I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1094: Fu Jiang play cat (2 in 1)

Probably, things in this world will have a process from unfamiliar to familiar with the cognition around them.

The tolerance for many things will increase with time and the number of experiences.

Just like this little cat with fiery fur growing all over.

At this time, it has been three days since this little guy came to Han Cheng.

With these three days as a buffer, this red-blooded little milk cat became familiar with the Qingque tribe and various things around it a lot.

It's no longer the same as when I first arrived, there is worry and tension everywhere.

If you don't agree to catch the opportunity, you will put on a big runaway drama.

In three days, it has almost become familiar with this new life here, and the whole cat looks much more peaceful.

At least facing Fu Jiang, he was jumping and jumping around, and sometimes he suddenly jumped over, making a slamming posture, which looked obviously different from the rest of the wolves, just like the other wolves. When I was a dog, I became much calmer.

I can basically turn a blind eye, and continue to eat deer milk in a shallow container slowly here.

Fu Jiang bounced here for a while. Before seeing this, he was scared by his own actions. Either he jumped up from the spot and took off directly, or he was a guy who climbed up a tree in three and two times. I just ignored myself, and after a while, I didn't feel much energy anymore.

It stood here quietly, stared at the little milk cat drinking deer milk here for a while, and then walked to the side of the little guy.

Facts have proved that it is very right to learn what to follow.

Fu Jiang, a dog who has been mixed up with Uncle Deer, an insignificant fellow, and Han Cheng, an equally incomprehensible fellow, will naturally also have a strong insignificant style in his actions.

After this guy came to the little milk cat, he stood here for a while and looked at this little guy who was still drinking deer milk and ignored him, then opened his mouth with sparse teeth and directly bit the little milk cat. , Grabbed it.

Without even a little hesitation, holding the little guy in his mouth, he walked towards a tree about ten meters away.

When he came to the edge of the tree, he stretched his mouth and put it on the tree.

After letting the little guy's claws catch the tree trunk, this is considered a complete mouth release.

The little milk cat has obviously got used to the treatment of being caught in the mouth by Fu Jiang.

In the past, it would be very frightened and struggling to be held by the blessed general in the past.

But now, it is already familiar with Fu Jiang's routine.

Knowing that this guy will not really hurt himself.

And no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape, so he didn't struggle anymore.

Let Fu take this guy away by himself.

A fully appointed look.




After loosening his mouth and placing the little milk cat on the tree, the lucky general who freed his mouth, bared his teeth and screamed at the little milk cat, trying to make an extremely vicious look.

During this process, he stretched out a front paw and slapped the little guy's forehead.

The little milk cat is still very young. Although to a large extent, he has become accustomed to the bluffing and yelling of this spiritual dog, but sometimes he can't help being afraid.

Especially after being slapped on the forehead with a dog paw unexpectedly by Fu Jiang, it became even more unbearable.

As soon as the limbs pressed hard, they hooked the bark on the trunk, and they jumped up three times.

Roughly mocking the other species is the nature of cats, the kind of self-taught.

After climbing up the tree, the little milk cat, who was able to avoid being abused by mental dogs, became more relaxed.

It was lying on the branch, facing the dog who could not climb under the tree, meowing twice, it seemed full of contentment and provocation.

Fu Jiang is already an old dog, and he is also an uncle deer who often goes with the wretched deer, and also has a strong smell of wretchedness, but the package is very good for a certain **** to fight with the old dog, and it has long been a success. Refined existence.

For the existence of such a pink and tender little milk cat, and such a naive provocation, Fu Jiang simply didn't care about it, and didn't pay attention to it.

After watching here for a while, seeing that the little milk cat had been caught up with the tree by himself, Fu Jiang did not hesitate to turn around and ran away.

The wind left from the trees, and a gust of wind ran towards the shallow mouth pottery feeding the little milk cat.

The whole dog was about to deform with joy.

When I came to the side of the container, I opened my mouth and stretched out my head, with the tip of my tongue back, bending into a spoon shape. I slapped a spoonful of deer milk from the container at a very fast speed and delivered In his own mouth.

And then it was "a spoon" again...

It was just a moment’s effort, and Han Cheng had just fallen here, and the deer milk used to feed the little cat was drunk clean...

When a dog drinks water, he rolls his tongue backwards into a spoon shape and then uses it to fetch water. Han Cheng only learned about it after watching a slow-motion camera before. .

Before, he always thought he was adding water to drink...

Like the wind and wind, after quickly drank the deer milk in the shallow container used to feed the little cat, Fu Jiang stopped.

It raised its head and shook the hair on its body vigorously.

He shook his head again, stretched his two front paws forward, lowered his body, straightened his hind legs, and stretched a lazy waist.

Gousheng was greatly satisfied, and it can be said to be very complete.

Who said that when a dog is older, he can no longer drink deer milk?

This dog is the first batch to drink deer milk in the entire tribe!

It is a rather wretched deer with many branches growing on its head, so you have to drink some in the morning!

It can be said that the lucky master who has succeeded in playing the little milk cat routine is very arrogant!

Stand tall and see far away.

The little milk cat lying on the branches of the tree, Jiang Fu Jiang's series of extremely shameless behaviors were all seen in his eyes.

Was happily wagging his tail, meowing non-stop, and the guy who mocked and showed off to Fu Jiang, the guy who couldn't climb trees, suddenly couldn't show off.

Not only the meowing stopped, but even the fluffy tail that was constantly wagging back and forth also stopped.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped.

This young pink and tender little milk cat has suffered a great trauma...

