I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1095: 2 completely different battles (2 in 1)

The little milk cat is looking for Fu Jiang's head.

Fu Jiang got it off his head, then it climbed up again, got it down, then climbed up again.

After this kind of thing went on several times in a row, the lucky general who was comfortable in the sun and didn't want to move, had to admit his fate and let this furry guy squat on his head and not leave.

Looking at the dog lying quietly and sleeping on the ground, basking in the sun, and looking at the sleeping cat lying quietly on Fu Jiang’s head, Han Cheng’s heart is like this time Generally quiet.

After a while, Han Cheng suddenly remembered that he wanted to name the little guy.

If you have a name, it is convenient to call it later.

What name should I give?

Han Cheng scratched his head and fell into contemplation.

Naming is a magical thing, especially for people with choice difficulties.

Whether it's naming your own children or naming other things, it can make you want to die.

Fortunately, Han Cheng did not have such symptoms.

However, when naming the little milk cat, he still thought about it.

The words "Red Tiger" appeared in his mind.

At one point, he thought it was pretty good.

From what Xiong Youer told him, he already knew that this little milk cat came from the Red Tiger tribe.

And, from its image, it can be roughly known that this guy is the decent **** of the Red Tiger tribe in all likelihood.

It’s also funny to say that he used fake and immobile statues of gods to deceive them from the Red Tiger tribe,


In exchange for so much food.

Now that they didn't spend any price, they brought the genuine **** of their tribe over...

Under such circumstances, it is really good to name the little milk cat as Red Tiger!

However, the name could not be finalized because Han Cheng remembered a better name.

The name is "Fu Xing".

A dog, a cat, a lucky general, and a lucky star are still very good, very matching.

The names of the two guys are linked together, and there is a sense of sight of two generals.

And the meaning is also good.

It's cheesy, but overall it's pretty good.

In fact, many things are better cheesy.

Something cheesy is more real.

Han Cheng was thinking this way in his heart, regardless of whether the logic was smooth or unsatisfactory, anyway, he was quite proud to set things down, and by the way, he secretly praised himself a lot.

After looking lazily for a while, the same lazy Fu Jiang, the Fu Xing lying on Fu Jiang's head, and Han Cheng, who is both cat and dog, felt a sense of speechless satisfaction in his heart.

Sometimes, satisfaction and happiness are so simple.

After doing this for a while, Han Cheng turned his head and looked around, and smoke burst into the sky.

This scene is much more spectacular than the green smoke on the ancestral grave.

Of course, not all of the smog is burned by the iron-smelting furnace, and a large part is caused by the burning of charcoal.

Han Cheng's eyes looked farther through these smoke pillars.

Originally, the trees here were relatively dense, and it was impossible to see as wide as they are now.

However, it has changed a lot now.

With the arrival of the Qingque tribe and the continuous development of the iron smelting industry, in just a short time, the trees here have fallen down a lot.

This speed will not only stop, it will continue to increase in the days to come.

After all, the iron smelting industry here in Tieshan residential area is just beginning. With the increase in population and the development of iron smelting technology, the demand for charcoal will only increase.

Therefore, it is still necessary to find high-quality coal mines as much as possible.

Han Cheng looked at everything in front of him, and once again started the idea of ​​finding high-quality coal mines.

However, there is still no trace of this matter.

Even after coming here, Han Chengcheng has already explained to the people in the tribe. When going out, always pay attention to the black stones and see if they can be found...


In the distance, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe shouted excitedly.

In front of him, a cave appeared.

It is a strange cave.

With their arrival, the people in this cave are hiding inside, and use stone slabs to block the cave firmly.

For these, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe doesn't care much.

Before that, he led the people in the tribe and shot down many caves.

He has encountered caves that are more rigid than this one.

But what is the result?

Haven't they all been attacked by him with someone and snatched away the food?

The reason why he is so excited now is not only because the tribe hadn’t encountered them before, but they all seemed to be stronger. At first glance, he knew that their tribe’s food was better, and there was more food stored in the cave. , They can have a better harvest.

Another important reason is that what happened at this time can prove the correctness of what the Miko said!

The witch said that through the previous confession, the gods in the tribe had forgiven them and would send blessings to them.

They can get a good harvest if they go far away from the tribe.

Now it seems that it is true!

I brought people to a place my tribe had never been to before, and I found such a tribe that I had never seen before!

Thinking like this in his heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe only felt that his body was full of power, and he rushed towards the cave like wind under his feet, while rushing, while constantly waving his mace.

Behind him are the same excited members of the Red Tiger tribe.

They shouted loudly, and along with their leader, launched a charge towards this tribe...





In another place, waves of howling wolves sounded continuously.

The roots have turned green, or there are some withered grass that has drilled out of the grass, which grows randomly here.

The body, which has no soul, looks extremely desolate, adding to the bleak atmosphere.

It is in such weeds that many wolves have gathered.

The wolves formed a circle at this time, surrounding some people.

