I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1061: The real danger! (2 in 1)

Here is the nest tribe full of fallen leaves. Listening to the old priests of his tribe, the people who have the nest tribe suddenly realized.

   Things are really as the old priest of the tribe said.

  I and others, before, I thought about whether the Red Tiger tribe would come to attack and rob my own tribe, and what to do if they came to attack their own tribe.

   ignored the rest.

   At this time, if the old priest hadn't spoken out and broke the matter a little, he and others would still not realize this aspect!

   The consequences are really serious!

   Once a person is hungry and anxious, everything can be done!

  At the time, these tribes that were robbed of food by the Red Fire tribe and could not survive have found their own tribe’s residence and flooded towards their own tribe’s residence...

  As for my own tribe, many people have already left the tribe and went to a place not far from the Qingque tribe to build another tribe residence.

   At that time, something like this really happened...

   It's just a little thought that there is a nest tribe here, and many people can't help but shiver.

   If something like this really happens, then it is really possible for your own tribe to suffer great trauma!

   Such a thing is really disastrous!

   It is precisely because of this that when everyone in the tribe looks at the old priest of their tribe, the reverence in their eyes becomes stronger.

   If it weren’t for an old priest who had thought of this, and had spoken out in advance to warn everyone in his tribe, then this time, his tribe might have a big problem!

   After realizing where the real danger came from, the people of the nest tribe suddenly became extremely eager when they looked at the bows and arrows held by the old priests of their tribe.

   They no longer think this is useless.

  When facing the Red Tiger tribe, such a bow and arrow may not really do much. However, when facing the other tribes other than the Red Tiger tribe, it can show its power!

   So, in the next time, the people here in the nest tribe suddenly became extra active and busy.

   The people in the tribe are constantly obtaining raw materials, and they are constantly making bows and arrows here.

  The surrounding trees, birds and other things have all suffered.

   Here, it is not surprising to see some big birds with bare buttocks and foraging here.

   After making some bows and arrows, many people in the tribe began to take time to practice using feather arrows.

   Some people who have seen the Qingque tribe open a bow and shoot feather arrows, learn from the memory of the Qingque tribe people, practice, and by the way teach people around them how to do...

   This thing can be regarded as a butterfly effect here.

  Because the people of the Xi tribe discovered kaolin by chance, and this caused the nest tribe and the Red Tiger tribe to have bow and arrow fever at this time.

  The connection between things in the world often makes people feel unsure...

   After a while, the people of the nest tribe got up again, took the goods, left the tribe, headed for other places, and started the journey of obtaining food for their tribe.

  Although chaos has arisen among the surrounding tribes at this time, people with nest tribes do not feel the slightest panic.

   On the contrary, many of them are full of confidence, and even some want people to come and trouble their tribe!

   What gave them such confidence was the newly made bows that they carried behind their backs, and the feather arrows that hung from the waist in the quiver!

   After watching the people of their tribe leave, there was an old priest from the nest tribe who kept talking again and made arrangements for the people of their tribe.

   He pointed his finger at the stone not far away, and then pointed his finger at the tree house where the people of their tribe lived.

   What he meant was that people in the tribe should hurry up and find enough stones of the right size, and then get these stones on the tree house.

   There are so many stones on every tree house!

   As long as it can be ensured that the tree house will not be crushed by these stones, then continue to transport the stones to it.

  He is preparing for war, and stones are weapons.


   After understanding the meaning of the old priest of their tribe, some people in the tribe opened their mouths and said this.

   While speaking, he pointed his finger at the bow and arrow in his hand.

   What he meant was that his tribe already had such a weapon at this time, so he didn't need to transport more stones to the wooden house.

   How do you pay now...

   There is an old priest from the nest tribe, and he quickly answered his doubts.

   He said the reason why he let people in the tribe do so.

   On the one hand, it is because of the particularity of the place where my tribe lives.

  The places where their tribes live are all in trees.

   This condescending advantage makes them in the tree house safer and easier to counterattack when facing incoming enemies.

   In this situation, throwing stones is best.

   Even a small child, as long as he can push the stone down from the tree house and hit the people below it condescendingly, it will be unbearable for the people below.

   In this situation, stones are much better than bows and arrows.

   Another aspect is that the people of their tribe have only begun to come into contact with bows and arrows. Except for a few people, the rest of them are still very strange to bows and arrows, and their heads are too far apart.

   is far from the Qingque tribe.

  While defending on the wooden huts of my tribe, the effects of such bows and arrows are not as good as these stones.

What he meant was to first let these people in the tribe transport a large amount of stones to each wooden house. After there are enough stones in each wooden house, let these people stay in the tribe and then Make and practice bows and arrows.

   After listening to the old priest's explanation, the people of the nest tribe were convinced again, and immediately began to act as the old priest said.

  In the face of the huge disaster that may be faced, people with nest tribes have become more diligent than ever...



   With the sound of bowstrings, a feather arrow came out quickly and was nailed to the trunk of the opposite tree.


   Looking at the dangling feather arrow tail nailed to the tree trunk, one of the members of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help shouting in excitement.

   This is the best archery man among the Red Tiger tribe.

   What he holds in his hand is also a bow made recently in the tribe.

   With many productions and improvements, some people from the Red Tiger tribe have greatly improved their bows and arrows.

