in front of her, and felt it was no different from these.

Some of the differences are that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the dirt on the behemoth does not grow grass.

After staying here for a while, even after courageously throwing the stone in his hand on the behemoth, this looks very scary thing, and there is still no movement, these people have become more courageous.

They stood up from the seemingly shallow grass and walked towards the behemoth.

The movements are slow and with extreme vigilance, as long as there is a slight disturbance, these people will definitely turn around and run.

It's just that there will be no movement in this unoccupied house.

So after a while, they came to the front of the house, and even some people boldly put their hands on this behemoth.

It's a bit cold at the beginning, and it's no different from touching something like soil.



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