I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1000: The first humpback primitive to the Qingque tribe (2 in 1)


Everyone walked forward for a long time, and finally calmed down. Many hunchback primitives finally spoke again.

What he meant was that the Qingque tribe was not big, strong or not.

After understanding what the humpback primitive said, the eyes of the older primitive female suddenly brightened.

Is the Qingque tribe big? Is it powerful?

Isn't this all nonsense?

Who is the big green bird tribe?

Who is strong if the Qingque tribe is not strong?

As a person who has witnessed how the Qingque tribe grew out of nothing and rises at an unusually rapid rate, the older female primitive said that the hunched primitive man just asked for an idea. Go up, scratching my own itchy spot.

She has a lot to say about this matter!

Whether it is the magical methods of the Qingque tribe, or the rapid increase in the number of people, or it is heard that the Qingque tribe is still far, far away, it is still not lost to Jinguan City, and even better than Jinguan City. There is also a gathering point of strong existence... all these can stimulate her conversation.

Of course, in addition to these, there are a little older primitive women who will not forget.

This point is that in the Qingque tribe, there is also a man named Mao who is very good at communicating with people.

Of course, on this point, older female primitives, under normal circumstances, would not tell the others.

On the one hand, she feels that this is her secret, on the other hand, she is worried that if there are more people who know, she will have fewer opportunities in the future...

With the older female primitives, with reverent narration, the hunchback primitives' mouths gradually grew, and once again fell into a stunned situation.

This kind of Qingque tribe is completely inconsistent with his previous thoughts, or in other words, completely beyond his vision of the Qingque tribe.

After listening to this for a long time, the stunned humpback primitive gradually calmed down.

And the look in the eyes of the older primitive females became a little weird, similar to me watching you perform without saying a word.

The humpback primitive at this time has already regarded the older female primitive as a super big fool in his heart.

The Qingque tribe must be strong.

If it is not strong, it is impossible to have delicious salt and precious pottery, as well as the kind of weapons that are dazzling in the sunlight.

Moreover, the previous encounters, especially the first meeting with the Qingque tribe, did indeed allow him to see the strength of the Qingque tribe.

However, this kind of power always has a certain degree, and it cannot be as outrageous as the older female primitives said.

If it is really as the older female primitives said, wouldn't it be necessary to throw away their old neighbors, let him be jealous, and the Red Tiger tribe?

This is completely unimaginable in his opinion.

Many people have their own standards of judgment for many things.

The same goes for hunched primitive people.

Moreover, the hunched primitive man is still a more confident person.

At this time, what the older primitive women said completely exceeded his psychological expectations, so he could easily regard this as the boasting of the older primitive women.

Think she is lying.


The older female primitive was still talking excitedly. After a while, she gradually noticed the change in the attitude of the humpback primitive. The excitement disappeared a lot, and the voice of the narration was also It was a lot smaller, and eventually stopped.


I probably knew that the hunchbacked primitive man was thinking of something in his heart. The older female primitive groaned angrily at the hunched primitive man, then turned and left, and stopped talking to the hunched primitive man. words.

This is a typical word not too speculative.

For this reaction of the older female primitives, the hunched primitives did not feel any surprise or panic.

On the contrary, watching the older female primitives who walked forward a little angrily and stopped talking about anything about the Qingque tribe, the hunched primitives felt a little cheerful in their hearts.

This kind of indulgence comes from his seeing through the tricks of older female primitives and embarrassing her. The successful little revenge took revenge on her not long ago.

Of course, there is also a part of the important reason is that through such things, I have fully proved my wisdom and appear to be superior in wisdom, at least overwhelming the older female primitives.

Such things can make people feel very happy.

Older female primitives occasionally turn their heads and look behind. By watching the reaction of the hunchback primitives, she can roughly understand some of the hunchback primitives.

This made her want to get angry and laugh again.

At the same time, there was a surge of energy in my heart, and I looked forward very much to the reaction of this self-righteous guy after coming to the Qingque tribe.

It must be very exciting then.

This thing is really exciting.

Thinking of these things in her heart, the older female primitive accelerated her pace, wanted to go to the Qingque tribe quickly, and then went to see the reaction of the humpback primitive.

The hunched primitive saw that the older female primitive accelerated the pace of walking, and immediately speeded up the pace to follow.

He also very much hopes to come to the Qingque tribe earlier.

The older female primitives said those things to herself, but she secretly wrote them down.

When the time comes, looking at the Qingque tribe that is far from being as good as she described, I must express these words in a way that makes her feel ashamed!

Time passed away quietly in the atmosphere where neither of them spoke, and they were holding back their energy and wanting to see each other embarrassed.

The distance, also in this process, is rapidly shortening.

Amid the sparse cicadas' cries, the group gradually approached Jinguan City of the Qingque tribe.

The Jinguan City at this time has changed drastically.

With the continuous hard work of many people, the outer wall of Jinguan City has been erected.

Although up to now, it has not been completely completed, but the general outline already exists.

The side wall on the west side has now reached a height of five meters.

Nowadays, there are still some people holding tools there and continue to raise the height until it reaches six meters before stopping.

The height of six meters does not seem to be that tall after seeing more tall buildings, but it is only two stories high.

