I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 91: The purpose of the eight

At the end of the competition in the ring, the man from Dongdu Mutant School defeated, and next came Lan Jiangming, and he was also the last youth in Dongdu.

At the signal of Han Qingbing, Lan Jiangming put on protective gear and climbed onto the ring. With the announcement of the staff, the battle began!

Competing with Lan Jiangming on the same stage is Chen Yitian of Nanzhou, also the side of Nanzhou Mutant School. The strongest one among the youths, who participated in the training of Penno City and saw blood.

Of course, Lan Jiangming did not let much.

As soon as the fighting started, Chen stood on the spot to protect the vital point. The last battle consumed him too much physical strength, plus a person with a change of mind in this match, so Chen Yitian understands that his chances of winning are not great!

So he changed his strategy and prepared to fight the consumption battle with Lan Jiangming, so that the classmates who appeared later could relax.

Lan Jiangming swallowed, and thought back to what the principal said to himself...

"I'm here for school!" Lan Jiangming gritted his teeth and suddenly extended his finger to the sky. "Look, look at the door of strangers!"


"No way!"

Everyone turned around nervously, including Chen Yitian in the ring.

"Opportunity!" After Lan Jiangming went around, he condensed a sharp cone of thought, and he poked hard at the position that Han Qingjie said!


Chen Yitian exclaimed a high mysterious cry... Then the whole person collapsed to the ground, twitching all over, his legs sore and unable to recover.

"What happened?"

"It must have been Lan Jiangming's sneak attack, despicable!"

"No, isn't that protective gear supposedly able to withstand a silver-level attack? Why couldn't it just stop that blow?"

There are many different opinions.

However, in this battle, Chen Yitian won't have a high chance of winning, so even if he lost, not many people would be upset.

"Good!" Han Qingjie nodded slightly satisfied.

The ring is still going on, and the unconscious Chen was dragged down for rescue one day. At the same time, the first bronze-level wearable protective gear stepped onto the ring.

This man's name is Wei Qiantao, and he also participated in the training of Penno City. With the cooperation of his teammates and the bee colony, he killed a stranger, and his strength should not be underestimated.

"Vile villain, just now that you were so big in your chances, but what other tricks did you use? It's too much! I don't want to fight you, go on your own!" Wei Qiantao said arrogantly. Students in Nanzhou started to coax.

Lan Jiangming felt a little wronged, obviously the principal asked him to do so... Besides, you don’t want to fight, why don’t you go on yourself?

"Look over there!"

"Are you stupid of me?" Wei Qiantao was speechless. How could this boring trick take effect twice? Seeing Lan Jiangming unwilling to surrender, he rushed up at the fastest speed and made a quick decision.

Lan Jiang saw that the reapply of the old skills had no effect. After thinking about it, he rushed towards Wei Qiantao.

"Looking for death?" Wei Qiantao raised a brow, but he was physically deformed. Lan Jiangming of the brain couldn't open his distance and waited for the opportunity to attack with thoughts. He rushed up and hardened his steel? What's more, he is a bronze level, the opponent is only a green level!

This may be just a moment to shake the tree!

Then everyone saw that Lan Jiangming fell to the ground with a sliding shovel, and unexpectedly slipped past Wei Qiantao's feet, then another turtle turned around, and a cone-shaped thought directed at a place, hit out!


This time it was Wei Qiantao's turn to utter a mysterious tweet, but he was a bronze class anyway, so he wouldn't burp just like Chen Yitian.

So, he was taken by Lan Jiangming for granted...

Looking at the distorted Wei Qiantao being dragged down, Han Qingjie touched his hips silently and comforted the other side: "It's okay, maybe you can take this opportunity to open the door to a new world!"

From the base, Hua Xiong danced happily, and it was right! One for seven, which means it will get seven silver watermelons!

The queen bee turned her face away, and it mocked Hua Xiong as a fool before, betting arbitrarily...Now it has the taste of being a fool.

"I want to watch a normal game, not an overwhelming contest!" Xie Yan was very depressed. He hurried to repair the batch of protective gear stored in the room, and then told Lin Zhouer to tell those students to change their protective gear. Let the farce come to an end.

But he didn't wait for him to deliver a message to Lin Zhouer. One thing that happened on the scene made him dismiss this idea-the next one to play is the sneaky eight in the group last night!

And when this man came on the court, someone started whispering in Nanzhou.

"Is the Yang wolf still a young grade in April? It is actually one of the best in the school, and it is also great!"

"Well, it's just being too lonely."


Xie Yan looked at Nanzhou and shook his head again, and was amazed. He understood that this person was not easy! And he estimates that the situation of several other people is probably the same!

"Right, let Lin Zhouer check it!" Xie Yan silently spoke to Lin Zhouer.

The battle in the ring begins.

Lan Jiangming couldn't control any reputation, and he continued to use the same method to solve his opponent. Unexpectedly, Yang Dailang's skill was beyond imagination. When Lan Jiangming recovered, he had already flown out of the ring! At the same time, the heart of the chest was depressed, and the white flag on his head rose.


"So fast!"

"Although there is a difference, is the gap too big?"

There was a burst of exclamation underneath.

Yang Dailang put his feet down, returned to the starting position, crossed his hands, and waited for the next opponent.

Coincidentally, one of the eight was sent here on the east side. The two looked at each other and started a high-intensity battle! This is also the scene that Xie Yan always wanted to see, but at this moment, he couldn't get excited at all.

"Not right, not right!"

Xie Yan looked at the well-trained movements of the two, and somehow, the long-lost anxiety came to mind. He can be sure that these eight people are absolutely petty!

It was at this time that Lin Zhouer passed the information over. Xie Yan scanned these materials quickly, and the red plant epidermis became slightly whitish.

Yang Dailang, did not participate in the military training in Penno City! Not only him, but the other seven people have not participated in the training of Penno City, and the good thing is that these coincidences were promoted from the youth level to the bronze level from March to May this year!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

"What are they doing here? What's the purpose? Will it be harmful to me?" Xie Yan asked three questions in his head. In order to clarify, he turned his vision to the room where eight people lived and checked their backpacks.

I don’t see much of a problem with a backpack for two people alone, but if I combine these eight people’s backpacks...

Sugar, and some special medicines...

In fact, when he saw the bag of sugar, Xie Yan probably knew what they were going to do with this thing, but what he couldn't figure out was, what was the motive of these people? What is the purpose? Who nurtured them?

"Fortunately, I discovered it early!" Xie Yan secretly rejoiced, otherwise, if they were to succeed, that would be a big deal! If human beings are biting about this matter, he will be very passive!

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