I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 835: Some things are really hard to do (3 in 1)

Encouraged by Han Cheng’s words, the witch seemed to be a lot younger. At the Blackstone tribe in the north, sitting on the rocks outside the Blackstone tribe’s cave, watching the sunset gradually falling down the mountain, the bark of the whole person Looks lack of energy, as if a lot older.

He sat here quietly, looking at the ruddyness of the western sky, and was stunned. He no longer had the joy of killing the leader of the Blue Flower tribe and gaining the trust of the people of the Blackrock tribe.

The reason for this is because he envisioned to find salt and pottery so that the leaders of the Blackstone tribe can realize the goodness of these two things, and then use this to tell the leaders of the Blackstone tribe to bring people south to the Qingque tribe The method of starting a suicide attack proved to be a failure once again.

This was not because salt and pottery were not good enough and not attractive enough, but because he found that he had no way to get these two things.

Earlier, he had offered to bring some fur, food, and other things, and then some people, to go south to find the Qingque tribe, and to exchange salt and pottery, but he was not allowed.

What he got was only a few slaps that the leader of the Blackstone tribe slapped against his head.

Because the leader of the Blackstone tribe felt that his behavior was to take people away from the great Blackstone tribe.

After being slapped twice, the leader of the Blackstone tribe also issued a very solemn warning to Bark, saying that if Bark had such thoughts, he, as well as other people in the tribe, would kill him. And eating meat, he will put his skull and the leader of the Lanhu tribe together.

The leader of the Blackrock tribe really didn't just talk about it. He, as well as other people in the tribe, really did something like this.

It is precisely because of this that the bark looks so uncomfortable.

I thought he found that when confronting the leader of the Blackstone tribe, he seemed to have no way at all, and was always suppressed by this **** guy.

When going out hunting or doing other things, I slipped away quietly while people were not paying attention, and then went south to find the Blue Sparrow Tribe, and asked the Blue Sparrow Tribe to attack the Black Rock Tribe. Over.

But such an idea is just an idea after all.

Not to mention whether anyone is willing to go with him, nor to say that they will be able to find the Qingque tribe. Even if they can find the Qingque tribe all at once, Bark feels that such a thing will never happen.

Because the Heishi tribe is too far away from the implementation of the Qingque branch, it is no threat to the Qingque tribe.

Moreover, the Qingque tribe is richer than the Blackstone tribe. Under such circumstances, the people of the Qingque tribe would never do this.

Moreover, he was still a person expelled from the tribe, and if he went back like this, he might not even be able to enter the gate of the Qingque tribe.

Not only that, they might also kill themselves.

Until now, Bark clearly remembered that when he was expelled from the tribe, those people in the tribe looked at their expressions.

If it were not for the son of God to expel himself, those in the tribe would definitely kill himself.

As for taking people to go quietly, only in exchange for some salt and pottery, and never mentioned anything about the Blackstone tribe, and then bring these salt and pottery to return to the Blackstone tribe, and use these things to induce the leader of the Blackstone tribe, the tree Pi also thought about it.

But like the rest of the ideas, he was also denied by himself.

Because he knew too much about the brutal leader of the Blackrock tribe.

Regardless of whether the salt he brought back is good or not, whether the pottery is good or not, as long as he violates the words he said before, this cruel guy will definitely kill himself according to what he said before, and then eat meat.

You can't think about these things, as long as you think about it, the bark will feel full of melancholy, the kind that can't be resolved.

After sitting like this for a while, the bark stood up and walked back and forth into the cave after the smell of food came out in the cave.

It's just that the whole person looks particularly lackluster, and he is even more exhausted than the uncle deer who can fight with many little does in one day after the arrival of spring.

Because just now, he decided to stop thinking about this impossible thing...

After staying in the Tongshan residential area for two days, Han Cheng and Wu and the others left the Tongshan residential area and returned along the Bronze Expressway.

On the way back, Wu didn't take the car much anymore, insisting on walking with Han Cheng.

This is the importance of psychological cues.

In the past, President Wu thought he was getting older and thought he might be dying. Under such constant psychological hints, he naturally became spiritless.

But now, from the son of God, I suddenly learned that people can still live at that old age. Compared with the age of the son of God, his age is completely young, and his mentality suddenly becomes different.

