I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 836: Plucking lotus roots from the depths of the lotus root, it is fun (3 in 1)

After confirming the route from Longmen Inn to Wild Duck Lake, Han Cheng returned to Hehua Island.

Because he knows that these people are already familiar with road construction. After the route is determined, he doesn't need to worry about the rest. The people in the tribe will do it well.

When the road construction team was building roads, Han Cheng, who came to Hehua Island, asked some of them to build houses on Hehua Island.

The place to build the house is on the north side of the island.

To build a house on the south side of the island, Han Cheng really couldn’t muster this courage. Judging from the number of birds resting on the island at night, it is estimated that it will not take two years to build a house here, maybe Will be confused by a lot of bird droppings.

The place where Han Cheng chose to build the house was relatively high, and it was more than a hundred meters away from the top of the scum he could find on the north side of the island.

Building a house on the lotus island is not farther away from rivers and lakes. When building a house here, you must take into account the lake's water rise in summer and autumn.

Otherwise, it looks okay at this time, and when the water rises, the house may be washed down and submerged.

Han Cheng did not intend to allow people to live on the lotus island. The house was built to temporarily live here for those who dig struvite, dig lotus roots, and later fish, so it doesn’t need to be too quality.

When the construction was carried out, there was no rammed earth wall, but the method used when the deer pen was built.

It is to clear out a clearing first, and then draw the outline of the foundation of the house to be built on the clearing.

Then he will nail a wooden stick with an arm thickness, a height of more than one meter, and a sharpened end along the drawn line, and nail one every 30 cm.

After nailing these nails, use more flexible branches to surround the nailed tree sticks, and weave them forward and backward until they reach the top.

After the weaving is done, mud is added, and a layer of thick paste is applied to the inner and outer sides of the woven fence wall, so that the wall is completed.

Compared with rammed earth walls, this method of laying walls is quicker and less laborious.

As for the roof, the roof is covered with tiles, because compared with thatch, it is too worry-free.

As long as it is not hit by heavy objects or blown away by strong winds, generally as long as the tiles are laid, the roof will not be damaged.

Thatch is different. Under the wind and sun, some places will start to leak in a few years and need to be repaired.

As for the tiles for building houses, don’t worry, because from the beginning of the Longmen Inn, Heiwa took a few people from the tribe who did this, and found a suitable place near the Longmen Inn, and began to build kilns and burn the tiles. By now there are quite a few finished products.

The Longmen Inn has not been built yet, and it is far from the time to go to the tile.

In addition, part of the house builders were transferred by Han Cheng to repair roads, and another part was involved in the construction of houses on Hehua Island. The current Longmen Inn is in a state of suspension, and the time for building tiles will continue to be pushed back.

Therefore, even if the tiles of this batch are cut off, under the firing of Heiwa and the others, the time will not affect the tiles of the Dragon Inn.

However, when building these houses on Hehua Island, the wood used, except for a few trees that had to be felled down to build roads on the island, the rest of the wood was all felled outside and then transported. .

Not only when building houses, but also transporting wood from outside, even the firewood used for cooking and cooking was transported from outside.

Han Cheng made a clear rule for everyone, that is, except for the dead branches that fell on the ground, when the fire is burning, it is not allowed to use wood from the lotus island.

The trees on the lotus island cannot be easily felled.

And when you go to the southern end of Hehua Island to get struvite stones and the like, don't make a loud noise, and avoid the two moments when the birds are the most in the morning and evening.

At the same time, people are not allowed to shoot birds near the lotus island.

The main reason for making this series of decisions is that Han Cheng wants to protect the ecology of the island as much as possible, and keep these birds that inhabit the lotus island so that they can stay for his tribe for a long time. To make manure.

While exposing these regulations, Han Cheng also told everyone the purpose of doing so.

Because only by knowing the purpose of doing this and the meaning of doing this to the tribe, the people in the tribe will do these things more consciously, without the need for people to follow along and explain.

This is what Han Cheng has always insisted on in the tribe. When telling the tribe people how to do it, he will also tell the people in the tribe as much as possible why he should do it. This is important for the tribe, himself and others. What a good change.

Judging from the current results, the effect is very good. By doing so, people in the tribe can fight for the same dream, work spontaneously for the tribe to become better, and make the tribe more united and more active. up.

