I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 433: Teng snake tribe at night

   At this time, the slanting sun was shining, the light fell on the ground, and the figure stretched. Even the strongest person looks thinner at this moment.

   The uncle deer led the deer and returned from the outside with the deer, followed by a few dogs, Fu Jiang.

   With anticipation, Han Cheng looked in the deer herd, hoping to see Xiaofu's figure from inside, but in the end his hope became disappointment.

   There are only five dogs, but the little blessing who disappeared for a while still did not appear.

   At this time, it has been eleven days since Xiaofu disappeared.

   Han Cheng sighed and handed the matter to someone who was already skilled. He came to the herd...


   At the same moment, at a place where he didn't know how far he was from the Qingque tribe, or where he was, Xiao Fu raised his head and screamed helplessly at the sun about to set.

   It is really panicking now. For a while, it only cares about playing with a few she-wolves in the dark, without knowing where it went.

   Now I want to go home, but I can't find the way or direction.

   The relatively heavy autumn rain not long ago washed away the smell that left it on the ground.

   The setting sun is shining. At this time in the past, it was the moment when it came home with the deer and its brothers and sisters. Whether or not it caught food outside, it could get some rich food after returning.

   But now, it can only wander with wolves in the wilderness and in the mountains and forests. It can only eat as much as it catches. Sometimes it is bad luck and can't eat food for a day. The same will happen.


The evening breeze blew through the woods, rolling down some leaves, with coolness and depression, the setting sun was like blood, and the lonely, sad and helpless little Fu screamed like a lost child. The voice came far, far away. Disappeared in the dusk that gradually faded.

   Teng Snake Tribe at the same time, the bonfire swayed wildly.

   The two earthenware pots placed on the fire steamed out, and the fragrance diffused.

The witch of the   Teng Snake Tribe, and several leaders, squatted around the pot, waiting for the food inside to ripen.

While waiting quietly, a few people couldn’t help looking at the clay pot, even if it’s not the first time to use this kind of food to eat, but at this time, they still couldn’t help but look at it. Exquisite and easy to use and amazing.

   There are actually tribes in this world that can make such good equipment!

After waiting for a while, look at the food cooked in the clay pot. The witch of the Teng Snake tribe took the dry grass dipped in water from the big leader on the side, and placed it on the edge of the top of the clay pot. Get the jar down from above.

   then began to divide the soup and meat into the bowl.

After    was divided, the witch of the Tengshe tribe took out some white salt from a jar on one side and placed it in the bowl containing the soup.

   More in one bowl, less in two bowls,

He drank the soup in the many bowls of   , and the other two were prepared with the leader and the second leader.

   The second leader of the Tengshe tribe at this time is no longer the original one.

   After the original one was eaten out of the Qingque tribe and caused a large number of injuries, it has not established much credit. Therefore, it has not been restored to its original status.

   At this time, the two leaders are the original three leaders, and the three leaders are the original four leaders.

   As for the four leaders, they were newly selected from the rest.

The witch of the   teng snake tribe carefully and very solemnly put the jar with some salt away, then picked up the bowl of rice that belonged to him, and began to eat slowly, as did the big boss and the second boss.

   What they eat is so enjoyable, and they have never tasted such a delicious food.

   The three chiefs and the four chiefs watched straight down and swallowed, looking forward to the two chiefs and the second chiefs to finish eating, so that they could eat these very nostalgic foods.

   The leader of Teng Snake Tribe took a sip of the soup and felt very comfortable all over.

  I only put so much salt in my bowl, it's so delicious, the food in the witch bowl, I'm afraid it is better?

   Of course, he just thought about it in his heart, and he would not do the rest.

   He doesn't have any opinion on the best witch food.

   Put away the super high status of the witch in the tribe for the time being, just the things that witches have done in this period of time are enough to enjoy the current treatment.

   Raise unicorn monsters, easily break through other tribes, kill people from other tribes, and grow your own tribe.

   and also brought back these exquisite utensils and things that can make food more delicious...

  With these things, witches eat the best, as it should.

   Where the bonfire looks dim, the grassroots are drooling while looking at the bonfire while drinking some soup, while delivering fruit to their mouths.

   His beating and crooked nose is now a lot more straight, but he can no longer restore his original integrity.

   Compared to other people from the same tribe who were taken captive together, the grassroots treatment is much better.

   When you sleep at night, you can be in a place close to the bonfire, and there is some dead grass under your body, and you can cover it with some animal skins.

   These are basically the same as the old hands of the Tengshe tribe.

   was treated like this because he used his actions to tell the witches of this tribe how to use this clay pot and how to put salt in it.

   Looking at the people of the same tribe who only got very little food and slept underground at night, the grassroots felt that what he had done before was extremely correct and wise.

Drooling to deliver fruit to the mouth is naturally not only the root of the grass, but not too far away from the root of the grass. The original two chiefs of the Tengshe tribe also looked at the campfire with greed and a few people around the campfire. Take food in your hands.

   If in the past, such delicious food, he would be able to eat it, it would not be like this, only drooling.

   All this is because of that **** tribe!

Cursing in my heart for not being able to attack, but killing him back for a wave of the Qingque tribe, is already something that the second leader of the original Tengshe tribe often does, especially when he encounters good things without his share, the cursing in his heart is even more powerful. .

   Because of that encounter, it caused him great harm, so he remembered the Qingque tribe very clearly...

   By the bonfire, the witch of the Tengshe tribe was full.

   He put the still warm pottery bowl in his hand and looked at it for a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ put it down.

   His eyes searched the crowd for a while, and fell on the grassroots.

   From many difficult conversations with this person, he knows something.

   For example, these precious and exquisite utensils, including the delicious things called ‘salt’, are not created by the new tribe that they have created.

   was exchanged from a foreign tribe.

   They give the tribe skins from elsewhere, and they can get these exquisite pottery and delicious salt from that tribe.

   Besides, I heard that the tribe who came to deal with them from other places still had many such things in their hands.

   The witch of the Teng Snake Tribe, after first understood the meaning of the grassroots, seemed extremely surprised. He felt extremely lucky to possess such a precious thing, but he did not expect that the tribe could have more.

   Such good things should belong to their Teng Snake Tribe...

(After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to adjust the update time. The first update at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the second update at 6 o'clock, the third update at 8 o'clock, and the third update at 8 o'clock. If you add more changes, you can put it at ten. I'm too used to it, I'll make it to everyone first, and it is helpless to make such an adjustment.)...


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