I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1001: Hey! Wake up! Also paid! (2 in 1)

This sudden shout awakened the hunched primitive man.

He shook his head and turned around to look around.

As a result, I saw such a scene-

A large herd of sheep appeared not too far from the Qingque tribe.

The number of sheep is indeed large, and they are distributed there, covering a large piece of land.

The humpbacked primitive man can't count, but can't count the total number of sheep in front of them.

I just know that even if he wraps his side with the rope inside, tied with small bumps, he can't count these sheep.

Around these sheep, some people were scattered around.

With long whips in their hands, these people are the shepherds of the Qingque tribe.

There was a sheep that seemed to be the leader. At this moment, he suddenly changed his direction, deviated from the right path, and walked towards a field.

Seeing this, the sharp-eyed shepherd couldn't help but let it come back.

After shouting, seeing that the sheep was still walking forward and didn't mean to turn back, he shouted again and asked Heizi to intercept them.

Heizi is a dog, after training, it is specially used for herding sheep.

After hearing the shepherd's cry, Heizi immediately ran towards the direction of the man's finger.

In three hits, he ran to the disobedient sheep.

It's jumping again, it's yelling with teeth, and biting this disobedient sheep who wants to pursue freedom.

Although this sheep has long been accustomed to the existence of these dogs, it is still quite scared of them, so it quickly turned around, turned around and trot back to the flock.

According to the shepherd's words, the disobedient sheep was intercepted and returned to the dog in the flock. It happily jumped three laps on the spot, and then hopped back and ran back to the dog who gave orders to it. Next to the shepherd, he kept beating and wagging his tail, as if he was asking for credit.

The shepherd also smiled and bent down and rubbed the dog's head as a reward for it.

Then, driven by these shepherds and some dogs, this large herd of sheep, while walking, lowered their heads from time to time to eat a few mouthfuls of grass, and gradually moved away.

The gaze of the humpbacked primitive man also moved with the moving flock. I don't know when it started, but they were already straight.

This is the first time he has seen such a large-scale breeding of prey and training the prey so obediently...

After the older female primitive came over, she didn't speak much, and her eyes never left the humpback primitive, and all the reactions of the humpback primitive were seen in the eyes.

Especially when she heard the humpbacked primitive people say similar things that she had spoken to, the smile on her face became extraordinarily brilliant.

Don't mention the refreshment in your heart.

The whole person stood there, with his chest tall, and the proud and refreshing energy, not to mention it, the reaction was stronger than the serious Qingque tribe.

Something better than your own tribe will shock the people of the rest of the tribe to this point, and you must be happy.

"Okay, don't be stunned, and give me the six cows and the rest of the food."

Han Cheng stood here with a smile on his face, quietly looking at the humpback primitive man who looked like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View.

He was shocked and speechless to the things that the humpback primitives were built by his own tribe. As the **** of the Qingque tribe, he also enjoyed it very much in his heart.

However, this enjoyment also has a degree.

Seeing the humpbacked primitive man, after coming over, he just stood here and continued to be shocked, without mentioning a word of the conditions that he had promised to him and others before, the smile on the face of the black-hearted God Son Han diminished slightly. Some alertness gradually rose in my heart.

Could it be that after this guy came here, he changed his mind and wanted to pretend to be continuously shocked, in order to fool the past and not give promised cows and food such things?

After such vigilance rose, the son of Han Da became unhappy. He didn't even hesitate, so he directly opened his mouth and forcibly interrupted the continuous and continuous shock of the humpback primitive, reminding him that it was time to pay.

Than forcibly interrupting Yuan Hua's publicity in the background music of ‘Snowflakes Fluttering’ and constantly sneaking at Qiuya wearing a swimsuit, it’s more straightforward and determined.

Want to use this to reject what you promised?

How can it be!

It is impossible to be successful if you want to be careful in front of the **** son Han Da!

On the side, the trade team that had already led the outing, once again returned with a full load, was enthusiastically appreciating the continuous shock of the hunchback primitive heat, and was surprised by what his **** son suddenly said.

Obviously he didn't expect that the **** son of his tribe would actually say such words at this time.

After a while, Mao immediately gave Han Cheng a thumbs up.

This really deserves to be the **** of his tribe!

When he and others were obsessed with the refreshment created by the hunchback primitives, before returning to God, the son of God had already seen the cows they were holding on the hunchback primitives, and began to ask for it!

After giving a thumbs up and expressing his admiration for his **** son, Mao did not delay for a moment, and immediately began his fancy translation journey, expressing what Han Cheng said to the humpback primitive man.

The humpbacked primitive man who was forcibly interrupted almost started to cry after understanding what Mao meant.

It's been so long since this matter, and I have forgotten it a long time ago, why do you still remember this?

Isn’t it good to forget it?

Thinking about this, he once again turned his head to look at the older primitive female not far away.

This is the kindness you mean?

This is really kind! Being kind makes your chest hurt.

Seeing the humpbacked primitive man was so shocked that he was about to cry, the **** son Han Da was very happy.

The whole face is covered with laughter, it looks like a fox who stole a chicken...

In the humble fox-like smile of the son of Han Da, and the hunchbacked primitive man’s distressed whole person shivering, six cows that originally belonged to the nest tribe were taken out by the humpbacked primitive man and delivered to Qing The hands of everyone in the bird tribe.

At the same time, a lot of food was delivered.