When it dashed all the way down from the tree and came to the side of the clean, empty shallow container, Fu Jiang, the guy who had eaten it, had already left here in a swagger.

A long dog's tail is raised high and swaying back and forth, which can show how wonderful this guy's mood is at this time.

It left contentedly, leaving alone the little milk cat, a pink little fellow, meowing sadly here...

Han Cheng, who was not far away, saw this scene in his eyes, with a smile on his face.

On the one hand, it was because the things that Fu Jiang had done just now were too trivial.

On the other hand, it's because of the energetic state that Fu Jiang has shown since the little milk cat came over.

As he grows older, Fu Jiang gradually becomes more old-fashioned.

Between sitting and lying on the move, there is often some laziness.

A look of insufficient energy.

In the past, Han Cheng had thought of many ways to make Fu regain his vitality.

But the effect is not good.

In many cases, Fu Jiang still looked very lazy.

When I like to do it the most, I just lie down in the shelter and basking in the sun, lazy.

This made Han Cheng worry about it.

Jiaojiao white rabbits, running from east to west, clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as they are.

In fact, it's not just people, but also dogs and deer.

Han Cheng is a relatively old-fashioned person, and the things raised in his family can easily develop feelings.

Ever since he experienced it as a child, he shed tears and ate the **** he himself raised. Han Cheng generally no longer raises this kind of food by himself.

It is delicious when you eat it, but after eating it, I always feel a little strange in my heart...

Not to mention things like dogs and cats.

As long as they are fed by their own hands, there is no such thing as deliberately killing them.

On the contrary, Han Cheng is always worried about their longevity.

I was worried that they would not live long and could not continue to accompany him.

Years are like flying knives, and knives urge people to grow old. It is the most normal thing for Han to become an increasingly old dog to worry.

Now that there is a little guy like the little milk cat in the tribe, who can re-enable Fu to make this dog alive, Han Cheng is naturally happy.

Probably there are very many species with the characteristics of small beasts in this world.

For example, this flaming little milk cat.

The little guy has been bullied by the old dog Fujiang for some time recently.

But in the midst of such ‘bullying’, the friendship between the two little guys is rapidly heating up.

Now, facing Fu Jiang, the dog who always bullies him, the little guy is more attached.

I am more attached to Han Chengdu, I like to follow Fu Jiang and run around when I am fine.

This kind of magical relationship was also stunned by Han Cheng.

Over time, the weather gradually became less cold than before.

At least after the sun set in the sky, there was some temperature.

The construction of the Tieshan residential area of ​​Qingque tribe continues.

The inner wall of the tribe has been built, and more than half of the foundation trenches on the outer wall have been dug.

In the Tieshan residential area, there are more iron-making furnaces erected, a total of 36.

The fire was blazing, melting the smashed iron ore.

As the long pointed cone pierced and retracted, hot red molten iron with extremely high temperature flowed out from it...

Most of the molten iron that was cooled after flowing out was beaten into iron gun heads.

Used to make sharp iron weapons.

In addition to weapons, some tools such as axes, shackles, and shovel were also used to make them into the construction of Tieshan residential area.

With these iron tools, the construction of Tieshan residential area has been accelerated a lot.

Trees were cut down, and after falling to the ground, they were quickly dismembered.

Most of the things like leaves were fed to the livestock brought by Han Cheng and the others from Jinguan City.

After the small branches are cut off, they are **** with soft branches.

Stacked on the side, waiting for its moisture to drain, and later it can be used for cooking.

The straight trunks were left as building materials, mostly beams.

Those crooked, lumpy things are burned into carbon.

Of course, this is only the beginning.

Later, many tree trunks were also intercepted and used to burn charcoal.

This is because there is already a lot of wood stored here.

On the other hand, with the increase of iron-making furnaces, the demand for charcoal began to increase.

If we do not increase the output of charcoal, we will not be able to keep up with the iron smelting speed in the tribe in the future.

A large pile of **** has accumulated in the iron smelting furnace, and several people are shoveling the **** with copper shovel and loading it on the wheelbarrow.

Then push it into the excavated outer wall foundation trough, dump it inside, and use it to fill the foundation.

With the sun shining leeward, Han Cheng sat on a stone padded with hay, leaning against the tree trunk.

The whole person was shrouded in sunlight and looked lazy.

Beside him, Fu Jiang, the dog, lay on his side, with his belly half exposed.

He looks much lazier than Han Cheng.

A red fluffy little milk cat, squatting beside Fu Jiang, looked very energetic.

Because it was there, it stretched out its two front paws and hooked the tail that wasn't wiggling to Fu, and the whole cat was immersed in it, looking very happy.

Sometimes they will jump directly from the ground in excitement.

Han Cheng sat here, watching this little guy play like this, he has watched it for almost half an hour, and he didn't see him getting tired of it.

This is really a master who can play for most of the day with a woolen ball!

People have to admire!

I don’t know if I know what Han Cheng thinks about it~www.NovelMTL.com~ The little guy quickly stopped the game it had been playing for a long time.

After standing there for a while, he began to crawl on Fu Jiang.

After climbing to the top of the body, he walked all the way from the back to the front, and then from the front to the back. There was actually a red carpet posture.

Fu Jiang slightly raised his head to look at it, but didn't get up. He just shook the fur on his body so hard that the little guy slipped off its body.

Although in this process, its two front paws are still trying to grasp things...

The little guy has a spirit of perseverance. After slipping down, he quickly climbed onto Fu Jiang again.

After walking around, I came to Fu Jiang’s head, squatted down, and lay there...

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