I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 160: Make fire (2)

A ball of tinder was cushioned under a tree stick that was drilled out of a small hole on the ground. Han Cheng took a modified hand drill and put the wooden pole into it, with one foot on the stick on the ground , To prevent its chaos, and then start to press down the hand drill one by one, the same as when drilling things.

The wooden drill rod rotates rapidly with Han Cheng’s upward and downward pressure, and within a few seconds, a green smoke rises from the wooden pit, and then there are warm, black wood chips carved from both sides of the wooden pit. The wooden trough came out and fell onto the soft tinder below.

Han Cheng was faintly excited. He kept pressing down and pressing the drill. As the drill rod continued to rotate, more blackened sawdust fell. After a while, white smoke came from under the wooden rod. Appeared on the tinder.

   When Han Cheng saw this, he took away the hand-pressed drill, took the tinder and put it on his mouth to blow the air. The small spark grew from small to large, and soon a flame rose.

   Recall that this time it took about two or three minutes to drill wood for fire, which is much faster than the original wood drill of the Qingque tribe and the flint he made earlier!

   It’s only the first time to use this hand to press a drill to drill a fire, and the effect is so remarkable. After a period of hard training, wouldn’t it be faster?

   Han Cheng thought this way, turned his head and saw the lame who was looking at the tinder burning in a daze. He moved in his heart and asked the lame to try.

   Lame was replacing the hand-held drill he used frequently with a wooden rod, and was surprised that he could get out of the fire. Hearing that the **** child greeted him to do it, he hurriedly took over the hand-pressed drill, just because he was too excited and his hands were shaking.

   The wooden pole turned, black sawdust flowed out, white smoke rose from the tinder, and then the flame was beating, reflected in the lame eyes, and the eyes became brighter.

   The most hand-pressed drill in the tribe is lame, and now it takes a lot less time to let lame do this than Han Cheng.

   Han Cheng's expression of joy became more and more intense, and he had been entangled with things for so long, but he actually used this method to solve it!

   is not the fire knife and flint as originally thought, nor is it a fire knife, but the third way!

   This gives him a feeling of a bright future, and sure enough, he will never forget it, there must be an echo!

Seeing that the son of God was happy, he became more and more happy. He carried this unique hand press in his hand and smirked. Fu Jiang didn't know where he slipped over, and he was wagging his tail and was stumbling. I have forgotten all the mistakes I made before...

  Han Cheng walked back to the cave with his newly made tool for drilling wood to make fire, and called the fire one who was taking care of the fire there, and asked him to see himself drilling wood to make fire.

  As soon as the fire recovered, this may be related to the greatly improved living standard of the Qingque tribe after Han Cheng arrived, enhancing his resistance, otherwise she might not survive this time.

   Not only did the heat rash on her body not get rid of, but because of the constant sweating, she'exploded'. She kept scratching while squatting there to look after the flames.

"You come."

   Han Cheng put the burning tinder on the ground and trampled it out, then pointed his hand to press the drill and said to the fire, indicating that the fire would do it.

   Huo Yihuo was two years old, and was different from the witches who often do mental work. The two of them were not strong enough to accept new things. Up to now, they can understand a lot of Mandarin, but they can speak not much.

   Huoyi was a little excited and a little afraid of this novel method of making fire. He hesitated for a while after hearing the words. He still followed Han Cheng's words and took over the hand drill and started doing it like Han Cheng.

It’s just that in Han Cheng and his lame hand, the hand-pressed drill is very smooth. In the hand of the fire, it will not be smooth. Either the drill pipe is crooked, or the drill pipe ran out of the wooden pit, or turned I got stuck within two laps...

   Huoyi looked very cramped, and wanted to return this thing to the son of God.

   Han Cheng smiled and waved his hand, squatted down and patiently taught Huo Yi, giving demonstrations from time to time, and sometimes teaching by hand.

   Han Cheng had a lot of dealings with old people before, and he understood their feelings very well. Moreover, he has been silently contributing to the Qingque tribe. He is naturally more patient.

"fire Fire!"

   Under Han Cheng's tireless guidance, Huoyi finally lit the tinder with this new tool and exclaimed excitedly.

   Drilling wood for fire is a physical task. Old fires can no longer do this work. Occasionally, after the fire in the fire is extinguished by accident, other people in the tribe are needed to drill for fire.

   At this time, using the tools made by the gods, she can actually get through the woods and make fire, and she still doesn't feel very tired. It is strange if she is unhappy.

   Huo screamed in excitement, and looked very unwilling to see the flame on the tinder go out.

   After the flame on the tinder was completely extinguished, she got another ball of tinder, and then pressed the drill to make the fire with her hands, as happy as a child who got a new toy.

   After another two successive fires, the excited Huo Yi went to call last night's vigil, Huo II who is now sleeping.

Huo Er was awakened by Huo Yi, and she was confused and didn’t figure out what Huo Yi means. He only felt that Huo Yi was very excited, as if there was something good to share with herself, so she followed with her eyes on the fire, watching the fire. One is doing strange things.

   When I saw flames appearing under Huoichi's movements, Huoji, who had been sleepy-eyed, suddenly became sober.

   She pointed to the flame, then pointed to the auger, looked at the fire incredulously, and said with a whimper, obviously wanting to know what is going on, why does the fire start as soon as it is?

   Huo Yi, who was extremely distressed before, showed a smile on her face. She was very satisfied with Huo Er's reaction~www.NovelMTL.com~.

   As a Chinese expert, she began to say all this to Huo Er with the attitude of a person who came by.

   Huo Er turned his head and turned for a half circle, and did not find the figure of the **** child, so he bowed to the inner cave.

   Then he told Huoyi that he also wanted to try and learn how to make fire.

   Huo Yi is naturally happy. Seeing Huo Er's clumsy appearance, she involuntarily aroused a sense of superiority in her heart, and then began to teach Huo Er seriously with what she had just learned from the son of God...

   The long-lasting flame of the tribe cave went out. The tribes who had been accustomed to these always felt that something was missing, and many people were always a little flustered.

   After this situation continued for several days, it gradually disappeared...

   At the beginning, most people in the tribe didn't agree to put out the fire. After all, the fire has been burning all year round since they were born.

   It wasn't until the two people who had been concentrating on the skills of drilling wood to make fire for a few days appeared on the stage, and after using the new fire drilling tools to get out of the fire quickly, the doubts in their hearts dissipated a lot...

By now, the people of the Qingque tribe have slowly become accustomed to having no fire, because whenever it’s time to cook, either Huo 1 or Huo 2 can quickly get out of the fire and never delay doing it. Fans, people's lives will not be affected, they will naturally accept this matter.

   The prickly heat on Huo Yihuo two people who were liberated from this incident gradually began to dissipate.

   The two people who are used to taking care of the fires seem to be uncomfortable at first. There is a feeling of doing nothing. I always feel that something is missing.

   But their feeling quickly disappeared, because their **** son gave them a spindle...

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