This principle is the same as some elderly people whose parents are still alive in their 60s and 70s.

When my parents were still there, no matter how old I was, I still felt that I was still relatively young.

But once their parents have passed away, these old people will feel that they are getting old very quickly.

Han Cheng was naturally very happy to see Wu in this state, but after walking with Wu for a while, he would still let Wu sit on the donkey cart and rest for a while.

After all, although human consciousness has a subjective initiative and has a certain regulatory effect on the body, subjective consciousness is still subject to the body to a large extent.

In fact, it is not only Han Cheng who is delighted with such gratifying changes in the witches, and it is not Han Cheng who is most happy, but the hand warmers of witches and the sacrificial circle of the original semi-agricultural tribe.

In the past two days, Yuan has a good spirit, and the whole person has become radiant, walking with wind, don't mention that energy, he looks much younger than Wu.

This is really an old and strong twilight love!

Han Cheng looked at the witch who was walking with the car on foot with him, and then at the spirited circle not far away. Thinking of this in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, just a little bit of insignificance. .

Watching the gods and witches leave, the people in the Tongshan residential area were a little sad and unwilling.

After this emotion lasted for a while, it gradually dissipated and was replaced by joy.

Because these people remembered the news brought by the son of God this time.

There are islands in the Wild Duck Lake, and there are a lot of guano on the islands. In addition, there is a new kind of food there, which tastes very delicious.

This time the son of God and the others came and brought some, which really tasted good.

How could they be unhappy when they encounter such a good thing?

They are all members of the Qingque tribe. Naturally, the more good things they have in the tribe, the happier they are.

Because over the years, even those who joined later have a more detailed understanding of the history of the Qingque tribe.

At the beginning, the tribe was also very poor. After the son of God came here, he changed a little today and made a good thing tomorrow. It went down like this day by day. Now, the tribe has changed drastically. The change.

And they living in the Qingque tribe have also become the people of many tribes in this era, looking envious...

In the morning, we departed from Tongshan residential area, and approached the evening in the afternoon, and arrived at the Longmen Inn under construction.

On the second day, Han Cheng and his party did not continue east along the Bronze Expressway to the Qingque Tribe, but stayed here for a day.

On this day of stay, I did not idle, but went to Hehua Island in Wild Duck Lake.

This time the past is no longer the nature of adventure and sightseeing, but to work.

After everyone came to Hehua Island, they were roughly divided into two groups. One group was headed by Han. On the edge of the island, they began to feel the lotus root.

The other part is from the east side of the island, along a relatively flat place, all the way to the place where there are a lot of struvite, excavated struvite.

With the continuous movements of the people, the lotus that could be viewed from a distance but not to be played was trampled on, and the lotus root growing below was touched out to be eaten.

The excavation of struvite stones in the area closer to the south is also in full swing.

Under tools such as bronze hammers, bronze shackles, and bronze shovel, there was no real hard struvite that was smashed and packed into the rattan basket.

These two things are to be brought back to the main tribe after a while.

The phrase thief not go empty is also more appropriate to describe the Qingque tribe under the leadership of Han Cheng.

Nowadays, a trip with fun and fun is over. It's time to go back. Naturally, I can't go back empty-handed, otherwise, wouldn't it be too bad?

Therefore, there is today's trip to Lotus Island.

A lot of things are fresh when I first started making them, but once they are made for a long time, it becomes uncomfortable.

For example, the ongoing lotus root digging.

When he first touched the lotus root, Han Cheng was extremely excited, but after touching it for a long time, the excitement slowly disappeared.

The thorns on the lotus rod pulled out a lot of red roads on the legs and arms, and the fingers of the two feet who stepped on the mud underneath had headaches.

The mud under the water, only the thick layer on the surface is thin and soft, while the bottom is hard.

The lotus root generally does not grow in the thin mud on the upper layer, but in the harder mud below. It is very laborious to step on the mud with your feet and take out the lotus root inside, especially the two. The head of the thumb on the foot makes the most effort in this process.

When the lotus root digging ended in the afternoon, Han Cheng didn't want to move.

And because of the close contact with the mud below and the lotus root, both hands and the top of the feet were stained a little discolored.

The lotus root can get out of the silt without being stained, but the lotus root digger is not.

