I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 468: Dealing with vipers

   After carefully watching the situation in front of him for a while, the leader of the donkey tribe swept away the previous dullness and became excited.

   followed his gaze, and saw that in a dense wood in front of him, there were some people walking with stone spears in their hands, as if looking for prey.

   The leader of the donkey tribe is of course excited. He has never been to this piece of land before, and meeting people here at this time means that in all likelihood, it is a brand new tribe that they have never seen before.

   Encountering such a tribe means that they can get a lot of animal skins in exchange.

   This is the experience he has gained from doing exchanges in the past few years.


   After watching the situation there for a while, he shouted excitedly to the people behind, and then took the lead.

   Other people in the tribe are also more excited, carrying pottery and salt, and following the leader towards their new trading goal...

   The second leader of the Yuan Teng Snake Tribe walked among the woods with a stone spear, and looked at the people hunting around, feeling a little happy.

   He became the leader of the tribe again. Originally, he had no chance to become the leader, but in the summer, the four newly elected leaders stepped on the poisonous snake while leading the hunter and died soon after.

   There was a vacancy in the position of the leader of the tribe, so the witch asked the people in the tribe to re-select the four leaders.

   This time, Wu allowed the former two leaders to participate.

   This guy, who was able to become the second leader of the Teng Snake Tribe in the past, was also abruptly played out. At this time, he was competing against him.

After    some fighting, he got his wish and became the four chiefs of the Tengshe tribe.

   Although he was only the lowest, he finally became the leader.

   Apart from him, no one knows why the four dead leaders stepped on the poisonous snake...

   He carried a stone spear and looked at the people around him looking for prey, with a smile on his face.

   There are nearly thirty of these people, all of them are under his command.

   They are not in the big tribe now, but as before, they take people out of the big tribe and hunt around.

   The four leaders of the Teng Snake Tribe felt a little more gloomy, because he thought of another thing.

   That is the kind of white salt that is as pure as snowflakes. (Salt is in Mandarin, and pottery is also in Mandarin, a term learned from grassroots.)

   From the grass roots of the crooked nose and the mouths of other leaders, he learned how delicious foods with salt are.

   However, when he became the leader and wanted to taste some of the delicious food with salt, the witch stopped people from eating it.

  Salt food can only be enjoyed by a witch, because there is not much salt in the precious clay pot...

   This makes him very depressed, but there is no way at all. In the tribe, no one dares to challenge the majesty of the witch, even the big leader.


   He cursed lowly, but it was not a witch, but took people to wait for the second leader of the Tengshe tribe with salt and pottery tribe.

   It's been so long, and they haven't found salt and pottery yet. Thinking about it makes people angry.

   In such a secret thought, the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe suddenly condensed their eyes, and looked in one direction with some surprises and vigilance.

   There, some people suddenly appeared, and these people came directly towards them, carrying something.


   He yelled, and the people around who heard him yelled quickly toward him.

   They gathered together, holding weapons in their hands, looking at the group of people they encountered by accident.

   For this group of people, the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe were a little alert, but more excited, because it meant they had discovered a new tribe.

   When the tribe lacked food, they had another place to get food...

   The four chiefs of the Tengshe tribe, who rubbed their eyes and confirmed that they were right, became more excited when they saw clearly what was on the shoulder of the visitor.

  Precious pottery!

   So many precious pottery? !

   He turned his excited eyes away from the pottery and fell on the person carrying the pottery.

   Most of these people are black.

He suddenly remembered what Crooked Nose Grassroots said. The people who went to their tribe to do business in the past were a group of black people. These black people carried precious pottery on their shoulders. The pottery contained the same precious salt. !

   The second leader, the tribe they hadn't met for so long, suddenly appeared in front of him like this, which made him feel dizzy.

   fainted, it is an unspeakable joy!

   The leader of the donkey tribe also smiled all over his face. He was not surprised by the tribe who had gathered together and became vigilant when they saw their arrival.

   He saw a lot of scenes like this.

   Generally, as long as they are new tribes, they basically respond similarly when they meet them.

   But when they see the goodness of pottery and salt, they will truly feel the goodness of their tribe.

   thus willingly took out their excess animal skins and exchanged precious pottery and salt for them.

   In this idea, the two tribes gradually approached.

   In order to show that he is not hostile, the leader of the donkey tribe, carrying pottery and salt, deliberately asked other people in the tribe to drag the weapon in the other hand behind.


   He put down the salt jar, walked forward, and greeted the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe.

   Just like the tribes I met before~www.NovelMTL.com~ The eyes of the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe fell on the clay pot placed in front by the leader of the donkey tribe.

   He can't wait to know if there is salt in it.

   Although he did not understand the words of the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe, the leader of the donkey tribe who had done many transactions was able to understand the meaning of the person in front of him.

   With a smile on his face, the exquisite pottery can always make a huge impact on those who have never seen pottery before.

  Meeting the new tribe, the attention of other tribes was immediately attracted by pottery. This is not the first time he has met such a thing.

   Therefore, even if the four leaders of the Tengshe tribe performed more eagerly than the tribes they encountered before, the leader of the donkey tribe did not take it seriously.

   Even more, my heart is even more happy.

  Because of the other party's reaction, it indicates that they are likely to get more fur from this new tribe.

   After a brief contact, the leader of the donkey tribe became happier, because he found that the people of this tribe he met today were more quickly attracted by the pottery and the white salt than the tribe he had encountered in the past.

   So there is no more gestures to say, but straight to the subject...


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