I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 447: Follow the temptation-we join you

The golden millet porridge came to my stomach, and the whole body was warm.

The chill in the body was expelled by all.

The people of the Green Tribe finally slowed down their eating speed, holding the warm bowl in their hands, feeling the warm air around them, and felt that they were all comfortable.

It turns out that life can still live like this!

It turns out that it can be so comfortable in winter.

The people of the Green Tribe thought so in their hearts.

At this moment, they all had the idea of ​​how good they would be if they could live here forever.

Including the leader of the Green Tribe.

After eating and drinking enough, in such a warm environment, people will easily become sleepy.

These people who have gone through the cold and trek, relax at this time, and some have fallen asleep on the warm Kang.

The leader of the Green Tribe also wanted to go to sleep, but he did not do so because he was still thinking about borrowing food.

When the door was dark, when the leader of the green tribe looked up, it was the kind **** son who came over, as well as the witch and leader of this tribe.

The leader of the Green Tribe wanted to get up to show off, but Han Cheng waved his hand to stop him.

Without waiting for the leader of the Green Tribe to speak, Han Chengcheng asked about the current situation of the leader of the Green Tribe.

The head of the Green Tribe, who had nearly half his hair missing, heard Han Cheng's question. He almost cried when he was such a big man. With red eyes, he told Han Cheng a little bit about the tragic experience of their tribe.

As Han Cheng guessed, the Green Tribe really had no food for the winter.

Han Cheng listened carefully to what the leader of the Green Tribe said, and expressed great sympathy for the encounter of the Green Tribe.

Hearing the emotion, Han Da Shenzi smeared green onion juice over the corner of his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became red.

The above one grasped the green tribe leader’s hand that became more sensitive because of warmth, and said emotionally: "Your tribe is having difficulties, why don't you come early? We have extra houses here, and every house is warm enough for you. Everyone in the tribe stays..."

The interpreter of the big brother dancing around.

Because in recent years, the Green Tribe and the Qingque Tribe have had more contact, and they have also learned a little about each other’s languages, and the translation has been more accurate and less effortless.

After hearing the interpreter of the big brother, the leader of the Green Tribe shed tears in his eyes for a while, and finally couldn't help but fall...

The people of the Green Tribe who understood Han Cheng's meaning immediately looked forward to and moved.

Their eyes are swimming in a room that they have never lived in here. They just need to think about it. They can live in this warm room for a long time in the future, and they immediately yearn for it.

The leader of the Green Tribe, who was in tears, almost nodded in agreement, but at the last moment, he stopped the car in time.


He shook his head hard and said about lending food.

Han Cheng also shook his head hard.

"Your tribe has no food anymore. It just lends you food. What will you get back when the time comes?

And in the future you will have to change for delicious salt, your food is simply not enough..."

Han Cheng spoke, and the big brother was translating. The leader of the green tribe who understood Han Cheng's meaning was a little startled.

Yes, after borrowing food, what do you take back?

It's better if you don't exchange for table salt. If you add table salt, it's not enough.

Under such circumstances, even if you are yourself, you will definitely not lend food to such a tribe, right?

If you just can't borrow food, how can the people of your tribe survive this cold winter?

"Join our tribe. After you join our tribe, you will be a family. You can live in this warm house without freezing.

After joining, you will be able to eat plenty of food every day, just like us, without worrying about starving.

After joining, we can eat food with salt every day. Although our salt is hard to get, we will not owe the people of the same tribe..."

Han Cheng is now like a kind and tempting guide, constantly guiding the leader of the Green Tribe on the bright road to join the Qingque Tribe.

And the sound is extremely deceptive.

Yes, you only need to join this wealthy tribe, then all the difficulties will be best solved.

People in your own tribe don’t have to live so hard.

Don't worry about salt and food anymore...

After the leader of the Green Tribe understood Han Cheng's meaning from the big brother, his heart was immediately moved.

Joining the wealthy Qingque tribe, he had actually considered this matter a long time ago.

The two villains had been fighting in his mind for a long time.

On the one hand, he really wanted to join the Qingque tribe, on the other hand, as the leader, he instinctively didn't want to give up his tribe.

Such contradictory and painful choices have continued to this day.

In the end, the villain called ‘Don’t Join’ still prevailed.

"In the future, we can skip the salt and accumulate food and fur to return the food..."

Listening to the words translated by the senior brother, Han Cheng secretly smiled, that's because you still have salt to eat now.

On the surface, it looks very sad and considerate of the Green Tribe.

"You can skip salt, but what about the babies and old people? They are so young and old, how can they stand it without salt?

You can eat less food, but what about them? According to your idea, can they survive this winter? ...

Don’t hesitate anymore, there’s nothing bad about joining our tribe. We will still live together in the future, and you can still see people from your tribe every day..."

Yes, I and others are stronger. There is no problem if you don't eat salt and eat less food in winter. It's just that the children in the tribe and the weak ones should do?

If this is the case, can they survive this cold winter?

The leader of the Green Tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the more I think about it, the more frightened, the more I think about it, the more I feel that joining the Qingque Tribe is a very good thing.

Not only can all these crises be avoided, but the people in the tribe can still live together, just like in the cave before...

Han Cheng put himself in the place to consider for the Green Tribe, and completely eliminated all the hesitation of the Green Tribe leader.

It made him feel that joining the Qingque tribe was not a disgraceful thing, on the contrary, it was for the sake of the tribe that he did so.

"We join you."

After some silence, the leader of the Green Tribe finally said the words that made him hesitate for a long time.

Before I said it, I felt that this sentence was so heavy that I couldn't vomit it.

Now I opened my mouth and said it, and I didn't think there was anything.

On the contrary, I still feel that the original heavy heart suddenly becomes relaxed...

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