However, the hard work was not in vain, Han Cheng and the others touched more than a thousand catties of lotus root this time.

Among the lotus roots that were touched out, Han Cheng made a rough selection, mainly to put aside the lotus roots with some unbroken small lotus roots that have not yet grown out of the water.

This is to be planted around the tribe.

In addition to having small lotus root buds, these lotus roots should not have holes on their bodies, otherwise they will be easily decomposed when they are buried in the mud in the water.

When the sun is west, baskets of struvite stones and a large number of lotus roots were carried off the island by the raft, to the shore of the lake, unloaded from the raft, and then transported to the Longmen Inn...

In the next morning, Han Cheng and the others who had eaten set off on their way back. The donkey cart was loaded with these things, and the people travelling with them were carrying something more or less.

Even the witch was wrapped in animal skins and some struvite straps, and the panda Tuantuan also hung two packages.

When walking back on the road, although it is harder, everyone's emotions are higher. Compared with walking empty-handed, carrying these things makes people feel more at ease.

Because there is no wasted time.

In the afternoon of the next day, the group of people returned to the tribe of the Green Bird Lord. The people who remained in the tribe, when they saw Han Cheng and the others returning, all cheered forward to greet them.

As the son of God, Han Cheng left the tribe with the witch. This was the first time that happened. Although before leaving, Han Cheng and his masters as the leader and the next Wu Shishi had made some explanations, but The hearts of the people who stayed in the tribe were still empty, and they would become nervous involuntarily.

In the past few days when Han Cheng and the others left, the Blue Bird Tribe was very guarded. Everyone also sighed in their hearts. When they went to bed at night, they felt that they didn't dare to sleep completely.

Now, with the return of Han Cheng and Wu, this tense atmosphere has disappeared all at once, and has returned to the relatively safe state before.

After seeing the struvite stones and lotus roots brought back by Han Cheng and the others, the people who returned with Han Cheng talked about the benefits of struvite stones and lotus roots, and what they had learned about the lotus island, the atmosphere in the tribe Become more heated up.

Han Cheng did not speak, but looked at all this with a smile, and left the opportunity to tell everyone who remained in the tribe about what he had learned about the trip to other people in the tribe. The joy of returning from these trips, Han Cheng did not want to fight. .

Wu also didn't speak, looking at everything in front of him, his face was full of smiles.

Listening to the narration of the returning people, all the people who remained in the tribe became fascinated. Even the big brother and the stone wanted to go to the wild duck lake, to the lotus island, to the water Feel the lotus root and see the struvite stone covering the island like a stone.

They have never been to the Lotus Island in the Wild Duck Lake.

After everyone's excitement passed, Han Cheng took some people with bronze shovel, took carefully selected lotus roots as seeds, and went to the potholes around the tribe to plant lotus roots.

Wu Ze was a little worried about what happened in the tribe during the few days he left.

After learning that everything was well and that a female donkey gave birth to a donkey cub, Wu became happier.


The bronze shovel inserted into the pit stirred up some sludge. After setting it aside, the bronze shovel moved again. It didn't take long for the bronze shovel to be shoveled out of a deep ditch under the water.

After shoveling, Han Cheng picked up a series of lotus roots and put them inside, carefully covering them with mud, so as not to break the small lotus buds.

After being covered, the even lotus root is considered good.

Ripe lotus seeds can also be used for sowing, but compared to directly burying lotus roots in water, planting lotus seeds is too slow. Han Cheng, who wants lotus roots to multiply around the tribe, will naturally not be like this. made.

The first to be buried in the lotus root was the retaining wall around the tribal wall.

After the hard-working gardener of Bugs Bunny continues to work in the nursery, there is no shortage of saplings in the tribe that need to be artificially planted and formed, such as various fruit trees and mulberry trees.

Of course, there is no shortage of saplings of the Tie Lei House Tree.

In the spring of the year that the fence outside the tribe was just built, the periphery of the wall ditch was densely planted with seedlings of the iron fence house.

A few years have passed, and now, these seedlings have grown to the height of one person, standing there like a green wall that will still bloom.

With the existence of this wall, the retaining wall ditch outside the Qingque tribe seemed less important.

Nowadays, the deepest part of the wall ditch can almost reach people, and the shallow water at the edge can also reach the calf.

