I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 426: Violent unicorn

   The cheers of a child aroused the cheers of more children. They ran towards the group of people who appeared in the field of view from the playful clearing in front of the cave entrance.

   is like welcoming an adult who returned from hunting in the past.

  Because they are so far away, they can't see the faces of the group of people in their sight.

   But the loose hair and the animal skins surrounding him are no different from the people in their tribe.

   Besides, except for the black tribe with precious things, there will be no outsiders in the tribe.

   So they didn't think much about it.

   The cheering and running behavior of the children attracted the attention of some adults who were not very strong nearby. Their faces also showed smiles.

   turned and looked in the direction the minors were running. Two of them couldn't help running along with these minors.

  The return of the tribesmen who went out hunting is their happiest moment.

   The witch of the Teng Snake Tribe watched this scene with a smile on his face, not only him, but the three leaders of the Teng Snake Tribe and others, and most of them had smiles on their faces.

   Such a smile fell in the eyes of the grassroots, but it made him shudder, and the whole person was like an ice cave!

   These evil people can do anything!


   Looking at the minors in the tribe who are getting closer and closer, he finally yelled loudly and warned them to go back and hide in the cave not to come out.

   yelled out, and he was greeted by a severe beating. His nose was tilted to one side, and thick blood flowed out from his nostrils, like a winding snake, dripping to the ground.

  The warning from the grassroots still worked. The minors who had run halfway stopped, and looked at the group of uninvited guests who appeared around the tribe with some doubts and surprises.

   Someone heard the sound of the grassroots, looked for the crowd, and finally found the grassroots being held.

   Compared with the hesitation of minors, the adults who rushed there later responded much more quickly.

   On the way to greet them again, they vaguely noticed something wrong. At this time, they heard the grassroots warning sound, and they panicked.


   These weak people began to panic and yelled, asking these minors to come back quickly and rush into the cave.

   These people held weapons that were mostly used as tools for digging wild vegetables, or simply grabbed a handful of weeds from the ground in a hurry, and left them in panic and stubbornly behind the palace.

   After these minors ran past them, they looked back cautiously, and swiftly walked towards the cave, for fear that the large number of uninvited guests would do something to them.

   However, the people of the Tengshe tribe did not take advantage of the situation to chase, but stood here quietly, watching these people retreat into the cave, and panicked the cave with stones.

   When looking at these, many people still have a smile on their faces, just like the grassroots feeling that they surrounded an injured lamb when they were hunting.

   These people stand here without moving, not because they ignore their tribe, but simply don't see their tribe in their eyes.

   As long as they want to, according to the current situation of their tribe, they don't have much resistance at all, it is as easy as they killed the injured lamb.

   Grassroots thought this way, and then some more confidence came out.

  Because the cave of their tribe has only one opening, now the opening has been blocked, and there are people guarding it. It might not be easy for these people to rush into the cave...

   This is his most sincere hope.

   In such anticipation, the witch of the Teng Snake Tribe began to move, carrying a large unicorn hairy monster, and heading towards the cave entrance without hurries.

   The rest of the people followed his steps, not in a hurry, like a cat playing with mice.

   Grassroots envisioned that the people of the Teng Snake tribe directly attacked the cave of their tribe did not appear.

The people from the    Teng Snake Tribe, after arriving at the cave entrance, just spread out, enclosing the cave entrance, leaving a clear space in the middle.

   When the grassroots was wondering what they were going to do, the witches of the Tengshe tribe moved, opened the back basket on their backs, and took out a handful of cyan, weird-growing grass from it.

   The grass was **** with a cane and made a small ball.

   Seeing the grass, the one-horned long-haired monster standing beside him immediately became calm, and turned around to eat.

   Witch gave it to the person standing by and waiting.

   This person is the fastest one in the Tengshe tribe.

   He took the grass from the witch's hand, and immediately ran toward the cave enclosed by the stone.

   The agitated unicorn monster spreads its hoofs and follows it, like a hill moving, making people feel that the earth seems to be shaking with its running.

   The green grass dumpling was stuffed by this person from the unblocked gap at the cave entrance, and then he ran to the side.

   When the people hiding in the cave were still figuring out what was going on, the four-hooved behemoth had already rushed into it!

   It doesn't care if the rock facing it is in front of it, just lower its head and use its horn to push it inward.

   Everyone in the cave was completely frightened by the monster that had never been seen before, and stood there for a while.

The unicorn monster hesitated in the slightest, and was still pushing hard. Under its strong force ~www.NovelMTL.com~, the stones blocking the entrance of the cave had already begun to tilt, and then there was a bang, flying up. In the dust, collapsed into a pile...

Looking at the opening of the cave, the people in the cave rushing to the depths, and the unicorn monster standing not far from the cave mouth, chewing something leisurely, the witch of the Teng Snake tribe, There are smiles on his face.


The people of the    Teng Snake Tribe uttered messy and loud cheers, looking at the witch and the one-horned monster, full of respect.


  The witch of the Teng Snake Tribe accepted the compliments of the people with a sense of peace, and then pointed his hand at the mouth of the cave that had been completely opened. The fanatical Teng Snake tribe members rushed into it...


   In a cave soaked with some blood, the witch of the Teng Snake Tribe looked at a few things in front of him, and his eyes showed a look of exploration and surprise.

   He did not expect that this tribe, which does not seem to be so big and rich, actually possesses such exquisite and precious things!

  In front of him, there are two clay pots and several clay bowls.

   One of the pottery bowls was shattered in the chaos that just happened, which made the witch of the Tengshe tribe distressed. ...


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