I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 74: Information disclosure

The next day, when Xie Yan's consciousness came up again, he looked desperate.

This kind of feeling is like spending a spring night with a beautiful woman at night, but you fell asleep in disappointment...gassy plants?

"There won't be a little temper, will you ignore us in the future?" Xie Yan played drums in his heart. He tried to continue to communicate with the pattern, but unfortunately the pattern did not react as it did yesterday.

Xie Yan can only sigh and continue to communicate with the pattern boringly over and over again.


Broadcasting room of Dongdu Mutant College.

Several of the virtual characters gathered together. The last time they did this was when the live broadcast had just started. This shows that the East Capital Mutant College has a big move!

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, people from all walks of life called friends, and the live broadcast rooms on the other side of Beijing and Nanzhou suddenly lost more than half of their popularity. The two didn't even broadcast anymore. Go to Dongdu to see what happened.

Xie Yan, who was communicating with the pattern, also noticed the situation here, stopped the armor transformation work, and concentrated on watching the live broadcast.

Because of the relationship between Bono City, the topic of the mutants is no longer as easy and pleasant as it was last year, so this time the live broadcast room of the Dongdu mutants school is more serious, more serious and more official.

In short, it’s a pair. Anyway, I have big news in my hands.

Among the twelve teachers, seven of them are relatively depressed due to work reasons, but at this time they are relatively marginalized. This time they are estimated to only serve as a background and strong momentum.

The five most active are Luo Sheng of the research level, that is, the teacher who acted as the commentary when the mutant level was announced last time. In addition, there are Wu Jiayin who is the host, Xu Min who studies how to become a mutator, Huang Long, a bronze-level mutator, and Li Yinsheng, who has just been publicly announced as a bronze.

"It's almost the same, let's go directly to the topic." Wu Jiayin sighed and said: "You must have watched the live broadcast more or less understand the situation of Peno City, our topic today, just like the previous months Related to the war."

The barrage at this time is all four characters of "rest of the dead".

"Let's look at this picture first. The armor on the picture is what the strangers wear when they invade the world." Wu Jiayin said, pointing to the yellow dragon beside him.

"Okay, let me explain to you next!" Huang Long took a deep breath and continued, "This is a compression suit made of copper-grade metal, or referred to as a space suit, it will be more Understand a little."

"As for the copper grade metal... Smarter friends should have guessed it, yes, stones, metals and other objects will also absorb the aura and produce aberrations."

"And if you only use copper-grade metals to create items, that's okay. What's really remarkable is that the nature of this metal is very special! Here we are going to introduce another concept, attacking and defensive mutants, and , Auxiliary Mutant!"

The barrage shot an exclamation mark and said hello.

At this time, Xu Min spoke, and gave you a variety of types of people who changed science. It is so large that it has the most popular and most common offensive power-type mutants, and as small as it is rare, the attack-type cutting-type mind-altering mutants are all introduced. After all, it is useless to hide this information.

After Xu Min's popular science was completed, Huang Long continued: "According to our research, some abnormal metals and stones have the effect of increasing the strength and mental power of abnormal people!"

"It’s still this picture of this anti-stress suit. If you apply a copper-level auxiliary defensive shield type of mental power to it, the metal on it can multiply the effect of the mental power several times, making this clothes invulnerable! Almost all immunity to copper Attacks below level!"

"For the same reason, if this kind of weapon is attacked, such as a sword, this sword will become indestructible under the blessing of the auxiliary attack-like mind!"

"I think someone must have asked, if you cut the blessed armor with a blessed sword, who would win?"

Huang Long issued an inductive fishing language, and the friends who watched the live broadcast couldn't help but immediately hit the sentence as a barrage.

Therefore, the entire barrage of the live broadcast room is "If a blessed sword is used to cut blessed armor, who will win?"

"The conclusion is obvious. At the same intensity, they will mutually offset each other, and no one will take advantage of it. However, just as there are no two identical snowflakes in theory, there are no two people in the world with exactly the same intensity. So the end result is who has the highest intensity of thought and who wins! Even if it is only a little higher, it will become an overwhelming victory under multiple magnifications."

At this time, the host chimed in: "Next is the purpose of our live broadcast room today! We urge you to watch everyone in the live broadcast room and help us find the abnormal stones and abnormal metals that were born in our world!"

Originally, this matter should be handed over to the federal agents, but the federal land is vast, and those agents cannot cover all corners.

Therefore, this can only be done to mobilize the general public to find!

The host chuckled a few words, and then it was Luo Sheng's turn to speak. He took a few pieces of alienated gold and began to teach everyone how to tell.

"Blue stone is not jade, please pay attention..."

"Copper-grade metals and our common copper also have a big gap, specifically in..."

Luo Sheng explained one by one to the audience watching the video. Of course, the knowledge in the class and the practice in the class are two different things. It is estimated that many people will make mistakes later.

But to this day, there is no way but to spend a little manpower to re-verify.

The announcement of Abnormal Gold will inevitably cause market volatility, especially for related businesses, and quickly let employees see if there is any match in the inventory at hand.

After watching the live broadcast, Xie Yan looked at the mountain behind him...

"After all, these stones, metals and other functions have such effects?" Xie Yan secretly wondered, "What about my vines and animal skins? Are they similar?"

In retrospect, Xie Yan, in Peno City, how many people seemed to be wearing armor made of his vines?

It's a pity that most of the animals are physical changes. After all, the premise of brain changes is that they need a more developed brain with certain intelligence, so Xie Yan can't immediately test his own vines and other objects.

"But since human beings already know that alienated gold can increase their mental power and strength, then they have also tested those vine armor with high probability. Then I can just go back and ask the data directly?" Xie Yan secretly said.

Of course, the premise is that the communication between him and humans in the future is relatively harmonious!

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