But such a height is already extremely high and shocking in the eyes of people in this era!

Especially after thinking that it was constructed by humans, not naturally formed.

The level of shock was no less than that of the nomadic Huns, who saw the Great Wall stretched for thousands of miles and looked like a giant dragon for the first time.

No less than a countryman who had come from afar, had never seen the world, and had always lived in the hayloft, suddenly saw the magnificent Afang Palace!

In addition to the gradually taking shape of the outer wall of Jinguan City, the scene of hundreds of people working and building the wall together is also shocking.

Before this, the hunched primitive man had never thought that people could do such a thing!

It's just a simple work, which can make people feel shocking!

The hunched primitive man wanted to say something to express his emotions at this time and express his feelings.

But after thinking for a while, I realized that I didn't know what to say at this time.

After a while, he finally said something:


The words he said were exactly what the older primitive females had expressed to him while on the road.

At the beginning, he secretly wrote it down, in order to say it after coming to the Qingque tribe, so that the older primitive females would be ashamed and ashamed, and take the opportunity to give a good breath of depression in his heart.

As a result, at this time, he found that besides this meaning, he really couldn't think of other words that could be used to express the shock of the scene before him and his admiration for the Qingque tribe.

Moreover, this sentence is not too good. He failed to express the shock in his heart and the scenes he saw before his eyes.

However, apart from these words learned from older female primitives, he really couldn't find other words to express his feelings at this time.

Before coming over, I felt that the place where the Red Tiger tribe lived was shocking enough.

It not only covers a large area and has a large population, but also has many houses built.

Houses are displayed there, gathered together, just by looking at them, you can feel infinite envy and surprise.

But now, compared to the Qingque tribe in front of me, the Red Tiger tribe, which once shocked me, seemed small and simple.

The two are not on the same level at all, there is no comparability!

After a while, the hunched primitive talent finally calmed down, twisting his stiff head to one side, trying to calm his mood.

Then at the next moment, he was stunned again.

Following his gaze, what he saw was a piece of rice field.

After the careful cultivation of the Qingque tribe people and several months of growth, the rice in the Qingque tribe's rice fields has shown a gratifying growth at this time.

The stalks of rice have already surpassed a lot of the ridges on the shore. They are connected together one after another. They look like blankets, without water at all, and they are extremely beautiful.

Moreover, by this time, the rice has been eared one after another, and it will take a long time for the distance to grow full, but it still looks so lovely.

Here, the people of the Qingque tribe like to see the scenery most.

Because of this kind of scenery, hope is conceived. It is grains of rice, food that can fill the stomach!

The people of the Qingque tribe can never tire of such a scene.

The humpbacked primitive man was also stunned by the scenery.

He had just come with the older primitive women and they were shocked by the tall wall and the scene of the wall being built. It attracted all the attention. For the rest, basically Did not even go to see.

I also paid attention to the paddy fields and the rice growing in the paddy fields, but I didn’t look at them carefully. I just thought it was a weed growing indiscriminately, and I followed my tribe and other tribes. The scene is the same--

Around the tribe, there are always a lot of weeds, which are growing randomly.

However, at this moment, after he really saw the true face of the weed that he didn't care about, the whole person was stunned.

What kind of weed is this!

This is clearly a treasure that can produce delicious little fruits!

It is a good thing enough to make people feel enviable!

As Erdao traders who traveled north and south and exchanged with multiple tribes, the humpbacked primitive people had seen many things and had come into contact with many things.

He has naturally seen rice.

Among them, the place where the most rice has been grown is in the Red Tiger tribe.

There are many shallow waters around the Red Tiger tribe.

Every year when the flowers are in full bloom in the spring, the people of the Red Tiger tribe will drive away their tribe’s slaves and let them scatter rice seeds in shallow waters, waiting for the seeds to take root and germinate.

Then in autumn, the people of the Red Tiger tribe can harvest a lot of delicious little fruits.

The humpbacked primitive people are very envious of the Red Tiger tribe being able to possess these, and they have been shocked by the area of ​​rice planted by the Red Tiger tribe more than once.

But now, after seeing the rice planting area of ​​the Qingque tribe, the humpbacked primitive people once again found their previous superficial views.

Once, I thought that what I saw was the best, but now, compared with the rice grown by the Qingque tribe, the rice grown by the Red Tiger tribe has been instantly killed, and it has become insufficient.

This is not to say that the area of ​​rice around the Qingque tribe is much larger than that of the Red Tiger tribe.

The area of ​​rice growing around the two tribes is almost the same, and even the Red Tiger tribe has more than the Qingque tribe.

The Qingque tribe can instantly compare the Red Tiger tribe to www.NovelMTL.com, not by the area of ​​rice planting, but by the quality of the rice grown.

The growth of these rice plants is really gratifying. Just a few glances can attract people to look away.


After watching this full of admiration for a long time, the hunched primitive man once again suffocated a sentence, a sentence for admiration.

This sentence was also on the road ahead, and he secretly wrote it down, intending to satirize the older primitive women.

"come back!"

"Heizi, go!"

The primitive man who was hunched, looked at the rice fields of the Qingque tribe in front of him, and was full of amazement when he kept looking at it, not too far away from the tribe, there were shouts...

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