I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 461: Han Cheng and Chunzhong who don’t want to be fathers

"Little...Why can't the little tadpole find his mother?"

Bai Xuemei asked sobbing.

Of course, they have a cruel father.

Han Cheng thought in his heart, but didn't say anything.

"You're still young, you'll know when you grow up, the tadpoles can find their mother..."

Han Cheng comforted softly.

"Bai...Sister Bai Xue is not young anymore..."

The child's daughter-in-law sobbed and answered.

Han Cheng stretched out his hand and touched it. It was indeed not small, and he couldn't hold one hand.

But the key is not enough age.

"Xiao...Xiaomei, Xiao...Xiao Lidu...has a big belly..."

Bai Xuemei looked at Han Cheng with a bit of resentment and said.

It's none of my business!

Han Cheng was startled and sniffed.

Xiaomei Xiaoli, the sisters who grew a little too strong, became Chen's spouse together.

Chen's sister, Xing, became the spouse of another person in the tribe who had just grown up.

Regardless of how strong Chen doesn't look like, but sowing the seeds is extraordinarily hardworking, not long after Xiaomei and Xiaoli became his spouses, their belly began to grow bigger.

What Bai Xuemei just meant was that Xiaomei and Xiaoli were about the same age as her, and their bellies had grown up, and they would give birth to children after a few days, but she didn't move at all.

Fortunately, Han Cheng knows Bai Xuemei very well, otherwise, this is really easy to misunderstand.

Wanting to be a mother is probably the nature of all species, and Bai Xuemei's reaction at this time is also very normal.

Han Cheng hugged her and even explained and coaxed her for a long time before finally letting the little Tong's daughter-in-law understand that her belly was not getting bigger, not because of her, but Han Cheng's intention.

After making a promise to have a child in two years, Bai Xuemei, who wanted to be a mother, finally broke into a smile and hugged Han Cheng's arm tightly...

She was happy, but Han Cheng was a little melancholy.

Being a father, he really wasn't prepared for this.

After thinking about this rather melancholy and with some tension and anxiety, Han Cheng shook his head and stopped thinking about this matter.

Let's live like this for now, anyway, there are still two years, and when the time comes...

After a spring rain fell like a cow, there were not many flowers left on the fruit trees planted on the eastern edge of the Qingque tribe.

The petals with rain water and some soil withered, in the morning sun, showing their last beauty, with some desolation.

There is no woman named Daiyu here, holding a flower **** here sobbing and burying them in tears, muttering: "The flowers are fading and the flowers are flying all over the sky, and there is no pity for the red fragrance?..."

So after today, the faded color can only become a member of the dust.

The people of the Qingque tribe have no such habit to hurt the spring and sad autumn. At this time, they are happily leading the deer, carrying the rake, columbine, millet and other things, and heading towards the land that has been turned over.

This year's spring planting starts today.

This timely spring rain brought them boundless hope, and they were sincerely happy for it.

People led the deer to walk in front, and the thin rake teeth cut through the ground. The land just turned over this year became looser.

The moist soil was torn apart, and the air was filled with the scent of mud and surrounding vegetation, which smelled comfortable.

Han Cheng rolled up his trouser legs and went to the ground, holding his hands on the upstairs handles. In Dou Li, most of the millet that Dou had specially selected as seeds.


He yelled and shook the ‘skip rope’ in his hand. Uncle Deer opened his hoof and walked forward.

The legs of the columbine with some bone pieces slid into the soil and went all the way forward.

The tiny grains slid down from the "Cangyan" and fell into the soft bed carefully made for them by the Qingque tribe...

Han Cheng has already caught up with the grown-ups in the tribe, and he can naturally do the work of "helping columbine". He started the first columbine in the spring of this year.

He had only seen seeding with a wooden three-legged columbine car in later life, but he had never operated it.

But it's man-made, no one is known for it. If you didn't know it before, it doesn't mean you don't know it now. Just learn more.

The beginning of spring planting, just like the autumn harvest, the manpower of the tribe must lean towards this aspect.

The pig pens being built in the tribe and the quarrying of stones on the quarry all stopped.

Everyone in the Qingque tribe is busy for spring planting.

Of course, raking the ground and planting seeds are basically done by the hands of the elderly of the Qingque tribe.

The newly joined members of the original Green Tribe are more carrying things such as shackles or bone shovel, and messing around.

Holding the bone shovel, Gu dug up the unturned soil at the edge of a piece of land again, and smashed it with the bone shovel.

Then he leaned on his bones and looked at this busy land with Ming Wu and some shock.

No wonder the wild grass spikes around my original tribe, Ou, are less and less millet, but there are more and more tribes without millet growth.

It turned out to be because of this!

Of course, even Ming Wu is of no use, because he has completely joined the tribe.

It turned out that everything in the tribe has gone away from him.

In the new tribe, everything is so comfortable.

Don't say that no one is willing to leave with him at this time, even if the gods and witches drove away by themselves, Gu would not leave!

The spring seeds, which seemed busy and full of vitality, came to an end after five or six days.

Half of the 800 acres of land where the Qingque tribe prepares to plant millet has sowed seeds.

Some of the plants planted the first day have been arched out.

In addition to the wasteland opened this spring, the Qingque tribe now has more than 950 acres of land.

One hundred acres are planted with **** ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the other 50 acres are planted with hemp.

As for why it was planted halfway and stopped for the time being, this is also easy to explain.

On the one hand, the moisture content of the land is not very good, and the other reason is that Han Cheng planned to stagger the millet for some time and plant it in batches.

In this way, when the millet matures, it is better to have a sequence. Otherwise, the millet of seven or eight hundred acres of land will mature together, even if the Qingque tribe has a lot of manpower now, it is not easy to take care of it...

When the Qingque tribe was planting, the first planting of the fire tribe by the big river was also starting.

Compared with the fineness of the Qingque tribe, the cultivation of the Huo tribe is much rougher.

A fire was placed near the big river to burn the dead grass, and then someone used the shackles and bone shovel brought back from the Qingque tribe, as well as some of their imitated bone shovel, to dig up the soil here, and the grass ashes covered the bottom.

After a little beating, he threw the hemp seeds from the wild hemp in the autumn, and then he used his feet to sweep indiscriminately, that is...

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