I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 856: Kill this group of turtle grandchildren!

(For the book friend Nan Zhi Kite-the Buddhist cat will be rewarded and added)


Although he was very eager, but after the Blackstone Allied forces had eaten and packed up, the sun had risen high.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe who tied the Blackstone weapon with a rope and slanted his back on his back, reached out his hand to support the quiver hanging on his waist, and after holding the bow in the handshake, he shouted with an expression of excitement over his face. An order was given to march towards the blue bird tribe in front of him.

As soon as these words came out, these allied forces of the Blackrock tribe, who had long been unable to restrain them, also screamed in excitement.

Some people Wu Wu with the stick in their hands, while others slapped their chest vigorously with their hands, banging.

Use this to express my excitement and eagerness, as well as the confidence that this time will win.

In such a warm and noisy atmosphere, the Blackstone Allied Forces headed towards the Tongshan residential area where many people had already appeared.

In the same way that they caused the Blue Sparrow Tribe to suffer a big loss in the afternoon the day before yesterday, the members of the Blackrock Tribe's coalition are still lined up with a large formation that can cause great harm to the Blue Sparrow Tribe in front of them, thought out by the wise leader of the Blackrock Tribe go ahead.

Those who don't know how to shoot arrows, and those who don't have bows at the same time, hang or hold rough wooden boards and walk in the front, and those who have bows and arrows follow closely behind.

Although the weapons are a bit rudimentary, everyone is extremely enthusiastic and believes in victory.

When these people started to move forward, as before, there was also a shrill gong sounding in the Tongshan residential area, and then many people appeared on the wall.

Soon after, on the wall at the gate, a large vine shield covered with fur and brushed with tung oil inside was erected again. This is a target specially set up by Junior Brother Sha to consume firepower. .

Seeing these weird and lined things reappearing on the weird cave, many people in the Blackrock Alliance were madly chanting: "#¥MMP!"

Many of those who are in charge of archery feel that their fingers and arms are faintly painful. This is the sequelae left after these people frantically output these things on the Qingque tribe the day before yesterday afternoon.

They worked so hard that day and finally shot out some gaps in this weird thing. As a result, today, these people in the Qingque tribe have made so many things again.

It takes a lot of time and energy for them to shoot it away. Thinking about the sourness on the fingers and arms after shooting many times, it is strange for these people to feel good in their hearts.

But uncomfortable, but these people in the Blackstone Alliance are still very confident.

After all, they have prepared so many things for it, and the tribe in front of them will definitely not be able to stop them, but it will take a lot of effort.

The people of the Blackstone Alliance lined up as much as they could think they were already very neat, and slowly moved forward. After a while, they began to enter the wall, the effective range of the Qingque tribe.

"Let go!"

Above the wall, the militant Shang shouted.

Although Shang hadn't slept too well in the past few days, and even in the middle of the night last night, he dug the pit in the middle of the night with the big brothers, but at this time, his mental head was still very good.

After Shan's order was issued, the fifteen people who had been prepared for a long time opened their bows and shot arrows through the gap between the vine shields.

In an instant, fifteen feather arrows shot down from above the wall, and fell into the black stone coalition forces that were slowly moving toward this side.

However, the feather arrows in the first round did not cause too much damage to the Blackrock Alliance. Most of these feather arrows were blocked by the thick and rough plank, and some of them missed the shot.

The leader of the careful grass tribe discovered that compared with the previous time, the feather arrows shot from the weird wall of the Blue Sparrow tribe this time were much less.

In such a situation, either the feather arrows in the opponent's hand were consumed a lot, or there was someone who could shoot arrows over there, and they shot dead with a bow and arrow in the afternoon the day before yesterday.

But no matter which possibility it is, this is very good news for them.

This means that in the next attack, people on their side will die a lot less.

The leader of the grass tribe told everyone about the situation she had discovered. The members of the Blackstone Alliance were reminded by her, and then looked at the situation in front of them and found that it was indeed like this.

Because the people above the weird cave, the first feather arrow shooting did not cause any damage to any of them, and I was very happy. The Blackrock tribe coalition army was even more open at this time, and the morale was soaring. The belief that the sparrow tribe attacked became firmer.

They screamed and continued to advance towards the Tongshan residential area. They stopped where they had stayed in the afternoon the day before yesterday. Then, in the excitement of the leader of the Blackrock tribe, those with bows and arrows, along with the leader of the Blackrock tribe, Start shooting arrows towards the Tongshan residential area.

