I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 157: I always want to have it again after I lose it

   "The Son of God! The Son of God!"

   Han Cheng was making tiles with Heiwa, and suddenly he heard voices calling for God's Son.

  'S voice was full of anxiety and panic. Han Cheng was startled, and when he turned his head to look around, he saw a few people rushing out of the gate of the wall, screaming in anxious manner while rushing to this side.

   Could it be that the tribe that did not live or die is here again?

   If this is the case, then things will be troublesome, many people are still working in the quarry!

He thought this way, before he could lose the clay in his hand, he stood up, turned his head and looked around quickly, except for a few birds waiting not far away to be eaten by the small fish who were surprised by the sudden sound. Outside of flying, there were no other changes, and no outsiders were found.

   Han Chengxin calmed down a little, and shouted to the black baby and two other tile-making people: "Run!"

   Then he ran towards the gate of the fence without looking back.

   No matter what happened, you must first run inside the wall and close the door. This is what Han Cheng thought.

   Heiwa also looked at the **** child who was running faster than the rabbit with the other two people. For a while, he looked at each other, showing that he was a little surprised that his two short legs could run so fast!

   After they lost their minds on the spot, they also shook off their steps, followed the steps of the son of God, and rushed towards the gate of the tribe.

   "The Son of God! The Son of God!"

   The people who ran out of the tribe were still running here, yelling loudly as they ran.

   The voice is urgent.

   got close, Han Cheng recognized people, it was Junior Brother Sha and Mu Mu.

   "What...what's wrong?!"

   Han Cheng gasped and asked loudly.


   shouted anxiously over there.

   When Han Cheng heard this, he immediately became annoyed. It really was someone from another tribe!

   I didn't see it, maybe it was in the other two directions of the wall.

   At the same time he was anxious, he wanted to yell at the behavior of Junior Brother Sha and others. He knew that an enemy was coming, so he didn't know how to bring weapons when he came out!

   Heiwa and others caught up from behind, one of them took a hand of the son of God and ran towards the front.

   The two sides met, and there was no time to say anything. Junior Brother Sha and others turned around and rushed towards the courtyard gate together.

   "Where is the person?!"

   Han Cheng said as he ran.

   "That... there"

   Junior Brother Sha stretched out his hand and pointed straight at the gate of the tribe.

  Han Cheng's heart chuckles again, the enemy attacked the courtyard silently? !

   hurriedly ran into the courtyard, but found no other people there. There were no masters besides the guards on the low walls on the left and right sides.

   Han Cheng asked Junior Sha’s whereabouts in doubt, Junior Sha anxiously pointed to the cave.

   Han Cheng's eyes widened instantly.

   Is it so cruel? Not only was it touched into the tribe by others, but also the cave was occupied by others?

  Who is coming from? Such a great skill? Could it be someone who traveled with a thermal weapon equipped with a silencer?

   Junior Brother Sha hurriedly found himself back so that he could perform miracles and kill these invaders?

  Han Cheng thought with a big open mind as he ran.

   "The Son of God! The Son of God!"

People gushed out of the cave again, and the leader was the big brother who was the leader. As soon as he came out, he saw Han Cheng, who was half-drawn and half-driving by the black baby, coming quickly, and his face showed joy. Hurriedly took a few steps forward and shouted.

   Han Cheng was relieved when he saw this, and it seemed that someone had entered this situation, but something else had happened.

"what happened?"

   Han Cheng asked again.

   Big Brother didn’t have time to speak, he just signaled Han Cheng to go to the cave soon...

   There were a lot of people in the cave. Seeing Han Cheng coming in, he quickly got up and made a way.

   Han Cheng couldn't help being surprised when he saw the situation inside, and he quickened his pace.

   Not far from where the Qingque tribe lit the fire all the year round, a man lying on the ground was one of the two old primitive men who took care of the fire all the time.

   Wu squatted beside him, testing his breath with his hands from time to time, with a heavy and helpless face on his face.

   He is getting older and he has seen more life and death. He is more calm than the others in this situation, but his heart is equally sad. After all, this person belongs to their Qingque tribe, and he is much older than him.

   Wu shook his head slightly. According to his previous experience, this old primitive man called Huo Yi by the **** son obviously couldn't survive.

   After making such a judgment, he suddenly thought of the Son of God, the man who had brought countless miracles, and hurried people to find him to see if he could save Huoichi's life.

   Wu raised his head, did not speak, but a little eagerly looking forward to the son of God.

   Han Cheng hurriedly walked to Huo, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

   When I looked down, Huo Yi's old face was flushed with sweat, and there were a lot of prickly heat on the exposed skin.

   Han Cheng stretched out his hand to test Huo Yi’s sniff~www.NovelMTL.com~ Huo Yi was really on fire, and the air that came out of his nostrils was hot!

   This should be heatstroke!

   Looking at the fire not far away, Han Cheng hurriedly carried the fire to the ventilated hole of the cave, and ordered people to bring a basin of cold water, and then make a bowl of cool white, and put some salt in it.

   After seeing the son of God, the elder brother and others didn’t just squat there and scratch their heads like a witch, but immediately let them do things. They were overjoyed and hurriedly followed Han Cheng’s instructions.

   Although Huo I was old, he and Huo II took turns taking care of the flames every day to ensure that the fire source of the tribe would not be extinguished. The credit was not small. Even if they couldn't do anything, they didn't want him to die like this.

Han Cheng asked him to leave a bit, let the vents open, and then untied some of the leather around Huoyi. He kept his hands moistened with cold water and kept rubbing his body to cool down. He also asked him to pour her boiled water with some salt. Go down.

   There is no copper at this time. If there is copper, use copper to shave her back because it will be better, and a bowl of mung bean soup will also be better...

   But now there is nothing, all he can do is this...

   He wiped Huoyi's body with cold water, Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed, looking at the numerous rashes on Huoyi's body, he felt a little uncomfortable.

   The two old primitives have a very weak sense of existence in the Qingque tribe. Usually, few people visit them more, and Han Cheng is the same.

   Now that something has happened, she may not be able to survive. The people suddenly realized the significance of their existence, and they knew how much the tribe would lose after they left.

   Many times it is like this. When you have it, you don’t feel that you have anything. Once you lose it, you will find that the things you previously owned and didn’t care about are actually very important.

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