I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 304: 1 All sins belong to the leader of the bone tribe

Han Cheng entered the house with Wu and Big Brother. After hearing what the Big Brother said, Han Cheng couldn't help but nodded.

The big brother's worries are not unreasonable, and the Qingque tribe cannot withstand such a disaster.

According to the proposal of the senior brother, all 14 male adult men from the Bone Tribe were killed, and Han Cheng was also reluctant to do it.

Fourteen male adults, this is a rare good labor!

How to absorb and fuse the captured bone tribesmen, Han Cheng had considered before.

At this time, new strategies need to be devised in the face of new situations.

Han Cheng was silent for a while and began to talk about his way with Big Brother Wuhe.

In the course of the discussion, Wu and Senior Brothers will ask questions about things they don't understand from time to time.

Sometimes some suggestions are given.

They didn't settle these things until they were about to make a meal. Wu and the big brothers all breathed a long sigh of relief, and their heavy heart suddenly became relaxed.

The sun was still set, and the Qingque tribe had already started to eat. Han Cheng personally cooked a dish to eat with everyone.

The tangy aroma and rich and tempting food made these bone tribesmen who had not eaten enough on the way, can't help swallowing, wanting to rush over and eat.

They just think about it this way, and dare not really put it into action.

Because they are captives.

And also attacked this tribe before.

Many of them are surprised that this tribe has not killed them so far.

Put yourself in the situation and think that if someone attacks their tribe and gets caught by them, they will definitely kill them without hesitation.

Adults are so greedy, these children are even more greedy.

Although the big brothers did not eat the children's food along the way, how can the meals cooked in a hurry on the road compare with the current meals?

One by one, with fear and envy, looked at the people of the tribe in the distance and feasted and swallowed.

This temptation is not to say that it is a child, even the leader of the bone tribe cannot bear it.

His face was basically swollen, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked extremely surprised.

This... how is this possible?

Looking along his gaze, one could see two women squatting outside of the Qingque tribe who were eating. These two women, wearing braids that are now popular in the Qingque tribe, looked clean.

It was this completely different hairstyle and image that made the leader of the bone tribe recognize them until now.

These two were the people of the tribe who had followed him to attack the Qingque tribe before, and because of severe injuries, they could not run away for a while.

Shouldn't they be dead? Why are you still alive? What is going on with the same clothes as this tribe?

The leader of the bone tribe just felt confused.

Under his gaze, the little man of this tribe came out with a bowl, came to the two women who belonged to their tribe, and said something to them.

From time to time, I looked at myself and others and gave pointers.

The two women who belonged to their tribe were nodding vigorously.

After Han Duan finished his behalf, he returned to his place with the bowl, continued to eat, and watched the two women perform.

For ordinary primitive people, the current Blue Sparrow Tribe is extremely attractive, otherwise the Bone Tribe would not rise up to attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe and have all the thoughts.

The two primitive females who were captured after being wounded, after living in the Qingque tribe for nearly twenty days, have developed a deep enough attachment to the Qingque tribe.

Especially the female primitive who was named Qinghua by Han Cheng, even more devoted to the Qingque tribe.

Because here not only can you eat every day, every time you eat is also supremely delicious.

And this tribe is not as harsh as its original tribe.

Ten days ago, Qinghua accidentally dropped a pottery pot on the ground and broke it to pieces.

This primordial woman whose fear has not yet disappeared, was scared and silly at the time.

I thought I would have to suffer a lot of beatings if I didn't die, this is a precious pottery!

She still remembers the severe beatings suffered by her tribe after the big tank was broken.

While waiting like this, she was not killed, and no one came to beat her, and the old man who seemed to be of great status came over to say a few blames that she didn't understand, and then left.

On the contrary, the little children ran over with great joy, quickly removed the debris, and ran to the side to get a wind chime.

Qinghua stood there and stood there for a while, before she gradually slowed down, dare to believe that all this is true.

Since then, Qinghua has been completely dedicated to this tribe.

Under Han Cheng's arrangement, Tietou and Ruhua helped the two of Qinghua and Qingcao, carrying a few pots of boiled soup, holding bowls of chopsticks, and heading towards the bone tribe who were tied there.

"God, this..."

Junior Brother Sha spoke, expressing his dissatisfaction, and felt that he should not be so good to those who had attacked their tribe before.

There are not a few people who think this way, but they just didn't speak up.

Han Cheng had anticipated this situation a long time ago. Compared with the pig tribe, the integration of the bone tribe is much more difficult. Not only should the reaction of the bone tribe be considered, but the emotions of the elderly hand of the Qingque tribe should also be taken care of.

Han Cheng put down the empty bowl and said to everyone who looked at him: "It was the head of the bone tribe’s idea to attack our tribe. Without him, the rest would not be able to... the rest of the people would join our tribe and grow stronger. ..."

Regardless of whether he came to attack his tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ or it was the idea of ​​the leader of the bone tribe, this big hat must be attached to the leader of the bone tribe.

If you want to integrate the bone tribe into your own tribe, the leader of the bone tribe must be eliminated.

This person is the backbone of the Bone Tribe, which is completely different from the nature of Shang. Staying in the tribe is a bomb that will explode without knowing when, so Han Chengcheng attributed all the sins to the leader of the Bone Tribe.

Lead the people to hate the bone tribe leader and transfer their hatred to the ordinary people of the bone tribe. In this way, in the subsequent integration, the resistance of the people of the blue bird tribe to the bone tribe can be minimized.

The effect of Han Cheng’s remarks is very obvious, because Junior Brother Sha, Shang and others can’t contain the anger in their hearts, put down their bowls and chopsticks and walked towards the place where the Bone Tribe people are holding them, to go to the Bone Tribe. leader.

Seeing this, Han Cheng was happy, and hurriedly confessed that he should not kill the bone tribe leader.

The leader of the bone tribe couldn't die at this time, and Han Cheng had other big uses for him.

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