I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1083: God opened his eyes! (2 in 1)

After this period of looting, the food storage area of ​​the Red Tiger tribe is now again filled with a lot of food.

In later generations, some women had no money in their hands, and they had to spend, buying and buying like crazy.

For something I like, I don’t hesitate to make an online loan.

And there are still a lot of things on the Internet, and there are always saying ‘online loans are as fierce as a tiger, don’t touch the tiger’s butt’...

Although the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe has lived a long time ago, it is undeniable that she is also a female.

In such a long time span, there are things that will change, but some things will not change.

This kind of thing that will not change may be described by nature.

Moreover, unlike those in later generations who borrowed money for advanced consumption, the Red Tiger Tribe maidens now have a lot of food in their hands.

With plenty of food in his hands, now he came across something that I really liked.

When the two met, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe had no extra hesitation in her heart. At this moment, she had only one thought, and that thought was ‘buy it’!

A very wealthy man with plenty of food in his hands is just such a grandiose!

As a person who has deeply seen the tremendous ability displayed by the sacred avatar of the **** in the tribe and realized this benefit, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, for this **** who looks more exquisite than the avatar of the **** in the tribe. Incarnation, how could you let it go? !

The tribe can show such great power with just one such incarnation of the gods. Now that his tribe has two such incarnations of gods, wouldn't it be...

Such a thing, just a little thought in my heart, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but become excited!

In such a situation, how can she endure?


God Son Han Da sighed again, looking very melancholy.

This is of course a repeat of his old tricks.

Even if she had seen the **** son twice, she sighed. When she saw the **** son of the Blue Sparrow tribe making such a gesture, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but raised her heart.

This is really because she wants these things so much!

Don't want to miss it!

"Our tribe also wants to get such a sacred **** incarnation, but what makes people feel helpless is that what we get is all of your tribe!

How can God favor your tribe so much this day! "

Han Cheng said with regret here.

Mao on the side translated what Han Cheng said.

After understanding what Han Cheng meant, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who stood there couldn't hold back the smile on her face!

She likes to hear such words, like to hear others say that the gods prefer their tribe!

This kind of words of regret and annoyance from the **** child of the Qingque tribe made the mood of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe extremely refreshing.

Yes! This is how my own tribe is favored by the gods.

This must be because of my special devotion to the gods!

"Look at the incarnation of this god."

Han Cheng lifted the palm of Lihu's hand and said to the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, preparing to fully introduce the benefits of this **** incarnation to the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

After attracting the attention of the Red Tiger Tribe witch and others, Han Cheng began to speak.

"Look at these eyes!"

He put his fingers in the eyes of the porcelain tiger statue, and said with some mystery.

After Mao passed Han Cheng's words, he immediately attracted the attention of these people.

Everyone stared at the sacred incarnation of the gods.

"Its eyes are open!"

Han Cheng said mysteriously.

"This shows that this divine avatar is awake!"

"The last incarnation of the **** was asleep with closed eyes!"

The shrine maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, when Han Cheng said so, suddenly realized this.

Before, her attention was on the head of the sacred **** incarnation, and she didn't pay attention to the rest.

At this time, Han Cheng reminded him of this, and then he looked at it carefully, and he immediately discovered that this matter was indeed exactly as the **** son of the Qingque tribe said.

The eyes of the incarnation of the gods were open, and the eyes of the incarnation of the gods in his tribe were closed.

But what does this mean?

What are the different meanings?

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thought this way, with doubts.

She didn't realize that the **** of the Qingque tribe deliberately pointed out the two different meanings.

Han Cheng pointed out the true meaning of the two differences. Of course, he wanted to highlight the preciousness of this statue and then get as much food as possible from the Red Tiger Tribe.

Of course, this ultimate goal would not be said straightforwardly.

In this case, doesn't it seem that he is too meaningless?

The things of the gods are so sacred, how can they be said to be so vulgar and intolerable?

"The waking **** incarnate can listen to people's prayers and understand what people think..."

Han Cheng said with a smile and gave an explanation.

When you say something mixed with common sense in this way, it immediately makes people feel very reasonable.

For example, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe at this time, she couldn't help but shook her whole body suddenly.

What the **** child of the Qingque tribe said is so reasonable!

They have all experienced sleeping.

It is true that after people fall asleep, what is happening outside is not known.

Some people who have fallen asleep can't hear the thunder after falling asleep, and they can't wake them up!

And the incarnation of the divine **** in his tribe is indeed sleeping with his eyes closed.

In the case of sleep, the sacred avatar of the sacred deity of the tribe can still have such a great effect, and now there is another sacred deity with open eyes and more powerful than the sacred avatar of the tribe. Incarnation, if your tribe can invite it into your tribe and enshrine it, how prosperous your tribe will be in the future!

There are so many things in this world, the most feared is to use your imagination and make full associations.

As long as you do this, you can often get a lot of things next!

For example, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe at this time, and the people of the Red Tiger tribe, were immediately excited when Han Cheng said this, and the more they thought about it, the more excited they were, the more they thought about it, the more they felt reasonable!