Looking at these six cute cows and the countless foods, the **** son Han Da, who is already the father of two children, smiled.

The feeling of this empty glove white wolf is really wonderful!

It makes people happy physically and mentally. It is refreshing all the way to the depths of the soul. It is more refreshing than seeing the shock of the humpback primitives.

After all, looking at shock is looking at shock, friendship is friendship, and what is said and given is indispensable!

That kind of spiritual enjoyment can't be compared to the enjoyment that this tangible thing brings to people.

The **** son Han Da came to these things out of thin air, and he was very happy. Once he was in a good mood, he would easily do things that he didn't usually do, such as becoming generous.

For example, at the beginning, the big brother was very generous because of his good mood, and then waved his hand and made the decision to give one of his spouses to Shang as a spouse.

Just like Han Cheng at this time.

After getting these things promised by the humpbacked primitive man, without hesitation, he gave a cow and one-fifth of the food promised before to the older female primitive man.

Even when I gave food, I gave a little more.

Moreover, in order to have a better effect, Han Cheng has not directly given these things to the older female primitives, but through the hands of the trade, let the trade give these things to the older female primitives.

As a later generation who has experienced many things, and is a relatively idle person in the tribe, Han Cheng always observes and pays attention to more things than ordinary people.

Therefore, he knows about the older female primitives who are greedy for the body, and it is not too late to know.

In Han Cheng's view, this is not a difficult thing to say, on the contrary, it is more glorious.

Because in this matter, my tribe did not suffer.

Not only did it not suffer, on the contrary, it also gained a lot of benefits.

The older female primitives seem to be far more docile and close to their tribe than before, which is the best testimony.

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng, a somewhat dark-hearted person, naturally knew what to do.

Pushing the boat along the river and adding some fire will make the older female primitives more attached to trade and strengthen the relationship between them. This is the most normal operation. Let it go.

After receiving the cattle and food delivered by Mao himself, Han Cheng smiled once more on the face of the older primitive female who was about to see the water in his eyes.

In the past, I had only heard of beauty tricks, and Han Cheng has always been yearning for beauty tricks.

But I didn't expect that beauty had never encountered it. After I came to primitive society, instead, he did the opposite, and used a ‘strong man’s tactic.’

The huge gaps and changes in this make people have an urge to tears in their eyes.

But no matter how big the gap is, many of these things have not changed.

That is, using such ‘strong men’s tactics’, you can also make considerable benefits for your tribe.

This kind of operation is carried out under the eyelids of the humpback primitive people, and there is no evasion of them at all.

Seeing a cow in his hand, some food at his feet, and a constant smile at the black and sturdy green bird tribe, I almost got tired of the older female primitive, hunchbacked. The primitive man was dumbfounded.

On the one hand, he was a little stunned by the excellent operation between the Qingque tribe and the older primitive women.

This change of hands gave him some cows and some food from his own tribe to the older female primitives, and their behavior always caused some bad ideas to rise in his heart and gave him a feeling of being unhappy. The sparrow tribe, and the older primitive women in front of them gave the feeling of selling for something.

And this feeling is very strong.

On the other hand, I feel uncomfortable with the huge transformation between the older female primitives.

When I was in the old tribe, this older hominid seemed to be similar to the tigress that I met on the way to hunting. She and the leader of the old tribe were so speechless that they were all killed. This woman was strongly suppressed.

But he didn't expect that the woman who had suppressed both of their two big men, now came to the Qingque tribe, actually became so docile.

The whole time was smiling, and I couldn't see the slightest coldness before.

If you are not convinced, the person in front of you is the primitive female of the old tribe, and the hunched primitives will doubt if they have changed!

People have tempers, and so do primitive people with hunched backs.

This time, he suffered a lot.

Before leaving the Red Tiger tribe, he was kicked twice by the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, and then was given a severe warning by the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

After coming to the old tribe in a hurry along the way, he was first pitted by the head of the old tribe who lacked a string in his head, and then by the unscrupulous blue sparrow on the way to lead his own tribe to find the blue sparrow tribe. The tribe **** child smashed a hand, and his legs became thinner.

Then, I touched the nails twice in a row with the older primitive females, and because of the cognition of the Qingque tribe, the actual situation of the Qingque tribe was given to the older primitive females. He slapped his face severely.

After that, before he recovered from this kind of wordless face slap, a new round of misfortune once again fell on him.

Faced with this series of blows, the hunched primitive man said that I was too difficult!

Thinking back to my tragic experience along the way, the humpbacked primitive people couldn't help but feel some resentment, especially when they realized that they might have been united by older female primitives and the Qingque tribe. I was cheated later.


The humpbacked primitive man with resentment in his heart spoke ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and began his journey of revenge.

What he said was very simple, he told Mao that the Red Tiger tribe no longer wanted exquisite pottery.

After telling the story to the people of the Qingque tribe, the mood of the hunched primitive people suddenly became extremely beautiful.

Because he felt that what he said would definitely bring great losses and blows to the people of the Qingque tribe.

After all, in the previous exchanges, the bulk of the exchange of the Qingque tribe was exquisite pottery.

Today, the Red Tiger tribe no longer needs exquisite pottery, only delicious table salt, and the amount of delicious table salt needed is not particularly large.

In other words, in this exchange and all subsequent exchanges, the things that the Blue Sparrow Tribe can get will be greatly reduced...

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