I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 855: 10 ambushes

The night is like water, with a hint of chill, the bright moon is like a hook, hanging diagonally in the sky, and the flat bronze high speed is like a white train laying on the ground, which is somewhat conspicuous.

Under the moonlight, a group of dark shadows came from the east along the road, fascinating.

The team moved forward silently, no one spoke, not because everyone didn't want to speak, but because they didn't have much strength to speak.

The passion that I had when I set off at midnight last night, with the long walk, has been consumed almost.

At this time, many people only rely on perseverance to continue walking.

Some people put their hands on the people in front of them, and as soon as they closed their eyes, they were already dozing, the kind of dozing and walking forward.

"Almost there! Almost to the Tongshan residential area!"

Although the senior elders who walked in the front were very tired, they still had to hold up their spirits to cheer everyone up.

When a person takes on certain responsibilities, he looks stronger than many people.

When the voice sounded, everyone was shocked in their hearts, and they became more energetic.

Finally going to the Tongshan residential area, are you finally going to meet the guys who dare to attack their tribe?

After this thought arises, many people feel that they are more energetic, and even feel that it doesn't matter if they start fighting now. They can also beat these invading enemies to the north.

The team that didn't seem angry at first suddenly became full of vitality, as if awakened from sleep.

The big brother frowned slightly as he listened to the various sounds from the crowd.

"Tell the people behind, don't talk, don't let those enemies know that we are here."

This is after Sang let Liutou and Sparrow rush back, he specifically told him of the plan. After the big brother thought carefully, he felt very good, and the son of God used this method to successfully catch Bannong last time. People of the tribe, with this successful example, the big brother naturally has confidence in this plan.

I waited for people to set off overnight, and didn't dare to rush all the way. Isn't it just to get here early so that all these guys can be caught?

It would be a shame if the damned enemies were disturbed by the noise at this time, and the news was leaked in advance.

Under the sign of the big brother, the people behind passed these words back one by one. Those who heard these words immediately became quiet, without saying a word, and soon the whole team became like again. As quiet as before.

However, unlike the previous state of being exhausted and sleepy, being able to fall asleep at any time. Although the team is quiet at this time, everyone's spirits are full.

This is how consciousness regulates the body.

The big brother showed a smile on his face, very satisfied with the reaction of the tribe.

After the team walked forward silently for a while, the scenery on both sides became more and more familiar, and soon they saw the outline of the Tongshan residential area under the moonlight.

In the northeast of Tongshan residential area, about three miles away, there are some flashes of fire. You don't need to think about it. Those fires are the places where those who dare to attack the Tongshan residential area are located.

The big brother asked people to stop, and from the bronze expressway, down to the fields on the roadside, so that everyone can appear inconspicuous.

Although I knew that the distance was so far, and it was still at night, and basically it was almost midnight at this time, it was impossible for those enemies to find themselves and others, but the big brother still wanted to do this.

His character and identity make him act cautiously.

After explaining that everyone is waiting here quietly, don't talk, you can sit down and rest and eat some cold food, drink some cool and boiled food, and don't light it up, the big brother led a few people quietly towards the Tongshan residential area standing there past.

The Tongshan residential area seemed very quiet in the night, but when you got closer, you could see some people walking on it, the person in charge of patrolling.

The big brother nodded again, feeling very satisfied that the people stationed in the Tongshan residential area could do this.

At this time, a small fire light flashed on the wall, and then the fire light began to grow larger.

Just when the elder brother and a few others who followed thought this was because the people above felt cold and wanted to light some fire to keep warm, the light suddenly flew down from the wall.


Before the big brothers and others had figured out what was going on, there was already a shout from above the wall.

Together with this sound, there was movement immediately above the originally quiet wall, and many people got up one after another, holding stones, bows and arrows, javelins and other things, they were about to throw them down.

"Don't panic, they wear rattan armor and helmets, they seem to have rattan shields in their hands!"

There was someone on the wall with sharp eyes, who noticed something was wrong and hurriedly shouted.

Everyone was stunned, and then they stopped.

"It's us! We rushed over from the tribe! And the leader, the leader is here!"