   The performance of this bow has improved a lot compared with the previous bow and arrow.

   Beside him, there are many people from the Red Tiger tribe.

   Looking at the pinned feather arrow on the trunk in the distance, these people from the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but yelled out.

   They are all happy about this.

   After the cheers, many people in the Red Tiger tribe were deeply excited.

   They are excited and proud of the cleverness and competence of their tribe.

   The arrow just now is basically equal to the people of the Qingque tribe!

My own tribe has only begun to make and use the bows and arrows for so long, and it has already achieved the current results. If you wait for a while, wouldn't your tribe be able to reach the level of the Qingque tribe, or even exceed Green bird tribe? !

   You can't think about things like this. As long as you think about it, the people of the Red Tiger tribe can't help being filled with joy and excitement.

   The number of people in the Qingque tribe does not seem to be as many as their own tribe.

   The only thing that is awe-inspiring or scary is the bow and arrow of their tribe.

   If your tribe has made bows and arrows to the level of the Qingque tribe, then your tribe will no longer fear the Qingque tribe.

  The time is...

  Many people from the Red Tiger tribe are thinking this way in their hearts, let alone how wonderful they feel...

   The wind of late autumn blew by, and the boundless falling wood followed it down.

  The tall mountains are full of forests, and there are some red fruits hanging high on the branches, dotted on the mountains that appear to be much thinner, and they look exceptionally beautiful.

   On the edge of the tall mountain range, there is a residential area built by people.

   Outside is a high wall that can defend against wild beasts.

   Inside the wall, some scattered houses were built.

   surrounds this residential area, surrounded by cultivated farmland.

  The farmland is level, but there is basically no greenery in the farmland at this time.

   Except for a few farmland, the rest of the farmland is bare.

   These greens are rapeseeds that have been sown, showing their heads and arching out of the ground.

  Among these farmland, there are some people working there.

   Most of them are turning the ground.

   There is a donkey pulling a plow, walking forward under the shout of people, leaving traces of the newly turned land behind.

   At the edge of the field, there is smoke, and the air is full of the good smell of firewood after burning.

  The wild fire followed the ground with withered grass growing, slowly spreading forward, leaving behind a spot of ashes.

  There are people carrying the head and copper shovel, constantly waving the tools in their hands, and ploughing the land covered by the ashes after burning.

   This is to open up wasteland.

  The wildfire not only burned the weeds on the ground, but also alarmed some animals hiding in the grass.

   Sometimes, I can see some animals driven by the fire, out of the grass, and then rushing to other places.

  Sometimes, I can still smell some unpleasant smells like human hair being burned by fire.

   At this time, in the fields, with the adults, the working children will become particularly excited.

   They yelled and headed towards the small animal that was started by the wildfire.

  Some people would bend down to pick up some rocks and throw them towards these wild prey

   However, most of these behaviors are unsuccessful. On the one hand, because the children in the tribe are young, neither the running speed nor the hunting experience are sufficient.

   On the other hand, these little prey who were startled by wildfires were chased by the children in the tribe, yelling and screaming, and in surprise, they ran faster.

   And the adults in the tribe, seeing this scene, basically smiled knowingly, watched it interestingly, and did not participate in it.

  This aspect is because these prey are too small to arouse their interest in letting go of the busy things in their hands and then catching these prey.

   On the other hand, it is because these adults want to use this to cultivate and hone the hunting skills of minors in their tribe, so that they have such skills.

   "Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!"

   The wildfire kept burning forward, and there were some crackling noises.

   A rabbit with smoke on its **** suddenly jumped from the edge of the line of fire, and sprinted towards the place where there was no fire in front.

   a sharp-eyed minor, when he saw this rabbit, he shouted loudly, and then there was another chase here.

   Such a chase battle, obviously will not achieve much effect.

   Because of this bunny whose **** was burned by fire, the running speed is so fast!

   These minors in the tribe can't catch up at all.

   On the way to chase, the rabbit ran to the place where Junior Brother Sha was.

   After running for a while, he suddenly saw Junior Brother Sha, and quickly turned around and headed in another direction.

   Look at this hare that is running farther and farther~www.NovelMTL.com~ Look at the minors who are still not catching up afterwards, Junior Brother Sha shook his head.

   quickly bent over and picked up his own bow and arrow placed on the ground.

   Take the bow, take the arrow, and after hitting it, draw the bow to aim, almost in an instant.

   At this time, it was just a rabbit with a smoking butt, and it had gone far.

The distance between    and Junior Brother Sha is almost a hundred meters or more.

   Junior Brother Sha didn't panic. He pulled the bow and aimed a little, and then released the fingers holding the bowstring.

   With the sound of the bowstring, the feather arrows on it had already shot out from the string.

   The next moment, the rabbit that was running at high speed and ran far away suddenly jumped up, and then fell to the ground with another pounce, no longer struggling.

  The minors who were chasing after, couldn't help but cheered in unison, speeding up, and running quickly toward the rabbit that fell to the ground.

  In a short while, someone was already carrying the rabbit in the arrow and shouting happily.

   Looking at the children carrying the rabbit and cheering towards him, the face of Junior Brother Sha is full of smiles.

   Then, he turned his gaze to the bow he held in his hand, his eyes full of joy and love.

   This bow was made recently by Junior Brother Sha. There are horns on both ends of the bow!

  :. :

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