I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 158: Make fire (1)

  Han Cheng was busy like this for a while, calling someone to let her take over for him, and do what he did before.

   In addition, under such conditions, he has no good way to think about it. Whether he can survive it, he can only be resigned.

   Han Cheng walked to the okay Huo Er and found that Huo Er also had a layer of prickly heat on his body, and then looked at the others carefully, and found that only her two had the most prickly heat.

   After thinking about it a little bit, I will understand. After all, the two of them face a fire all day long, and now it is midsummer...

   "Wake up! Wake up!"

   Big Brother's surprise shouts sounded, and his eyes were full of admiration looking at Han Cheng.

  Han Cheng hurried over. Huoyi, who had closed his eyes before, opened his eyes, but he was very weak.

  Han Cheng asked people to dip their hands in cold water to wipe the fire, and at the same time, they brought a bowl of plain water with some salt to feed her.

   "The Son of God!"

The surrounding people looked at Han Cheng's gaze even more admiration. In the past, the Son of God did not create miracles, but compared with today, it is undoubtedly more impressive, because the Son of God forced one The dying man was saved!

   Among the crowd, Shu Liang was the most excited.

   This inspiring person wants to be like Shennong. After witnessing the son of God using the means to save the dying person, he couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, and his ambition to find medicine to save people became firmer!

   After everyone in the tribe respectfully saluted the son of god, many people jumped and jumped in excitement, shouting in their mouths, venting the joy in their hearts...

   Han Cheng was not as happy as they were. He was thinking about fire and how to improve the technique of making fire.

   The flames burned 24 hours a day in the summer, it was too hot.

   Those of them who don't usually get close to the fire are okay, but two or two people who are old will suffer.

   This time the fire was so bad that he came back to life with his simple rescue. Will he be so lucky next time? Next time?

   I really have to find a way to solve this problem!

   Match lighters, Han Cheng has no abilities to make, and all he can think of are fire knives, flints, or fire folds.

   Flint is relatively rare, and the possibility of fire knife and flint around the Qingque tribe is too small.

Moreover, the fire knives of later generations are all made of hard steel. When he was a child, he heard from the elders in the family who said how good his fire knives and flints are. It only takes one click to light up fire. The tone is quite different. For envy.

   Just the steel article is enough to stop Han Cheng.

   It seems that the only way left is to make fire folds.

Han Cheng also knows a little about Huozerzi. Roll up the yellow paper used to go to the grave, stuff it into the bamboo tube without looseness, and then light one end with fire and cover it. The paper twister in the bamboo tube will be extremely Burns at a slow rate and remains indestructible.

   Just pull the lid and blow out the flame when using it.

   Han Cheng tugged at the corner of his mouth, no bamboo, no yellow paper...

   really is the primitive age!

   I have the memory of later generations, and I still feel difficult to do this, but those ancestors have walked out step by step and walked towards glory. People have to sigh for them.

   It is conceivable how much they suffered and frustrated in this process.

   "Slap, slap, slap..."

   The night is deep, with gem-like stars inlaid in it, without the neon lights flashing everywhere and the bustling crowd, it looks peaceful on the outside, which makes people have a kind of joy and peace from the heart.

   In the silent night, there was the sound of knocking stones. With the sound of this sound, dots of orange-red light flashed, drawn some arcs in the air, and then disappeared.

   is like a falling star in the night sky.

   Compared to yellow paper and bamboo, Han Cheng thinks it is more reliable to find stones to strike. Therefore, this afternoon, he carried a small basket to the quarry to find some stones and came back to strike.

  Most of the hard stones can be knocked out of sparks, but if you want to get a fire quickly, you must find the kind that can burst out a lot of sparks with a single knock.

   some people, including witches, big brothers, lame, wood, etc., gathered around and watched the flashing sparks together, as well as the sons of gods who were clinging to each other holding stones.

They have learned from the mouth of the **** son what the **** son wants to do, knowing that the **** son is ready to find a new way to make fire, liberating the two people from the work of taking care of the fire every day, so as not to save her The two are as worried about their lives as they are today.

   Everyone was moved by the kindness and fraternity of the Son of God, and the two of Huo I and Huo 2 who knew the reason were even more moved. The tears became more in the eyes that liked to cry.

   The slightly better Huoyi struggled to get up to continue to take care of the fire, not to let the divine child be so hard...

   "Slap, slap, slap..."

   The knocking sound keeps on ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Mars keeps flashing, and a unique smell after the stones collide is permeated under the night sky.

   The sparks that used to be fleeting suddenly disappeared, and it was getting bigger and brighter.

   Han Cheng stopped percussing, put the stone of his hand aside, picked up the tinder used to set the fire on the ground, and pinched his mouth to blow.

   After receiving his mouthful of the immortal breath that he didn't know if there was bad breath, the bright spots on the tinder in his hand became bigger, and then a small flame rose and jumped under the night sky.

  The witches, big brothers and others around looked at the beating flames, and their eyes widened involuntarily.

   Regarding making fire, they only know how to use wood drills. They never thought that using stones can also make fire!

Wood, who often deals with stones, has the biggest eyes. He has seen this kind of Mars more than once, and he just thinks it's more fun, but he doesn't know that it turns out that this kind of spark that looks extremely small and splashes on the body without feeling the temperature. , Can actually start a fire!

   By the light of the fire, he drew close to Han Cheng and wanted to take a stone and try it with his own hands.

   Han Cheng pinched a corner of the tinder, placed it in front of his eyes, watching the beating flame, and when he was about to burn his hands, let go and let it fall.

   The tinder was burning on the ground. Because there was no other firewood to add, the flame quickly changed from big to small, and finally went out completely.

   Han Cheng sighed leisurely, and handed the two rocks on hand that were most prone to sparking after the experiment to the eager wood.

   The crowd around who was delighted by the fire, heard this sigh of the Son of God, and they were all puzzled.

  Kamiko has created a new way to make fire, how can he be unhappy?

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