I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1062: In the tragic tragedy, the claw bow (...

Below the mountain, on the edge of the field, Junior Brother Sha, who holds a horn bow in his hand, looks at the children who are holding the dead rabbit from a distance and cheering towards him. The smile on his face becomes extraordinarily bright, and he can't hide it. .

   On the one hand, it was infected by these children, and on the other hand, it came from the powerful and extremely useful bow in the hand!

  The bow in his hand is called the horn bow.

   As the name implies, some characteristics of this bow can be known from the name alone.

   That is, on this bow, there are some parts made of horns.

   A long time ago, Junior Brother Sha knew the name of Niu Horn Gong.

   It was the **** son of the tribe who told him this name.

  Kamiko once told him that there is a kind of bow, called horn bow, which has a complicated production process.

   is different from the bows used by myself and others in the tribe. The bow body is made of mulberry. The horn bow is made of multiple materials.

   On both ends of the bow, stick a horn on each, and the bowstring is tied to the horn.

  This kind of bow and arrow made of various materials is not only convenient to use, but also conducive to shooting, good aiming, and the bow is powerful enough to shoot feather arrows far away.

   is much better than the bow commonly used in the tribe.

   However, it has to be more complicated and difficult to do.

   As the first archery person in the tribe with great achievements in bow and arrow, Junior Brother Sha first heard the name of the oxhorn bow, and immediately fell in love with this bow which was greatly praised by the **** son.

   I don't know how many times I have thought about the appearance of a horn bow, and imagined that if I also had a horn bow, that wonderful scene.

   It's a pity that such a thing is not easy to achieve.

   Because at that time, there were no cows in the Qingque tribe, and they were in a state where they didn’t even know where the cows were.

   Junior Brother Sha is not less uncomfortable for this.

   That degree, compared to the previous time, I have been thinking about finding a talking cow, then peeling off his skin and draping it on his shoulders. The stones that are ready to fly into the sky are stronger.

   Two people successfully formed the Xiangniu duo in the tribe.

   It's just that it's okay for two people to think of cattle.

   One is thinking about skinning the cow, and the other is thinking about removing the horns of the horns, and then making them into the horn bow of the heart...

   It was a bleak autumn.


  Because of such a wish, it was difficult to realize it for a while. When he saw Niu Wuwang's Junior Brother Sha, he suddenly heard a sheep call. He was awakened by the sheep call in thought.

   Looking back, he saw a ram behind an ewe, and a man stood up, doing that likable and sluggish thing.

   Junior Brother Sha saw such a scene, and his whole body was suddenly clever, and there was a lot of expression in his eyes that burst out.

   I'm so excited that I can't speak!

   He touched the ground with his hands, got up from the sitting rock, and then beamed his eyes and ran towards the two guys with excitement and shaking.

   I almost shouted, "Let go of that little ewe, let me..."!

   With such an aura, the old sheep who watched the sheep grazing on the side could not help being a little dumbfounded.

   As the oldest and also the oldest shepherd in the tribe, he has seen a lot of people have seen the appearance of sheep when they were bred.

  Occasionally, there are some people who see such a scene, their heart will be itchy, and there will be some reactions on the body, such things, the old sheep can understand.

   But I have never seen such a strong reaction like Junior Sha!

   Isn’t something happening between sheep and sheep?

   As for such a big reaction, did you rush to it? !

   Amidst the stunned lamb carrying the whip, Junior Brother Sha, who was excited, has ran to the two conjoined sheep.

   Without much hesitation, he directly stretched his sinful hands to the ram!

   Holding the two horns on the ram's head with both hands, Junior Brother Sha's eyes were eager.

   He held the horns with his hands and twisted the ram directly from the back of the ewe.

   The stunned old sheep, after seeing such a violent scene, he suddenly felt aroused all over, shook his head vigorously, and then stretched out his hands in a thunderous manner to cover his eyes.

   What happened next was too cruel, too shattered, and he couldn't bear to watch it!


   In the old sheep, he tightly covered his eyes with both hands, and couldn't bear to look again. Not long after, a miserable sheep shout suddenly sounded here.

   The voice is very loud and extremely miserable.

   There is no need to look at all. Just by listening to this voice, you can know what extinction and tragic things are happening to this sheep at this moment!

   The old sheep who covered his eyes with this voice couldn't help but agitate all over his body.

   It's really not because of his mental quality, he hasn't seen the world, it is really what happened in front of him, it is too surprising, it is too surprising to look straight!

  As a young person, he never thought that one day he would be able to see such a tragedy!


   was thinking like this in his heart, and there was another miserable sheep cry, covering his eyes, the old sheep who couldn't stop thinking about it in his heart, couldn't help but shivered again.

   is too cruel!

   is so cruel!

   In the past, he only knew that Junior Brother Sha’s arrows were good at shooting. Until today, he didn’t know that he was not only good at shooting arrows, but in other aspects, it could also be said that he was extremely talented!

   I have never seen such a heavy taste, such a cruel person!



   With the old sheep covering his eyes and feeling that the whole person's knowledge of the world has collapsed, the sheep's heart-piercing screams continued to sound, filling people's eardrums.

   Then the sheep screamed five or six times, and then slowly fell silent.

   The old sheep holding his eyes suddenly had some strange thoughts in his heart.

   This Junior Brother Sha looks much younger than himself, and his body is much stronger than himself. How can he do everything with this little effort?

   It turns out that some people look very young and very strong. In fact, this is a superficial phenomenon, and it is not comparable to an elderly person like myself.

   thought so strangely in his heart, Lao Yang opened his hands covering his eyes, ready to see the miserable scene.

   The scene is indeed very miserable.