At this time, the elder brother and others were about to realize what had happened just now, and someone hurriedly stated their identity.

Even as calm as a big brother, he couldn't help but reach out and wipe the sweat from his forehead.

The people on the fence wiped their sweat even harder.

If they didn't stop their hands just now, the matter would be too big.

It's just that they can't be blamed for this matter. According to previous calculations, the people from the main tribe will come here almost the fourth day.

And even if they came early, it must have been during the day, and now, it was only the second day after the two sparrows left, or at night, it was basically midnight, who would have thought the leader would come over.

"Chief, why are you here so fast?"

After confirming their identities, the people in the Tongshan residential area hurriedly came down to open the door, and asked them to follow the route circled by the lime to avoid falling into the trap.

After closing the door again and tying it fast, I already knew the news and asked excitedly and suspiciously.

The rest of the people in the Tongshan residential area also pricked their ears, and they were also very curious about how the leader and them could come so quickly.

"Huotou and Sparrow didn't rest yesterday. They ran back to the tribe overnight and passed the news back.

After Wu heard about it, we immediately let people clean it up. We took our weapons and set off overnight. We walked until now and finally rushed over. "

The big brother laughed and said aloud, with some ease in his voice. For such behavior, he did not deliberately emphasize the tone or the like to describe it, as if it were just a very ordinary thing.

However, after hearing the words of Shang waiting in the ears of the people who were stationed in the Tongshan residential area, they immediately caused a lot of things to rise in their hearts. Everyone felt that the eye sockets were hot, and something rose from their chests, all the way towards their brains. Away.

Running back to the tribe overnight, leaving from the tribe overnight...

It took at least four days to complete something, but now it took only two days to complete.

They could understand how heavy things were in these fluttering words.

This is their tribe! ! This is the people of their tribe! !

Hearing that people from the same tribe were bullied and attacked, they didn't sleep anymore, so they rushed over all night!

Living in such a tribe and living with such a tribe is really touching and reassuring.


Shang called out the leader, and couldn't say the rest. The rest of the Tongshan residential area was the same, and his chest was agitated.

"It's okay, we are all a tribe, we should do this."

The big brother said with a smile.

"Hurry up and think about what to do. We will catch all these people as soon as possible. We have to cultivate crops in spring."

So Big Brother and Shang went up to the wall and started talking in low voices. The commotion that had just risen quickly subsided.

In the distance, beside the burning fire, the leader of the Blackstone tribe sat up from the ground and looked in the direction of the Tongshan residential area.

Just now, he seemed to hear something vaguely.

But when I went to see it at this time, the weird cave was still as usual, and I didn't see any difference.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe rubbed his eyes and turned his head to see the many feather arrows piled there and polished by them, as well as those rough wooden boards. The last doubt in his heart disappeared completely.

No matter what, the tribe in front of them will definitely be breached, and everything inside will become theirs.

He lay down again, with such a mood, thought for a while, and fell asleep again after a short while.

At this time, in the Tongshan residential area, the closed door opened again, and people carrying hot meals quietly walked out of the door and walked towards the bronze highway.

This was the order that Shang had given immediately after learning that the senior brother and other people from the main tribe had come.

The Tongshan residential area is surrounded by walls, and cooking is not done in the open air, but in a special dining hall.

These facilities do not guarantee that people outside will not see the flames of cooking in their tribe.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you see it. After all, their existence, these enemies who come to attack the tribe, know it by themselves, and are not afraid to expose anything.

"Drink some hot soup to warm your body and relieve fatigue."

After they came here, they used the moonlight to produce a bowl of broth and handed it to the clansmen who hadn't rested much on the way from the main tribe for nearly a day and night.

The people who came from the main tribe put the food that had already been cold in their hands into the steaming broth, put the bowl to their mouths and sucked the hot soup, took a bite, and only felt that the whole body was warm. It's very comfortable.

Of course, it is their heart that is more comfortable and warm than the body.

Above the wall, the senior brothers were also eating with bowls, and while eating, the senior brothers were still talking some things, mainly asking them more about the enemy's situation, and at the same time, they were also talking about how to do it. Get these people up as much as possible.

