I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 462: Swollen boar

For the people of the tribe who planted hemp in such an extensive way, Huosong and several others who had grind their cocoons in the Qingque tribe were extremely unhappy at the beginning.

Because they learned something different from that rich tribe.

What their tribe is doing now, whether it is the depth of earth turning or other things, is far from that of the rich tribe.

However, they quickly bowed their heads to reality and, like others, adopted this extremely crude method.

Because the people of their tribe need to go out hunting frequently to get food, they simply don't have enough energy and manpower to put on it.

It can only be done quickly with this insufficiently detailed method.

However, life has always been strong. Even if the people of Huo Tribe didn't do it well enough, after a period of time, there were still many small wild hemp seedlings.

Huo Song and other people who have been to the Qingque tribe, looked at this tender young seedling, and showed a full smile...

Outside the cave of the Fire Tribe, a very rough shed was built with some hay and branches.

This was built by the people of Huosong based on their memories and modeled on the shed of that wealthy tribe.

In the grass shed, there are three simple weaving machines nailed to the ground, two Huo tribe women who have been personally handed down by Xuemei Bai, and another Huo tribe woman who has not very good legs and feet. cloth.

This kind of constant repetition of work, they are not boring at all, because the things they spin out at the time can exchange many precious things for the tribe.

Including pottery, salt, and millet that is delicious and durable...

The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the **** blossoms that the Qingque tribe spread into a golden blanket had all withered and turned into tender **** horns.

The **** blossoms are withered, but the fragrance of the **** blossoms has not been lost, but in another way, it has been sealed up.

With a sackcloth hat and full body wrapped, Han Cheng removed the leather and wooden boards covering the beehive one by one, and then pulled out a drawer-like wooden lattice full of honeycombs.

First use a bamboo knife to gently scrape off the bees lying on them one by one, and then apply a little force, the transparent and viscous honey will pull out a line, slowly slide down, and fall into the jar placed below...

Pick some with a bamboo knife and put it in your mouth. While the concentrated canola flower scent fills your mouth, a sweetness to the heart is spreading rapidly, making you squint comfortably...

The bees of the Qingque tribe changed from one box to two boxes.

The reason why it became two boxes is because a queen bee was born in the beehive.

A mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and a beehive naturally cannot accommodate two queen bees.

Therefore, separation of families has become an inevitable choice.

Han Cheng was very happy to see this. Before the new queen bee flew away with the horses and horses, he was found out of this situation and put it in a new beehive, so the Qingque tribe had two boxes. bee.

Feeling the intoxicating sweetness in his mouth, Han Cheng couldn't help but think of Xiaofu's way of being unrecognizable by the stung Fu general...

When the **** was about to mature, the pigpen of the Qingque tribe was finally built successfully.

This is probably the longest building in the Qingque tribe except for the original wall.

The area of ​​this pigsty is not small, only the internal area is 150 square meters.

All are made of stone. The ground inside the pigpen is covered with a layer of gray stones, which is very high-grade at first glance.

Seven wild boars, which had grown a lot more than the original ones, were finally removed from the aggrieved pigpen and moved into a large, bright, gray-stone-paved pigpen.

After adapting to the big pigpen, the wild boars no longer like to sleep like they used to. They can't stop walking around, as if admiring this beautiful house that belongs to them...

The seven wild boars that hadn't been happy for a few days returned to the original pigpen.

The newly built large pigsty has also begun to rebuild.

The reason for such a result is that when Han Cheng came to feed the pigs this morning, the pigs stared at him and barked fangs!

The consequences of this are of course very serious. They quickly left the big pigpen where they had lived for less than two days and returned to the suffocated little pigpen.

After returning to the pigpen, their wildness, which had gradually appeared in the past few days, quickly disappeared, and they resumed their previous living conditions of eating and sleeping.

Sure enough, there is no life to live in a big house, it will expand as soon as you live!

Han Cheng looked at the wild boars and stretched out his fingers to criticize them for pointing.

Because of this, the pigsty that was originally built began to continue construction.

Separate the originally spacious area into a small room.

This can greatly limit their freedom, they can also exercise less and grow more fleshy, and they don’t have much temper when they are ‘confined’...

After the mature rapeseed was harvested, the vacant field was sprinkled with a layer of dung, and the last batch of millet was planted with a rake, Fu Jiang, Dafu and Sanfu also gave birth to cubs.

Twelve three-generation puppies appeared in the Qingque tribe.

This made Han Cheng both happy and a little worried. If he develops at this rate first, he will have a huge wolf pack in the tribe within a few years. After a few years, it will begin to flood...

Sure enough, about everything in the world has two sides. While bringing benefits, it also brings some trouble to people...

After the last crop of millet was planted, everyone in the Qingque tribe could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this tone did not relax for too long. After two days of rest, everyone in the tribe was once again engaged in more and more types of work~www.NovelMTL.com~ Among them, they carried the bone shovel together around the tribe. There are the most weeders in the large millet fields.

Those who do this are all first-class citizens of the Qingque tribe.

As for the second-class citizens, they are prying pieces of rock from the side of the quarry, carrying them by hand, shoulder, and wheelbarrow, and then using these slabs to spread two pieces leading from the front of the tribe to left and right The road on both sides.

After the two roads are paved with stone slabs, it is not only comfortable to walk, but to push up the trolley, which saves effort.

It was decided that two roads should be built on the edge of farmland.

But after seeing the ease of the stone road, before Han Cheng could speak, others had already put forward the idea of ​​paving the stone road into the farmland.

In this way, when the time comes to harvest the crops, it is extremely convenient to transport them out in a wheelbarrow.

This is indeed a good idea, but it takes a bit too much effort. Fortunately, the manpower of the Qingque tribe is now sufficient. Han Cheng thought about it a little bit and agreed...

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