I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 73: Communication with armor

With the artillery, the next step is to build a certain scale. Needless to say, it is a relatively large project. Fortunately, the cannon and the city wall are made with two different psionic powers, which will not cause conflicts and reduce efficiency.

In this way, Xie Yan built the city wall armor in the morning, and the city wall armor and artillery together at night.

In mid-May, the cannons were built to a certain scale. Xie Yan placed them in the city, and at the same time installed a circular site, so that these cannons could be fired at 360 degrees without dead angle.

In addition, Xie Yan modified a few simple anti-aircraft guns through the planting process. He didn’t have the sky-flying gadgets, which does not mean that the enemy will not have them.

"It would be nice if the rockets could locate and intercept." Xie Yan sighed. He didn't think about the technology in the past, but it was too difficult... This is not something that can be made in a single thought, it is no exaggeration Say, he has no ability to copy!

If you want to achieve positioning interception, you can only find another way.

For example, use fruit to get something that can control the flight of a missile?

Thinking of this, Xie Yan looked at the things on his head. It seems that after absorbing the red psionic energy, the fruit's development speed has also become a lot faster. It is now copper-colored!

Xie Yan decided to take it off after a while, as for something to be converted into... he hadn't figured it out yet.

At the end of May, the armor of the city wall was completely completed, and in the sight, the red and colorful piece of the valley, the red city wall armor was crystal clear under the sunlight.

"Finally done..." Xie Yan shook the leaves and stretched the roots and leaves.

"Then the next step is to communicate with the pattern!" Xie Yan secretly said, "I have to find another thing to do!"

After all, in the evening, he would have thought to do one more thing, this time can not be wasted.

And at this time, he saw Hua Xiong playing there...

"After all, if the opponents in the next round are really silver outsiders, I am afraid that none of these pets are their opponents, and it is very likely that they will finish playing alone!" Xie Yan secretly said, "You must upgrade their strength!"

However, it is unrealistic to want to increase the pet level in a short period of time. Even Xie Yan himself is still silver in the past few months. Although he can use red psionic power, that is another matter.

So, an idea that has been in my mind for a long time has come to Xie Yan's heart. He is going to make pet-specific strong colonial armor, or use strong planting armor to call it.

"If this thing is made, Gundam is not too far away..." Xie Yan quipped.

Then he dived down and began to communicate with the pattern.

Because of the relationship of being covered and transformed by the red spirit, the pattern at this time is more complicated and mysterious than the original, and the difficulty of communication naturally rises. However, it is still that sentence, which has become a thank you for plants, and some patience.

He kept saying hello to the pattern in his heart, asking about the name of the pattern and its function. It felt like a doctor in the heart was guiding an autistic youth to speak.

In the evening, he divided his heart to wake up the sleepy Hua Xiong and began to build a suit of armor for Hua Xiong.

Similarly, in order not to blindly build, Xie Yan also set a few indicators for the armor.

The most basic, naturally, is defense. The armor must be able to withstand the full blow of the silver level and ensure that the wear is not subject to any damage, so as to barely reach the passing line in Xie Yan's heart. The second is the degree of flexibility. It must be ensured that Hua Xiong’s limbs are not affected by the armor. If you don’t talk about this, then you don’t need to build armor.

The other is the issue of attack power. Armor should provide the wearer with a power bonus. If possible, it should also be able to add some attack components. If it develops smoothly, it may even fly in the sky like Iron Man!

It is also necessary to develop jigsaw armor, carried by bees, and assembled remotely!

With a few benchmarks, Xie Yan began to work in these directions. First of all, it was naturally a question of defense. After measuring the size of Hua Xiong’s three arms, long legs, and his head, he used blue spirit to create an identical Chinese. The bear sculpture comes out, and then armor the Huaxiong sculpture.


Hua Xiong glanced at his sculpture, his eyes lit up, and Zhi Zhiwu gave Xie Yan a thought.

"Physical bear doll... Still more realistic?" Xie Yan was shocked, can you not be so hungry? And where did you hear about it?

Xie Yan won't agree, but he thought about it. Instead of watching Hua Xiong so hungry every day, why would he really find a female bear for it?

But then again, once opened, the stork feather, roe fly, dog or... this guy who is digging the corner of the mountain wolf king, they may have similar needs. But considering the empty city, Xie Yan felt that it was indeed necessary to get a batch of newcomers to fill.

As for where to go to get a bear... Xie Yan thought about it, and when negotiating with humans, he tried to find a way to get them to come over. Anyway, there are many zoos, and you can just give the Huaxiong group a harem...

Xie Yan shook the leaves, shook off some divergent thoughts, and continued to study armor.

Soon, Hua Xiong's sculpture was covered with a layer of red armor, and then Xie Yan began to test the armor's defensive ability. In fact, since it is something created by the red spirit, the defense power is certainly not low, but know that blocking the attack does not mean complete defense, because the kinetic energy of the object is still transmitted to the armor wearer, causing damage.

Therefore, it is better to test the buffering ability of the red armor than to test the defense.

Xie Yan pulled a whip, then removed the armor and inspected the bear sculpture inside. The sculpture is made of blue spirit, and its strength is a little weaker than the body of Hua Xiong. However, considering the fragile internal organs of the creature, it is similar.

At this time, the Hua Xiong sculpture made by the Blue Spirit was completely cracked, which means that if the real Hua Xiong is in the armor, the other party is likely to be seriously injured and fractured, and the serious point is the dying state.

"How to buffer?" Xie Yan began to think, and then came up with a double-layer structure, that is, the outer layer is a hard plant fiber, and the inner layer is something like cotton.

This is the advantage of plant fiber, which can be hard or soft.

In the second test, the newly developed Huaxiong model had significantly fewer cracks, but it was still not enough.

"Then add a few more layers..." Xie Yan was too lazy to think about flexibility for the time being, get the most basic things first.

As he was doing, Xie Yan's sleepiness came up. He was about to finish his work today and sleep.

And just as his consciousness was sinking slowly, the golden pattern on his body shone slightly.

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