It’s certain to learn how the gods dealt with the semi-agricultural tribes, but some changes need to be made in some places. After all, the situation here in the Tongshan residential area is not the same as that of the semi-agricultural tribes, and the terrain also needs It is much wider than the semi-agricultural tribe.

Under the continuous influence of Han Cheng, a man from later generations, the people in the tribe have seen many things they have not seen before, and some ways to deal with things. Under such circumstances, the seniors and the people like them do it. Naturally, there are more ways to start things than before.

After discussing this for a while, I decided what to do next.

"Haha, good job."

After all these things were confirmed, the senior brother began to ask how Shang had left these people behind. After knowing what Shang had done, the senior brother couldn’t help but laughed out, and stretched out his hand on Shang’s shoulder. Slapped, used to express affirmation of the shame.

After the matter was settled, the elder brother left the Tongshan residential area.

He wants to end this war as soon as possible and get rid of all these enemies, so the time needs to be hurry.

Many things that need to be prepared need to be prepared as much as possible tonight.

Along with the big brother, there are also Shang, and dozens of slaves in the Tongshan residential area.

These slaves all had tools such as shackles and shovel in their hands.

These people are all new forces. Although most of the people sleeping in the past two days have not been as good as they used to be due to the Blackrock Tribe's attack, they are undoubtedly in better condition than the people in the main tribe who have been driving for a day and night. many.

So they have to put more effort in setting up traps and the like.

The big brother and his party went out of the tribe to meet the people waiting outside.

At this time these people outside had already eaten, some people fell asleep back to back.

Compared with the previous time, the state is much better.

After coming here, the big brother began to make arrangements according to the method discussed with Shang and them just now.

Twenty-five citizens of the Qingque tribe were left behind, lying in ambush on the east side between the place where these enemies rest temporarily and the residential area of ​​Tongshan.

Of course, it was different from the resting position when they came, but moved a lot forward, closer to the resting position of the Blackrock Tribe.

The specific location is arranged by Shang, after all, he has lived here for a long time and is more familiar with the surrounding geographical environment.

However, it is more troublesome when hidden, because the surrounding area has basically been cultivated as farmland. At this time, the crops in the field are either just sprouting or not planted at all. It is bare and it is difficult to find a sheltering figure. The place.

In desperation, he had to avoid the best lurking distance, and moved the ambush location to a more northeast place by almost two miles away.

There is a ridge that is not too tall, and there are some ravines. Because it is not suitable for cultivated land, there are a lot of dry weeds erected, and the hidden figure is still very good.

But it is too far away from those enemies who must pass through the tribe, but there are not many other ways to think about it, so I can only make do with it.

But this is not the most important part, and it doesn't matter at all.

After appointing a person who is more reliable on weekdays as the temporary person in charge, and leaving behind the four drums and three gongs, the big brothers and the group continued to move and went to the west to ambush.

Twenty-five citizens of the Qingque tribe were left in ambush in the west. Like the east, there were four drums and three gongs left with these citizens.

The ambush position of the people in the west is relatively close compared to the people in the east, but compared with the ideal ambush distance, it is still a bit far away.

After arranging these people, the elder brother and others began to walk northwest, quietly bypassing the resting place of the Blackrock tribe's coalition forces, and came to the north.

Stopped behind about three miles from the Blackrock Tribal Allied Forces.

The terrain here is also relatively rugged. The two ridges in the shape of a ‘eight’ are distributed here, with large openings in the south and small openings in the north.

On the two ridges, there are many thorny plants, densely populated, except for some small birds and animals, even the dogs in the tribe will not go here.

As for people, I don't even think about it.

Because of the existence of these two ridges, if you want to go to the north of the tribe, you have to go a long way on both sides, or you need to walk from here.

The Blackrock Tribal Alliance came from here a few days ago.

And the possibility of detouring to both sides is basically non-existent. On the one hand, the distance is too far, and on the other hand, the people ambushing on both sides are not vegetarians.

After seeing the terrain here, the big brother immediately gave a thumbs up to Shang, he was very satisfied with the location of this ambush.

Immediately, people began to dig trenches at the narrowest point in the north of the ‘eight’ shaped valley.