   As soon as he moved his hand away from his eyes, the old sheep saw the sheep with a lot of blood on his body, and the younger brother Sha with a lot of blood on his body.

   Such a scene made Lao Yang's body shake again.

   This is really cruel!

   However, the next moment, the old sheep, who was full of shock, was stunned.

   But this kind of dazedness only lasted for a short while, and was immediately replaced by a stronger shock.

  Because, just now, he discovered that the blood-covered sheep was not a little ewe, but the ram that was dragged down by Master Sha from the little ewe's back!

   How can he not shock him even more with such a thing? !

   Junior Sha, who was covered in blood, appeared panting.

   He rested for a while, then bent down and picked up two objects from the ground.

   This thing is nothing but two horns.

   The object he had just smashed from the head of the ram.

   Holding these two horns, Junior Sha’s face smiled.

   I have been searching for the horns, but there are horns in the tribe!

   When I was before, why didn’t I think of using croissants instead of horns to try?

   is the same as my own tribe. Now there is no cattle to cultivate the land, so I use donkeys to pull carts and plows.

   was thinking about this with excitement and joy. As soon as Junior Brother Sha turned around, he saw the old sheep who looked at him in shock and some incredible.

   The old sheep in this state made him feel a little uncomfortable all over.

   However, he still understands how the old sheep looks like this.

   After all, what I did not long ago was indeed a bit too violent and surprising.

   As a shepherd, the old sheep, seeing himself in front of him, treats the sheep he keeps like this, it is reasonable to have such a reaction.

   I don't know at all, the behavior of his just now has been filled with the brain of the old sheep who covered his eyes before, and he thought in his heart.

   Then he used his hand with some blood, very precious, walking towards the old sheep, with some smirks on his face, and explained to the old sheep why he did this just now...

   Looking at Junior Brother Sha, who was walking away with his horns, the old sheep grew up with his mouth, and the expression on his face became extremely exciting.

   After a while, Lao Yang put down the shepherd whip in his hand, put his hands on his face, and rubbed it up and down a few times.

   Not only did the fever on his face not disappear, but it became more serious.

   Lao Yang has never been as embarrassed as he is now.

   What is all this!

   Junior Brother Sha clearly smashed the horns down, and wanted to make a bow and arrow that was more usable and more powerful. This was very, very serious.

   How come you get to yourself and become so rude?

  God knows, not long ago, why did I think this way, such a serious self, why such an extremely cruel picture appeared in my mind...

   Junior Brother Sha, who was carrying the horns, left happily with a heart full of joy, leaving only the crazy old sheep, standing here, bowing his head in embarrassment...

   The manufacture of the shofar bow was not smooth, because Junior Brother Sha had never seen a shofar bow before!

   He has never seen the original horn bow of the horn bow.

   As for the **** son who said the horn bow, he couldn't make it clear.

   I only know that the horn bow is a composite bow composed of multiple materials.

   At both ends of the bow, there is a horn attached to each.

  The materials used include beef tendon.

   Under such circumstances, it would be really weird if it is easy to do!

   However, any difficulty is not difficult in the face of strong hobbies.

   Junior Sha, who successfully found a way of thinking, immediately started to make it with great enthusiasm.

   During this process, he encountered countless difficulties and made many attempts.

   Among them, straightening the crooked horns is the most troublesome for Junior Brother Sha.

   At the beginning, he didn't think about straightening the curved horns, just like that, he directly glued it to the tip of the bow with maw glue.

   However, after experimenting with archery shooting, Junior Brother Sha found that the curved horns greatly affected the effect of archery, so he began to think about how to straighten it.

   This is obviously not an easy task.

  Because the ram's horns not only have no toughness, on the contrary, they are also exceptionally hard.

   It is really difficult to make such a thing straight by bending it.

   Junior Brother Sha thought about it for a long time, considered it for a long time, and tried it many times, but there was no progress at all.

   This made Junior Brother Sha feel that tea and rice were not fragrant for many days.

   The turning point occurred when a tribe was weaving the head.

   Weaving the head must prepare materials.

   One of the important materials is the ‘Lettou Analysis’.

   is the handle of the head.

  , like the handle on the bamboo basket, is a wooden stick bent into an arc.

   Obviously, a wooden stick is not easy to grow like this under normal circumstances.

   So people need to process acquired.

  The processing method is very simple.

   That is to choose a wooden stick with the right length, thickness and material. After cutting it down, take the skin and put it into the fire pile of broken wood together while it is moist.

After    is burnt through, take it out and bend it into the shape you want while it is hot.

  Such a thing, I woke up Junior Sha~www.NovelMTL.com~ So, Junior Sha, who had bright eyes, started to use this method to process the horns.

   The person who learned to make stalks of lindens gathered some pieces of wood made of broken tree leaves, small sticks and other things. After lighting, he buried the horns in it, and then waited here full of expectations.

   In the full expectation of Junior Brother Sha, the broken wood finally burned out.

   Junior Brother Sha couldn't wait to peel it away, and then got it-a burnt horn!

   This kind of thing made Junior Brother Sha want to cry without tears.

   But there is good news. The good news is that the charred horns have become softer.

  In other words, this line of thinking is completely correct.

   So, Junior Brother Sha went on to try, and later instead of burning directly, he changed to baking...

   In the process of making mistakes and correcting mistakes again and again, the horn bow that has never appeared in the Qingque tribe, finally slowly appeared in the Qingque tribe!

Although in this process, there are many sheep in the flock grazing by the Qingque tribe. They have become bald because of this, but all of this is worthwhile for Junior Sha and the Qingque tribe. of!

  Although the claw bow is a low-profile version obtained by Junior Brother Sha when he couldn't find the horns, the power of this new type of bow is really impressive.

   Various performances surpass the bows originally used in the tribe!


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