I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 140: You will be remembered

   limped and ran fast, came to the courtyard and immediately began to make a hook. He must follow the steps of the **** son and make efforts for the tribe to overcome the difficulties of the devil.

   The stopped project started again, and compared with before, the people of the Qingque tribe started these things more vigorously.

   Han Cheng looked at this scene and pulled his nose slightly. Sure enough, this man still had to have some energy.

   Thanks to the efforts of the people in the tribe, the construction of the house is not slow. By now, the stone-built wall is one meter above the ground.

   Originally, Han Cheng's idea was to only use stones to lay the foundation, and when it was level with the ground, he began to use plate construction to ram the mud walls, because transporting stones is really a bit of trouble.

   Later, I carefully recalled the thatched houses I had seen in later generations, and found that very few of them were built up directly from the ground by an earthen wall.

   This is also easier to understand, after all, the rammed wall cannot withstand the long-term soaking of rainwater.

  During the Warring States Period, the biggest reason for digging the river to fill the city in vain, and finally conquered the strong city, was not that the water drowned the people in the city, but that the river water softened the wall made of soil and collapsed.

   Thinking of the situation in which he was sleeping in the house after a rainy day, suddenly the house collapsed and the roof fell to cover himself in it, Han Cheng changed his original thoughts momentarily.

   After the one-meter stone wall is built up, the house divided into three rooms can also be seen in a rough shape.

   The door also came out, in the middle of the house, one meter two wide.

  Considering that there are no iron nails and the technology of setting triangle beams is still immature, two walls have also been erected inside the room, dividing the first house in the true sense of the Qingque tribe into three rooms.

   In this way, it is convenient to erect the roof in the future, and secondly, there can be a relatively independent space.

   There are also doors on these two walls. The front door near the house is 20 centimeters narrower than the front door.

   After the foundation is laid, and the one-meter-high stone wall is laid, the next step is fast.

   The wooden row is clamped on both sides of the one-meter-high stone wall, and after binding, it starts to ram the wall with soil.

   The people of the Qingque tribe have done a lot of this. They are very familiar, and of course fast.

   The soil wall is very thick, measuring 40 centimeters in length. This is Han Cheng's specification after considering that the soil wall is not as strong as a brick wall, and the winter is too cold and the wall is too thin to resist freezing.

   Compared with the other walls, the front wall is much more troublesome, because this wall not only has to keep the door, but also has two windows on both sides of the room.

   Window lame is being done. With hand drills and stone chisel and charcoal drilling methods, making wooden windows is not too difficult for the clumsy person.

   Of course, the premise is that Han Cheng needs to be instructed by the side, and the approximate composition of the window is drawn on the ground.

The making of the window is not too complicated, that is, a tree stump with a length of 1.3 meters and a diameter of 10 cm is cut into two halves from the middle, and then a stone chisel and hot coal are used to make out every 15 cm on the flat side. A hole three centimeters in diameter came out.

   These pierced eyes don't need to be drilled through, just three centimeters deep.

After the    卯眼 is fixed, just like the previous ladders, the one-meter-long tree sticks with a diameter of about three centimeters are nailed into the eyes of the road one by one, and a window is built.

   Because there are no two vertical borders on the side, the wooden window looks a little loose, but it does not matter. After it is inserted into the wall, it will become extremely strong.

   Li is a very busy man now. He is the main force of the head, hook, wooden window, door, and the following fence, all of which make him overwhelmed.

   All the things that made the eyes when making the wooden windows were done by brightly wounded feet.

   Of course, I found the position of the eyebrows limp, and circled it with unburned charcoal.

   Seeing that the cheeks are bulging with the blowpipe, Han Cheng has a look of approval in his eyes.

   is not because he was working with injuries, but because he remembered the conversation between them some time ago.

  The scene at the time was like this——

The day after   liang was smashed to his foot, his foot was red and swollen, like a toad.

   The two toes in the front were smashed and became purple, swollen, and the whole foot was out of sight.

   It's okay to see the situation, Wu's brows are a little frowned, because the injuries on Liang's feet have not changed significantly, just like those who were injured before.

   Liang himself also seemed a little nervous and uneasy.

   During this process, Han Cheng had to let people burn willow branch water and salt water every day, so that people could follow his original appearance and carefully clean the wounds on his feet.

   Things reversed on the third day. The wound on Liang's foot that occupied almost half of the instep was all scabs, and the swelling was reduced a lot, and there was no sign of suppuration and ulceration.

   For the result of such a surprise, he has always been in trepidation and weeping with joy. The horrible scene of his mother dying from ulceration and pus after grinding the stone tools to her feet, left him too deep!

   Witch was also extremely happy. In his memory, the people of the tribe who were injured in hot weather could easily purify their wounds, sometimes they would become feverish and unconscious, and then died.

   After the treatment of the **** child, there was such a big injury on the foot, but it was safe and sound, faster than the injured person in the winter!

   Facing such a result, it would be strange if Wu was not happy!

   Last year, the son of God improved the method of delivery. The number of deaths of newborn babies in the tribe has decreased. Now the son of God has used this method he did not know to clean up Liang’s wounds, and Liang has recovered quickly...

   This means that in the future, as long as the people of your own tribe do not suffer fatal injuries, the number of people who die because of the wounds will be reduced a lot!

He excitedly asked Han Cheng about the principle. Han Cheng smiled and said: "Salt is not only edible, but also a kind of medicinal material, which can cure some diseases~www.NovelMTL.com~The willow branches can weave the linden head, but the boiled water , Is also a kind of medicine, very good for cleaning wounds."

After talking about this, Han Cheng said with some emotion: "I know only a limited amount of this, but I know that most of the diseases and injuries in this world can be cured. The cure is not good because there is no way to find the right way and use the right herbs. .

  Many plants are actually medicines, but we don’t know how they can be used to treat those diseases and how they are used..."

   This remark made Wu feel a little confused. He knew from the son of God that such a road could reduce the pain and suffering of the tribe, but because this road was too difficult, he had to stop and sigh.

   Even the smartest **** child said that he didn't know much, and it was impossible to go down this road.

   "God... Son of God, I...I am willing, I am willing to look for identifying drugs to treat injuries and illnesses for the tribe."

   When Wu heard what Han Cheng said, his eyes were shining. He held back his excitement and said to the son of God.

   "This road will be very difficult and dangerous. Sometimes, it may die."

  Han Cheng looked at this person with admiration in the tribe who didn't have a high sense of existence in the past, and then gave him a serious look.

   The painful tragic state of his mother's death caused Liang to dispel the worries in his heart. He slightly raised his head and looked at the son of God and said, "I'm not afraid."

   "You will be remembered by many people if you go down this road.

   Many, many people. "

   Han Cheng stretched out his hand on Liang's shoulder, and said to him in fear.

   "Really?" Liang appeared to be a little surprised. He didn't expect this road to have such benefits.

   Han Cheng thought about the status of Shennong, nodded vigorously, "Really."

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