Sixty slaves were brought from the Tribe of the Green Bird, plus fifty from the Tongshan residential area, and there were 110 slaves alone.

In addition, there are more than 130 citizens of the Qingque tribe, and more than 200 people work together, and it is not too fast to dig the pit.

In order to make full use of their hands, and to be on the safe side, the people of the Qingque tribe dug five ditches at the exit of the ‘eight’ shape at the same time.

The width of each ditch is between one meter and 1.5 meters, and the spacing between several ditches is not the same. Some are only one meter, but some are six meters.

Just like when they dig traps behind the gate, the traps that usually exist in these trenches also have narrow passages. This is to get people caught in time.

Of course, the channels left between the several ditches are staggered to each other, so that those who escape can avoid running down the channel all the way.

Under the continuous influence and leadership of their wretched **** son, the people of the Qingque tribe have become more and more knowledgeable and more proficient in how to use insidious tricks.

This big brother was not enough. When everyone was digging a trench there, he took a dozen people, and in the north of Wudaogou, someone laid three ropes in turn.

First dig a shallow ditch in the ground, place the rope along the ditch, cover it with a thin layer of soil, and then cover it with some dry grass or the like.

But if someone crosses those ditches and ran out in time, let the rope be pulled up to trip them.

The total amount of work involved is not small, but the Qingque tribe has many people and good tools.

When the sky was dimming and trying to brighten, the trenches had been dug, and the general layout had been completed.

And about half an hour ago, under the order of the big brother, he took 60 citizens of the blue bird master tribe, bypassed the place where the Heishi tribe coalition army lived, and quietly returned to the Tongshan residential area.

Let Shang bring back fifty main tribes and come to citizens. This is something the big brother had thought about before.

In the battle that is about to begin, the Tongshan residential area needs to work hard.

Only when the Tongshan residential area hurt those enemies and let them escape here, the rest of the arrangement can take effect.

In other words, the people in the Tongshan residential area need to fight these enemies head-on.

In the Tongshan residential area, there were more than 70 adult citizens who could be armored.

According to the equipment and combat power of the Blue Sparrow tribe, these people had to face 400 enemies, and they could also fight, but the big brother did not want to do this.

So he transferred sixty citizens of the main tribe to the Tongshan residential area.

In this way, more than one hundred and thirty to four hundred, the certainty will become greater, and the loss will be further reduced.

As for the people guarding the trap, in addition to the 110 slaves, there are still 70 fully-armed citizens of the Qingque tribe, a total of 180 people. It is not a problem to guard this hole.

The sky gradually started to brighten, and the air was filled with the kind of breath peculiar to early morning.

The people here in the trap also arranged the last point and perfected it, and fell into a quiet state.

Everyone was hiding outside the exit. The big brother asked a few people to stay awake and guard here, and the remaining people started to eat or sleep.

In this battle, from the beginning to the time when they need their efforts, at least the sun must rise three poles.

At this time, everyone can seize the opportunity to take a good rest, especially the sixty slaves from the main tribe and the seventy bluebird citizens who stay here.

Not to mention the long journey. Last night, I set up traps overnight. They were exhausted and many people were holding on. At this time, after the task was completed and the senior brother gave the order to rest, many people just As soon as I sat on the ground, I fell asleep.

Some people were drinking water, but half of the time they drank, the water jar fell off from their hands...

The sky gradually brightened, and the blackrock tribal coalition forces sleeping together gradually woke up, and the noisy voice appeared and became louder as they awakened.

Everyone acted in a mess ~www.NovelMTL.com~ like herding sheep.


The leader of the Blackstone tribe shouted loudly and told these people to quickly get food to eat. After eating, they could attack the Qingque tribe.

And he himself, after saying these words, began to hold the baked food and ate it, eating it until it was supported.

Today this tribe is about to be attacked, so naturally it is necessary to eat more.

Not only was he full, but the people of the other tribes were also fuller. This is because the leader of the Blackstone tribe took out most of the food carried by their tribe for everyone to eat.

The same goes for those tribes with ample food.

Anyway, they can attack the Qingque tribe today, and they don't need to be so frugal on food.


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