I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 303: Return

Han Cheng looked at the milk tea girl, and couldn't help but secretly cheer.

With the lofty ideal of being a small inner for his wife, Han Cheng found thatch and rope and built a "candy mountain" out.

After finishing, put the silkworm mountain in the pottery for raising silkworms.

After a while, silkworms began to climb up to the'Chanshan'.

After climbing Canshan, he sandwiched the thatch stalk with the pair of feet on the back of his body, and then started shaking his head.

Can't stop as if Xuanmai took ecstasy.

Until the afternoon, some silkworms finally couldn't hold back, and silk began to spit out in their mouths.

Looking at the silkworm that circled himself with the silk in his mouth, Han Cheng intuitively felt the idiom of cocooning oneself.

At night, all the silkworms are spinning.

When I got up the next morning, the mountain was covered with silkworm cocoons that were not too big.

For this change, the milk tea girl, Xing, Xiaomei, Xiaoli and others are very surprised and happy.

In this mood, the milk tea girl began to worry that the silkworm would panic in it.

Han Cheng told them about the life of silkworm...

When talking about this, Han Cheng would look at the gate from time to time, looking forward to the return of the seniors.

The anxiety in my heart is also inevitable, for fear that they will have any accidents.

Between the Qingque tribe and the bone tribe, seventy or eighty people were walking slowly, all the way towards the Qingque tribe.

These are the members of the Blue Sparrow tribe like the big brother, and the bone tribe members who have been captured and become prisoners.

Because the left and right legs of the four people were tied together by two sticks, they didn't walk fast along the way.

But even so, the big brother refused to untie the sticks tied to their feet.

Compared with the panic when they were arrested, the people of the Bone Tribe seem to be much calmer at this time. There is a kind of numbness in this calm.


While walking, a member of the bone tribe shouted.

Speaking in Mandarin, this was given to them by the senior brother and others.

Originally, the elder brothers and the others didn't understand why they called this ‘relief’. Now that they have this experience, they all understand.

After the people from the Bone Tribe shouted like this, two people from the Blue Sparrow Tribe with weapons came over and stopped the group.

Untie the rope from the person who made the request for the ‘hands-free’ request to make it easier for him.

When it was convenient, the two men watched with spears, staring very tightly.

When this person was done, his hands were tied again, and the stopped team set off.

Today is the sixth day, and the elder brothers have not yet come back. This makes the people who stay behind very anxious, because according to the previous budget, they should have come back yesterday.

Han Cheng also had no bottom in his heart, and kept praying in secret, but it was better not to have trouble.

"Back! Back!"

Standing on the wall, Liang found something, rubbed his eyes and looked again, then cried out in surprise.

The entire Blue Sparrow tribe boiled instantly, including the two bone tribe women who had been captured before and whose wounds were more than half healed.

Han Cheng swiftly climbed up the wall and pointed his toes. He saw a long line of people coming from the side of the river. The one who was walking in the front was the big brother carrying the cane shield.

Seeing this, the big rock in Han Cheng's heart finally fell to the ground, but then it sank again.

In war, dead people are inevitable, because there are too many accidents on the battlefield. Even if the Qingque tribe is dominant in all aspects, it is not strange that a few people will be damaged.

It’s best not to die, even to die less...

Senior Brother, Shang, Second Senior Brother, Zhuang, Bugs Bunny, Junior Sha...

Han Cheng stood on the fence looking at the people who appeared from a distance, and recited their names in his heart.

One, two, three... twenty-nine

Han Cheng ignored the captives and silently counted the returnees in his heart.

Twenty-nine? Why one less?

Han Cheng couldn't help but hesitated.

I suppressed the bad thoughts and quickly counted again, and the result became 28 again.

Han Cheng's heart sank, and then counted a third time, counting to thirty-one.

Han Cheng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't pass the level of arithmetic very well, and many people can count.

Then count the fourth time.

After counting in this way, the elder brother and others gradually came to the tribe.

It's easy to count as you get close. After confirming that a lot of the thirty people who went out have returned, Han Cheng jumped up happily.

Only then has time to go to a large number of captured bone tribes.

Forty eight? !

Good guy, this is even the pot!

After counting the number of captured people, Han Cheng was equally surprised.

This is nine more than the largest number he expected.

With joy, Han Cheng got off the wall and came to the gate. He checked the 30 people who had gone out one by one. He found that there was nothing serious except fatigue, and he finally relieved his mind and began to inquire about the battle. after.

For the results of this battle, the big brother was very excited and happily told Han Cheng.

Others added a few words from time to time. Those who heard that they had stayed in the tribe and did not go there were bright in their eyes.

Han Cheng also didn't expect that the method he had handed over to the senior brother would be so good, and he also laughed.

They were happy, but the Bone Tribe people who had been captured were full of fear and anxiety, and they didn't know what was waiting for them.

When thinking about these things, many people from the bone tribe looked east unconsciously. They knew that there were many people who were burned to death after they failed to attack this tribe.

Maybe the people who died in their tribe were burned there.

"go in."

Han Cheng looked at these messy and extremely disturbed people, and said to them.

The big brothers took these people and started walking towards the tribe with the door open.

The leader of the bone tribe with many scars on his body looked up at the tall wall and the open door, with a crying expression on his face.

He finally entered the tribe that he wanted to enter~www.NovelMTL.com~ but the way is very different from what he thought...

These panicked people were taken into the Qingque tribe. After the gate was tied, Han Cheng ordered the people to prepare food.

Today, I have to have a good meal, and celebrate the feast for the big brothers.

The people who received the order went happily, and the big brothers who had returned from the expedition were also extremely happy.

They always have a great passion for eating.

Han Cheng also asked these people from the bone tribe to feed them some water.

"The Son of God..."

After things settled down, the big brother called Wu Wu and came over to talk to Han Cheng about his concerns.

This kind of worry, after seeing the number of the bone tribe who had returned from the captives, the witches also rose up.

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