I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 469: Teng Snake Tribe

   In a dense forest, a place was cleared.

Without further orders from the leader of the donkey tribe, some people from the donkey tribe found dry firewood, fetched water in a clay pot, and put it on the erected stone. He has done it many times since the beginning, but now he is doing it. It's still a vigorous performance.

   The flame rose, and the water in the clay pot gradually opened. The leader of the donkey tribe skillfully put some food into it, and then waited for the food to be cooked by water.

The four chiefs of the   teng snake tribe sat anxiously waiting for him, he could finally eat food with salt!

   However, the next move of the leader of the donkey tribe made him a little puzzled, because he didn't put the snow-white salt in it, so he poured out some soup and brought it over for him to taste.


   He took the hot soup handed over by the leader of the donkey tribe, and pointed to a jar not far away containing a lot of salt.

  The leader of the donkey tribe couldn't help but feel even more happy when he saw the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe pointing their hands to the jar of salt.

   Today is surprisingly smooth, the leader of this tribe, accepting these things they have never seen before, really fast.

   Even so, he didn't put salt directly into the bowl, but insisted on letting this understanding leader take a sip of the white soup.

   This is what he learned from the son of that powerful tribe.

   did this when he promoted pottery and salt to them.

  Facts have proved that drinking a sip of white soup and then salted soup can indeed cause a greater shock.

   The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe are not the leader of the Donkey Tribe, so they can only drink the little white soup in the bowl first, the taste is similar to what he drank in the tribe.

   The leader of the donkey tribe took the empty bowl from the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe and re-filled the soup. This time there was a lot of it, and there was a full bowl.


   The leader of the donkey tribe made a sound, attracting everyone's eyes, then walked to the salt jar, got some salt, put it into the bowl solemnly, and after stirring, again gave it to the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe.

   Then looked expectantly at the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe, tentatively drinking soup.

  The rest of the donkey tribe also looked at the four leaders of the donkey snake tribe.

   It was the first time that other tribes had a shocked look from eating salted food. They had seen it many times, but they still had enough.

   Every time they see it, they will feel very comfortable. This feeling is better than they can eat delicious salted food.

The four chiefs of the   teng snake tribe did not disappoint them. After a sip of the salted broth, his eyes lit up, and the shock on his face couldn't be concealed.

   Although he had known for a long time that the food would become particularly delicious after adding salt, and he had some preparations in his heart, but at this time, after eating it for the first time, he was still shocked by its deliciousness.

   It was at this time that he suddenly understood why the chiefs had eaten salted food, and then other foods would become less sweet.

   also understands why Wu would sigh and sigh with less and less salt jars, and often ask if there is any news about salt.

   So this salted food is so delicious!

   Seeing the expressions on the faces of the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe, everyone in the donkey tribe showed a knowing smile.

   Seeing other people in the Tengshe tribe drooling while looking at the smoking clay pot, the leader of the donkey tribe was very understanding and asked others to add salt to the remaining Tongue and give it to others.


   The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe expressed sincere emotion that the salted food is delicious.

   The leader of the donkey tribe smiled even more.

   He took the pottery bowl he had taken, pointed to the pottery and salt, and then pointed to the leather wrapped around him, and said to the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe that they could exchange it with leather.

  Because he had heard the grassroots talk about the donkey tribe before, the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe could easily understand the meaning of the donkey tribe leader.

   But he has no intention of trading with fur.

   One is that the time he took to bring people to this cave is not too long, and the accumulated fur is not too much.

  The second reason is that he doesn't need to exchange leather for these people.

   Just grab it directly, and he will be as stupid as the grassroots.

  The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe looked at the donkey tribe chief who was boasting about the clay pot and salt to him, and smiled...

  The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe still took the people from the Donkey Tribe and headed towards the cave where they temporarily lived and was originally inhabited by another tribe.

   The leader of the donkey tribe, carrying pottery and salt, and other people in the tribe, followed happily.

   They were not held hostage, but went to exchange fur with the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe.

   The four chiefs of the Teng Snake Tribe also had no idea of ​​killing people and looting salt and pottery immediately.

   The reason why he has made such a big change is because he remembered that their tribe had less and less salt, and the witch held the salt jar and sighed.

   At this time, this black tribe brings a lot of salt. After killing them, their tribe can get this large amount of salt.

   But no matter how much salt is eaten, there will be a day after they eat the salt they grabbed, where should they look for salt?

   also thought of this, so the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe changed their approach.

   He is a cunning person himself, it is not strange to think of this.

   After being led by the four chiefs of Tengshe tribe to the temporary dwelling cave, the leader of the donkey tribe seemed not so happy.

Looking at the few animal skins in front of him, he even had the urge to hit someone~www.NovelMTL.com~ He thought that when he met a new tribe, he could get a lot of furs at once, but he didn’t. Thinking of this tribe's accumulation of fur is so small.

   The full of expectations turned into disappointment, which is really uncomfortable.

   This tribe, there are so many adults, I did not expect to be so poor!

   The leader of the donkey tribe showed contempt for the tribe in front of him.

   But he did not let go, but left a pottery bowl and a small half pottery bowl of salt, and then exchanged all the furs of this tribe.


   The leader of the donkey tribe left with the people of the donkey tribe. In the cave, someone pointed to the left donkey tribe and said something to the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe.

   He meant to catch up, kill all the people in the donkey tribe, and **** all the pottery.

   Since this, their team will be the most rewarding.

The four chiefs of Teng Snake Tribe did not agree with his proposal. Instead, they waited until the donkey tribe was almost out of sight before they called two people to let them follow the donkey tribe quietly.

  After the two people left, he asked all the food in the cave to be taken away, carrying weapons and leaving the cave...


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