These people held some shining weapons in their hands, and it was an outing team of the Red Tiger tribe.

Unlike the leaders of the Red Tiger tribe who discovered a new tribe that they had never discovered before, the beliefs of the people of the Red Tiger tribe surrounded by wolves have basically collapsed at this time.

With the blessings of the gods and full of glory, they set out from their tribe, and marched towards the place where they imagined a lot of food.

However, along the way, there was no decent gain at all.

Instead, during the previous walk, two people fell off the cliff and died.

And the food they carried when they set off was basically out.

Even if they have eaten frugally during this period of time...

Walking in the wild for a long time is extremely exhausting and makes them extremely tired.

In addition, in order to save food and travel farther, many of them have never eaten enough while walking.

Under such circumstances for a long time, it would be a strange thing if these people's bodies become constant and weak!

It was in this situation that they encountered the same hungry wolves and were surrounded by them!


After a period of confrontation, the wolf king of the wolves did not want to wait any longer.

It squatted on a rock, raised its head, craned its neck and gave a long cry, and issued an offensive command.

Following this command from the Wolf King, the surrounding wolves immediately became eager to move. They walked towards the people of the Red Tiger tribe surrounded by them, narrowing the circle.

Finally, under the leadership of a wolf, many extremely hungry wolves began to rush towards the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

A war between man and wolf kicked off...

One great battle began, and another great battle was over.

Stones, tree sticks and other things were scattered randomly on the ground, and the stone slab covering the hole broke from the middle and slanted to one side.

There are blood stains on the ground.

Some have dried up, some are still fresh.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe with blood stains on his cheeks and some injuries on his arms, the old man with a happy mouth.

He was holding a blood-stained mace in one hand, and he was carrying a large black object in the other.

This is a large piece of meat that has changed color.

Behind him, there is still a lot of food.

These are their gains this time.

For them, the harvest this time is huge.

Although these foods are far inferior to the foods stored in their tribe in the past, they are already very good for them now!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe spoke loudly.

As his voice came out, the people of the Red Tiger tribe, who had been happy because they had attacked a tribe, became more excited at this time, and many people couldn't help cheering loudly.

Because what the leader of the Red Tiger tribe said just now means that the people in their tribe can let go of their belly and have a good meal!

For many people in the Red Tiger tribe who have not eaten enough for a long time, such a thing is indeed worthy of excitement!

With an order from the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, this strange tribe where the blood had not completely solidified, soon a flame rose, and the fragrance of the food spread.

The **** smell that is so strong that it can't be removed, mixed with the fragrance of the food, the taste is extremely strange.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe don’t care about this. At this time, they only have this tempting food in their eyes. They just want to eat the food in front of them as quickly as possible and fill it into their hungry stomach...

In the grueling waiting, the food is finally ready.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who was too late to wipe the blood on his hands, couldn't wait to pick up the food and deliver it to his mouth.

The other Red Tiger tribe people’s eating habits are no better than their leader, they are all devoured...

While the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and the others were devouring food, the tragic man-wolf war that was going on in the distance ended.

This battle really can only be described as tragic.

It has withered and is already a dead grass without a soul, and now it has become even more soulless.

They were ruined and looked bad.

Many of them have fallen to the ground, and many more have just been broken.

The rich smell of blood, to the extreme, permeates here.

The broken withered grass was stained with dots of blood.

Many withered grass leaves were soaked in blood water.

In addition to these, in the dead grass, there are also many corpses lying down.

There are wolves and others.

These vibrant things before, are now dead, and they don't look much different from the dead grass lying on the ground.


The howling of a wolf rang in the distance, with endless sadness.

This is howling the wolf king who led the remaining wolves away...


When someone spoke out, their voices were trembling.

This is a **** man from the Red Tiger tribe.

He held the weapon in his hand and supported the ground, never letting himself fall.

After doing this for a while, he said to let the person who was sitting or lying on the ground stand up quickly.

And after he said this sentence, he also bent over and grabbed the leg of a dead wolf, dragged hard, and walked in this direction staggeringly...

The bonfire is burning and time is passing.

As the flame burns, the meaty aroma becomes more intense.

People sitting in a circle around the bonfire.

The eyes of these people were all staring straight at the food that was burned by the flames or boiled in a clay pot.


With one person's voice, these people immediately began to reach out for food and quickly delivered it to their mouths.

Crazy bites.

The meat that they gnawed frantically is not cooked at all~www.NovelMTL.com~ It’s just that the thin layer on the outside has changed color. After gnawing it away, the meat inside is still red, dripping down Blood...

But this group of extremely hungry people ignored these, just kept giving it to their mouths, eating extremely greedy...


This crazy energy lasted for a while, and finally there were some Red Tiger tribesmen in his stomach, slowing down the speed of eating food.

After a while, someone held the half-eaten wolf leg, chewed, and couldn't help crying.

As she cried, the others couldn't help crying.

This time, they were so miserable!

The people in their team are already half dead...


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