I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1084: The Qingque tribe is the most terrible! (2 in 1)

Earlier, they were not shocked by a series of unreasonable operations by the people of the Red Tiger tribe when they faced the Qingque tribe. The sheep waist and others, who had become even more shocked now!

They only thought that after experiencing the previous series of things, they and others would become numb, but they did not expect that not only did they not become numb, but they became even more shocked!

It is really what is happening in front of you, which is too magical!

What are the people of the Red Tiger Tribe doing!

They are moving the food stored in the tribe outside!

Who of the tribes living here don’t know. Only the people of the Red Tiger tribe get food from the other tribes. When will the other tribes also get food from the Red Tiger tribe? !

Moreover, there are still so many, piled together, totally unimaginable food!

This is not the most shocking, the most shocking is the attitude of the people of the Red Tiger tribe when facing this matter!

For example, when the people of the Red Tiger tribe robbed food from their own tribe, they did not wait to move the food outside and let the people of the Red Tiger tribe take it away, but the people of the Red Tiger tribe did it themselves. Transported.

But now, it's the Red Tiger tribe's turn.

There is no need for the people of the Qingque tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe themselves carry out the food stored by their own tribe!

And these people are very active!

Not only did they not feel distressed when carrying so much food out, everyone's faces were also bright smiles!

Such a thing just needs to think about it, and it makes people feel incredible!

If before this, someone told them that after the arrival of the Qingque tribe, such a situation would happen, and the once invincible Red Tiger tribe would become so well-behaved, they would definitely laugh at this person mercilessly, And beat it up so hard to see if this **** guy dares to talk nonsense!

However, up to now, these things that they had never dared to think of before, just like this truly appeared in front of them!

"Papa Papa..."

In the red tiger tribe people, in the process of busy carrying things, suddenly there was such a sound of'pop'.

It looks very warm.

Looking at it in the blink of an eye, I saw the sheep waist that looked dumbfounded, unable to reach out and beat the heads of their original tribe leaders, bit by bit.

After this kind of thing went on for a while, the leader of their tribe reacted and started to counterattack.

After a while, there was a loud popping sound from here...

Sheep's waist touched his painful and swollen head, and finally confirmed that what he saw before him was not a dream, but a real thing!

All of these things are happening!


After nearly a busy day, everything is finally ready.

The people of the Qingque tribe began to set off with a lot of harvest.

This time, it was a real reward!

The food looted by the people of the Red Tiger tribe for a long time was basically taken away by them all at once!

The reason why the people of the Red Tiger tribe made such a big issue is that, on the one hand, Han Cheng is too foolish, and the people of the Red Tiger tribe are too self-sufficient and poisoned.

In addition, there is the sleeping tiger that was exchanged before, and now the exchange of this more sacred waking tiger, the food and other things spent, in any case, will be more than before!

On the other hand, under the long-term indoctrination of the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, as well as the previous personal experiences, everyone in the Red Tiger tribe generally believes that under the protection of this sacred incarnation of the gods, their tribe will not take too long. Time, you can regain all these lost food!

All the reasons are combined to form the fact that most of the food of the Red Tiger tribe is taken away by the people of the Qingque tribe.

When I was carrying the food stored in the tribal granary with everyone, I didn't think there was anything.

At this moment, looking at the food that my tribe and others had obtained through various means these days, and now it was taken away by the people of the Qingque tribe, suddenly there was some reluctance in my heart.

However, after seeing this kind of emotion, after seeing the incarnation of the sacred **** with big eyes held in her hands respectfully and rare by the maiden of her own tribe, the loss and distress in the hearts of everyone in the Red Tiger tribe, The child just disappeared.

Using these foods that can be obtained through other means in exchange for such a divine incarnation of the gods is very worthwhile for their tribe!

With such an unusually comfortable mood, the people of the Red Tiger tribe, under the leadership of the witch holding the extremely sacred **** incarnation, turned and headed towards the depths of the tribe.

After setting up the incarnation of the sacred **** with eyes open, the Red Tiger tribe didn’t need to say anything at all. It soon spontaneously formed a new incarnation of the **** of worship and prayed for the incarnation of the god. ceremony.


After a loud shout sounded, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe took some people and left the tribe and headed in the other direction.

There are many teams working with them.

These people began to act with the order of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden.

It began to spread out with the Red Tiger tribe as the core.

There is no doubt that as the people of these Red Tiger tribes dispersed and acted separately, this large area that has become chaotic will definitely become more chaotic!

Moreover, as time goes by, this chaos will spread even wider!

The sheep's waist was walking, following the large troop of the Qingque tribe, walking forward with the people of his original tribe.

Sheep's waist is carrying heavy food.

Because that was not a human life a while ago, the body of the sheep's waist became very weak, if it hadn't met the Qingque tribe, they would have died at this time!

In the past few days, following the people from the Qingque tribe, the food has improved a lot!

The body of the sheep's waist is getting better and better under the nourishment of these good foods.

Even so, because Yangyao didn't meet the Qingque tribe for long enough, his body still didn't fully recuperate.

Before he had the heavy food brought from the Red Tiger tribe on his back, the waist of the sheep felt that he was weak and lacking strength in all aspects.