Taizu once said that we come from all corners of the world, for the same purpose...

Han Cheng remembered this text very clearly. The conscious or unconscious behavior in the tribe will be affected. The current prosperity and unity in the tribe also shows the correctness of doing so.

With the efforts of all the tribesmen, after the construction of the road from the Longmen Inn to Yeyahu, a dozen houses on Hehua Island were completed.

There is no fence around the house like other buildings built by the Qingque tribe, but a fence wall with a height of about one meter two is nailed out with tree sticks around the house.

The reason for this is that there are no poisonous insects and beasts on Hehua Island. The most ferocious animals encountered on Hehua Island these days, except for the birds that occasionally drop bombs, are left by the tribe. The people here fished up and ate the old turtle.

Under such circumstances, naturally there is no need to build any walls.

After these two things were built, the person responsible for excavating and transporting struvite stones also piled up a huge pile of struvite stones on the edge of the Wild Duck Lake.

Seeing this, Han Cheng asked the bridge repairers and the people who built the Longmen Inn to continue their previous work. After two days of sightseeing, he put these struvite stones into the donkey cart, together with those who were engaged in the work. Or on the wheelbarrow, after pulling to the Longmen Post, it began to transport to the tribe of the Green Bird.

On the day before the return transportation, Han Cheng asked people to touch a lot of lotus roots. Those that could not be planted were eaten by people, and those that could be planted were transported separately to the Qingquezhu tribe and Tongshan residential area. Planting.

At the same time, when Junior Brother Sha brought some people to the Tongshan residential area to transport lotus roots, Han Cheng took out half of the tiger charm, and asked Junior Brother Sha to take it to Shang, and asked Shang to arrange for some people from the Tongshan residential area to come together. Transport guano.

Compared with the tiger charms that formed the military alliance tribe with the Qingque tribe, the tiger charms in the Tongshan residential area are one size bigger than those of the military alliance tribes.

Under the circumstances like this, it's the same without using tiger charms. As long as Han Cheng said that whoever takes the lead to guard the Tongshan residential area, the people in the tribe will recognize it, and if he is passed on, no one will cheat.

However, there are certain forms and systems.

The system that seems to be dispensable now will become very important after the tribe develops and grows. So we should implement these methods from now on, and let everyone in the tribe be accustomed to them...

The people who stayed in the tribe were not idle, but continued to be busy with tribal affairs, such as weeding, herding sheep, and feeding rabbits.

The developed Qingque tribe always has many things to do.

In addition to these, some people in the tribe are also doing other things.

Some people are bending over to weed in a millet where the leaves are a little yellowed and not strong at all. In addition, some people are also here, just behaving strangely.

They had a big scorpion head slung in one of their arms, and they walked slowly along the vacant Long.

While walking, the other hand grabbed some stuff from the head of the fur, and then began to wave his arms.

Let these things leak out from the fingers left deliberately, and spread them as evenly as possible in the surrounding land.

What they do now is spread fertilizer, which can also be called top dressing.

The one that was thrown out by them was the struvite that was transported back from Lotus Island.

However, unlike the previous stones, these struvite stones have now been smashed into finely divided particles, a bit similar to common fertilizers in later generations.

The matter of top dressing was brought up by Han Cheng, so that the struvites that were delivered could be effective as soon as possible.

Moreover, these crop seedlings, which are not very strong, also urgently need top dressing.

With this time of top dressing, by the time of harvest, a lot of grain can be collected.

As everyone swayed, these smashed struvite stones fell one after another, smashing on the leaves of the millet, making a fine sound.

These people sprinkled in front, followed by people with hoes.

On the one hand, weed and loosened the soil, and on the other hand, the scattered fertilizer was covered with soil.

This can better play the role of struvite.

This is the same as the principle that later generations of farmers used to top-dress the crops when it rains.

Applying topdressing when it rains lightly can quickly melt the fertilizer that has been spread on the ground, allowing the crops to absorb it immediately.

In addition, those fertilizers that fall on the leaves of crops will also be melted by the rain, and then flow along the poles to the roots, without causing burns or other damage to the leaves of the crops.

Farming is a major event related to the survival and development of the tribe. At the same time, it also has a lot of knowledge, which is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Life is busy and busy, but there are also moments of leisure.

Just like now.

As the lotus leaf swayed, a wooden boat emerged from it.

