I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 139: Gods and demons

   "This is not the anger of the gods!"

   Han Cheng held a broken pole and said to everyone.

   When he spoke, the restless people immediately settled down.

   "The gods will not stop us from moving towards a better place. They are happy to see us living more prosperous, happy to see us living in warm houses and eating delicious food..."

   Han Cheng said in an extremely firm tone.


   Wu Wu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Regarding this matter, he is the clergyman who has the most bottom in my heart, because he knows that he has never successfully communicated with the gods, and because of the teaching of the stone, he seems to have discovered some things that he dare not go. The secret of the **** of thought.

   It's not that the gods are angry, or the gods are angry, otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do for a while.

   "Then why..."

   Wuzhi pointed to the broken pole held by Han Cheng, and pointed to Liang at the mouth of the cave, which hurt his foot, and asked Han Cheng hesitantly.

   The witch who has always cared very much about the tribe wants to understand this, and wants to know what is going on.

   Han Cheng said: "This is the devil who is tricking him."

   "The devil does not want us to have a good life, and does not want us to have enough food. It will cause a lot of suffering on the way forward."

  As soon as these words came out, the people of the Qingque tribe who had settled down again became apprehensive. They looked at their son of God anxiously, longing for the son of God to get shelter from the son of God and a way to drive away the devil.

  The witch is even more nervous. It is his duty to drive the devil, but he himself knows his situation, so he really has no ability to drive him away.

   "Devil, we must use our own wisdom and hands to defeat."

   Han Cheng said that he pointed his finger to his head and patted his hands again.

   Wu Wu breathed a sigh of relief again, because the thing he was most worried about did not happen, the son of God did not ask him to expel the devil, but gave a unique solution.

  The gods only bring benefits to people. Anything that is beneficial to the survival and development of people is the handwriting of the gods.

   Anything that is harmful to humans is the devil at work.

  For demons, there is no need to sacrifice to pray for mercy and forgiveness, but to use wisdom and strength to defeat them and develop better.

   This is the solution that Han Cheng came up with after some nervous thinking.

   not only affirmed the existence of the gods, and turned them into the incarnation of justice, without making people too superstitious, but also gave a way to overcome difficulties, that is, relying on their own wisdom and strength.

Although the idea of ​​   seems very crude, it is enough for people in this era. Because it fits, it is the best.

After implementing this kind of thinking, when encountering difficulties again, the people in the tribe will not be at a loss and panic like they are now. They will attribute these difficulties to demons, and then use their wisdom and strength to solve the difficulties. , Defeat the devil.

   The history of human growth is actually a process of fighting against the sky and the earth, making full use of one's own wisdom and strength to overcome each difficulty, and so is the growth of a person.

   "I...we, can we overcome, demon?"

   Someone asked in unskilled Mandarin, with unbelievable eyes and mixed expectations.


   Han Cheng answered decisively.

   "The devil makes it happen and breaks our pole, then we use wisdom and hands to make the pole stronger."

   After Han Cheng finished speaking, he called the uneasy limp on the side, found a trunk suitable for a pole pole, and split it in two from the middle with a wooden stone knife.

After resting with a stone knife,    found a hand drill and drilled a hole at the center of about two centimeters on both ends of the pole.

   Then he found two more wooden hooks that he had made when making rope with hooks.

   Fold a piece of rope in half and pass it through the hole on the pole to fasten it, then tie a wooden hook to the lower end of the rope, and do the same on the other end.

   Under the gaze of the people of the Qingque tribe, a variant of the pole pole, which is more applicable than the pole pole, appeared.

  Because the wooden hook tied underneath is a V-shape with a wide top and a narrow bottom, it can adapt to it as long as it is not too large in size, and it will be stuck.

   The rope that connects the wooden hook and the pole, Han Cheng specially left a little longer, so that different users can adjust the height of the wooden hook according to their height and the height of the goods they pick.

   The simple pole that Han became an emergency has actually been changed and improved a long time ago.

   It’s just that Han Cheng has too many things to consider, and he has not paid attention to this aspect, so he has been using it like this until today.

   However, if it hadn't happened, Han Cheng would not have realized the need for ideological and cultural construction of the people of the Qingque tribe, and he would not have been able to come up with what he said today.

   This is supposed to be the loss of one's horse.

   Well, life is like this, full of all kinds of surprises and surprises, and always filled with one thing after another, after doing this and that.

   Maybe we will be distressed, tired and bored, but if we have nothing to do, we will feel empty again...

   Han Cheng took the freshly baked hook and handed it to Wu Wu. Wu held it in his hand and looked up and down at this strange thing. After looking at it for a while, he passed it to the senior brother.

The big brother took it in his hand and weighed it, put it on his shoulder, and then gave it to the second brother. The second brother is usually only interested in eating. This hook only stayed in his hand for a while~www. NovelMTL.com~ is in the hands of the dead...

   After reading it in a circle, the hookdan returned to Han Cheng's hands.

   Of course, it didn't work out that way. Han Cheng took the hook to the big brother and asked him to try to carry the stone.

   The two heads were soon filled with stones, more than before.

   Under the gaze of everyone, the big brother held a wooden hook in one hand and hung it gently on the handle of the head, and the head was easily fixed.

   Then stood up with both legs vigorously, and at the same time, straightened his waist, and then moved off the ground with the stone head.

Big Brother    stood there for a while, seeing that the hook on his shoulder showed no signs of breaking, he took the load and walked to the west wall.

Because the newly made hook pole splits the wooden stick in half, it looks softer than the previous pole made of logs directly. As the senior brother moves forward, this hook pole is also a flashing one. Flash, and the amplitude is larger than the previous pole.

   This kind of soft hook can save some effort to carry things, and to a certain extent, can protect the shoulders that carry the burden.

Big brother    picked three times in a row, and the newly made hook pole was intact, and compared with the previous one, it was more comfortable and labor-saving.

   He told the results to the people who had long been shining in their eyes. The people of the Qingque tribe who stood by and looked at them turned and looked at them in reverence, Han Cheng, and shouted respectfully: "God! Son of God!"

   The only difference is that in addition to the respect for the Son of God, there is another thing in their eyes.

   It turns out that they can really use their wisdom and hands to overcome the difficulties caused by the devil!

   (For the sake of the plot, let them speak a little smoothly, so everyone can selectively ignore this, haha)

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