I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 161: The leader who forced the grid down straight

   If there is a word, it is long, if there is no word, it is short.

   The following Qingque tribe was very plain, and there was nothing worth writing about.

Time passed by, the place where the sun rises every day, from the northeast to the east, and then rushed to the southeast non-stop. It also likes the new and dislikes the old. It has been impatient and always faced with all this familiar, wanting to be more reliable. The places in the south are more close and close, and prepare to be soaked in rain and dew, so as not to lose the name of the favored party.

As it gradually moved away, the temperature on this land began to drop, and the leaves threatened with death, jumping down from the branches, and fell to the ground in a poignant manner; a large number of plants have dedicated fruits that have been treasured for half a year. So as to redeem the figure that brought them warmth, however, all this was in vain, the warm figure still drifted away without looking back...

   In this autumn, the twelve-room house in the Qingque tribe is also undergoing the final stage of paving.

   After laying the tiles, the house will be rested for a while, and you can move in before winter arrives.

   After more than half of the tile shop, it stopped because the tiles produced were no longer available.

   Even if Han Cheng later specially separated two people to help Heiwa make tiles, it was still not available.

   There is no other way but to stop temporarily and wait until a certain amount of tiles have been accumulated before proceeding.

   just right, we have to prepare for planting rape.

   The big brothers who temporarily stopped building houses are still not idle, and they are busy with the fields.

Shang inserted the bone shovel in his hand on the dung pile on the east side of the Qingque tribe’s courtyard wall, and then took the hook from the side, hung the handle of the head of the fur with a wooden hook, straightened up, carrying the heads of the two furs filled with deer. A mixture of dung, rabbit dung, chicken dung, and some rotten weeds, walked towards the **** field on the west side of the western wall.

   There are also elder brothers and second elder brothers who do this work with him.

It is ashamed to say that since Han Cheng determined to carry out large-scale construction of the Qingque tribe, and gradually developed animal husbandry and planting, these people carrying wooden sticks and stone spears in the past chased the beasts freely and run fiercely, one by one. The grid descended sharply, and now, the dignified leader has become a dung picker...

   The big brother who was also walking in tandem with two dung heads didn't think there was anything wrong with this, but there was a smile on his face.

  Because he was thinking back to what the son of God said before, the son of God takes care of what they are doing now to fertilize, saying that after fertilizing, the **** will grow vigorously in time.

  Kamiko also said that fertilizing rapeseed is similar to eating a person. People will have no strength if they don’t eat, and rapeseed will not grow vigorous without eating...

  While this made the big brother amazed, there was also a bad idea...

   Thinking of the deliciousness of rapeseed, he is naturally motivated to work, and he does not pick and choose.

   The dung was picked into the ground, and piled up in piles.

  When the dung is almost picked up into the ground, someone will come with the bone shovel, and pile up the dung as evenly as possible, scoop it with the bone shovel, and scatter it around...

When the big brothers and others were busy carrying manure into the ground, Han Cheng was also not idle. He directed another group of people to clean the branches and trunks on the west side of the courtyard wall, next to the original **** field. Prepare for the upcoming reclamation.

   The Qingque tribe harvested enough rapeseed this year. Han Cheng plans to expand the area of ​​rapeseed cultivation. This is not only a favorite for people, but even deer.

   is a very good choice for feeding rabbits or chopped some to feed chickens. With so many mouths waiting for them, Han Cheng will naturally not worry about the waste of too much planting.

   The **** field last year was about three or four acres. This year, Han Cheng plans to open up more fields to grow rape. At least another ten acres will be needed.

   Fortunately, the Qingque tribe is located on the edge of the mountain range. There are relatively flat terrain on the left and right sides as well as in the front. I don’t know when the front of the mountain is formed and there are enough places to cultivate and farm.

   Even if the land on the side of the river is reclaimed, you can go to the other side of the river to reclaim.

This directly solves Han Cheng’s troubles. Otherwise, for the development of the plantation industry and the future prosperity and prosperity of the tribe, he still needs to persuade the people of the tribe to take them to unfamiliar places in the caves they have lived in for generations. Open up a new residence.

   In that way, all the things I had done before were all wasted.

   Such a discovery made Han Cheng feel once again that his luck was not too bad, and it felt good not to start from the most primitive starting point.

   This made him suddenly think of those who were at the end of others since they were born. When they stood there and looked back at the many people who sharpened their knives at the starting line, their mood should be even more wonderful.

  Sure enough~www.NovelMTL.com~ People have been in various injustices since they were born. Just like crossing, the hapless guy came to primitive society...

   Fortunately, we still have hands and feet, and we can also use our own efforts to change our own situation. Even if we try our best, we are far from reaching the starting point of others, but at least beyond our own starting point...

   Well, just like Han Cheng led the Qingque tribe's people for eight lifetimes, it is impossible to reach the level of the time he lived in later generations, but it can make the Qingque tribe's life much better than before.

  According to Han Cheng's original idea, as for the trees on the land to be reclaimed, just like last year, clearing out an isolation zone around the land, and then lighting a fire to finish.

   But then I changed my mind.

   Because with the continuous construction of houses, kilns, stones, and other wood products throughout the year, the Qingque tribe consumes a lot of wood.

   When all these houses are completed and the kangs are all burned in winter, there is also a lot of demand for firewood, so Han Chengcheng is a little bit reluctant.

In his sign, the people of the Qingque tribe first carried out the dry wood that was used for kiln and stone burning, and left the remaining dead branches and leaves and some trunks that were too thick to carry. Waiting to be burned with fire.

   Looking at some of the firewood that has begun to rot, and then looking at the fallen trees on the ground further away, Han Cheng feels it is necessary for him to start trying to burn charcoal, otherwise the firewood that is too late to burn will be wasted.

After being burned into charcoal, the wood that has been burnt to remove impurities is not only easy to store, but also has better burning efficiency. Before you can find a good coal as a substitute, you must make some metal tools. With the help of charcoal.

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