"Brother Cheng, here! Here!"

Bai Xuemei screamed with excitement and pointed her finger at a place not far away.

Looking in the direction of her fingers, under a lotus leaf, there is a big lotus.


Han Cheng simply agreed and moved the boat a little behind, and the boat squeezed the layers of lotus leaves and drove towards the direction of the lotus.

After the boat approached, Bai Xuemei held the lotus root in one hand, and the other hand pinched the lotus root under the lotus root. As soon as she pressed her hands, the unusually plump lotus was in her hand.

After the lotus was taken off, a large amount of Baijin gushed from the lotus root, which seemed to be crying about the robber's brutality.

Bai Xuemei didn't care about these things, holding the lotus in her hand was as happy as a second fool.

After holding it to Han Cheng for a while, he put it in the boat, and then continued to look for the next target.

After seeing it, I yelled happily.

Whenever at this time, Han Cheng used a boat pole to light the mud and propped the boat over.

Han Cheng couldn't help showing a smile on his face as he looked at the daughter-in-law whom his family couldn't ask for joy.

He likes to do this kind of thing of holding a small boat and carrying his own silly lady among the layered lotus leaves. He feels that this moment is particularly comfortable.

Comparable standing on the shore watching the lotus-picking girl paddling a small boat, looming among the lotus leaves, and then secretly swallowing saliva on the shore and muttering: "Jiajia is blue, white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren, on the side of the water..." Interesting Too much.

In particular, the boat is held between the layers of lotus leaves, and the boat is fixed there with a bamboo pole.

The small boat swaying from left to right made waves and made a light sound of water waves. It was even more interesting to start off one or two fish looking for food among the lotus leaves.

People who are not picking lotus plants themselves cannot experience it.

The kind of lotus seeds that are not full-grown are the most refreshing to eat after peeling, and the sweetness has a delicate fragrance.

However, the full-grown lotus seeds are not suitable for white mouth. After peeling off the outer layer, buckle the lotus seeds and remove the lotus heart. Put them in the pot and cook the porridge. It is very good and very noodles.

If you can put some sugar in it, it will taste better.

The lotus heart must be removed, because the grown lotus heart is astringent and bitter, and will taste bad.

With Han Cheng as the leader of God’s son, there are also lotus seeds that taste very good, so in free time, holding a small boat and picking lotus plants among the layers of lotus leaves, it becomes doing things on the lotus island. People, what they like to do the most...

During the busy schedule, the Longmen Inn was built, with a green bird and a plaque of "Longmen Inn" carved on it. When I hung it there, it looked vigorous, and the feeling of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon came to my face.

Several larger bridges near the Longmen Inn were also built, and they were repaired all the way towards the Tongshan residential area.

On the lotus island, where struvite stones existed, potholes were excavated, and the road from here to the simple wharf was also flat and solid.

There are donkey carts and some trolleys going to and from the Bronze Expressway, and on the way from Dragon Inn to Wild Duck Lake.

Carriages of struvite stones were transported to the fields of the Qingquezhu tribe and the Tongshan residential area.

After being smashed, they were grabbed by their hands and sprinkled into the crops.

Time passed quietly in such a busy schedule, unconsciously, as if after a rain, everyone suddenly felt that the sun was no longer as hot as before, and when they went to bed at night, it became much cooler. ...

After an autumn rain, the weather became cooler, and the leaves of many trees turned dark green.

The little fresh meat that was tender and tender before was successfully tortured by this pig-killing knife into old bacon.

At this time, above the Bronze Expressway, all bridges that needed to be built were completed.

This road was finally completely built, and the donkey cart drove on it very smoothly.

The people from the road repair team returned to the tribe.

The people who transported struvite stones, after transporting all the struvite stones to the shore of Wild Duck Lake back to the tribe, stayed in the tribe and did not go out.

Because the very important autumn harvest for the tribe is about to begin!

At the tribe of Green Bird, Han Cheng, Wu and the others were standing on the edge of a millet field, looking at the millets standing in the field with their heads hanging down, all of them were happy.

Some people like Wu and others praised the effect of struvite stone there.

Because before the crushed struvite was used for top dressing, the millet growing on this ground was not growing vigorously, and the leaves appeared yellow.

But after sprinkling struvite and hoeing the ground to cover it with mud, after two rains, a miracle happened.