Although the retaining wall ditch surrounding the Qingque tribe is relatively narrow, only three or four meters away, it can't stand long enough. If you count them all, the total area is almost thirty or forty mu.

Regardless of other places, just because the lotus roots in the wall-guarding ditch grow up, many lotus roots can grow a year.

In addition to lotus roots, there are also fish growing in this retaining wall.

These fish have been put in one after another in the past few years.

Planting lotus roots may compromise the function of the wall ditch, but with the increasingly solid iron fence outside the house wall, you don't need to consider this discount.

Lotus roots multiply fast, so when they were buried in water, Han Cheng didn't bury them too densely. They only buried one at a distance of almost two meters.

But even so, the lotus root that I brought back as a seed this time was gone without even burying the ditch on the west side.

However, there is no need to worry about this. The people who have returned from the trip and those who stay in the tribe want to go to Hehua Island very much. As long as Han Cheng gives an order, he can immediately organize a batch of lotus root luck. Fat team.


At night, after washing, Han Cheng lay on the kang and let out a long breath. The feeling of lying on the kang in his room was really comfortable!

Originally, Han Cheng wanted to go to bed directly, but because of some described reasons, he abruptly extended his sleep time by nearly an hour.

Adult males who are not single dogs are not good at this point. They often sleep shorter than previously expected, and they are easily deprived of sleep.

Fortunately, Han Cheng is now living in a slow-paced primitive society, and he is also mixed with the tribe's handles. If he wants to, he does not need to participate in any labor, so the next day, he sleeps until three poles before getting up.

This kind of breathless feeling, let alone how comfortable it is.

On the same day, Han Chengchi began to let them overhaul the tribe’s wooden boats and the originally built bamboo rafts. After the rest and refurbishment, these will be transported to the Longmen Station Yeyahu.

Compared with a wooden boat, a bamboo raft is bulkier, and its buoyancy is not as good as these two. In addition, the Qingque tribe generally does not hold a boat along the big river east of the small river in front of the tribe, so Han The achievement prepares people to transport it to Wild Duck Lake.

After all, the water surface there is wide enough, and for some time in the future, the tribe will transport bird droppings from the top of the lotus island and continue to touch some lotus roots to grow or eat, so that these things can be used.

After resting in the tribe for three days, Han Cheng took the people and set off again. This time Wu and the others did not go. More than half of the people in the team had never been to the Tongshan residential area or Hehua Island before. .

In addition to the donkey carts, the people who went there also pushed 20 wheelbarrows, which were used when preparing to transport bird droppings back and forth.

After the group came to the Longmen Inn under construction, Han Cheng arranged two people who had traveled to and from the Tongshan residential area several times to accompany those who had not been to the Tongshan residential area to the Tongshan residential area, he and the others. People who have been to the Tongshan residential area brought wooden boats, bamboo rafts, and baskets to Wild Duck Lake, and then took them to Hehua Island.

After arriving on the island, first arranged for personnel to roughly clean up a pavement from the struvite pool to the simple dock on the island. After the road was repaired, struvite stones were excavated.

The excavated struvite was packed in baskets and transported to the simple wharf. After it was gathered to a certain extent, someone took it on a wooden boat or a bamboo raft~www.NovelMTL.com~ and started transporting it to the shore of the lake.

The struvite stone transported to the lake bank was not transported directly to the Longmen Inn, but was transported to a place on the bank of the river that was far from the lake and relatively open.

After the struvite stones are piled up to a certain level, they will be transported to the Longmen Inn, and then transported to the Qingquezhu tribe and the Tongshan residential area.

In the case of insufficient manpower, using this method of segmented transportation can greatly improve work efficiency.

While everyone was excavating and transporting struvite stones, the team who repaired the bridge and built the Dragon Gate Inn were all under the dispatch of God Son Han, temporarily put aside what they were doing, and began to build the Dragon Gate Inn leading to the mallard The road to the lake.

The specification is slightly lower than that of the Bronze Expressway, and it was also built together from Longmen Inn and Wild Duck Lake.

For everyone who has built the Bronze Expressway, it is too easy to build the road a bit lower than the Bronze Expressway. It took about eleven or two days, and the ten-mile road has been built...

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