I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 119: Low wall and wooden ladder

This joyous party can be said to have been very successful. Not only did these surrounding tribes see the prosperity of the Qingque tribe, but also in an inadvertent way, let them realize the strength of the Qingque tribe. A handful of soft power and hard power.

   and also opened the original trade, which will benefit the Qingque tribe in the future.

  The women of the Qingque tribe are also strong enough, leaving behind a lot of seeds. The next step is to see who has good ground and can take root.

   Primitive people still don't have the concept of a green hat for later generations. These things that seem to be very unacceptable for later generations are extremely commonplace in this era.

   But basically it is limited to these few days. Once the joy will pass, it will be unforgivable for such a thing to happen again.

   This is also the reason why in the fight with the black baby, after the failure of the iron head, he just listened to the magnificent little song and couldn't sleep at night, and didn't take other actions to stand by.

  As a latecomer, Han Cheng is deeply worried about this. His worry is that it may be difficult for him to find a wife...

  Mother, this thing is unlucky to say. In the later generations, you will have money and no money, and you will have no status. Now your status is too high. As a result, when you encounter such a situation, Han Cheng is also in tears...

Those tribes who came to the Qingque tribe to participate in the joyous party seemed extremely reluctant when they left. The wonderful life these past few days left them extremely deep impression. They did not expect that people could still use this comfort Way to live...

  The experience in the Qingque tribe these few days is like opening a certain window to them, letting them see another world.

   Not only these ordinary people, even the leaders of several tribes, are also envious.

   The joyous party was over, and the Qingque tribe did not immediately get back on track.

  The main reason is that the men in the Qingque tribe are too warm-hearted and anxious about what others are worried about. In order to help the people of other tribes increase their population, they all want to use their power...

   Uncle Deer also appeared listless. In order to show off his power, clean up his harem, and at the same time increase the knowledge of these short two-legged beasts, he has been very busy these days.

   Even now, even the color of the coat is dimmed. Seeing the little doe approaching her, she hurried to hide...

   After three full days of rest, the Qingque tribe was rejuvenated.

   A large number of manpower continued to be busy for the wall.

   However, after raising the wall on the west side, what is going on next is not to raise the wall on the south side, but to raise the low wall behind the west wall.

  Because the low wall at the back appeared too low after the wall was increased to three meters and five meters, standing at the back, you could see the outside scene at all.

   In order to reduce the workload, Han Cheng just asked the original low walls to be connected together and then increased to a height of about two meters six.

  According to the height of the Qingque tribe, standing on a low wall with a difference of ninety centimeters, basically just showing the chest and the upper part.

   This can protect the people who fight back behind the wall from harm to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it will not affect the people of the Qingque tribe to fight back because the wall is too high.

   Only in this way, the original low wall has also become a high wall. It is impossible to go up without the help of other tools.

   Some people in the Qingque tribe who like to use their brains began to think about how to solve this problem.

   These people include witches, big brothers, and stones who have become witch apprentices.

   The fence is very high, but with a low wall, you can come to the top of the fence.

   Now that the low wall is taller, can't it be enough to build a lower wall against the taller low wall?

  With the two previous walls as a reference, as long as they are willing to use their brains, it is not particularly difficult for the witches to think of such a solution, after all, they are not particularly primitive people.

   Just when they thought they had the trick and were secretly proud that they had guessed what the son of God would do next, the actions of the son of God surprised them.

  Because after completing the construction of the low wall, the **** child did not let people build a lower wall next to the low wall as they expected, but asked them to raise the wall with the gate on the south side.

Wu, big brother, stone, you look at me, I will look at you, and then look up at the low wall that Gao has no way to climb after removing the shelf. They are all confused and full of brains. Puzzled.

  They really don’t understand the behavior of the son of God...

   Of course, Han Cheng would not build a lower wall against the low wall, and so on, until people can climb the tallest low wall.

   In this way, at least three low walls have to be built. It is too much time-consuming and unnecessary.

   It is not difficult for him to solve this matter, he only needs to make some ladders.

   For the Qingque tribe with a lot of wood, making ladders is not too difficult.

Han Cheng brought two craftsmen, Lame and Heiwa~www.NovelMTL.com~, and searched for some straight trees with a thick and thin bowl, and burned them with fire. They were cut into pieces with a length of about two meters. The long and short pillars are transported back to the tribe for later use.

   Then I cut some tree segments with arm thickness ranging from one meter to seventy centimeters in length, and the next step is to make ladders.

   Han Cheng selected two trunks of similar thickness, and asked the lame and Heiwa to pick them out from the pile of wood and place them relative to each other.

   The two tree trunks are not placed parallel. The distance between them is one larger and the other smaller. The end with the larger distance is the root of the trunk, and the end with the smaller distance is the thinner end of the trunk.

The width of    is 80 centimeters at the bottom and only fifty at the top.

   After placing the two pillars, the next thing to do is to tie the horizontal bars to the two pillars.

   This thing, the lame who often does knitting work is very good at it. After Han Cheng’s demonstration, every thirty centimeters, the binding is fast and strong.

   The witches and elder brothers who have been struggling with how to climb the low wall are very concerned about Han Cheng's actions, because they want to see what the **** child wants to do.

   At the beginning, they were puzzled by Han Cheng's move to build the ladder, until they began to tie the bars, Wu Wu showed a thoughtful look.

   When Han Cheng asked people to lift the finished wooden ladder and leaned against a low wall built first, Wu's eyes were bright, and he had completely understood Han Cheng's approach.

   After Han Cheng first stepped on the ladder and climbed up the low wall, the big brother and Shishi also showed an expression that suddenly understood.

   They stood under the wall, looking up at the son of God standing on the low wall, and what they didn't know what they were leaning on the low wall. Once again, they were deeply impressed by the wisdom of the son of God...

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