I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 118: Original transaction

   Under Han Cheng's deliberate arrangement, the Qingque tribe had a great impact on the tribe that came this time.

   Their biggest impression of the Qingque tribe is wealth and boldness.

   Besides, there is the delicious food.

   That amazing herd of deer and fish, although they admire them, they don't have too many ideas, because they need to rely on their ability to get them.

   But that kind of delicious food that is so delicious that you can't stop it is different.

  Although this kind of eating method is novel, it is not difficult to learn. You only need to add water to what is called a ‘tan’ or a ‘pot’ by the Qingque tribe and set it up on the fire.

  In the spare time of Huanxihui, the leaders of these tribes have communicated with the big brothers on this matter.

   The answer given by the senior brother is that he can't do this, he needs to ask the shaman and the **** son.

   Regarding this matter, the leaders of these tribes are very sympathetic to the big brother.

  Because in their tribe, there is no witch at all, let alone gods.

  In their tribe, what they say is what they say, unlike the big brother, who is clearly a leader, but there are many things that they can’t do.

   But when they knew that the Qingque tribe could have this surprising and enviable appearance, it was all because after the son of God, their sympathy immediately became envy.

Han Cheng was not surprised when he heard what the big brother came to relay. The reason why he wanted to supervise these people for food, in addition to wanting to use this method to show them the prosperity of the Qingque tribe, so that they can live like this. In addition to the yearning for the Qingque tribe, another purpose is to exchange pottery for them.

   Today's Qingque tribe, the staple food is fish, and the supplementary food is wild vegetables, because most of the human hands are used for construction, and hunting is rarely done, so animal meat appears to be very few.

   What Han Cheng wants to do is to take this opportunity to let these surrounding tribes witness the benefits of pottery with their own eyes, greatly enhance the value of pottery, and then exchange pottery for them some food.

   After more than a year of continuous development, coupled with the presence of Heiwa, a very talented person in pottery, the ceramic technology of the Qingque tribe has grown a lot.

   For the current Qingque tribe, firing pottery is not a difficult task.

   Compared with hunting, pottery is much more stable and safe.

   Using such pottery to exchange food for other tribes, Han Cheng thinks it is very feasible.

   He told the big brother of this idea and asked him to tell the leaders who wanted pottery.

The leader of the Green Tribe is the most witty. After hearing the words of the big brother, he immediately took out half of the food they brought this time, and then came to the big pot for cooking and put the food down. , Signaled that he wanted this.

These foods were originally intended to be eaten this time. Because the Qingque tribe takes care of the food, they have saved them. Now they exchange these foods for the Qingque tribe’s pottery, and it is the largest jar of the Qingque tribe. It's too shameless.

After seeing the shamelessness of the leader of the Green Tribe, the senior brother took a shot. He took a medium pottery bowl from the side and placed it next to the food the leader of the Green Tribe took out, meaning that these foods could only be exchanged for such a bowl. .

   did not dislike the black ash on the outside of the pot, and the leader of the green tribe, who was holding the pot and refused to let go, saw the big brother's behavior, the smile on his face immediately became solidified.


  He began to bargain with the big brother.

   Senior Brother is also a person who has seen big scenes, and has received the entrustment of God's Son, naturally he started to bargain without showing weakness.

   The two people who had been very close to each other in the joy meeting before, now they have a fierce confrontation.

   After some bargaining, the leader of the Green Tribe took out half of the remaining food again, piled it up here, and patted the big tank.

Brother    then shook his head. He took the medium pottery bowl away, and took a large pottery bowl and snapped it on the food that the leader of the green tribe took out, meaning that these foods could only be exchanged for this large bowl.

   After a very primitive bargaining, the leader of the green tribe can only accept the price of the big brother.

   exchanged these food for a large pottery bowl.

   After this precedent, the leaders of the other tribes also began to take out three-quarters of their food to exchange for the Qingque tribe.

   Among them, the donkey tribe and the sheep tribe have less food, only a medium-sized bowl.

There are many people from the    bone tribe and they carry more food, so three-quarters of their food was exchanged for a small clay pot.

  Witch looked at the large amount of food exchanged from these three bowls and one small clay pot, his eyes were a little straight. He did not expect that this pottery, which had become extremely common in their tribe, could actually be exchanged for so much food!

   Han Cheng was not surprised by this. After all, among the several tribes here, pottery is the only thing in the Qingque tribe.

   I didn’t know the great use of pottery before. These people might dismiss pottery, but after experiencing the benefits of pottery firsthand, it became difficult for them to refuse.

   Han Cheng, who came from later generations, naturally knows the benefits of monopolistic business!

   Of course, this joyous party, if you count the food these people eat and the salted fish that they give them, the Qingque tribe will lose a lot, but if you count other aspects, you will make a lot of money.

   And with the start of the pottery trade, the food consumed this time will soon be earned back.

   Really think that the free meal is so delicious?

   A certain **** child stood at the gate of the Qingque tribe, looking at the tribes that went away, he was happy like a cat who succeeded in stealing fishy.

   The thrill of bullying primitive people rose up, lingering in my heart, and lasting for a long time.

   is just a whole body of animal skins, which has reduced this kind of scene that should have been extremely cool by several levels.

   In addition to these two things, there is one more thing that surprised these leaders.

  That is, the leader of the pig tribe led the pig tribe to join the blue bird tribe.

   After learning the reason why the pig tribe joined the Qingque tribe, these leaders seemed a little silent.

This kind of silence is more about worrying about the emergence of such a powerful evil tribe nearby ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and fortunately that your tribe has not been attacked by such a tribe, and the remaining small part, It is to feel sympathy for what happened to the pig tribe.

  After recovering from this horrible thing, these leaders gradually discovered that the neighboring tribe in front of them had become so powerful before they knew it!

   Their strength turned out to be not the strongest among the nearby tribes, the strongest is the bone tribe.

   But after absorbing ten people from the pig tribe, including the leader, their number of adults has almost reached the strongest bone tribe before!

   In this era without splendid magic and vindictiveness, and no guns, the adult population often represents the level of tribal combat power.

   Especially after they learned that the Blue Sparrow tribe had actually repelled the evil tribe, they were even more surprised.

   Because from the mouth of the big brother, they learned the power of that evil tribe.

   is such a powerful force, the neighboring tribe in front of you should be hard to resist...

   But after the elder brother took them out of the tribe and went to the east to see the numerous bones that had not been burned by the fire, their doubts immediately disappeared without a trace...

   (After the car is finished, try to show as little as possible in the future... By the way, I can find all kinds of opportunities to drive as a primitive person. Is it also good? Haha...

   The above is a joke, let’s get back to the subject, so solemnly, of course...

   Of course I came to ask for votes. Comrades, for my excellent sake, just dump two of me. Of course, it's not for nothing, I chanted a poem for everyone. The poem said: The famous autumn mountain is sparsely pedestrian, and there are always drivers racing high and low, but now the drivers are no longer seen, only the author's old driver. )

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