Many feather arrows flew across the sky, hitting the stone wall of the Tongshan residential area, hitting the rows of rattan shields erected by the crowd above the wall, making a crackling sound.

And those responsible for "stabbing the hornet's nest" have already squatted down at this time, listening to such movements, one by one, stealing pleasure there.

When the sound of the feather arrows became sparse, he stood up and fired at the people below again.

After doing this several times, there began to be particularly stern and screams on the wall, and there were very loud screams, and gaps began to appear on the shield array that formed a row.

The people who rushed over from the main tribe overnight saw this style of play for the first time.

Originally, when they saw these people in the Tongshan residential area, they were using rattan shields to attract firepower there, and they were already very amazed.

But at this time, looking at the guy who squatted and leaned on the wall after making a scream, and the smile on his face couldn't be concealed, only then did he realize how sloppy the conclusions he and others had just made.

This, this is too shameless, right?

Looking at the smiling guy, then listening to the cheers from below the wall, and the sudden violent impact of feather arrows, everyone from the Blue Sparrow tribe was stunned.

However, why do they all feel so happy when they see this happening?

It was also at this time that they understood why, when the war was about to begin, Shang would tell them not to worry, and if they were dozing off, they could sleep a little longer against the wall.

Using this method to deal with such people, they really don't have to worry about that, they can sleep a little longer against the wall.

Above the wall, the person responsible for shooting arrows below, after shooting seven or eight arrows, Shan asked the same number of people to replace it.

In this way, the physical strength of the tribe can be maintained to the greatest extent, and the arms of the people who are not in the tribe will be hurt.

Hearing the sound of feather arrows hitting the vine shield, the smile on Shang's face did not stop.

The matter at this time was also set by him and the big brother yesterday. The reason for this was because they wanted to use this method to consume these people's arrows and consume their physical strength.

At the same time, the longer the delay in the future, the more physical recovery of those who rushed over from the main tribe overnight.

Under the condition of one declining and the other rising, when they launch an offensive later, the loss will become smaller and it will be easier to achieve greater victory.

Under the influence of their insignificant sons of gods, many people in the tribe will no longer just go straight and brutally when they encounter problems like before. They will consider more things and try their best Take a method that is more beneficial to you.

Time slowly passed by in such a weird sparring, the number of rattan shields erected on the wall was getting less and less, and the root of the wall outside the wall was covered with a layer of fallen feather arrows.

The leader of the Blackrock tribe felt that the strength on his arm had been exhausted, and he tried twice without pulling the bow in his hand.

It's just that above the **** weird cave, there are still a few weird things set up, no matter how they shoot, those weird things will not fall.

This made the leader of the Blackrock tribe extremely depressed.


He yelled loudly. The general idea is to ask everyone to work harder to shoot these last few **** things away, and they can directly rush towards this weird cave without worrying about being shot from above. The feather arrow that came out was shot.

When everyone was encouraged by the leader of the Blackstone tribe, they began to tremble and drew feather arrows to hit their bows.

There are only a few people who can successfully pull the bow open and shoot the feather arrows above the wall.

Seeing the scattered feather arrows flying into the weird cave, the leader of the Blackrock tribe decided to give up the idea of ​​shooting them all away.

On the weird wall, there are not many things left, and there are only a few sporadic feather arrows for counterattack. They still have rough wooden boards, so they rushed past and rushed into the weird cave. Inside, it is not a problem.

So, the leader of the Blackstone tribe backed the long bow in his hand, took the Blackstone weapon off and held it in his hand.


Although the two hands holding the Blackrock weapon were shaking violently and the arms were not strong, the voice of the leader of the Blackrock tribe was still surprisingly loud.

This is the order to attack the Qingque tribe.

After hearing the call of the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the people of the Blackstone Alliance began to prepare.

Those who use bows and arrows should put the bows away and hold stones or weapons made of wooden sticks in their hands.

Those who used wooden boards to cover their bodies and basically acted as soy sauce saucers began to make preparations. Some people even discarded the rough wooden boards they were holding in front of them.

Because above the weird cave, fewer and fewer arrows were shot down, and they might not be able to shoot them.

Moreover, holding such a heavy object, waiting for a while to rush to the Qingque tribe, will definitely be affected by these things.

The wealth of the Qingque tribe has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At this time, the first person to enter the Qingque tribe will naturally be able to get more and better things.