This piece of millet, which was originally withered and yellow, and obviously malnourished, turned dark blue in color and grew extremely strong.

When it is about to harvest now, it has completed the overtake of the surrounding crops that did not use struvite for top dressing.

Not only did the ears grow bigger, but the grains inside became full.

This effect is comparable to Jin Ke La.

If there are enough struvite stones, the tribe's food output will be greatly improved.

This piece of millet, as well as several other pieces of millet, will be stored separately when it is time to harvest, and will be reserved for planting the next year.

As the planting area in the tribe has greatly increased, I think it’s impossible to pick one ear of grain and one ear of grain as before. It is impossible to reserve seeds. We can only harvest a piece of millet with better overall growth as it is now. Drying is used to keep seeds.

Of course, this is the seed used for large-scale planting.

When cultivating good varieties, one will still pick ears one by one.

However, the area of ​​the experimental field is small, so careful selection can still be affordable.

Another autumn wind blew, some yellow leaves fell from the branches, and the millet standing in the ground, the head hanging lower, looked very humble.

After a rich sickle feast, the entire Qingque tribe began to devote itself to the great cause of autumn harvest.

The sickle waved, sweat dripped, and crops fell and were transported to the threshing ground.

The harvest season is always full of joy with sweat.

When the large-scale autumn harvest of the Qingque tribe ended, it was already more than a month later.

Standing on the strong wall of the tribe, looking at the bare farmland around the tribe, while feeling that the field of vision has suddenly widened, it can't help but feel the greatness of people.

After the large-scale autumn harvest was over, everyone was divided into several waves, each doing different things.

Some people continue to be busy with the crops, while others begin to pick fruit.

In the courtyard of the Qingque tribe, several stoves were also set up. Everyone boiled fruit candies and made canned fruits from the picked fruits with higher moisture. The whole tribe was full of sweet taste.

In the busy time, time passed, the autumn wind blew, and large yellow leaves fell.

All the crops planted by the Qingque tribe have been harvested, and even the growing hemp has been harvested. After enough hemp seeds are left, they are tied into bundles and thrown into the lower reaches of the small river. Inside the pit.

The surroundings of the tribe have really become bare.

After finishing all these things, the people in the tribe finally took a long breath. All the hard work this year was not in vain. For a long time in the future, the days of the autumn harvest will be guaranteed.

After a short rest, the people in the tribe began to get busy again.

Someone started to hold the donkey, and started plowing the ground with the plow.

At this time, the land is plowed, and when the seeds are planted in the next spring, the land does not need to be plowed again. You only need to use a rake to rake it again and you can directly cultivate it.

It can also effectively kill eggs and reduce the occurrence of pests.

Some people continue to open up wasteland with shackles and copper shovel.

However, the land reclamation site has changed from Salt Mountain and around the Qingque tribe to near Bronze Expressway.

Starting from the Qingque tribe, slowly advancing along the Bronze Expressway to the west, opening up wasteland on both sides of the Bronze Expressway.

There are also some people who are carrying tools such as brass shovel and yoke to work among the fields.

However, their job is not to open up wasteland, nor to turn the land, but to restore farmland there.

Repair some places that were damaged by summer rain, and at the same time dig ditches on the side, re-dig the shallow ditches, and block some places that should not be opened...

"I'm going, why is it so cold?"

In the dead of night, Han Cheng woke up from his sleep, only feeling that his whole body was shaking.

In a daze~www.NovelMTL.com~ I thought it was Xuemei Bai who pulled the animal skin mattress off his body again. She reached out and touched it, only to find that the mattress was well covered.

After struggling for a while in half awake and half asleep, Han Cheng finally made up his mind and woke up completely.

Reached out and touched the simple fire fold on the soil platform built on the side of the kang head, pulled it out and blew it up, and after the fire came out, he moved it to the side of the oil lamp.

After the oil lamp was lit, the fire folder was covered again, and the flame was extinguished.

The small flames of the oil lamp were beating, and the light appeared dim, illuminating the whole room.

In the room, the air was very cold.

Bai Xuemei still slept sweetly, but she curled up in a ball, lying on her side, protecting Little Myolie in her arms.

After Han Cheng shivered, he quickly put on his clothes and covered the mattresses he had covered for them, mother and daughter.

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