I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 868: Son of God, will you leave?

During the work, time passed away quietly, and the growing number of fish bones in the temporary camp were the houses built by the crowd.

As time passed, the first batch of houses built in Jinguancheng had gables and erected wooden beams. On the wooden beams, rafters made of broken tree sticks were placed, and woven fences were laid on the rafters. It is a layer of mud, on which is a layer of calamus.

When the top calamus was laid, the twelve slave huts in this row were completely over.

At this time, it is the moment when the setting sun goes down. The person standing on the ridge holds the wooden fork in his hand and straightens his tired and aching waist. Standing on the newly completed house, facing the sun, looking far away Looking at the sparkling waters, I only feel that my heart is particularly refreshing, a kind of joy with a sense of satisfaction, filling my heart.

The people standing below, looking up at the house under the sunset, and those standing on the house looking straight up and looking into the distance, all have satisfaction in their eyes.

After a lot of hard work, what I wanted was completed. Looking at these results, the satisfaction may not be as strong as I thought before, but this feeling is really very good.

Some are overwhelming.

"After installing the doors and windows, we will leave from here, return to the tribe, and tell the people in the tribe the good news!"

At night, by the bonfire, Han Cheng looked at the crowd and said with some longing and excitement.

When he said this, everyone became excited, and many people wished to return to the main tribe now to share the good news with the people in the tribe.

It has been a long time since they left the tribe, and they couldn't help but miss the main tribe.

I miss the people who stay in the tribe, and miss everything in the main tribe.

In fact, even Han Cheng has given up the grass in his own heart. He didn't want to stay here for a moment, and wished to set off from here now.

But the doors and windows of the house had not been completed yet, and he had to suppress these impulses in his heart.

It is a very necessary thing to install the doors and windows before leaving.

Because if there are no doors and windows, wind and rain can flow into the house, which will accelerate the destruction of the house and reduce the service life of the house.

I waited for people to spend such a lot of effort to build these twelve houses, and now only the last step is left, and nothing can be compromised...

After waking up in the morning, Han Cheng lay there for a while before sitting up and starting to wash.

Not in a daze, but because he dreamed of Bai Xuemei, Xiao Wandou and Xiao Xing Er Niang San.

After washing and eating breakfast, everyone became busy again.

However, unlike the previous type where most of the manpower was concentrated on the construction of houses, now only seven or eight people with some experience in making doors and windows are left here, and they are here to make doors and windows with tools.

The rest of the people get food nearby, some of which are eaten freshly, and the other part is slightly pickled with salt, and then put on a rope to dry and eat on the road.

It is very necessary to prepare more food before departure. On the one hand, it can cope with unexpected needs, so as not to get less food on the way back, and everyone will be hungry.

On the other hand, if there is less time to obtain food, they can have more time to hurry and return to the main tribe earlier.

Driven by the return to the tribe, everyone worked hard one by one, whether it was people making doors and windows or getting food.

I hate having to rest and operate without eating or drinking.

In this case, it only took two days to complete the doors and windows and install them.

Doors and windows are made of rough wooden boards, which can be opened and closed. Although there are gaps between the boards, they are basically not large, and it is not a problem to use them to shelter from wind and rain.

Although the doors and windows were built, everyone didn't set off immediately. This was because Han Cheng felt that he hadn't got enough food, and he planned to let people stay here for one more day and set off after collectively obtaining food for one day.

The night sky is long and shining, like a huge chess board upside down.

The temporary camp has disappeared. The open hoods have all been dismantled. After finishing, they are placed in newly built houses, and they can be picked up and set off.

Among the newly built houses, Han Cheng, Brother Er and others lay on the ground covered with hay and bark. They all felt very relieved looking at the doors and windows inserted from inside.

A house with doors and windows can provide people with a sense of security that cannot be matched by those temporary camps.

With these houses, their tribe can be considered to have initially taken root on this new piece of land.

When you come again, you can live in these houses and further build the tribe.

Early the next morning, everyone got up and divided into groups to get food.

Those who are good at handling fish will put the fish cages away and deal with all the fish and shrimps they get, and those who are good at hunting will go hunting.

These people living in the primitive age are very capable of surviving in the wild. In addition, there are many kinds of animals now. Not the later generations who saw a rabbit popping out in the field, they all thought it was a very strange age, and There are also bows and arrows and slings in the tribe, so under this kind of all-out circumstance, a lot of food was obtained in one day.

Part of the food was eaten, and the other part was roasted over a fire and let cool, wrapped in odorless big tree leaves, and divided into multiple portions for everyone to pack into their backpacks for food on the road.

And the temperature is rising day by day, this kind of cooked meat food can be stored longer.

With the light of the bonfire, everyone was packing up these things, thinking that they would leave here tomorrow and return to the main tribe, everyone could not stop happy.

Even when they go to bed at night, many people can't sleep over and over again.

"God, tell some stories."

Someone said aloud.

As soon as the words were spoken, the rest of the people also came to their spirits and responded.