After a while, he stopped here and stopped advancing the Blackrock Alliance, and once again moved towards the Blue Sparrow tribe, and the speed was still very fast.

Some of them rushed straight away, and were surrounded by those who ran, and the others ran with them. They were worried that the good things of the Qingque tribe would be taken away by others.

Even the leader of the Blackstone tribe, and the leader of the grass tribe who had been very stable, couldn't help but speed up, wanting to enter the wealthy tribe in front of them soon.

This tribe, under their repeated attacks of this intensity, has already suffered huge losses and cannot withstand their attacks. This is something everyone has seen.

Things that have been thinking for so long are finally coming true, how can these people not be excited?


"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

A series of dense roars came from the surrounding wall, and the dull drum sound spread to the surroundings, like a muffled thunder rolling.

The Blackstone Allied Forces, hearing this sudden sound, many people couldn't help but look up to the sky.

However, the sun hanging in the sky made them a little confused.

It's obviously a sunny day, how come there is such a series of thunder suddenly?

Their surprise quickly disappeared, not because they figured out where the sound came from, but because something more shocking or unacceptable happened!

In the constant roar of thunder, the last few weird things scattered all at once collapsed on their own.

This is a good thing for the people of the Blackstone Alliance.

Of course, the premise is that when these weird things fell, no one with a bow in a row suddenly appeared on the weird cave and shot feather arrows at them mercilessly.

This completely unexpected thing directly stunned the people of the Blackstone Alliance. They didn't understand where these people came from.

They had clearly defeated the Qingque tribe with their bows and arrows!

They all heard the miserable scream after the arrow, and they all cheered for it.

They have obviously been beaten by themselves and others almost no one!

Why at this time, so many people suddenly appeared again?

They were dumbfounded, but the thirty people of the Qingque tribe were not dumbfounded. Amidst the rumbling of war drums, these people who appeared on the wall kept firing their bows and arrows, and holding down the feathers in the quiver. Arrows poured down towards the Blackrock Alliance below.

The screams of pain suddenly rang. It sounded not as loud as the screams on the wall of the Tongshan residential area, and it was not as miserable, but it seemed much more real.

Accompanied by the miserable screams, many people were hitting arrows one after another. Some unlucky ones were shot directly to death, and others who were not shot at the fatal position screamed desperately while holding the wound.

Those who were wise to throw away the wooden planks that were blocking them not long ago are all blue with regret at this time.

They don't want to rush to the Qingque tribe anymore, and then live that kind of wonderful life. At this time, they want to quickly retrieve the rough wooden boards they discarded.

It's just that they have run a short distance forward, how can they find it back?

So, under the threat of death, some people started to **** the planks from the hands of people around them, and some people simply ran directly behind others, hugged the others firmly, and made them their own shield...

The Blackstone coalition forces that had just started running, under this sudden blow, suddenly became stagnant again, and some even thought of turning around and running back, but in a moment, chaos had already occurred.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe was frightened and angry, yelling in anger, and at the same time quickly inserted the Blackstone weapon in his hand to the ground, pulled off the bow on his back, drew out a feather and pointed at the people on the Tongshan residential area, and then pulled the bow and shot arrows. .

While doing this, he also greeted the others loudly to do it with him.

However, in the previous fierce shooting, everyone had already exhausted their strength, and in desperation, some people pulled their bows and arrows.

But that was only a minority after all, and those who pulled their bows and arrows shot four arrows at most, and couldn't pull the bow anymore.

Moreover, the effect is extremely small. Some feather arrows have fallen before they reach the wall of the Tongshan residential area. Once in a while, one or two feather arrows hit the **** people standing on the weird caves. , And did not cause them any harm.

The guys who were shot by the feather arrows, as if nothing had happened, continued to shoot their bows and arrows at them.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe who saw this scene was about to split his eyes, and at the same time panic rose in his heart.


At this moment, the bark that was also stunned by this sudden change opened his mouth.

He spoke eagerly to the leader of the Blackstone tribe, and while speaking, he pointed his finger to the closed gate of the Tongshan residential area.

What he meant was that the leader of the Blackstone tribe led people to rush there, and as long as that door was opened, he could enter the Qingque tribe.

But as long as they enter the Qingque tribe, the hopeless bows and arrows in these people's hands will not work.

At that time, the leaders of the Blackstone tribe with Blackstone weapons could easily kill those who dared to resist!

As a person who has lived in the Qingque tribe for a period of time, Bark knows more about the fences than ordinary people.