Han Cheng looked at the reactions of the red tiger tribe's maiden, leader, and the rest of the red tiger tribe, and couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, this kind of subjectively contrived connection with reality is the most convincing.

Han Cheng didn't think of a way to use the statue to close his eyes and open his eyes to greatly increase the value of the second statue, so as to better obtain things from other tribes.

The reason why he designed the drawings in this way was because Han Cheng suddenly remembered a time when he heard stories from the elderly in his family.

The story is probably that there was a family in the past, and the family was more prosperous.

An enemy of this earthly family invited a Feng Shui gentleman (we call it Kandi Xian'er) to survey this earthly cemetery and found that the reason why this family is prosperous is because of this family’s cemetery. it is good.

According to their Feng Shui, it is the so-called "Lion Land".

Build the tomb here, and the descendants will flourish.

After learning the root of this family's prosperity, the enemy family began to plan to destroy the Feng Shui here.

This is what Han Cheng called the "bad land atmosphere".

The solution given by Xian Di Xian'er is to dig a well at the location of the lion's eye in the lion land to blind the lion's eye.

After a certain nasty transaction, the Kandi Xian'er got into action and went to this family's house to fudge and get angry.

First, under the leadership of this family, he pretended to inspect the family's cemetery, and then said that the family's cemetery was very good and the location was good.

However, the only downside is that there is water shortage, and there is no water. If a well can be drilled here, the atmosphere will become better, and the family will become more prosperous!

After hearing what he said, the family dug out a well under the direction of the lion's eye.

Kandi Xian'er left contentedly with her belongings and gratitude, and then together with the enemy of this family, waiting for this family's bad luck with expectation.

As a result, after waiting for more than a year, this family not only did not fail, but encountered some bad things. On the contrary, since the well was drilled, it has become more prosperous!

The enemy of this family immediately became angry, and found the Xian Di Xian'er for questioning.

After watching Di Xian'er for a while, she said that the lion's strength was great. Although one eye was gouged out, one eye could still see.

That's why this family can flourish like this, without failing.

As long as the other eye is also blinded, so that it has no eyes at all, then this family will become completely useless!

So Kandi Xian'er dispatched again and went to this family to lobby.

The family was very enthusiastic when they saw this Kandi Xian'er, and they were very convinced that the family would be more prosperous by digging a well.

After all, before, after listening to his words, after digging a well here, their home really became better!

It is more prosperous than before.

In such a situation, how can they not listen to it?

So another well soon appeared in another lion's eye!

Then Kandi Xian'er left again contentedly, waiting for his practice to take effect, and together with the enemies of this family, looking forward to the family's defeat after the Taoist family.

However, after one and a half years passed, not only did this family suffer no bad luck, but on the contrary, it became more and more prosperous!

The people in the family are getting promoted and getting rich, and they are also born with big fat boys!

In the face of such irritating facts, the enemy of this family was naturally annoyed, and after becoming angry, he directly killed this Xianer, who had little professional ethics, secretly.

Later, the rain washed out the corpse and disturbed the government. After some inspection, the murder of this person was revealed.

He was then beheaded for public display.

The incident that undermined this family was also exposed.

After learning about this, this family was both angry and confused.

Angrily, this enemy family has used such despicable means to murder their family!

Seeing that the gods are trusted by them like this, they actually want to hurt their hearts!

The strange thing is that they actually did such a thing, destroying the atmosphere of their cemetery, so why after such a long time, not only did their family not fail, but they became more prosperous!

So the family went to find a particularly famous Xiandi Xianer to watch their cemetery.

The final result is that the cemetery of this family is not fake, but their lion is not a waking lion, but a sleeping lion.

This man's hands-on digging method not only didn't blind the lion's eyes, but also opened the lion's eyes.

Those two wells are equivalent to the eyes of a lion.

The sleeping lion has become a waking lion. Is there any reason why this family is not thriving?

Although this is a story with some mystery, its core idea is to persuade people to behave well and not always think about harming others, otherwise it will easily harm others and themselves.

Of course, when Han Cheng heard this story, he thought more about it, if his cemetery was also a lion land?

Even a sleeping lion can do it!

It was because when he was designing these white porcelain tiger statues, he thought of this story he had heard before, so Han Cheng took it for reference when he had the idea.

Now, judging from the reactions of the people in the Red Tiger tribe, my own reference is very successful!

Think about it, as a posterity, when I heard this story at first~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng was still stunned for a while, let alone the people of the Red Tiger tribe who lived in this era. Up.

After Han Cheng personally explained the fact that the red tiger opened and closed his eyes, the value of the tiger-shaped statue has increased a lot.

At the same time, it also aroused the interest of the people of the Red Tiger tribe and kept it in the tribe.

Under such circumstances, the food exchanged by the people of the Red Tiger tribe is naturally indispensable!

With the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe holding this open eyes in both hands and looking at the very cute tiger-shaped statue, many people from the Red Tiger tribe began to act again.

They opened the house where their tribe stored food, and then kept moving food from the inside to the outside.

When transporting these foods, these people not only didn't have much disappointment, but on the contrary they were also very happy!

Because their tribe will soon have an incarnation of a more capable, divine god!

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