Han Cheng himself did not fall asleep for a while, and immediately agreed.

Hearing his agreement, everyone consciously shut their mouths and stopped talking, waiting for the son of God to tell them stories.

Han Cheng’s head was resting on his hands, and he thought for a while and said: “In a place we can’t reach now, there are many people living there, there are many houses, and human beings have become the masters of the world. Animals that are not ferocious must rely on human protection to prevent them from being completely killed...

There, people can really fly in the sky and take a tool called an airplane...

There are also many bridges and highways on which there are many things called cars running back and forth. Riding on the cars, you can come to where we are now from the main tribe without a day’s time... "

The room was quiet, only Han Cheng's voice rang unhurriedly, and everyone was immersed in the world described by the son of God.

Like a big bird, there are tools for people flying in the air, and things called cars that run fast on the road. They can also speak and see each other's things from far away...

These so many weird and incomparably magical things shocked them, fascinated them, and severely impacted their three views.

Anything that the Son of God said was shocking enough to be taken out alone, but now, the Son of God has said so much.

In addition to these, there are many kinds of food that cannot be eaten. People no longer have to worry about what is not eaten, but because there are too many kinds of food and don’t know what to eat, they eat a lot of leftover food. , Will be directly thrown away...

In the room, everyone was deeply shocked by these.

These things are beyond their imagination!

Regarding everything that their tribe had under the leadership of the **** son, the people of the Qingque tribe were very proud and satisfied, and felt that they were the most powerful tribe and the luckiest people.

But now, they heard so many shocking things from the mouth of the son of God.

In this shock, there is a deep yearning, not to mention the rest, just the kind of things that can make people see each other and hear sounds from a long distance is enough to make them feel Incomparable yearning and desire.

If your own tribe also has this kind of thing, then you and others can tell everyone in the tribe this happy news as soon as they find the south.

It also allows people in the tribe to see rice and sweet millet, two new crops that can be grown on a large scale.

Let them take a look at the new sub-tribe that they and others initially built and named Jinguan City by the gods.

And others, I can also talk to people in the tribe, look at things in the tribe, see if the piglets in the tribe have grown up, and see if the green apricots around the tribe have turned yellow... …

This is really something that makes people feel very magical and very yearning!

For them, what they heard tonight was far more shocking than knowing that they and others are living on a big ball from the son of God before.

Because, what they heard before was basically about the earth and the like, but now, what they learned from the gods was about the way of life of people!

"God... Son of God, is there really such a tribe?"

Han Cheng's voice stopped, and the room was quiet for a long time. After a while, someone finally asked in a trembling voice.

"There really is, there really is such a tribe."

Han Cheng recalled the life of future generations and said with a sigh of relief.

Having lived in this era for so long, I thought that many things about later generations would become more vague.

Looking back now, these things will still affect my mind.

This kind of thing that has been exposed since childhood can really be carved into human bones.


After getting Han Cheng's confirmation, everyone gasped in the room.

These things that sound extremely shocking and extremely desirable to them are actually true! There really is such a tribe!

"This must be where the gods live!"

Someone said excitedly.

As soon as the words were spoken, it was immediately like a sun piercing a dark cloud, making the hearts of the rest of the people suddenly brightened.


The tribe mentioned by the son of God must be the place where the gods live.

Only the place where the gods live can hold so many things that are extremely shocking and incredible!

And these were all told by their **** son, and he said so clearly, did the **** son live in such a magical place before?

After this thought came to mind, many people in the room trembled uncontrollably.

"God... Son of God, have you...did you lived there before?"

Someone swallowed and said stutteringly, their voices a little dry.

"Well, I've lived there before, and I've seen all of this to you."

Han Cheng nodded again in affirmation, and did not conceal these.

When he decided to tell the people in the tribe about the life of future generations, he made such preparations.

If he travels to the rest of the age, Han Cheng will be tight-lipped about his origins and life in future generations, and he will not say anything about his death.

But in this era, it was different. When the people in the tribe had already identified him as the Son of God, he said this to the people without worrying that the people in the tribe would treat himself as a stranger.

As for arresting oneself and conducting various studies, it is even less likely to happen.

Talking about these things to everyone tonight is not all a whim.

It’s something Han Cheng has done for a long time to carry out some science popularization with the people of the tribe, but what he has done before is basically about nature.

After telling the people in the tribe about some of the things he knew about nature, what he said would naturally move closer to the social life of later generations.

Tomorrow is about to return to the tribe. While thinking about the tribe, Han Cheng couldn't help but think of the life of the future generations. With some ups and downs in his mood, he also explained this.

Tell the people in the tribe something about the future generations. Of course, Han Cheng was not trying to collect the shocked emotions of the people in the tribe, or to put on it in front of the people in the tribe to make his aura more dazzling.

Instead, they want to let them know that in addition to what their tribe now has, there is a better way of life and more magical things.

After knowing these things, perhaps after the tribe has developed to a certain level, it can prevent the people in the tribe from slowing down or even stopping completely because of their complacency, leading to the stagnation of the tribe's development.