He knew that on the entire wall, the most vulnerable place was the gate that was reserved for the passage of humans and animals.

As long as the closed door can be opened, then the Qingque tribe's greatest support will be gone.

The bark at this time, compared with the bark when it first started from the Blackstone tribe, a great change has taken place in its thinking.

At the beginning, he just wanted to send the leaders of the Blackstone tribe to Huyou's south to attack the Blue Sparrow tribe, and then use the hands of the Blue Sparrow tribe to kill the chiefs of the Black Stone tribe.

And he can get the favor of the Qingque tribe by providing news to the Qingque tribe in advance, and then rejoin the Qingque tribe.

But since he came up to break the Qingque tribe, then took the opportunity to abduct the **** son, and the idea of ​​establishing a tribe, his whole mind has been constantly tilting towards it.

With the passage of time, his thoughts became stronger and stronger, just like the weeds after the summer rain, they continued to grow wildly and could not be restrained at all.

Especially after I came to the Qingque tribe again, and discovered that the Qingque tribe migrated here from elsewhere, and built a stronger wall than before, and possessed many good things that were not available before, the idea of ​​bark became more and more. Is firm. And firmly suppress the rest of the ideas.

At this moment, in his heart, even killing the leader of the Blackrock tribe is not as important as this matter.

But if you want to abduct the **** child, there is one thing you must do, and that is to open the Qingque tribe.

With him alone, of course, this thing cannot be accomplished, and the power of the leaders of the Blackrock tribe must be used.

It is precisely because of this that when the original imagination was completely disrupted, the Blackstone coalition was in chaos and the attack was about to fail, the bark would hurriedly jump out and give the leader of the Blackstone tribe.

After hearing the words of the tree bark and understanding what the tree bark meant, the eyes of the leader of the Blackrock tribe lit up.

I remember that the last time he took the people to break the tribe where the bark that also had the bow and arrow was located, he took the people all the way and won.

The situation now is a bit similar to when the bark's tribe was attacked.

The difference is that the bows and arrows possessed by the people on this weird cave are too sharp, and the people are too mean.

But things are just like what the bark said, no matter how shameless and mean they are, as long as they can lead people into the weird cave, these people can't be their opponents!

For the Blackrock weapons possessed by the tribe, the leader of the Blackrock tribe has extremely strong confidence.

This is not because he is too arrogant, but something that has been proven by the victories before.

In previous fights, no matter which tribe it was, as long as it was approached by their tribe, none of them were opponents of their tribe.

This tribe in front of me must be so!

Now, the leader of the Blackrock tribe has also hit a real fire.

I’ve been looking forward to it for so long and walking so far, and now I’ve finally come here. Since they had Blackrock weapons, they have basically never suffered any more in the fight, but they are hitting walls everywhere. How can this make him? Hold it back?

Moreover, in order to attack the Qingque tribe and lead a good life, they have paid so much back and forth, and now they are standing next to the Qingque tribe. That kind of life is already within reach. It is not good to fight. How can the last one work? !

So, after hearing the words of the tree bark, his complexion changed a few times. The leader of the Blackstone tribe gritted his teeth, threw the bow and arrow he was holding on the ground, reached out to hold the blackstone weapon beside him, and pulled it up. After shaking his hands, he lifted it up and shouted at the crowd: "#¥¥5SD!"

The people of the Blackstone tribe around him, after hearing the shouts of their leaders, all threw their bows and arrows in their hands, holding the Blackstone weapons that once brought them countless victories, and shouting with their leaders: "# ¥5SD!"

While shouting, follow the leader of the Blackrock tribe and walk forward.

Faced with such a sharp arrow rain attack by the people of the Qingque tribe, some people involuntarily began to retreat, but those who retreated were taken by the leader of the Blackstone tribe and used the Blackstone weapon in their hands to mercilessly take them. Stabbed to death!

The leader of the grass tribe was terrified, and the strange cave suddenly became extremely sharp attack, causing her to retreat in the first time.

On the one hand, her courage was relatively small. On the other hand, the attack that this terrifying tribe could issue was too frightening and left a great psychological shadow on her.

Moreover, their tribal life can also be lived. Even if they can't live the good life of the Qingque tribe, it is still very good compared to many tribes.

At the same time as the retreat arose, I was more fortunate in my heart, because the people of their tribe had bows and arrows, it was easier to stand back and run.

And the frightening feather arrows were basically covering the front part of the people, which gave their tribe ample opportunity to escape.

