I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 90: Ring start

Early the next morning, the students came to the open space early after the buffet, and the instructors from various schools led the students to jog around the mountain. The children of many big brothers also joined the morning running team. It seems that these people pay great attention to body care.

When everyone came back to gather in the lobby after running a few laps, they found that there were a few strange wickers and two plates with fruits of different colors.

I do not know why, there was a strong smell of bad saliva on the fruit, which could be smelled from far and wide, it made people feel sick...


"The east side of the station!"

"This side of the capital!"

Under the arrangement of instructors, students from different schools stood at the designated positions of their respective schools and began to roll their names. After confirming that everyone was there, Han Qingjie took the microphone aside and started training.

This move made Luo Kuanli and Feng Ming very dissatisfied, as if he was the boss...

"Students should have noticed these vines and fruits. Let's just say it. This is the special protective gear and the final prize for us!"

Hearing the word "Prize", many students' eyes brightened.

"Yes, award..." Han Qingzhu swallowed, "Pin!"

"I think many students have guessed it by looking at the color. That's right, this one is a copper-grade fruit, and there is a green-grade fruit! That's a real treasure that is widely circulated in the society!"

Confirmed, there was an uproar below.

Although that thing smells strange, since it's a real guy, it doesn't matter. Besides, durian is stinky, and it tastes delicious!

Han Qingbing was afraid that the students on the Western Union could not understand it, so he repeated it in Western Union's language, so it was noisy.

It is a pity that the number of fruits is limited, there are only ten in the bronze class and only thirty in the green class, which is not enough, but everyone has a default idea in mind, that is to go to power and win the final, you will definitely be able to get one fruit !

In the next five schools, the four teams began to select the first day's players to compete in the ring, a total of ten people, five youth, five bronze.

Tian Ji horse racing is forbidden during the competition, the young people will go on first, then the bronze ones. So in the middle of each battle, there will be a battle between the blue and the bronze!

"Come here, officially open!"

At the base, Xie Yan rubbed the leaves, circled four squares on the ground again, and drew a small circle in the center of the square. Box odds are one to three, small circle odds are one to seven!

This small circle is the victory and defeat of the middle-level match against the bronze level, and the odds will naturally be higher.

"One to seven!" Hua Xiong directly pressed a silver watermelon into the circle belonging to the Dongdu block. In his opinion, it seems that it is not difficult for the blue level to beat the bronze level?

"Fool." The queen bee sneered, Hua Xiong did have the ability to challenge, but can you look at its challenge objects, is it of the same order as it?

Whoever puts it well, the tonnage is the fighting power. The physique of Hua Xiong itself overwhelms the small animals. Leapfrogging is as simple as drinking water.

However, there is not much difference in physical physique between the students on the spot, and it does not seem to have much actual combat experience. It is basically impossible to skip the level.

The queen bee thought for a while and pressed the Dongdu square, still a pound of silver nectar.

"Brother, it's absolutely right to press that Western Union!" The dog may have started to give the Mountain Wolf King. "You think about it, although the two brought fewer people, they are both the elites of their schools. !The two alliances mean that the number of elites on this side has also increased, which is naturally more advantageous!"

"It seems like this!" The Mountain Wolf King's eyes lit up, followed the dog or pressed the Western Union team.

I have to say that the dog or the analysis is very correct. Even Xie Yan admitted that Western Union is definitely a favorite to win the championship!

"Buy away!" Xie Yan began to seal the game. At the same time, the four selected all ten people who would play today.


Xie Yan found that the sneaky personnel were selected last night! There are eight people in total, including four in Beijing, two in the east and two in Nanzhou. Because the Western Union team is a foreigner, they have not been "infiltrated" by these people!

With a slight sense of discomfort, Xie Yan began to watch the game, and used his thoughts to broadcast what he saw to several pets.

There is only one ring in the ring, so only two schools can compete at a time.

The first day was Dongdu to Nanzhou, and Beijing to Western Union.

The first competition was held between Dongdu and Nanzhou, and students were sent one by one.

"East capital Wanghu!"

"Nanzhou Lianzi Kan!"

The two reported their names and the battle began!

Because the protective gear is a pseudo-silver level, the green level is almost indestructible, plus the buffering process with thanks, so the two people can let go of their hands and feet and work hard!

It is also very simple to win and lose. The key position of the protective gear has a special device. After being hit to a certain degree, it will be seriously depressed. If the depression is to a certain degree, it will trigger the organ on the wicker, and a white flag will pop up on the head. .


Wang Hu preempted himself, and a heavy punch hit the vital parts of the Lianzi reconnaissance, but it was not strong enough and did not trigger the organ.

Lian Zi, who was beaten, touched his body and was surprised: "It doesn't hurt!"

"Do not hurt you a ghost, fight!" Underneath Feng Ming's expression of hating iron and steel.

As soon as his words fell, Lian Zikan was kicked by Wang Hu in the abdomen, and a white flag popped on his head.

"Mentally retarded..." Wang Hu looked contemptuously at Lian Zikan who had stepped down from the stage. He was still in the ring and had time to interact with the people below. I really don't know what this guy is doing?

But with the personal experience of Lian Zikan, the follow-up battle finally looked exactly the same.

"Make him! Kick him lightly!" Hua Xiong shouted most cheerfully there. "Cut out the steel door! That position is the weakest!"

Xie Yan listened for a moment, and then carefully checked the fighting gear, and found that there was indeed no protection in place!

"Surprised! But no one should be so insane?" Xie Yan tightened his head, looking at the two principals who had no bottom line last night...

I saw that Han Qingying secretly walked to Lan Jiangming next to play, whispered: "Jiang Ming, our school can't lose this game!"

Lan Jiangming swallowed, if the principal puts his hope of victory on himself?

But he is just a young man, how can he fight a bronze man?

"I studied this set of protective gear carefully last night and found that there is a place where the protection is not in place!" Han Qingjie said quietly, "It is there!"

Lan Jiangming's face suddenly became a little weird.

"I remember that you are an attack-type heavy hit type mutator? You understand!" Han Qingjie gave him a look you know.

"Guarantee the completion of the task!" Lan Jiangming nodded vigorously.

"Come on!"

The movement here, Xie Yanquan, looks in his eyes. Although the idea receiver can't read the content of the whisper, he can read the lips!

At this moment, Xie Yan wanted to cover his face with leaves, but looking around, he didn't seem to have this organ on his face?


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