Because they know this, they know that there are more and better things waiting for their tribe, waiting for more people with lofty ideals to work hard to realize these one by one...

As a traverser, and having traveled to such an era, Han Cheng felt that it was necessary for him to tell these things and make them spread among the tribe.

I have no way to make these things, but I can point out a clear way to future generations in the tribe, give them directions, and let future generations know that there are these things.

After the tribe develops and grows stronger, someone will work towards these aspects.

Han Cheng is convinced that as long as these can be passed down, someone will work hard towards these things in time, because these things he is telling sound too tempting!

After hearing Han Cheng's personal confession, the people of the Qingque tribe in the room couldn't help feeling agitated again. Their **** son lived in a tribe that only gods could live!

Their **** son is the true **** son!

"But that is not the kingdom of the gods. People who live there are also people. That kind of magical things are not created by the gods, but the people who live there. Through the efforts of generations, they continue to explore and discover. And manufactured.

Just follow us through our own efforts to turn barren land into fertile fields, domesticate wild beasts, build houses, build tall walls, and develop our tribe a little bit until now that the rest of the tribes feel extremely envied. the same. "

Han Cheng continued talking with a smile, and by the way took off the halo that the tribe members automatically blessed on it.

This is a very necessary thing. Only by letting everyone in the tribe know that the world is material, and that what I say is built by humans through their own efforts. There is no **** or anything, and future descendants can do more Good to work hard in these areas.

It is not because it is too insignificant and too difficult to complete. It turns to the arms of the gods through human efforts, trying to get all this by praying to the gods.

If such a thing happens, it will be extremely uncomfortable.

After Han Cheng said such words, the people in the room who had been thrown into the arms of the gods were all pulled back.

But at the same time, there are surging waves in my heart.

These things that only the gods can make are actually created by humans? People actually have such a big energy? !

This sounds even more incredible!

But these are what the Son of God told them, and the Son of God will not deceive them.

"Son of God, this... is this really something human can do?"

Although he knew that the son of God was not deceiving himself and the others, there were still people who couldn't help asking.

Because this thing is too unbelievable.

"Well, it's really made by people."

For this person's question, Han Cheng again affirmed.

"Just as before, we didn't build walls, houses, and open up fertile fields. Do you believe you can get these out?"

Han Cheng smiled and asked the people back, let them think, don't underestimate the ability of himself and human beings as a whole.

When asked by Han Cheng, everyone was shocked.

Yes! In the beginning, didn't you think that people could still do these things?

But how is it now? Haven't these been built by myself and others?

These things that the **** son said now sounded extremely shocking, and seemed to be things that humans couldn't accomplish.

But afterwards, can people really not build it?

It turns out that people have such great energy! It turns out that people can do so many things!

What a fortunate and gratifying thing to be able to become a human being, and to learn these things from the son of God, to learn the greatness of human beings!

In the room, everyone thought about these things, and their hearts were shaken, and they were shocked by the huge energy that people can show.

Some people secretly clenched their fists in the darkness, feeling their strength, some people touched their arms with their hands...

Humans are really a very great species!

Han Cheng smiled silently, happy that he was able to let these people in the tribe understand the greatness of human beings and know that humans can reach their unlimited potential.

Think about it, the people in the other tribes are still terrified by the lightning and thunder in the natural world. When they think there is anger like Thor, the people in their tribe are already there talking about the friction between two clouds.

When people from other tribes threw people from their tribe who caught a cold into the fire and burned them to death, or in an extremely humble posture, trembling and crawling on the ground, begging the sick **** to leave with fear and hope. The people of the tribe are already cooking herbs.

People in other tribes are still afraid of all kinds of incomprehensible natural forces, and all kinds of demons and ghosts have emerged from this, and when they pray to them, people in their tribe already know that humans are a great species and can pass My own efforts to solve the difficulties encountered...

This is really a very wonderful feeling.

Moreover, there is no doubt that human beings after awakening can exert more powerful energy and create more miracles.

"God, you, can you go back?"

In the room that had been quiet for a while, a voice sounded again. The owner of the voice was stone.

When this question was asked, Shishi’s heart was beating as if he was beating a drum~www.NovelMTL.com~ On the one hand, he hoped that the son of God would be able to go back, so that he might be able to follow the son of God to see the extreme Something magical and fascinating.

On the other hand, Shishi didn't want the son of God to return, because he worried that after the son of God returned, he would not come back again, and he was reluctant to leave the son of God.

My own tribe, and myself and others are inseparable from the Son of God.

Before meeting the son of God, Shishi felt that he and his tribe had been living in darkness, confused and unsure of where they were going.

After the Son of God arrived, he pointed out the direction for himself and others, and removed all the fog around him, allowing himself and others to see the light and know many things.

I really can't bear to leave the tribe.

This kind of feeling is not only the stone, but also the rest of the people in the tribe. After the stone asked about this, the people in the room couldn't help raising their hearts, and they were so nervous.

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