I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 432: A bumper orchard

   The sunlight sheds down through the woods, passing through the refraction of the dewdrops hanging under the leaves, giving off a colorful halo.

   There was no wind, and a yellow leaf branch fell silently, swirling down on Xiaofu's head under the tree.

   It shakes its head, shakes the naughty leaf to the ground, and then looks at the wolves around it.

   It is wet on the ground, which is caused by the heavy rain yesterday.

   Xiaofu, whose hair has been wet by the rain, looks darker and darker at this time.

   In this pack of wolves, there are two more female wolves in estrus in succession. Being young and energetic, it naturally has an inescapable responsibility.

   After a few days of time came down, Xiaofu became like this.

   In the past few days, Xiaofu has been reluctant to think about it.

   I’ve got itchy head, I can wash it at any time, I’m tired from shampooing, I can take the wolves around, hunt some prey, and then lie down for a while...

   Such happy days are much better than when I was in the tribe.

   After all, at that time, it actually had to accept the leadership of a deer. In addition to the deer, the Fu Jiang could also control it.

   The most brutal thing is that the owner who likes to kick his **** with his feet...

   Of course, that was just the thought of Xiaofu who had just merged into the wolf pack. After the wind passed, it still remembered the place where he lived since childhood.

   It wants to go back, after all, this is not its long stay.

   Another leaf fell, and it landed not far from Xiaofu. Xiaofu looked sideways, then turned and left here.

  The she-wolf who was standing idle or playing followed it along. After getting along for a while, they had completely accepted this young and strong new wolf.


   After walking for a while, Xiaofu discovered the situation behind him, stopped and turned back and barked at these wolves, not wanting them to follow it.

   However, this small group of wolves has already spotted it, and after repeated urging, they still follow it.

   After a few times to no avail, Xiaofu stopped chasing away, but took them with him...

   In the orchard not too far away from the Qingque tribe, there was a lot of laughter at this time. Even if the temperature became a little cold because of the rain, it could not reduce the joy in their hearts.

   Witch carried a small basket in his hand, and kept picking up the fruits that fell on the ground. After it was full, he poured it into another big head.

   These fallen fruits, go back and pick them. The ones with better color are peeled and used to make vinegar and canned fruits. Those with poor color are used to feed rabbits and wild boars.

   Anyway, as long as you get it back, it won't be spoiled.

However, compared with previous years, there are not many fruits falling on the ground. Firstly, because the fruits have more uses, they have received great attention from the tribe. It will not be the same as in previous years. You only need to store some. Let it fend for itself.

  Secondly, the population in the tribe is much larger than before. When doing other things, people can also be used to pick fruits and transport them to the tribe.

  Because the picking is timely, there are fewer fruits falling on the ground.

   But there are few drops on the ground, but that does not mean that there are few knots on the tree.

   The witch who poured a basket of fallen fruits into the head, looked up at the surrounding trees full of fruits, grinned with a toothless mouth.

   This year, the fruit of this orchard is extraordinarily large, more than in previous years!

In spring, Wu was still worried that these fruit trees had so many branches removed by the gods at once. This year, the production of these fruit trees will be reduced. Who would have thought that these fruit trees with many branches and leaves not only did not reduce their production, but also gained rare Great harvest!

   Even if this matter seems to be now, Wu Wu feels it is amazing, but he also vaguely sensed some reasons.

   The previous fruit trees had many flowers, but many of the fruits that they had just started to grow and fell, and some of them withered directly on the tree.

   It grows all the way and falls all the way, and when the fruit is ripe, there is a lot less fruit left on the tree.

But this year’s fruits are different. At the beginning, due to the vigorous pruning of the son of God, after the flowers bloomed, the small fruits left on the tree were much less than at the same time in previous years. However, these fruits dropped very few .

   This situation has continued to the present, and the result is a fruitful scene!

   Wu Wan picked up a fruit that had just fallen. There was a place on the fruit that was pecked by a bird. Wu didn't mind, so he wiped it with his hand and sent it into his mouth.

   At this time, when the fruits are ripe in large numbers, the fruits that have been pecked by birds are very ripe and taste excellent.

  Witch was eating the fruit while watching the people who were busy picking the many fruits and putting them in the head with laughter and laughter. His heart was very beautiful.

   Harvest and cheerful scenes, he always doesn't see enough.

   When I looked at these, I couldn't help but think of the Son of God.

  Although he was already revered by the Son of God in his heart, Wu Wu still wanted to praise the Son of God vigorously...

   In the tribe, the pottery jars that are set up are steaming, and there are a lot of cleaned and dried jars on the side.

   A sweet and rich smell spreads here. Han Cheng, who is incarnate as a chef, is standing here, holding a spoon in his hand, and sometimes lifting the lid to see the color inside.

"get ready!"

   Han Cheng saw that the fruit in a pottery jar had been boiled, and he spoke to the people around him.

   then picked up the large spoon, scooped up a spoonful of fruit that was still tumbling, and poured it directly into the jar.

   Within a few clicks, a jar was already filled.


   He urged ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The man next to him hurriedly covered the big tree leaf he was holding on the mouth of the jar.

   The propolis is applied around the mouth of the jar. After pressing it up, it will be firmly stained and no air will enter.

   After waiting for a while, the big tree leaves with some oiliness that covered the mouth of the jar suddenly sank and clung to it tightly.

   After Han Cheng saw this reaction, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. It seems that this canned fruit can be made this time!

  Improving the method of making canned fruits, Han Cheng is also groping for this.

"The wine tank is good for making vinegar and the altar acid" will not appear to him. Although he is a liberal arts background, he lives in later generations. The deterioration of various things is due to the decomposition of bacteria and high temperature sterilization. These, there is still some common sense.

   After experiencing the canned food turning into wine, I think carefully about the process of making canned food, and I can probably find out which part of the process went wrong.

   After targeted revisions, there is today's matter.

   After Han Cheng was overjoyed, he accelerated his hands and continued to fill canned fruits.

   was busy like this for a while, there was a noise at the gate of the courtyard, Han Cheng hurriedly looked back,...


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