I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 427: The witch who eats delicious and deformed

  The witch of the Snake Tribe, holding a bowl in his hand, looked at it carefully in front of his eyes, looking like he couldn't put it down.

   This bowl, and the clay pot, he has watched it for a long time, the more he looks at it, the more surprises and disbelief.

   Compared with the surrounding tribes, his tribe is already strong enough.

   From before to now, there were many tribes they smashed down, and the artifacts they looted back were also very many.

   However, it has never been able to compare with these instruments.

   Even the two stone basins he is most proud of, the water that can be contained in them can't compare with this strange jar which looks much smaller than the stone basin in the tribe.

   Moreover, the stone basins in the tribe are very heavy and difficult to move. They are far lighter than this jar.

   is not even comparable in appearance.

   Such exquisite equipment, before seeing him, he could not even think of it.

   How did they polish the stone like this?

   The witches of the Tengshe tribe, who had recovered from the surprise and shock of the pottery, began to think about it with amazement.

   After all, in his opinion, this thing shouldn't appear at all.


   After thinking about it for a while, holding the pottery bowl in his hand, he came to the grassroots with his hands tied and his nose crooked to the side and asked aloud.

The grassroots wanted to not say a word, but I don’t know why. When facing a person who doesn’t look very strong, he will feel fear for no reason. This kind of fear is higher than when facing a strong, leader-like person. , Must be strong.

   "Ula Ula..."

   The nosebleed has solidified the roots of the grass, and started to talk with fear.

   However, it is of no use, because the languages ​​of the two parties are not understood at all.

   Some simple things, you can use gestures and guesses to get a rough idea.

   But the origin of pottery in the tribe is really complicated for the grassroots.

   In addition, the grass roots are dominated by fear, so the expression is even more chaotic.


  Rao is a witch from the Tengshe tribe who is more clever, and also didn't figure out what the grassroots even said with gestures, "Ula Wula".

   After listening to this for a while, he waved his hand a little irritably, interrupted the words of the grass roots, and then went to study the ‘stone’ container that excited and surprised him.


   After the witch of the Dangteng Snake Tribe opened the smaller pots, some surprises appeared.

   Inside this clay pot, there are some white things.

  Teng Snake Tribe's witch, the first reaction is snow.

   But I immediately rejected the idea here, because the fruits have not yet matured in a large area, the weather is not yet cold, and there is no snow at all.

   When he tentatively reached in and touched these white, snow-like things, his conjecture was confirmed and it was not snow.

   These ‘stone’ utensils appear to him to be extremely exquisite, and this kind of thing that has not been seen before is also contained by these exquisite utensils, it can be seen that they should also be extraordinary.

   He thought this way in his heart, wanting to ask people like this tribe clearly, remembering the conversation between the exquisite equipment just now, and dispelling this idea.

  He stood here thinking for a while, then got up and came to the grass root again, and sent the white, sand-like things picked on his fingers to the grass root’s mouth.

   Grassroots probably understood what this person meant, and he opened his mouth and ate the salt without hesitation.

   You must know that this white thing called'salt' is not cheap at all. In exchange for this salt, their tribe paid a lot of things.

   On weekdays, even the leader is not willing to eat. His status is not too high in the tribe. Naturally, there are fewer opportunities to eat salt.

   At this time, naturally I will not refuse.

   Even if his mouth was salty, he was reluctant to spit it out. After holding it in his mouth for a while, he swallowed all of it, and then he licked the corners of his mouth with some intent, as if he wanted to eat some more.

Seeing the reaction of the grassroots, the witches of the Teng Snake Tribe smiled, on the one hand because of their own wit, and on the other hand, because of the exquisite food for their tribe, they also got a new and unusual look s things.

   He left the grass roots holding the not too big pot, and then, expectantly, he got some white sand-like objects into his mouth.

   In order to show his status, he made more than what he just put into the grassroots mouth.

Most of the people in the   teng snake tribe are watching his movements, and some even have the urge to drool. After all, most of them have just seen the grassroots eating a bit greedily.

  Even if they don’t understand the language, they still understand that this kind of unseen and rare thing is delicious.

   The next moment, the witches of the Tengshe tribe suddenly opened their eyes, confirming their conjecture.

   This white thing is really delicious, otherwise, the well-informed witch who has eaten a lot of delicious food will definitely not look like this, exaggerated.

  Thinking about this, some people can't help but start to **** their saliva. They want to taste something that amazes Wudu. What kind of delicious method is it...

  The person who had this idea in his heart was a little startled, because after Wu's eyes widened at the beginning, his face had already started to twitch and his face was distorted.

   Is it delicious to deform?

  Teng Snake everyone wondered, what kind of thing is this!


The witch of the   Teng Snake Tribe couldn't hold on anymore, and finally spit out, spitting out again and again, and drinking some mouthwash from the water in another clay pot, only to get rid of the terrible feeling.


The three leaders of the    Teng Snake Tribe looked a bit angry, and they used to punch and kick the grass roots with their noses crooked.


  The witch of Teng Snake Tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ After spitting out the water in his mouth, he stopped him out loud...

   The sun is slanting to the west even harder, and it will not take long before it will completely fall to the side of the mountain.

   The orange-red light shining down, shining all these things, it is really beautiful.

   In the woods shrouded in golden sunlight, a group of people are walking. They have weapons in their hands, and on their shoulders or in their hands there are prey or fruit picked from the hunt.

   The leader is the leader of the grassroots tribe.

   At this time, he is carrying a large prey on his shoulders. This is the biggest gain of their tribe today. Tonight, even the weakest people can get some meat.

   Thinking of this, and after everyone got the news, he couldn't help but feel happy.

   Thinking like this, his thoughts can't help but drift to the large herd of deer.

   If you can hit these deer in your hands, then...

   There was hope on his face.

   The grassroots went there to guard again, and I don’t know if they found the trail of the deer...


   The sudden cry of a person behind him interrupted his beautiful imagination...


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