However, before she could implement this idea, the **** leader of the Blackrock tribe had already yelled out the shocking words.

Rush over and knock open the opening of the weird cave?

After understanding what the leader of the Blackrock Tribe and the people of the Blackrock Tribe meant, the leader of the Grass Tribe wanted to poke holes in these guys.

Haven't you seen the terrifying feather arrows falling continuously, and in a few moments, many people have been shot dead and injured?

At this moment, you want people to rush forward with such an attack. Are you stupid?

But this kind of words and behaviors did not come true after all, because she took the people from her tribe and hesitated for a while. The **** people from the Blackstone tribe stabbed the people from their tribe with sharp blackstone weapons in their hands. Two dead!

Looking at the leader of the Blackrock tribe with red eyes and holding the **** Blackrock weapon, the leader of the grass tribe was shocked and angry.

She never expected that the leader of the Blackstone tribe would actually do such a thing at this time!

When she came, the harmony along the way made her and many others forget what kind of existence the Blackstone Tribe was.

At this time, in front of this **** Blackstone weapon, the fear of the Blackstone tribe resurfaced in his heart.

It reminds the leaders of the grass tribe, and more people, that the leaders of the Blackrock tribe can also kill them!


The leader of the Blackrock Tribe and the people of the Blackrock Tribe are still shouting loudly. Under the threat of death, the people in the middle who have already germinated retreat can only grit their teeth, bite the bullet, and brave the weird cave. The continuous rain of arrows rushed toward the weird cave!

Because the faster you run, the faster you can avoid arrow rain.

During the run, someone tripped over a dead body or someone who fell to the ground with an arrow. Some people were shot by the fallen feather arrow and fell to the ground screaming.

But there are still many people who have crossed this death line blockade and came under the wall of the Qingque tribe.

Such a scene made Shang a little dazed, because according to his understanding of these people, these people would definitely retreat when they couldn't shoot arrows, and when they were hit with feather arrows by people on their own side. Same day ago.

Precisely because of this, he only left 30 people who are very good at archery on the wall to shoot.

The remaining one hundred fully armed citizens of the Qingque tribe gathered in the courtyard, not far from the gate.

When it’s done, when these people outside are repelled by bows and arrows, they go out from the gate, chase these people, and drive them to the trap set by him and the leader and others in the north, and then give them one by one. Prepare to be caught.

But now, the development of the matter has greatly exceeded his expectations. These messy people, under such circumstances, not only did not get scared back, but also rushed towards their own tribe!

Because these guys had wooden boards on their bodies and there were too many people, they were blindly rushing. The blockade constructed by the people of their tribe with bows and arrows was actually broken!

These guys, in large groups, actually swarmed under the walls of their tribe, and they were still squeezing the gate of their tribe!

Shang's eyes turned red in an instant. How could this happen?

Although there were traps behind the gate, he did not want these people to rush open the gate of the Tongshan residential area, because it seemed to him a very shameful thing.

"Thirty people behind go up the fence! Kill these turtle grandsons!"

"The remaining people line up! Prevent anyone from rushing into the tribe!"

The red-eyed Shang stopped beating his drums and shouted loudly at the people standing in the courtyard preparing to attack.

After hearing his order, the thirty people behind the team moved quickly, built a staircase of stones on both sides of the gate, and rushed up toward the wall.

"Woo~ let you hit our tribe!"

"Let you hit our tribe! Uuuuu..."

Above the wall, the older minors who originally felt the atmosphere of the battlefield on it, also started to take action at this time.

They picked up the stone placed on the wall, yelled at the woohoo, and smashed the enemy who attacked their tribe.

At this time, many people have rushed to the bottom of the wall. Basically, you can hit someone by throwing the stone down ~www.NovelMTL.com~.

Some minors cried while throwing stones in their hands at those enemies.

From their point of view, it’s good for all tribes to live quietly without beating anyone, isn’t it?

But why do these guys come to attack the tribe where they and others live?

Thinking of this, I felt aggrieved and angry, so I cried and threw stones down to beat these bad guys.

Thirty people who had been transferred up quickly took their place. They took over the work of the thirty archers and fired at some distant enemies.

And the thirty people whose arms were already overwhelmed by the rapid continuous shooting of arrows, threw their bows and arrows aside, picked up the big stone placed on the wall, and slammed them at the people gathered under the wall...


The door of the Tongshan residential area was squeezed and made a noise...

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