I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 446: The leader of the green tribe moved to tears

The leader of the Green Tribe let out a long sigh as he trudged all the way to the Qingque tribe against the wind and snow.

Some people who followed behind couldn't help crying.

They finally came to this warm and wealthy tribe, rich in food and very friendly.

They will no longer be starved to death.

Although the plight of their tribe today is entirely caused by the exchange of food for salt with this tribe, they do not have the slightest resentment towards this tribe.

Because in their opinion, it is very fair to exchange food for salt.

Even during the exchange, the kind-hearted son of God always gave them more salt.

It can be said that they took a huge advantage in the exchange of salt.

Moreover, the food and fur were brought voluntarily by themselves. This wealthy tribe did not force them...

When the people in the Green Tribe breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the high wall, the guards hiding in the arrow tower above the wall also found them through the small holes left above.

Without too much hesitation, he turned his head towards the inside of the tribe and shouted loudly: "Someone! Someone!"

At the same time, he picked up a stick lying on the ground and banged it with a bang.

Because they had been attacked by the Teng Snake Tribe in the winter, the people of the Qingque Tribe were extremely careful about those who came in winter, and they have always maintained sufficient vigilance.

Because once the heavy snow falls, even the tribes that often trade with their tribes will generally not come.

The warning sound resounded throughout the courtyard, the closed door quickly opened, and a figure rushed out quickly.

Although it is fast, there is no confusion. This is the effect that can only be achieved after regular exercises.

There were a lot of people in the originally empty courtyard.

After distinguishing the direction of the people's coming, everyone swiftly moved towards the wall in front, and a small number of people went to the left and right.

Most of the running people did not carry weapons in their hands.

It’s not that they all have unique skills and can stand on a high wall and shoot air cannons in the air to bombard those who come, but on the wall, at a distance of two meters, one is more than one meter long. The Tibetan Army Cave, 30 cm deep and 40 cm high, is equipped with sufficient weapons throughout the year.

Han Cheng was also shocked. After a little surprise, he was happy because he felt that the Green Tribe he had been thinking about was the Green Tribe he had been thinking about for a long time.

As for the Teng Snake Tribe, after suffering a big loss under the wall of his tribe, I have never seen them again.

But even if they came at this time, Han Cheng didn't worry much.

In the past, there were far less manpower in the tribe than today, and the fence was not as high as it is now. Various weapons and personnel training were far less than now.

It is unreasonable that in the past, the Teng Snake Tribe could be killed by a falling flower, but now all things have been greatly improved compared to before, but they can't be beaten.

Thinking like this in my heart, but did not slack off, and went to the wall with Wu. Before reaching the gate, he had already received the news that he came to the green tribe.

Hearing this news, Han Cheng and Wu stopped and smiled at each other.

In the cold air, there was immediately a wicked and treacherous aura permeating...

The leader of the Green Tribe and the people of the Green Tribe have been to the Qingque Tribe many times and know the rules of the Qingque Tribe.

Without waiting for the Qingque tribe's people, they lost their weapons, and then looked up, looking with envy and awe at the brightly dressed and energetic people who quickly appeared on the wall.

It was not the first time they saw the Qingque tribe quickly entering a defensive state, but every time they saw it, a sense of awe would rise from their hearts, and they did not dare to think about it.

After a brief conversation, the gate of the Qingque tribe opened, and the trembling green tribe people entered the courtyard of the Qingque tribe.

The gate of the courtyard was then closed from inside and plugged in.

Wu looked at the group of people walking into the Qingque tribe with an exceptionally kind look in his eyes.

They were just as kind and kind as they were when they were lured back to the tribe by Han Cheng from Yanshan Mountain.


"Stop talking, eat something to keep warm first!"

After seeing Han Chenghe, the leader of the green tribe opened his mouth to say hello and said his request.

As soon as he spoke, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Han Cheng, who held his hand tightly.

The big brother is on the side to do the translation in time.

The leader of the Green Tribe had tears in his eyes. On the one hand, it was because of the sincerity and understanding of the noble son of God. On the other hand, his hand was frozen and cracked a lot. Now he was gripped so hard by Han Cheng. It hurts...

The members of the Green Tribe who followed them understood Han Cheng's meaning from the big brother, and they were very moved one by one.

Although the body is extremely cold, but the heart is warm.

They may want to not know such clear words to accurately express their feelings at this time, but the feelings are real.

At the order of Han Cheng, someone quickly went to the room that was built this fall and lit the Kang inside.

At the same time, someone carried a big tank to three rooms, added water and boiled food to eat.

In such weather, there is nothing more comfortable than roasting and drinking warm food.

The reason why I used to fire and cook in the room instead of the Qingque tribe serving as the canteen cave was because the Kang had just been lit in the room for the Green Tribe and the temperature had not yet risen.

Cooking rice in it will make the temperature rise faster.

This is also the reason why Han Cheng insisted on being outside with the cold wind and the leader of the green tribe, but refused to lead them into the room~www.NovelMTL.com~The one who entered the warm room from the cold The momentary feeling is extremely refreshing and can leave a deep impression on people.

In order to make the impression of the people of the Green Tribe more profound, and to make them yearn for their own tribe more, Han Cheng braced the cold wind with the people of the Green Tribe for more than 20 minutes.

Until there were no words, the leaders of the Green Tribe and the people of the Green Tribe were invited to the room.

The cold was not in vain. After entering the room, the people of the Green Tribe could not help shivering comfortably.

There are also some people who are more open, just unconsciously* speak out.

How warm is this house?

It's so comfortable!

Especially when sitting on the hot-burning kang and smelling the scent of food, many people in the green tribe have the urge to cry...

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