But now, after carrying these heavy foods on the body like this, the waist of the sheep who still feels weak when walking empty-handed, suddenly doesn't feel weak!

The whole person is full of energy.

This food is really a good medicine!

Not only can it be blatant, it can also make people who feel hollowed out instantly become full of vitality!

During the walk, the waist of the lamb carrying the food will turn his head and look around from time to time. It seems strange to see these clothes and doing things, but if you look closely, it is very organized. Everyone in the bird tribe.

When he hadn't experienced this trip to the Red Tiger tribe, Yangyao still had an idea deep in his heart.

The idea is that if things really don't happen, he will leave the Qingque tribe with the people in his tribe and go to other places to find a way out.

But now, all of his thoughts have disappeared.

The experience this time gave him an extremely profound insight into how powerful the Qingque tribe that he and others had newly joined!

At the same time, it also made them truly realize that living in such a powerful tribe is a reassuring and proud thing!

When facing the rest of the tribe, the feeling that you don't need to bend your knees anymore and you can straighten your waist to speak is so intoxicating!

If possible, few people are willing to bow down when facing others and live like grandchildren.

I want to straighten my waist and be free.

However, such a seemingly simple wish, in many cases, is actually very difficult to achieve.

At least in the past, the sheep waist was never experienced in their original tribe.

Only now, after joining the Qingque tribe, did he feel this feeling thoroughly!

It feels so fascinating, it just makes people experience it once, and people never want to lose it again!

Walking forward with the food on his back, the waist of the sheep seemed to be thinking about these things out of order in his heart.

After thinking about it for a while, he once again turned his gaze to the people of the Qingque tribe who were walking together.

Prior to this, he had always felt that the people of the Qingque tribe were a little strange, or that they were different from everyone he had seen before.

Before, he had always thought it was brought about by the distinctive clothing of the Qingque tribe people.

But now, he suddenly realized it.

The people of the Qingque tribe give people such a peculiar feeling, not just their clothes, but more importantly because of the strength of their tribe!

Because the tribe is powerful, people living in the tribe have confidence in their hearts!

Not only when facing the rest of the tribe, but also between the gestures of daily life, it can also make people see the difference!

Such a tribe, he really does not want to leave, and he is not willing to leave!

Because he wants to have such courage and temperament like the real Qingque tribe people!

Straighten your waist to be a man!

Regardless of what the leader of his original tribe and the rest of his tribe think and do, this blue bird tribe is still to be determined!

I will never leave anyway!

The sheep's waist, carrying heavy food, thought so firmly in his heart!

Time and distance are constantly disappearing and shrinking in the thinking of Yangyao.

After leaving the Red Tiger tribe, the huge team carrying a lot of food came all the way to the nest tribe.

There is no doubt that such a large team, and the many foods carried in the team, soon caused an uproar here in the nest tribe, and the eyes of many nest tribes were straightened!

Although long ago, people from the nest tribe knew that the people of the Qingque tribe could get a lot of food from the Red Tiger tribe.

But at this time, many tribes were robbed of food by the Red Tiger tribe, and this area was all in chaos due to the shortage of food. The tiger tribe has got so much food!

How can such a thing not surprise people with nest tribes?

This is still the Qingque tribe!

Many people with nest tribes couldn't help thinking like this in their hearts.

The feeling of surprise and envy is beyond words.

The old priests of the nest tribe were equally shocked.

It's just that his shock lasted shorter than the average person.

Because he suddenly thought of something.

The Red Tiger tribe’s crazy behavior during this period of time was due to the lack of food in the tribe, and wanted to get enough food.

The reason why their tribe lacks food in this way is because when they were in the tribe, they were all replaced by the people of the Qingque tribe with an extremely exquisite and sacred incarnation of a god...

This means that the root cause of the chaos here is not the Red Tiger tribe, but the seemingly harmless humans and animals on weekdays, and it is very kind, far from the domineering and evil Green Sparrow tribe of the Red Tiger tribe!

After all these things were suddenly figured out, some sweat broke out on the forehead of the old priest of the nest tribe.

In the past, the Qingque tribe he knew was not a kind tribe.

But in my heart, I felt that the danger level of the Qingque tribe was not as dangerous as the Red Tiger tribe.

Now it seems that my previous thoughts are somewhat wrong!

It seems that the Red Tiger tribe, which is particularly fierce and domineering, is not as dangerous as the Qingque tribe!

It seems that in the future, more defensive hearts will be raised against the Qingque tribe...

The old priest of the nest tribe thought in his heart...

The people of the Qingque tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ didn't stay too much here in the Youchao tribe. They only paused for a while, and then continued to move forward under the leadership of Han Cheng.

After passing by the nest tribe, and walking a short distance north, everyone stopped under Han Cheng's order and put down many things they were carrying.

This is the location of the iron ore where Han Cheng took the tribe and conducted a lot of surveys before!

After all the food from people and animals is unloaded and stacked here, it is easy to form a large scale.

Seeing the large amount of food piled up here, everyone felt a sense of peace of mind!

Han Cheng couldn't help but smile when he looked at the food.

Now that you have food, what your tribe needs to do next is to get people!

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